I just realized how chris really put everything in his life aside for tony and how tony just treated him like shit at every spot. Why did tony not give a shit about chris?
I just realized how chris really put everything in his life aside for tony and how tony just treated him like shit at...
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Because he's become an embarrassment to himself.
Even after he fixed himself it wasn't enough. Chris was right about tony.
>"He pours you a drink with one hand and judges you with the other"
tony did care about chrissy but he was a danger to himself and those around him
plus it was clear that chris was never gonna get sober
How do you judge someone with your hand
put up the finger
Yeah, tony's ego and narcissism prevented him from being happy for other people's happiness/successes. Everyone in his eyes is beneath him, and as soon as he see someone doing well, he knocks them down.
Sociopath raised by sociopaths, whuddya expect.
>treated him like shit at every spot
tony gave this fuckup preferential treatment
Tony was simultaneously giving Chris more opportunities than anyone else got. Chris continually fucked up every opportunity he ever got and still remained in Tony's good graces while others ate shit for disappointing Tony just once or twice.
More like italians raised by Italians. Daily reminder that Italians need to be genocided.
Chris was a slime ball who didn't even have the temperament to be an effective soldier, let alone a captain. Tony favoured him because of family ties and because of Tony's relationship with his father Dickie.
Chris had no future without the mob. He was an addict with below average intelligence. Tony gave him multiple chances but the kid couldn't handle the life. Snuffing him out was one of the smartest things Tony did in the final season.
t. Jamal Ginsberg
you say that like he gave a shit about anyone else
He obviously cared about Pie-O-My
He wasn’t loyle to his capo
I think he cared about his kids
honestly chris was just too stupid to be a proper heir/protege for tony like he wanted. even tony says putting faith in the guy was the biggest mistake of his career
1. he was hoowah
2. the kid wasn't even his
He couldn’t trust him to stay clean. Once he saw what the drugs and drinking did to him, that was it
Just Tony making excuses for his own shortcomings
Everything but heroin. He was an unreliable junkie. How was Tony supposed to know that Bobby and Sil would be clipped soon and leave him short handed. And even still Tony won the war against Phil.
What show?
he was a glorified nephew
Tony only cared about Chris, when Chris was an extension of Tony. Tony was a classic narcissist - he was raised by one, he became one. That's what Melfi was trying to get to.
When Chris was of no benefit to Tony, he killed him.
If you don't get that Tony is a classic case of narcissistic personality disorder, then you don't get Tony.
The Walking Gabagools
The Loyle Capo
Tony didn't give a shit about anybody, he just pretended to.
that horse was a whore
A Game of Hoo-Haas
>tony won the war
>implying NY didn't kill tony while his crew was weak
Chris was Tony's replacement son, as his real son was a lazy piece of shit, who embarrassed him by trying to commit suicide, living in the life of luxury. When he couldn't live vicariously through him (the football shit), he gave up and put all of his attention on Meadow, and Chris.
This but unironically. He whacked the boss of one of the FIVE families. You don’t get to walk away from that.
This is credible. NY would have wanted all of the shit to stop, because it was getting people subpoenaed. Take out Tony, everything quiets down. The two troublemakers are dead. Everyone goes back to making money.
I think you didnt have an abusive father
Why did the color grading turn to shit in season 5 and 6? First time watching this an everything looks brown now.
Realizing that Artie's wife was right about Tony is a big sopranos redpill
What the fuck are you talking about user. Season 5 and 6 are the best looking seasons
correct. he didn't care to do his job and kept fucking it up.
Chris can't blame Tony for everything. He had multiple opportunities to leave but he didn't because he liked the lifestyle
He had preferential treatment by Ton’ but was still treated like shit. Reminder that Chrissy is implied to be a good enough earner that Tony and Junior both acknowledge it in s1e4. Reminder that Tony and Paulie are even worse fuck ups than Chris.
>Paulie threatens Chris to not speak to Tony
>Pine Barrens incident was entirely Paulie’s fault. Chris even covers it up for Paulie and takes some of the blame
>Entirety of season 4 was Paulie’s fault. He should have been killed right there
>Tony tried to fuck Adriana
>Tony caused the Blundetto incident and bad blood with Phil
>Tony makes Chris sober up. And when Chris shows he is trying to be disciplined. Tony pours him a glass of wine even though Chris refused
>Tony becomes a pathetic incel because he cant fuck Julianna Skiff but Chris can
>Paulie intentionally starts beef with Chris in Walk Like A Man all because Chris toasted with a club soda
Chris was the victim for the most part
The Baratones
I feel if Tony's mom had lived the show would've dived even deeper than it already did into Tonys psychology. What could have been
>he doesn’t know
We DID dive deeper with Tony’s you mong.
I always kind of thought they had different plans for the story. Remember the one scene where the cop says "What kind of mom would rat her own son out?", it seemed like they might have had a story line where tony might have had to kill his mom to stay out of prison.
>paulie makes a joke about chris's daughter
>tony and everyone in the room laughs at him leaving chris to leave in shame and disgust only to go reach out to his one non-wise guy friend just for him to say you're in the mafia
>some fat fuck in see through socks does the same thing to tonys daughter
>beats the shit out of him with a pistol then curb stomps him while pointing a gun at the head of an under boss
Yup, chris was really out of control.
Didn’t realize that. I mean Chris did end up killing JT, even if he had to because he gave too much damning information, it was kind of his fault. Chrissy really did become a bigger man than Tony in some ways. Especially here
While Tony still puts his father and Dickie on a pedestal, Chris acknowledges that his father was just a junkie
also something to notice is tony is the last person in that scene he sees. Almost that he expected that from everyone else but tony because he saw him like a father
It’s amazing what scientists are doing with gene therapy these days. It's only a matter of time before we find a cure for Catholicism.
Livia's actress dying really rerouted the show. I'm thinking the implications of having one of Tony's parents alive throughout all 6 seasons. But maybe being boxed in proved insightful for David Chase re: having to figure Tony out
>I just realized how chris really put everything in his life aside for tony and how tony just treated him like shit at every spot. Why did tony not give a shit about chris?
Because he was a useless junkie who made them look bad. Also season 1 he is hanging around a bunch of wiggers.
just wanted to say that I love Sopranos threads because of posts like this. thanks so much for being a ray of sunshine on an otherwise cloudy Yea Forums
>Even after he fixed himself it wasn't enough
He was still using drugs up until he died. Once a junkie, always a junkie.
NP. It’s a great read.
>So I believe that, in that desert sunrise on the cusp of Arizona, in fulfillment of his identity as Kevin Finnerty, solar heating salesman, Tony saw his “son” – Christopher – “rise” and realized that, in murdering him days before, he (Tony) was really “rising” as a “son” against Johnny Boy. And in that linkage, he suddenly realized that “everything is [indeed] everything.” He is both Chris and Johnny Boy, both abused and misguided son and abusing, misguiding father. He is murdering uncle and would-be murdered nephew. He is both the mother that sees suffocation as mercy killing and the son who is suffocated. Christopher is both his son and his father. Johnny Boy is Coach Molinaro. “Kennedy” is “Heidi”. Opposites are really two sides of the same coin. In that fleeting moment of insight, Tony was truly feeling “one” with the universe.
Context for this is explaining the meaning of pic related. Tying in the “everything is everything” speech from that quantum theory professor in the hospital with Tony during his coma stay. And the whole father-son-mentor relationship we see throughout the series
Meant THIS pic
Kaisha is underrated
Did this scene remind anyone of Mad Men? Something about the dialogue between the two felt like it
Oh shit.
Watch it, Michael
Does a therapy scenes only supercut of the Sopranos exist?
link it
There’s a playlist on youtube but it’s missing a lot. Some important ones too.
Still the best shot with a pistol in all of jersey
This, made him into a made man despite all of his faults.
Speaks a lot about Tony’s awful leadership no? I could understand making him a made-man to keep Chrissy safe, ensure another Sean and Bevilacqua incident doesn’t occur. But Tony bumped Chrissy into acting-capo for no fucking reason. Obviously to groom him into underboss but Chris didn’t even expect it. He looked surprised. Even Sil was against it enough to cause the Chris-Patsy feud to prove a point to Tony. Tony’s the skipper, he sucks at his job
Can we all agree Meadow was a dumb sjw bitch?
almost like everyone in the show is a bad person or something
bobby honestly wasn't a bad guy
Tony wasn't a bad leader, just was too soft and trusting with those close to him. And Chrissy *wasn't* as bad as everyone is making him out to be. Yeah he was a degenerate junkie but he wasn't stupid and he was loyle, which honestly in the mob is the most desired trait in a soldier imo.
>Bobby Sr wouldn’t have made it into the US without illegal means
>Bobby wants to tighten immigration laws, think even bar it from specific countries
>“I wouldn’t mind sitting on my ass all day, smoking mushrooms and collecting government checks”
>Is a mobster
Obviously the immigration bit is a complex issue but he’s a bit of a hypocrite. And still a mobster
I don't remember any of that actually. And bobby Sr is my favorite short term characters
>Laid his hands on Ralph when he should have just taxed and barred him from the Bing
>Kills Ralph even after the Ginny Sack incident that would have ensured Ralphies loyalty to Tony. (Ralph was skimming NY with his paving union
>Told Johnny that Angelo thought up of the triumvirate, placing him in Johnny’s crosshairs, leading to Blundetto avenging his death
>Unnecessarily domineering towards NY capo, Phil Leotardo, who would go on to turn into the acting boss, them official boss
>NY-NJ war
I don’t know user. When it came to pivotal moments, he played all his cards wrong
Would still breed her desu
>breeding non-white woman
okay, now this is epic
Blunder-detto fucked himself over, Tony handled it as best as he could. It was hard and he tried to play it off as long as possible, and fuck that New York fanook, calling the shots. Tony should have killed him first.
Wow, her tits are so much smaller in that bikini dancing scene. I want her to place her butthole perfectly down my nose and sit on it
Blundetto wouldn’t have taken the job if he were financially secured. Tony should have given him the casino job before the hit took place, use that high iq to good use. It doesn’t even make any fucking sense that guys who kept their code of silence would NOT be given special treatment. You give them special treatment, it reminds everyone else of the prizes to come should you not being a flipping fucking asshole. I don’t get why the mobsters in the Soprano world dont get that
I should punch your lights out, your lucky
as someone who grew up bergen county and is familiar with nasty wops, i agree completely
I wonder if they would have had a different route for Anthony if he didn’t turn out to be such a gimp and manage to sidestep puberty for 5 seasons. Maybe he would have tried to join the mafia like Jackie
Ah hell, Blundetto passed on all of those opportunities initially trying to stay clean, then fucked it up, then came crawling back to Tony, who helped him get the legit job he wasted. Yeah Blundetto stayed loyle, but he made too many poor decisions, big brains or no.
>tfw you'll never be a handsome priest abusing the good graces of thirsty mob bosses' wives.
Did he fuck Jackie's wife after he passed?
I prefer the route we got honestly. It was an honest and sincere look at a loser-type male. You don’t really get something as realistic in any other show because of how repulsive and difficult it is to handle.
I think Chase always intended for AJ to be the way he was. We see all the other kid actors falling into the mob life and they all look every bit as wimpy and snivelling as AJ is. None of them were ever as muscular as Jackie
No, he’s like a whiff of sexuality that never goes anywhere. He gets off on edging himself
She gave him Jackie's watch though. Like, damn.
The Flying Ointment