is this worth watching? im not a weeb I just like the games
Is this worth watching? im not a weeb I just like the games
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i watched season 1. the animation quality was terrible.
Booty blasted Christfag
No OP, it's shitty and not worth the time.
SOTN has better writing
I'm not a weeb and never played the games and still enjoyed it.
Disregard secondaries like
Yeah, it's great, so long as you're moderately tolerating of the anime style of story telling. Though I don't know how true to the games it is.
What? You're crazy. The animation was great. Way higher budget than a "serious" animated television show would normally get.
try it and if the dialogue is as unbearable for you as it was for me you'll turn it off immediately and know your answer
the animation was trash and so was all the writing, from the dialogue to the plot
genuinely don't understand how anyone can tolerate more than one episode of this garbage before dropping it. has some be some fucking blocker in my brain that prevents the mind control signals from penetrating like it does the rest of you or something, no other explanation for this extreme lack of good taste
Christfag brainlet
It’s decent, second season wastes most of the episodes on dumb vampire politics that don’t matter, but the fights are good and the mage is a mega cutie
yes it’s Castlekino only christcuck trannies will say otherwise
>Season 1
Pretty good, the waahhhhh religion thing is pretty laughable after a while, like straight up parody.
Season 2 is so bad you can skip from the scene where they enter the library to the final episode and not miss a damn thing of importance. It's straight up laughable how much time they wasted on a wannabe GOT plot that wouldn't be good enough for a parody.
Certain lines will make you burst out laughing at how stupid they are, like at the start of season 2 Dracula's wife says to a priest "He's worse than the devil, he's real!" Just soak that in.
if i liked hellsing, really really liked the hellsing abridged series, will i like castlevania?
Probably not, but you might like the action scenes.
the church is bad, and it is literally evil IRL, religion is fine
>Video game IP whose music is one of its selling points
>Use music from the game in only the final scene
>The only thing that could have a shittier pace is a woman murdering her own child that would do nothing but love her
When they make abortion totally illegal, I hope someone finds the women behind this anime responsible for their crimes.
Fedora tipper, the cartoon.
I'm honestly sick of all the Christian bashing and Muslim dick sucking
They literally overthrow the entire lore of a 30-year-old franchise so that Warren Ellis could have a platform for his childish anti-Christian bigotry with the glowing approval of Netflix progressives.
it's way better than it has any right to be, im looking forward to season 3
>Demon says that the preacher that burned Lisa makes god puke
>the team is helped by a priest who blessed the water
>Christianity bad
Unbased retard
Season 1 is decent, laid the ground work for a great follow up. Season 2 does not deliver. It has some great moments and brings in two obscure characters from my favorite 3D Castlevania, but the pacing is awful, too much time is spent on shit we don’t care about, and the heroes spend all of one episode doing actual Castlevania shit. Plebs will tell you it’s kino because they heard a video game track they recognize
Honestly, it's not that good. And the guy who made it is a fucking douchebag, personality-wise and looks. Looks like a feathernigger Andy Sixx. Check out his "how to fix apu" video, then tell me if you wanna watch ANYTHING he makes. Alucard and Trevor are completely outta character, swearing up a storm, and cuntbitch just whines about manlets and her feminism.
I don't consider it an anime, rather an American cartoon, for your convenience I'll take you through the plus and minuses:
-mixed animation
-tries too hard to look like an anime despite
-being an American cartoon
-Some filler episodes/characters
-anachronistic dialogue
-Mage girl feels like a shoe in
-doesn't use enough of the monsters from the games
-doesn't use enough music from the games.
-Despite choreography/animation issues, the fights aren't terrible.
-Issac and Hector are better in this show than they were in the games
-Dracula's characterization.
-Final episodes of season 2
-First episode of season 1
-End of season 1.
-Voice acting is variable
-You'll either like or hate the femdom stuff around Carmilla.
watch this instead
Also, why isn't the Grim reaper in it?