600 POUND LIFE GENERAL (Repeat Edition)

600 Pound Life repeats are on. Charity's Story is on now, then a replay of tonight's new episode (which was pretty good I thought).

FYI I'm not sure if any of the streams are working tonight unfortunately

11pm-12am EST: Charity's Story (replay from S3 2015)
>An overweight woman struggles with flesh-eating bacteria and butterfly shaped fat deposits; unexpected news threatens her weight loss journey
12am-2am: Vianey & Allen's Story (replay of newest episode)
>Vianey and Allen are locked in a co-dependent relationship based on a shared love of food; as they head to Houston, they will soon find out if their relationship can handle the strain of growing healthy together.









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Other urls found in this thread:


Shit son I didnt know Dr Now was a member of cobra kai

>shits in the middle of the living room
jug pissers could only dream of a life this comfy

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What the fuck is with that monstrously large leg?

I have no clue how that body shape is even possible.

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waiting for new ep replay

do we know how many eps this season has?

Dat fuckin ass is so wide

surprised she can even walk desu

Lay in bed for a year and eat 10,000 calories a day and let me know how you do

I'm not sure but I think this is the last regular episode. But there are those "Where Are They Now" things. Apparently one for the Assanti brothers, one user said next week for that, he might be right I don't know.

Usually there will be an ad for next week's show, but I don't remember seeing one tonight

Comcast says may 22 episode is Assanti follow up...the younger bro commits to seeing Doc Now

I'm sure we had plenty people on the show who lived like that. Yet they didn't have such deformed bodies nor such absurd proportions.

You can't physically eat more than half of that without puking. You'd have to stretch your stomach for decades before you can even hit 10k calories.

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Good fucking lord

Sweet. This year we have an extra long season. Seems like seasons now will span 6 months. Half year 600 lb, half year follow up eps. Fatkino year round.

unless this is a one time thing
i have a feeling this will be the final season because of his age

>if THEY care about MY health THEY'LL do it
oh shit it begins

Wait we get an Assanti sequel next week?

Her third, shoe-less leg is bigger than his torso.

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im impressed her feet fit into shoes desu


>S1 - 6 eps
>S2 - 8 eps
>S3 - 10 eps
>S4 - 14 eps
>S5 - 14 eps
>S6 - 18 eps
>S7 - 23+ eps
>format changed from 1 hour to 2 hours

This must be one if not the most popular shows on TLC. Crazy how there's more than 100+ 600lb+ fatties in the US. I don't even think my country has 1.

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the country will have to run out of them eventually...right?

The way this bitch "walks" is so hilarious. She moves with such speed for someone that size. Her hip-humps just fuckin fly and she has this look of intensity on her face as she slams that walker forward. Getting caught by a swinging hump would probably be like being body checked by an NHL defence man.

don't forget the other shows that follow the formula like Family by the Ton

did you now Philadelphia is the fattest city in America with a population over 100,000?

webm related, Philly's own

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you guys think the mommy was watching while the daughter got creampied?

I just booked a 1 way ticket to the city of brotherly love

What I find impressive is that those shoes doesn't explode in the same fashion as Zion's not long ago. Not just in this case but for other fatties too. Granted, the intensity and the direction [of movements] are totally different but it's still remarkable durability.

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>fries on her cheeseburger


wait does he have a tail or is that a humongous ballsack?

but it's friiied


check this out user

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Maria Moore

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chad 300lbs dick

Shame about her goblin face.

her face looks more like she's antiicipating breakfast

This lady was the most entertaining one I've seen. It's great when these fat shits try to argue with Dr. Now.

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They need to have mobility cart races to win fast food at the fatass apartment complex they house all these people at. TLC if you're reading this BOOK IT

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they should do some sort of fat camp but with dr now
they all fight against each other and the goal is surgery


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>"We are going to need a blood test."

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So is this show just fat people crying and closeups of them eating?


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Someone fire up the grill

she just lost 57 lbs

You need to change the sticky, this channel is shut down.

It's much more than that friend, much more.

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Nah, you can rack up calories fast with fat and sugar. Cheese is easy to load up on the calories with.

You need more than that?

what have i lost anons?
I hate it so much when i lose fatkino nights

imagine these 2 fucking

>(PART 2)

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shit i was just watching stuff on there last week. where do i go for my A&E livepd now

it's repeating right now
just started

that's a LOT of fucking bacon

>I hit my head when I was 2 that's why I am 600+ pounds

I don't think anything can top last week episode

If you abuse your body hard enough, the fat has to go somewhere, so it finds a weak spot and billows out from there. That's why hamplanets don't just turn into spheres, there are tendons and connective tissue where fat cells can't form - like the wrist.

She has a deformity that's enough skin and tissue to make a human out of. That's some serious eating.

Imagine the smell in this room

not everyone performs at that level

>Mattress wrapped in plastic

I can't imagine why...

Isn't this kind of building what Southerners call "shotgun shack"?

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>that dog getting crushed between 2 fatties


the camera crew should get a special Emmy for this

They just steep to a level lower than animals

exclusive footage of a My 600-lbs Life cameraman

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I just want to scream at them, stop eating you pigs and maybe hit them with a stick or something

So... she wasn't raped? He just threatened to rape her?

They are absolute units
I can't remember the last time we had so many kino eating scenes

Double the fatties = double the kino?

that dog's stupid
it should know by now that not even a crumb hits the floor

>tfw just ate a McChicken

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The closing shot was so perfect. This is their life in nutshell.

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Nurgle demon

The dogs make a living by eating the scraps out of their clothes

No it's not, all the fattest cities are near the Mexican border in Texas. There's a reason Dr. Now is in Houston.

Close enough.

That fupa is about to become a sentient demon.

>star of David tattoo
>that battle station

Is Allen JIDF?

>I'm addicted to food
>"so what do you expect me to do?"
>I dunno


its like a bunch of junkies getting high in a crackshed but instead its a bunch of fatties getting food-highs in a crackshed

well this is a laygz if i ever saw one

So the whole show will be through Skype?

I wonder if Dr Now gets off to this like a camshow.

"yeah, take off that shirt, oh yeah, turn around, lemme see that abdomen, oh yeah"

he gets to see all the flank without all the stank

Do American supermarkets really have a fleet of mobility scooters outside?

I've only seen about 1-2


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We do on every street corner in bigger cities.

I need to figure out how to make a CyTube channel or some shit and stream the best of 600lb kino on Wednesday nights when the season ends.

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Imagine being the poor cunt that has to retrieve this when it gets grabbed by the flab.

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More or less depending on the store and location. It's actually really nice if you have a leg injury, but that's not really why they're there.

>Do American supermarkets really have a fleet of mobility scooters outside?
yeah most of the chain food stores have them

we need to start crispr editing women so that all their fat goes to their tits

I just want to ride one because I want to be like when I was a kid where my mom would put me in the shopping cart.

>people will buy me sympathy pancakes now

>childhood friend

thought he said he dun have no friends


oh strawberry milkshake is good

it's fruit

what episodes this season are awful people you root against?

Just gimme the whole menu. Thank you!

Angie J

last week
Angie J
instant hall of fame

>today is the 2nd day on the highway
>we hope we can make it out of Illinois today

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The idiost were this close to kill some poor driver and they cry about the bed

Maja's another one
(It's all your fault Chris-shunn-ah)

This woman is an animal, poor retarded guy is doing ok

I feel like if the guy was alone he could make the weight loss. But this bitch is dragging him down.

Thumb nail looks like a kid kissing her ass.

Why do almost all these episodes they own a dog?

And is Justin Ass doing okay? He better fucking be after he bought a corgi.

Try this drug to treat depression. Call a doctor if you killed yourself because of this drug.

supposedly we find out next week

I wonder where the fuck do all these losers get money?

From my fucking taxes

sleep in the truck Junior

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>1 hour in
>no weigh in

based, fucking KINO time

So what, government says, here you go get some money?
How do they do it?
They look too retarded to mess with bureaucracy, they can't even get the fucking house
Is it so easy to get free money in USA? How come there are so many homeless poordevils then when these pigs spend so much money per month eating themselves to death?

>Is it so easy to get free money in USA?
if you're as fat as these people I'm pretty sure you can collect disability NEETbux pretty easily

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>I told them to conserve battery power

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>stupid cunt ruining everything god damn

>So what, government says, here you go get some money?
>How do they do it?
"hello I am disabled and unable to work, please fund my disability and allow me to eat myself into a hospital so I may put money back into the system"

Yes, it's called welfare. Some social worker or Jewish NGO handles the paperwork. Your country has the same thing if you're not a third worlder.

Based Allen's brother giving them a polite fuck you

How much do you think they get?
I have way more respect for junkies than i have for fatsos, do they get the same treatment?
I can think of 100 talented junkies not a single talented pig, they are the worst

We don't have these animals
We have free healthcare for everyone, even illegals but noone would accept giving money to fatfucks so they can stuff themselves

They both are useless shits to society

>not a single talented pig

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So that's why Dr. Now asks all the fatties to move there?

US has a very generous welfare system these days. Exploded under Obama. You can live fairly comfortably on various types of handouts.

Every person on this show is probably on:

1.) Disability
2.) SNAP/Food Stamps (which outside of a few conservative areas can be used on virtually anything, even alcohol and in SoCali even cigarettes)
3.) Medicaid
4.) Supplemental Security Income
5.) Housing Assistance
6.) Child Nutrition Program (via their kids, for more food money)
7.) Medical Marijuana & prescription drugs that they sell for extra $$$

My mom works in law enforcement and they call this combo the "sweet seven". Huge amounts of the population are on it and together you can live pretty comfortably.

I'm watching Schenee's Story at Yea Forums's recommendation, just got to the first weigh in

h-how bad does this get..?

It'll be funny if they both fail and they come up with crazy excuses. Right after their family, friends, gave them money/time/resources to take them down to Texas and pay for their hotel.

Has anyone on the show died yet?

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US spent $2.3 TRILLION (10.5% of GDP and 60% of the Federal Budget) on 79 different welfare programs in 2016. It's pretty crazy. Honestly it's feeding the obesity epidemic

Wait till you get to the "do ya believe in God" phone call

Yup, though I don't know the names.

Robert a while back and (based) Kelly a few weeks ago

During the show? Robert

Where do you live? Every European country has welfare, most spend more than the US does.

>he's gonna say it
>shut up, he won't
>I tell ya, he will!
>shit, he's coming
>[door screeching]
>silent *AHEM*

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Who's gained the most during their episode?

Greece, don't believe the hype , it's pretty decent overall but a big part of wellfare is handled by church, especially meals and shit
In terms of healthcare we are better than UK f.e.
>t. working in hospital and having Bongs coming to save themselves from cancer

James K crushed everybody
something like 158 lbs

Dr. Now asks them to move there for 2 reasons:
1) it's where his practice is located and fuck if he's gonna fly somewhere for each and every patient, by forcing his fat-as-fuck patients to move out of their comfort zone it makes them commit to a full lifestyle overhaul
2) because in Texas you can legally execute people

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With a name like Schenee, you KNOW it's gotta be good.

I think it was like 118lbs but it was only in a month, and he tried saying he was retaining water. Then his told Dr. Now that was in fact the case since he wasn't pissing out as much as he was drinking since she was measuring his urine.


I'd say I feel bad for 'this poor husband' but honestly he's brought all this on himself, all 652lbs of it
damn I wish I had watched this with Yea Forums

Bet on weight

>From my fucking taxes
>Houston, Texas
Okay, it wasn't a world-class joke to begin with. But I appreciate the comprehensive answer regardless.

No, it was 158 in a month

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Jesus. I thought this Mexican bitch would drag this retard down. But apparently, this white fucker is cheating way too fucking much. He's dragging the team down.


>"Fattie #12 and Fattiena #38!"

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I think the kinoest moment was that 700 pound bitch who said she doesn't eat breakfast, barely eats lunch, and only eats strawberries or some shit as a snack.

And then Dr. Now blows her the fuck out.

She always looks like she's going to quit any minute

If you say this woman's name, point a gun to my head and tell me to spell it correct, I wouldn't be able to do it.

It sounds like DNA or VNA or some shit.

Rick Rubin really let himself go BTW

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>mfw it took me 10 years to gain what they gain in a day

Speaking of being BTFO, I wonder what Eric is doing right now

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Does she REALLY need a gastric bypass?

She lost 68 pounds in 1 munt and then 44 pounds in the 2nd munt. At 480 pounds she should be able to lose the rest by herself.

he's just a friend

Wonder if he still goes to BBW parties

He was a good friend.

fug. did she died?

He's Jewish. Also literally retarded, he was dropped on his head as a child.

"Wasn't she dead for years at that point?"

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It's crazy how none of the staff were panicking when her heart stopped. It's as if it's a normal thing for patients to have their hearts stop regularly.

>almost died on the table
>she's more upset she didn't get the surgery

Don't know if she's retarded or what.

they decided not to let her go

The last few episodes I watched had an intro montage where a woman fell on the ground getting out of a minivan or something. Which episode is this from? I need to watch that one.

I can put down 5k cals a day right now without too much discomfort. Though I am the fattest I have been since high school (255lb at 6'4"). One year ago I was at 205lbs, really need to start dieting. Guessing with my physical job and ~40km of walking a week maintenance is around 4000 cals.

she also got completely stuck in a rental car but I don't remember the episode number

>It's as if it's a normal thing for patients to have their hearts stop regularly.
Yeah, seems that way.

She is retarded, but to be fair everybody acts a little retarded right out of general anesthesia.

Quite a few place here in Canada have them also.

this pregnant lady has got some damn fine titties

Where at? I'm in Vancouver and I've never seen them before.

>"Look at me, Hector!"

They're professionals and these are always high-risk operations due to the patients' weight. These kind of behaviour is kind of expected from them, as panic only leads to chaos.

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Ep 6?
Apparently she fell for the vegan meme too.

I see them at Walmart and Home Depot

If I pull that off, would she die?



Nobody cared who Dr. Now was until he put on the mask.

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>It's crazy how none of the staff were panicking when her heart stopped
if staff panicked that would only make the situation worse, they go into these types of operations expecting the worst and are not the slightest bit surprised when exactly that happens
more than anything it goes to show how good of a weight-loss doctor and surgeon Dr. Now is, being able to immediately detect that something is wrong during surgery near seconds before it happens

Lola is getting better and better

Everyone was talking and running around the OR. What do you consider panicking? Breaking down and crying?

Phychotherapy truly is for brainlets

>your mom don't have psychic powers

wow, thanks Lola

>write a letter to your dead mom

thanks so much Lola

I'd really like to fuck Lola

if you know what I mean

if only i lived over there so i could pay to talk to her

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at sabotage?

>it's a Dr. Now plays with his patient's stomach episode


How easy is it to molest poor, dumb children? The woman here was threatening with being raped as a kid and she was too afraid to tell anybody and thought she would get blamed for getting raped. I doubt she would have actually done anything even if she was raped.

>Dr. Now plays the bagpipes

Cringy letter
Fat fucks are bad people

Breaking up that lesbian couple was her high point.

>both of them combined now weighs as much as Allen at the beginning of the episode

I wanted Dr. Now to play hackysack with the stomach with all the other people in the room.

until next week, user...

which episode was that?

>it's the /Lola blushing but it's not visible because to her melanin level/ episode

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McAllen, TX is the actual fattest city, but Philadelphia is the fattest "big city".

pic related, girl from McAllen

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Annjeanette fron this season

Ah. Thanks!

Yeah, it looks like it'll be funny. I like to change it up between episodes where I actually like the obese person and ones with comedic value. I don't think anything will ever top the one guy that fell off the golf cart.