Why did he do it?

Why did he do it?

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Why did he do it?

because fuck american/jewish and french imperialism

prob to get the fuck head invaders out of his country

it was just bants

Because foreign invaders were backing a coup in his homeland.

He was a dirt farmer and didn’t know any better none of them did they just fought because they had nowhere else to go and no care for the people showing up and burning their shit down

In that war both niggers and whites died by his hand.

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for freedom. the absolutely based madlad dink.

Why the fuck would you fight Americans? They brought peace and prosperity, just look at Japan and SK.

>literally mafia controlled states
based retard

how rare are people like him? complete sociopath.

Both are still a lot nicer than Vietnam, which is still an authoritarian dictatorship

that's literally every country with a democratic system

when you really think about it isn't every government just a really big mafia

>just look at Japan and SK
Yea man, it's great being under American military occupation instead of being a strong entity.

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how rare are people trained to kill the enemy without remorse? not rare at all?

He was afraid

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>Americans come to bring diversity
>vietnamese kill them

Hurr durr, he is a sociopath.

Unironically, that's why

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this desu

America showed that it wasn't scared to coup it's puppets in Vietnam with Diem's assassination. It would've ended up like a Latin American shithole, maybe Chile if they got lucky with who became dictator.

fuckin kek, gets me every time

But he got shot in the ass and the boomer was send back home to America.

I mean, it still ended up a shithole.
I also found it ironic they ended up fighting the Chinese that had been helping them just a few years earlier. Vietnam couldn't catch a break.

Reply to this post if your country was not blown the fuck out by rice farmers


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sociopath is a fake term. youre thinking of psychopath.

God I wish he was my dad.

ARVN are the real patriots fuck commies

y-yeah who wants first world standards of living?!

While helping invade South Vietnam?

A shithole, but at least an independent one that got to dab on it's traitors. That's a large part of why the communists were so popular among farmers, pretty much all the land in South Vietnam was still owned by French cooperators, so the average farmer was feudal cucking for people that cucked his nation.


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there is poo on the streets in san francisco

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>"invading" a "country" where the majority of the population is rooting for you

Because Communists are completely soulless. There is something about the philosophy that only attracts the worst in humanity.

>Yes good goyim, turn your culture and women into degenerate american-wannabee whores instead of preserving your national culture and identity

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Yeah, Communists are known for their love democracy and they're totally accurate polling.

I don't think Charlie felt that being shot at by foreigners was a high standard of living.
You can claim good intentions all you want but this is what they experienced and how they perceived the Americans as a result.

>Reuniting a part of your own country that's under a foreign puppet government is invading.

>Musgrave getting pissed as he remembers how many men got killed from their M16’s jamming.
He really had the best interviews.

>before the war began Ho Chi Minh thought the Americans would support Vietnam because of their ideals of freedom and liberty

You wanna know why Ho Chi Minh agreed to France's surrender terms? Because he KNEW he would win in the south solely because he was responsible for France's defeat. Diem and the US knew this too, which is why they prevented a referendum and why the north invaded (as not allowing the referendum broke the treaty and thus was an act of war). You're seriously retarded if you think the north wasn't the more popular among Viets. Why do you think a large insurgency of northern supporters formed in the south but not vice versa?

Foreign invaders were killing his countrymen. Who wouldn't do the same?

>Who wouldn't do the same?

Americucks. They make movies like Red Dawn where they larp as patriots fighting off invaders while at home they're happy with a small tribe occupying their government for decades and forcing draconian laws down their throat because mcdonalds cheeseburgers only cost a dollar.

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If he were smart he would have joined up with the South.

>become a puppet of someone across the ocean or someone north

So we are all in agreement that this man did nothing wrong right. He was based as fuck.

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They're still using the fake term Viet Cong?

>colt offers you a gun that never jams
>think it's the tightest shit since sliced bread
>buy a hundred thousand
>realize it actually means always jams
>send them out to combat troops anyways
actual madmen

Vietnam is cosying up to the US now because they're afraid of China

>Fuck american/jewish and french imperialism!
>Communist imperialism is OK though.

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no shit. the chinese name for vietnam is like southern province or some shit they aren't exactly subtle about it.

when were the vietcong imperialist

They did support Vietnam. They just didn't support the yellow Marxist tree-niggers that tried to take over the country of Vietnam.

>Foreign invaders were killing his countrymen.

I seem to remember that happening in South Vietnam.

dumb npc poster, they were fighting for themselves

When they launched an invasion of the southern territories at the behest of their genocidal Marxist overlords in Moscow and Beijing.

>Let it Be starts playing.

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He was shot through the chest and had a fist sized hole. Three different people said he would die and they couldn’t help him.


someone put an eye-patch on him

based gook
America deserved everything they got in Vietnam

>"I'm fighting for myself!"
t. literally every deluded, murderous Communist drone from 1917 till now.

They did not have majority support which is why during the Tet Offensive the population didn't rise up to fight the Americans like they thought would happen

you mean to stop the literally insane dictatorship that was exterminating their own people there?

lol that cuck faggot

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they invaded cambodia

His arousal/anger towards Jane Fonda was the best interview.

>insane dictatorship that was exterminating their own people

Funny, that sounds more like Communism.

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This would have been better if the woman on the left had actually been wearing traditional garb instead of a different western influence.

He probably sits and tells his stories into the mirror for hours on end. Way too over rehearsed.

>When you're such an insecure, butt-flustered, impotent Europoor with sour grapes syndrome over America that you idolize literal genocidal Communist tree monkeys just because they fought Americans.

Can't make this shit up.

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How come the Vietcong didn't stop killing civilians after the South Korean president was killed then?

This did not happen in communist Vietnam tho

lol look how much she has to arch her back to make it looks like she has an ass

>instead of preserving your national culture and identity

Communism isn't a part of Vietnamese national culture and identity, nor any Asian national culture and identity.
It was literally invented in Germany.

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Ho Chi Minh was unironically one of the best leaders of the 20th century and had he lived to see the war come to an end Vietnam would have had a much better peace.

And that pic is shooped.

You guys don't get it.

It's only evil when Fascists or Capitalists do it.
When Communists do it it's totally OK. It's that simple.

big think

Cultures are a meme anyway.
They change all the time, why should people care if something "foreign" caused the change.

>quick cut from sad war hero Injun funeral picture
>Somebody to Love starts playing
>it's a free-loving hippy dance montage
Ohio National Guard did nothing wrong

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Are you retarded? North Vietnam killed and imprisoned its own citizens. During the Tet Offensive North Vietnamese forces went out of their way to kill civilians even tangentially connected to the South Vietnamese government. After the 1954 partition tens of thousands of people knew the North Vietnamese government would target them for persecution so they fled to South Vietnam.

He's probably reciting what he has already written on the subject.

They fought off the Chinks when they tried to invade them in 1979, so you're wrong there.

makes sense

Funny because Vietnam ended Pol Pot's reign when chinks and the (((cia))) backed him

>genocidal Fascists invade other countries

>genocidal Communists invade other countries, killing millions of more people than the Fascists did
>Leftist Academics: "Dude, it's like, just a difference of opinion. They, like, have their way of doing things and we have ours. Let's not forget OUR system has problems too, huh? Make love not, uh, war."

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Agreed, we should have killed more stateside Communists.

this but unironically

Viet Cong were Vietnamese nationalists.


That sounds like Capitalist revisionism, Comrade. History only happened if the Communist censors say it did.

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imagine being the strongest military force on the planet and losing to a war against hick farmers in a literally who country.

Honestly horseshit from the French cooperator descendants that fled to the west. My grandpa still got screwed because he was a business owner but they still gave him a large shrimp farm and never imprisoned him since he had no history with the french.

And in the process stopped one of the largest genocides in the modern era.

So were the South Vietnamese.

People who flee anti-western regimes and migrate to the west always make up sob stories to get visas.

>Its okay to kill people who are the children of the Mandarin officials.
And fucking retard dipshit who literally doesn't know anything about what you're talking about, they targeted business owners, land owners, anyone who wasn't poor or a party official (the only wealth that was allowed), Catholics, and even people who spoke French.

>Marxist pawns of China, killing their own brothers and sisters and countrymen
>Vietnamese """""nationalists"""""

This is like saying an Ottoman sapper caught drilling under Vienna during the 1683 siege was an "Austrian nationalist".

Doesn't appear to be on youtube, unfortunately.

Or, now stick with me here, he's reciting stories he's told many times before because they're interesting and people want to hear them. Unlike your stories.

If they were nationalists, half their own population wouldn't have risen up against them and they wouldn't have needed to bring in foreigners to suppress their own population. Americans are still so sour about losing in Vietnam, they need to pump the myth they were "fighting against communism" when it was literally just another colonialist war against a native people.

Imagine having to fight with an arm tied behind your back because traitorous hippies and leftists on the Homefront are upset that methods that would actually win the war will kill TOO MANY of the enemy.

The Viets fought against the Chinks when they tried to invade them. Why are Americans so stupid?

>Dude, forget historical facts, I have an anecdote.

I'm sure your grandpa also works at Nintendo.
Is PikaBlu going to be featured in Pokemon: Quartz?

>there weren't reeducation camps in north Vietnam
>North vietnamese never killed anyone for being anti-crime
>hue massacre certainly never happened

North Viets were pretty shitty desu, just not as bad as Khmer rouge or prc.

If they were nationalists they wouldn't have literally committed genocide against people of their own nation.

>actually believing this
Yeah, those hippies are why the American army lost to some rice farmers.

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Today, I will remind them

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>Communists fight each other sometimes!

Wow, what a fucking revelation. That totally never happens.

if americans were actually patriots they never would have tarred and feathered merchants who helped the British.

Nobody has clean hands during war time. Americans literally wiped out two cities with nuclear bombs killing 150k+ civilians and still have the gall to call themselves good guys.

Yeah Viet Cong killed lots of innocent people. Everyone does during war. Doesn't mean they were wrong to fight against foreign american invaders.

>Half their population didn't rise up against the South Vietnamese. The majority of the Vietcong were all from North Vietnam and traveled south along the Ho Chi Minh trail for the soul purpose of killing other Vietnamese and Americans

Those hippies, and Western Values in general, are why North Vietnam wasn't carpet-bombed into oblivion.

Leftist cucks had zero problem with it happening to Germany in WWII, but as soon as the enemies were non-white Leftists then suddenly there was a problem and America had to fight with an honor that soulless Communists will never know.

>Viets were just pawns for Chinese imperialists!
>the fact that they actually fought against a chinese invasion proves nothing!

This is what you sound like you retarded monkey.

I unironically believe that if the US backed him he would've done whatever they told him to do and lead the united Vietnam into a prosperous ally. In the end they held zero love for the Chinese and went to war with them shortly after the US had left the country and they still hold no love for them today. The Soviets may well have not have been there

Northerners doesn't count southerners as decent people.

OK so now it's Whataboutism. Good to know, commie.

>mfw tootsie rolls went from $0.01 to $0.02 in my lifetime

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>Americans fight with honour

Literally never happened. People there are still sick from the agent orange that Americans mass dumped on villages.

>Yeah Viet Cong killed lots of innocent people. Everyone does during war.

Tell me again about how the Holocaust was just a "necessary act during wartime".

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Are you really comparing the atomic bombings used to prevent a more costly (in magnitudes of human lives lost) invasion of Japan to North Vietnam killing it's own civilians? Are you literally fucking retarded.

Also the American forces can't really be called invaders if they specifically refused the possibility of invading North Vietnam at any point.

Gooks were left alone when they coincidentally served Chink interests and then that changed when circumstances changed.

Not hard to figure out, Lefty.

>numbers the veit cong killed in the course of a guerrilla war is in any way comparable to the holocaust.

kek cope harder ARVN-boy

>Tell me again about how the Holocaust was just a "necessary act during wartime".

Holocaust didn't happen but it should have.

man i bet he chadded it up pretty good

>dude, an act of war to prematurely end the deadliest conflict in human history is the same as VC thugs killing their neighbors with machetes

You're literally too dumb to argue with. Like most Leftists.

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>Cultures are a meme anyway

>o-our mass killings of innocents was justified, unlike theirs!!

Retarded American delusions. Please build your fucking wall already and seal yourself off from the rest of the world.

>half their population
The VC were mostly made up of Northerners with a small percentage of them being South vietnamese farmers. Why do you think the US troops would start asking about foreign viets in the area when they rolled into a village?

90% of South Vietnamese hated both the North and the Americans and were basically stuck between two groups trying to control them

>rice farmers embarresd us
Except for the part where we killed literally millions of them for a few thousand Americans. The Vietnam conflict is the international politics version of beating up a retarded kid for 10 years and then when we got bored and left he started claiming he won because we got tired and went home.

Tactically and military speaking we fucking raped North Vietnam. Not to mention the conflict did technically end with a cease fire, which was the us goal in the first place. The us was born longer really involved when the South finally fell.

War sucks frens

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A disguised, pestilent monster within the system itself isn't really a valid comparison.

>defoliant had unforseen side-effects


Yeah bro, that was totally intentional and therefore evil, just like the millions of other industrial accidents that exist.

Meanwhile the millions that Communists killed during peace-time don't even get a chance to be "sick". They get to be dead.

The north and the south were the same nationality you dumb shit. They were one nation that was artificially divided. That's why most nationalists sided with the north, because the north wanted to reuinite the country while the south wanted to keep in place the colonialist divisions.

Yes it does.

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Commies should all die.

kinda hilarious that every generation has to relearn this

Holy shit, I haven't heard that since 1998. That was what people thought Marills were called, right?

>Please build your fucking wall already and seal yourself off from the rest of the world.

We would love to, but you fat-lipped shitskins keep whining when we try. Funny how you faggots can't seem to get enough of the nation you claim to hate.

Lmao you literally shat your pants and threw a hissy fit because your child-murderers weren't greeted as heroes when they arrived home, and you talk about the other side being evil.

So because their interests aligned breifly that means they were Chinese puppets for that brief amount of time? Fucking retard. People who say North Vietnam was a Chinese puppet are the biggest retards on this planet.

>any time people die, it's the same

I can HEAR your ham-flap jowls swinging back and forth in rage, leftist.

Go machete some more babies.

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lol there's no "a priori" or arbitrary leftist framework you just refuse to read Marx or Lenin or other leftists and so you don't understand any of the things people are saying, even when they are obviously leftists and you know exactly which things you could study to understand their views. You instead choose not to and then use your own intentional confusion as proof you're right.

This is like buying a book written in braille and then getting mad that you can't read it and blaming the publisher for his arbitrary choice of writing.

>So because their interests aligned breifly that means they were Chinese puppets for that brief amount of time? Fucking retard. People who say North Vietnam was a Chinese puppet are the biggest retards on this planet.

You're arguing with a fat american retard who unironically believes the won because of "muh K:D ratio"

>people fled North Vietnam by the tens of thousands
>Vietcong forces assassinated civilians married to South Vietnamese government officials constantly
>3 million dead Vietnamese over the course of the war when all the North had to do was just stop going to war against a force that literally never tried to invade them and stop them

Wow how patriotic and nationalistic

Yes. They thought it was some alternate form Pikachu or a new evolution.

shout out to the south korean army for having more massacres in vietnam than americans, they fucking hate commies and are based as fuck

Every single one of these Ken Burns war docs seem to feature some young men eager to fight in wars because they think it'll be glorious and the ones who survive regret it and think war is awful. Repeat and repeat.

>Tactically and military speaking we fucking raped North Vietnam.
True. Still didn't destroyed NV will and capability to fight though.
>which was the us goal in the first place
The goal was to left a sustainable south vietnamese government. Which wasn't achieved.
>The north and the south were the same nationality you dumb shit

>Except for the part where we killed literally millions of them for a few thousand Americans. The Vietnam conflict is the international politics version of beating up a retarded kid for 10 years and then when we got bored and left he started claiming he won because we got tired and went home.

Yeah and by that logic the Brits won the American war of independence

fuckin jej

American air strikes and illegal use of chemical weapons are responsible for much more civilian deaths and casualties than the NVA or Viet Cong combined. This
>but duh viet cong also killed sum civilians so we wuz good guys!!
shit is beyond retarded

>The Vietnam conflict is the international politics version of beating up a retarded kid for 10 years and then when we got bored and left he started claiming he won because we got tired and went home.

This. Gooks and impotent Europoors are obsessed with making it a victory for them because they fucking HATE America and are perpetually obsessed with it, so they have to latch onto anything that looks even vaguely like a "defeat" of America. It's petty, petulant and immature, but that describes most rabidly anti-American shitposters anyway in general.

>just leave your country artificially divided bro, why fight against these imaginary lines drawn by colonialists?

and every single ken burns war doc they seem to think the war will be over by christmas

>They were one nation that was artificially divided.

Ideological divisions aren't artificial. And genocidal marxism isn't a valid ideology. It's a cancer that needs to be purged.

>The north and the south were the same nationality you dumb shit

Yeah they were both vietnamese you retard, is that too hard to understand for you?

Why do you think they send dumb young cucks to fight? In America you can go die from an IED explosion in some shithole 3 years before you can legally buy a beer lmfao

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>Please build your fucking wall already and seal yourself off from the rest of the world.

Unfortunately that will only stop illegal spic immigration and not the constant, ceaseless whining of buttmad Europeans.

>same nationality
When was the last time Vietnam was one "nation" prior to French occupation? What we call North and South Vietnamn spent the majority of history as separate political and sociological entities with cultural and linguistic similarities.

But they have always been two very distinct areas. North and South vietnamese have ethnic differences, linguistic differences, even cultural differences. The only thing that really bound them at that time was their occupation by France.

The idea that North Vietnam had any territorial claim to South Vietnam is actually kind of retarded. It's the equivalent of saying that the Us should cede the South west back to Mexico because Spain ruled that territory 500 years ago.

God you commies are delusional.

>dude borders are imaginary we are all one lmfao peace and love duuuude *bong rip*
Okay go tell the North Koreans you faggot retard.

>You just don't UNDERSTAND Marxism, mom!

Literally every time with you leftists faggots.
Fucking drive yourself to the mall if you're so angry you petulant little shit.

them there's a nice pair of milkers

>just kill "your own people" dude its all for the greater good

Should the East Germans have invaded West Germany and started killing the people living there you stupid fucking retard? Was North Korea in the right for invading South Korea, because it was the same fucking situation you literally fucking braindead commie apologist.

Viet Cong were South Vietnamese my American friend. A house divided against itself, cannot stand.

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yeah but the rest of life is meaningless too

The south refused to hold a reunification referendum which was an act of war according to the agreements at the Geneva Conference stupid lard.

I remember kids speculating on how you had to give pikachu a waterstone at a certain level and/or with a certain moveset to evolve him into pikablu and how it was meant to be like an oceanic storm creator or something like that. All the kids in my class took balloon pikachu in Yellow's opening as a hint of a hidden evolution.

Imagine being this much of a sub-intelligent genocide-apologist.

>how were we supposed to know war sucks?
read a book, nigger

South Korea was a shithole under a military dictatorship up until like the 90s. The North had a standard of living comparable to them until the Soviet Union collapsed, at some times it was better. And Japan was the most developed country in Asia before the US got involved.

>US bombs Laos for over a year despite never officially declaring war on either country
>unexploded cluster bombs have killed 40,000 people since the war ended, mostly children.
>CIA runs a civilian assassination program called Phoenix which kills and imprisons 80,000 people
>still doesn't understand why local people would pick communism over imperial rule because they cannot understand that
"inferior" natives might have a sense of pride which goes beyond eating McDonalds

Yeah but you won't die a slow painful death in some foreign shithole.

>"Y-Y-You pushed our shit in ten times over, but we won because you decided the ammo was too expensive....."

This is what gook and gook apologists tell themselves.

South Korea did the same thing, should the United Nations forces have let North Korea invade them?

>Tactically and military speaking we fucking raped North Vietnam
>muh k/d ratio

based retard


"Jukeboxsaur" was also rumored to be an unlockable joke/easter egg evolution of Bulbasaur after Ivysaur.

None of that fucking shit started before the war how does that retroactively excuse the North Vietnamese invading and funding terrorist forces in South Vietnam?

>makes no effort to understand other person's position
>gets mad and blames other person
>is told repeatedly what he can do to understand but chooses to be ignorant instead so that he can keep blaming other person
gets me every time

>child murderers
Not that user, but maybe if the families there weren't willing to side with the commies and fight asymmetrically, their children wouldn't have been causalities.

>Dude just enforce Marxism and genocide anyone that disagrees. :^)

Military objective of the North Vietnam: Unite the country.

Military objective of the South and the US: Keep the country divided.

Which side achieved their military objectives, and which didn't? You win a war by achieving military objectives, not by killing lots of the enemy. Otherwise by your logic, the British won the american war of independence, or the Germans won ww2 since they killed way more Russians than they lost.

>we scored more points than the other team but then a mob of locals chased us out of town
is more accurate

Literally right before French colonization you retarded shit. Vietnam was unified under a dynasty for most of it's history too. In fact Vietnam and Siam had portioned Cambodia among each other right before too so it was even bigger. Vietnam was one country for most of it's history, you know literally zero Vietnamese history.

Attached: Nguyen Dynasty.png (800x400, 87K)

>muh all quiet on the western front
low test detected

>Why do you think they send dumb young cucks to fight?

Because Eurotrash are too busy sucking their own dicks to actually do anything to preserve the supremacy of NATO and the West. They'd rather just let Americans do all the work and complain while they do it.

>its fine when we kill children or families because we have reasons unlike them
>when the Viet Cong does it, that automatically makes us the good guys!


Yet when Germany starts funding and building a European Army for the EU, you shit your pants, amerikike

There was no treaty that required the South to hold a referendum. Ho Chi Minh only accepted the French surrender under the pretense that the south would hold a referendum within a year, or the peace would not be accepted.

because the US intentionally committed heinous acts against civilians with the assumption they would give up and be ruled by a puppet dictator. The US underestimated the North's resolve and their actions only made the communists hate the South more.

>dude just reunify with us and let our genocidal Marxis ideology rule the whole nation we won't kill you we promise :^)

South Vietnam was correct and you faggots should have been gassed.

haha vietnam now has mcdonalds

>scoring points

Why are americans literally and unironically so fucking stupid that they can't think of real world military-political conflicts beyond video game concepts?

>video game concepts
Have sports, fattie.

The majority on both sides of the border wanted the country to be reunited. What happened to "muh democracy" and "muh will of the majority".

Face it, the Americans knew that Ho Chi Minh was more popular on both sides so they wanted to keep the country artificially divided

>The North had a standard of living comparable to them until the Soviet Union collapsed, at some times it was better.

lol, no
Blatant historical revisionism.

NK is an underdeveloped shithole and has been since the split while South Korea is on its way to becoming a First World power.
This trend goes back WAY further than the 90's.

Go eat some grass, starving peasant.

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The South Vietnamese did hold a referendum, they voted not to be united. Diem cheated the election just like Rhee did in South Korea. Then the respective north of both countries invaded the South. The situations are almost identical.

And every major city in North America has more vietnamese noodle shops than there are mcdonalds probably.

How does that excuse the North Vietnamese declaring war on South Vietnam, invading that country and funding terrorist forces to attack and kill South Vietnamese civilians? Especially considering US military involvement, and therefore US war crimes, didn't happen until after the North Vietnamese went on the offensive?

>America has Taco Bell therefore Mexico won the American-Mexican war

Honestly it's whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night, gook. If telling yourself "America got BTFO!!!" helps you forget about all those smoldering corpses of soulless degenerate Communists, then by all means.
If you bought into Marxism it's not like you're unfamiliar with delusion anyway.

yfw this is actually true, spics will overtake whites shortly
taco bell was founded in america

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I like how Americans say they were all about protecting South Vietnam from le evil north while casually referring to their entire people as gooks.

Americans didn't give a shit about south vietnam or it's people. For them it was an occupation war, and for the native populace it was the same thing too.

This thread is so retarded and it is full of Americans and their 'politics' and use of the word 'leftists'. Are they really 'leftists' if they'll kill your ass without a second thought literally install a dictatorship. Is the government in China 'leftist', it seems more like an alt-right wet dream to me.

>dude, read all my literature before you talk to me

I don't have to. What I know is more than enough to call bullshit on collectivism.

This is especially hilarious considering Marxists don't typically read Sowell or Rand or any other authors that make them butthurt, but feel plenty apt to criticize the other side all the same.

If South Vietnam wasn't an artificially propped up puppet regime run by big-time drug dealers and actually had the support of the people of Vietnam why didn't they consent to a referendum and let the people settle the conflict bloodlessly at the ballot box? Why did they actively try to sabotage a democratic solution to the war?

Because the EU isn't a military organization and was never supposed to be, retard?

Why aren't they building a German army?

I'm not saying it's right to kill children, but I can't say I'm surprised when the actions of their parents result in their deaths. Killing a child is a worse punishment than death for these parents - and those pissed off GIs were out to make those parents hurt.

I don't know Korean history as well, but if the South there faked their election too and the north also never held a fair one, then yes they were justified in invading. Ho Chi Minh would have legitimately won in both sides of the country too and he knew it, he was known as a war hero for fighting Japan and defeating the French. That appeals infinitely more to the average man and nationalist than economic ideology.

>why do we have to protect Europe, why can't Europe protect itself

So you admit that the US was not more moral in their wartime actions than the Viet Cong were.

US never declared war on Vietnamese noodle shops or claimed they were literally Satan the same way Communists characterize and hate Capitalist icons like McDonalds though.

Wait so because the South Vietnamese didn't agree to surrender to North Vietnam after invading and hand over control of the country to them North Vietnam is justified for invading them?

>ur words offend me, that makes u ebil!!!

Fucking walk it off, Barbara. The men are talking.

Attached: Democrat Seal.gif (400x383, 159K)

If holding a democratic election means surrendering then maybe that's a sign that the people don't support the government.

>I don't have to
but you do if you want to understand the leftist framework as real political points and not "arbitrary". Except I know you won't, because you're scared you won't understand it or even worse, you will and can no longer use your favorite non-argument. Don't worry, there's plenty of material about marxism online, youtube channels, literal marxism for kids books. You have no excuse.

Also sowell and rand did not establish capitalism, not even close you absolute fucking tool.

>then yes they were justified in invading
Holy shit you are literally a lost human

Kim as also a war hero who fought against the Japanese and would have won the election in South Korea. And thank god today that him and his communist fuckers didn't gain control of the entire peninsula.

Do the Vietnamese people deserve self-determination or not?
If not then any foreign power can make any arbitrary division of any land, prop up a puppet leader, and say it should be left totally inviolate.

oh no no no no

Attached: vietnam 2-0 jewSA.png (1190x589, 518K)

Americans can't see beyond their domestic politics. It's a country where each major party has tens of millions of registered members, and they treat political party like an inherent part of your identity like religion or culture.

Enjoy your communist shithole, dumbass.

>Eurocrat doesn't see the problem with a """""trade organization""""" having a military

Suck that Merkel dick harder, slave.
Again, why can't the European countries act independently of the EU? Like they did before the EU? Why do they suddenly have an excuse now? Why can't each country that is a member of NATO actually CONTRIBUTE to NATO? You don't need an NWO army under Merkel's command for that. It's not an excuse.

Lose weight.

>Isn't aware that the Vietnamese committed war crimes as well

I don't care what words you use, it's just retarded of americans to claim they wanted to protect a people whilst in the same sentence treating them as racially inferior. American soldiers during the war were taught to hate the Vietnamese as a people, not just communism, and then wondered why the majority of the populace turned against them.

In Vietnam, the war is called the "American war" not the communist vs capitalist or north vs south war for a reason.

>McDonalds flopped in Vietnam

OK, who cares? Countless other American icons operate all over the county.

So glad millions of your people died in the name of Communism, BTW. Totally worth it.

Attached: Vietnam Today 2.jpg (477x358, 32K)

>I don't care what words you use

IMMEDIATELY after making a post whining about what words somebody uses.

The US hasn't been at war with Vietnam for decades and established friendly relations and trade agreements with the government that they lost to since the early 90's.

It's more like the US lost, acknowledged they lost, made ammends, and then both countries started trading with each other. It's not like America won militarily and then imposed mcdonalds on them by force.

It seems like the many thousands of people that fled North Vietnam wanted self-determination. When the two sides were partitioned people were given a grace period to move between the two to whichever one they wanted to live in. Almost nobody went North, but the North made sure to send over insurgents to get ready for their terrorism campaign. The North Vietnamese were free to determine their own government and anybody that wanted to live under them were allowed to go. They didn't have to right to force their control on South Vietnam.

imagine actually being proud of kfc as an emblem of your national success. That's beyond embarrassing

>Capital of communist Vietnam gets its first McDonald's
oh no no no

Because individually they are weak and easily exploitable, united they are stronger and have more global influence.

You just want them weak and strong so they fall under American influence, but get butthurt when they fall under French or German influence instead because you don't like competitors.

>So glad millions of your people died in the name of Communism, BTW. Totally worth it.

They died in the name of uniting their country.

>still thinking the average viet cong fought for communism
they fought for reunification and to get rid of western puppets and military forces
they succeeded no matter how much you cope with your lard fast food obsession

>They died in the name of uniting their country.

Under communism.

Hey how did unification work out for the Germans, did they have to go to war over that or did they come to a diplomatic agreement after acknowledging the other side's independence for decades?

>almost no body went north
The viet cong were literally southerners that went north during that grace period to get NVA training so they could fight for their country retard
Whereas most of the people that went south were catholics and french cooperators (of which the overlap is huge) that would sooner flee to the west than pick up an AK for their nation.

>South Vietnam sent nobody North to fight against them
>North Vietnam took advantage of a diplomatic grace period designed to help civilians decide their own future to help train people who would go on to kill the very same civilians who North Vietnam in the first place

wow i wonder which side is the morally justified one

Anyon else think this dude is part insect? The other VC guys look normal but this dude looks like he's seen an eldritch truth and got turned into an insectoid because of it

I never claimed they were more moral in their wartime actions. I only said that their actions were understandable given the circumstances - even if those actions are ones I abhor.
Perhaps if there were a different set of circumstances, many of the dishonorable actions committed by the US could have been avoided. But it's a counterfactual so we'll never know.

Musgrave was the best. So funny how sometimes they had Musgrave telling some crazy story and then after him they show that Zimmerman faggot pretending that anti-war rallies required the same bravery as actual combat in vietnam

The north WAS bombed into oblivion. People had an objection into increased bombing into Laos and Cambodia, which was illegal and secret but instrumental to shutting down the ho chi minh trail.
I hate it as much as you do.

The people they were training came from the south while you were trying to imply they just sent them there. In the end it's southerners willing to die for unification under the Vietnam that had just defeated the French over the Vietnam that is conveniently controlled by all of the French favored elites.

Who would they send lol
You're trying to equate the two sides as equal and separate when the North had the support of almost all the rural population and the South had the support of small cliques of Catholics and hangers-on invested financially in the state.

They have more to lose


>Between 600,000 and one million northerners moved south

>while between 14,000 - 45,000 civilians and approximately 100,000 Viet Minh fighters moved in the opposite direction

You are literally a fucking dipshit commie. How the fuck is it permitted to kill civilians who are fleeing your country out of free that they will be killed by the government there? You and your ideology are a culture of death and the greatest thing any communist has ever did was die so someone less retarded could take over. Mao in China, Le Duan in Vietnam, Tito in Yugoslavia, every fucking mass murderer in Moscow who held Eastern Europe in a state of perpetual misery and uncountable crimes against humanity. Go back to the depths of hell your ideology came from.

Germany was occupied by two entirely different international factions for 45 years, they didn't exactly have a choice or say in anything. The final treaty affirming Germany's sovereignty wasn't even signed until 1990. The Germans basically had their arms twisted to the point they were forced to renounce their claims to the former eastern half of their country which was annexed by Poland and Russia. East and West German leaders weren't allowed to fart without approval from their masters in Washington or Moscow.

>t. doesnt know anything about the history of West germany

Read more about it than the 40 minutes they tell you about in grade 10

>filled to the brim with niggers
>kids turning into trannies
>women out of control
yeah i think we're better off

>including more than 200,000 French citizens and soldiers
hmm, wonder what the exact number of over 200,000 was. Not to mention how much of the other 400,000 Vietnamese were French-backed Catholic elites.

>kill thousands of Americans and millions of your own people in the name of Communism
>abandon Communism

And this isn't a loss? This is some serious cope, especially considering you Commie faggots keep insisting that thinks like K:D ratios don't matter.

>fake term
No, sociopath and sociopathy are valid terms in the field.

Whatever you have to tell yourself, Eurocrat.

Under Communism you dumb piece of shit.

Imagine actually being proud of Marxist genocide as an emblem of your national success.

>The north WAS bombed into oblivion.

Not nearly enough.

Imagine if people ITT were defending/justifying the war-crimes of Nazi Germany the same way they're defending/justifying the Communist war-crimes.

They would INSTANTLY get labeled "/pol/" and be ignored.

Yet the people justifying Commie-drones killing their neighbors, and their neighbors' infant children, with machetes ITT expect their beliefs to be respected and their points to be debated.

It's almost like there's a double-standard at play.

Attached: Pepe Time to Die.jpg (362x480, 29K)


>opposing Communism and genocide

Attached: Roman Soldier Stare Horror.png (635x457, 331K)

Freedom and independence are more important than being able to buy McDonald

>grandfather was nip slayer
>father gook slayer
>running out of time to fulfill genetic destiny unless there's a korea 2

>lol I may be dead with a machete in my head and my wife and kids may have been gang-raped to death by the VC since we were suspected "collaborators" with the West, but that's just THE PRICE OF FREEDOM

>fulfill genetic destiny

That's not how it works, user.

THEY killed more than their share of yellow bastards so that YOU don't have to.

>it's bad for communist to kill collaborators but is okay for americans to do the same

Americans didn't kill millions of South Vietnamese by raping them with machetes. In fact if I remember my history correctly, Americans were bravely and valiantly evacuating the targeted South Vietnamese en masse before you Marx-loving rapists could sink your knives into them.

>Yet when Germany starts funding and building a European Army for the EU, you shit your pants, amerikike
Literally no American is complaining about this.

What the hell is this false narrative you keep trying to push? Both sides killed some civilians but America was responsible for the vast majority of civilian deaths during the war. They even illegally bombed Cambodia and Laos.

really makes you think

Unfortunately the holocaust is vastly exaggerated if not a hoax.

Thankfully only in jewmerica

The difference is that the Cambodian invasion had legitimate reasons besides idiotic ideological ones. The Khmer Rouge took Vietnamese held territory and executed Vietnamese civilians there, not to mention the genocide, which included targeting people of Vietnamese origin.


>NK is an underdeveloped shithole and has been since the split
Its been that way since they started industrializing. The south has better resources, soil fertility, and natural harbors. The south was way ahead of the North well before Communism entered the picture.

That’s kikeish bravery, subverting your host nation

>Proud nationalist
>Trotskyists hated him
>The Chinese hated him
>Russians hated him
>Americans hated him
>The French hated him
>Loved by his people

Based af.

>have to bribe officials to do literally anything
>treated like a 2nd class citizen for being Buddhist
>exercising rights granted in your own constitution will still get you beaten on the streets by police, your business destroyed, and denied access to education
>first world standards

Reminder that the American invasion of Europe was an imperialist war against Germany.

>give the commies weapons and training to fight off Jap imperialism
>promise after the war they'll gain independence from France
>war ends, France walks back in
>hmm how could this go?

seething mutt

>if he were smart he would have joined up with the losing side

But it's true. Pretty sure the top 2 foods besides hamburgers here are pizza and tacos.

>did nothing wrong
Didn't take Duan out back in put a bullet in him before he fucked up most of Ho's plans.

>born a peasant
>fight for commies
>retire comfy middle-class with your kids/grandkids not working in the fields
They may have fucked millions but they made the right choice for themselves.

because some commissar was pointing a gun at the back of his head

Vietnam now makes my shirts and soccer balls

I see more people defending America's murderous actions ITT

>North Vietnam killed and imprisoned its own citizens.
So did the South. Both sides murdered their own people by the tens/hundreds of thousands.

lmao get a load of this fag

playing Rising Storm 2 and I'm just like imagine having to do this in real life. hooooooooooly shit

>majority of the population is rooting for you