Dany didn't fucking deserve that.
Dany didn't fucking deserve that
Other urls found in this thread:
We are so privileged as a society that these are the things which occupy our brains and enrage is the most. Times are good.
>"I'm going to burn cities to the ground"
>Does that shit
>"OMG wtf why did she do that?
Good times create weak men.
Weak men create bad times.
Bad times create strong men.
Strong men create good times.
It’s a never ending cycle friend. The sun will set on us once again. But until then, we must brave the storm.
she did exactly what shes been saying for 7 seasons.
I hate to feel bad for d&d but the clues were all there and they did a good job proving them. Anyone who doesn't accept this turn of events is clearly in denial.
Deep bro.
This is kind of what pre-9/11 pop culture was like. Remember the first "PC" wave was in the mid-90s. Its is refreshing that these are the most important issues these days. Quality of life is directly proportional to how inane societal woes are.
Maybe the last episode will be just the shitting scene.
Based retard
Did you know most of these faggots who are complaining started watching this or last season?
They haven't even watched most the show.
These are the people trying to change your opinion.
if he would have gotten off his fat ass and written then they wouldn't have had to go off on their own and it's not like he writes high end literature
Why are you so mad at him?
>mfw based retards are literally proving Dany's reaction is reality-based with every meltdown
Yeah, thousands of years ago we didn't worry about the drama of fantasy characters.
Oh wait.
Yes the boring cunt did. A shitty end to a shitty character.
The difference is nuclear weapons exist now. Hard times might be the end times next go.
>he thinks Greeks viewed them as fantasy characters
She's been shown to be a spiteful bitch since season one, why is anyone surprised
Only the dumb ones did.
While she snapped too all of a sudden how can anyone watch this show for so long and don't think Dany has at the very least the potential for evil?
>There was no motivation for Daenerys to lay Kings Landing low
I agree. This is true. It's also true that this makes perfect sense because she's a psycho shitlib woman.
Literally go to twitter right now and look at the thousands of middle-aged post-menopausal psycho cunts calling for the blood of unborn babies because of the Alabama bill being passed. Most of their profiles have shit like "my kids have 4 paws" in them too. These are people who have all the power in the world after years of persecuting anyone who disagrees with them and stands up to their bullshit and they still act like the victims so they can justify genociding more people in the name of liberation and justice.
This is one of the best, most honest, and true-to-life episodes of TV in history, and the fact that it happened is one of the most shocking surprises in all of modern mass media.
She's much more interesting a character now
I can't tell if this is a troll or not, I'm leaning not.
Cersei was Hillary. Dany is Trump.
>Anyone who doesn't accept this turn of events is clearly in denial.
Are inplying that rabid fifth wave feminists are ignorant of the reality that is right in front of them? That they can't see the glaring flaws of women they idolize and their crazed ideology can only accept some Mary Sue ideal character that proves to them that women can never ever do any wrongs?
Say it isn't so!
oh it's real
Megan Ellison is the head of Annapura Pictures, retarded faggot tranny
I take it you haven't read Plato
No, just Dinnerseto
based. weve never had it so good
>Are inplying that rabid fifth wave feminists are ignorant of the reality that is right in front of them? That they can't see the glaring flaws of women they idolize and their crazed ideology can only accept some Mary Sue ideal character that proves to them that women can never ever do any wrongs?
>Say it isn't so!
that's maga
Surely the Greeks start with Plato
Let me guess, your an atheist too?
Lmao at your """""""""""""""""life""""""""""""""""""""
Her post did a literal 180.
>history doesn't repeat itself
>the pax romana was never a thing
The truth may be that most people who are or were currently watching GoT did not in fact watch all 8 seasons. That would explain a great deal about how betrayed everyone feels. I did watch all 8 seasons, and I just find it hilarious since the hints are there but the way the staff chose to execute the GOTCHA moment was laughably asinine.
That's only because if you say ANYTHING against the Jews you get fucking murdered or socially exiled.
gonna be awkward when the GRRM version does the exact same thing with dany's character with more foreshadowing of course because the fat man isnt a fucking hack
Right. He's a fat fucking hack.
Greek mythology is literally a telenovela.
That thread was a riot
Dany probably wouldn't vomit all over King's Landing. For one thing, only Japanese dragons have lock-on targeting.
>no motivation
Dany has been acting like a megalomaniac and getting pseudosexual pleasure from torturing people to death since season 2. Did these people actually think she helped people because she cared about them and not because it made them worship her like a god?
>Luke Skywalker doesn't belong to you incel, it's Ryan Johnston's film and he can do what he likes with his character. You're just mad that your boring white male self insert isn't perfect after all.
Ah the delicious irony
Let me guess, you believe Jesus existed. Kek
Yeah definitely, some guy said some words so that's surely how the world works
how the fuck does someone do all that soo young?
Her Dad's a billionaire and she's got a billion dollar trust fund of her own as well. Her movie studio went under because of poor investments.
>Parents: Larry Ellison
her brother is the head of Skydance as well. Maybe their dad invested in both of their studios as an experiment to see which would be more successful.
Typical, woman gets millions of dollars for free from daddy & still fails
those movies weren't all that bad
*ruins Stannis*
Haha imagine caring this much about fictional characters, INCEL alert
*does something that GRRM has been hinting at for decades*
Really makes you think
>no one cared when she burned astapoor, incited civil wars, or conquered mereen, killed all the leadership and then just randomly left leaving a chaos worse than slavery ever could be
>but she burns one white city and the writers are suddenly sexist
oh, how the inherently racist and privileged white girls love showing their true thoughts when it's not "evil" brown people being burnt
That's what the books were setting up too, though. I mean, the series is obviously rushing through the plot points Martin left them with with no idea how to connect them naturally but this is most definitely gonna happen in the books too, if probably not exactly the same way.
>okay sry I was a touch emotional earlier but they suck lol
>Dany didn't fucking deserve that.
Hahaha. This was actually GRRM's twist and he literally said it but this dumb bitch thinks that his life's work was all for her stupid simplistic female power fantasy.
>30 years
roastie math lol
Haha. Good point.
Wait George gave D&D cliffnotes about the end right? Does this mean book Dany will die and based Aegon "Young Griff" ((Targaryen)) wins the Game of Thrones?
>30 years of work
10 years of work, max.
imagine being this buttmad about a tv show.
pshh, plato is a baby book i read it in like 3rd grade
Shame the pop culture these days sucks ass because otherwise we could be in the comfiest time ever.
Femlets sperging out is always hilarious.
Bomber Daenerys is probably straight out of GRRMs mind and she will end up burning Kings Landing in the books. But it will make more sense there. Also Jon will shishkebab her but in the books will prob be an azor ahai thing
They’re going to get a shock when they read the books and that’s exactly how she turns out.
How do we Know GRRM didn't agree with this ending too? I didn't like it, but we don't know what he thinks
>implying any of these people have read the books
She's an independent film producer, D&D are way above her in the Hollywood ecosystem. Their careers are only finished if the higher ups at Disney and other major studios turn on them.
I checked with Google, shouldn't it be like 28 years? G.R.R. Martin began in 1991, so that should be 28 years.
Why is the sjws so mentally ill?
If you are serious, you are autistic
Look at who her father is.
>How do we Know GRRM didn't agree with this ending too? I didn't like it, but we don't know what he thinks
He gave D&D a rough outline of how it ends.
>implying GRRM will finish another book that isn't named fire and blood.
Well then the jokes on them for being fucking retarded
The salt coming this Sunday my break twitter forever.
top zozzle
>she had no motivation
Holy fuck what have these plebs been watching instead of GoT?
retarded americans keep repeating this bullshit
just fuck off already, it's not true, that's not how the world works
CW shows
>it's not true, that's not how the world works
it is ture and it's always been this way.
In Ser Jorah's pussy on a pedastal fantasy land where she didn't just burn, crucify and execute her way through the series
Megan Ellison has done more for cinema than D&D would ever do in 10 lifetimes
I don't even watch this capeshit tier manchild show but I'm loving this social media normie meltdown
>tripfag with an email
We're reaching boomer levels I didn't think were possible
>these are the people producing academy award-tier movies
man, every rock you look under is just more clown world
>thinking random twitter screenshots are indicative of what everyone believes
Jesus is a documented historical figure. The fuck are you talking about?
Explain Africa.
You can't explain it then? Ok, so why do you keep spewing that lie?
Yandere blondes create hard dicks.
Whenever I see any words that end in "ist" i stop reading because my eyes are rolling over in the back of my head
These people really didn't see it coming. They never saw the lead up despite the fact it was clearly there and more than once. How on Earth could they seriously think it was rushed?? And I'm going to fucking laugh when the books finally come out and she goes batshit in those too.
Yes but he's pozzed by Jon connington. Bitter sweet.
I can't believe they killed Ned he was the good guy!!!
I can't believe they killed Renly, that's homophobic!
I can't believe they killed Catelyn! That's sexist and misogynistic!
I can't believe they killed that black guy in Qarth! That's racist!
>I love game of thrones seasons 1-7 because it SUBVERTED my expectations! I hate season 8 for the same reason though.
These people are hopeless
I have a feeling that Kings landing is going to be sacked 3 separate times. Once by Aegon, Once by Dany, and Once by the North. Its going to be hilarious.
>general platitude to inspire fear from a women who couldn't bear watching Dothraki rape a couple of women
If Jon Snow or Tyrion burned the city, you'd be sperging as much as Dannyfags now and don't even pretend otherwise
lmao women
Documented in the Bible! Lmfao
He did though.
You can't explain africa because it's the outlier because of niggers.
Why do these people think it's sexist? Are female characters only supposed to be perfect?
jews ruin everything. now even roasties know that.
She deserved worse.
quiet, redditnigger
Why do these morons always scream sexism? Why can't it just be shit writing?
They're not men, you nigger, they're animals.
She's right. What she neglects to tell however is that the motivation was cut out by giving the NK kill to Arya. If Jon had done it, then Dany would be eyeing Jon with envy because he's not only the true heir but a legitimate war hero, not just someone who rides a dragon.
a billion, user. a billion.
Aegon is the prince that was promised. Rhaegar made a mistake though in naming that boy prematurely that way when Jon Snow turned out to be Azor Ahai. At some point Rhaegar noticed his error and things took the turn they did.
>But it will make more sense there
Yeah because Jon will be a legit war hero for stopping the Others and being the legit heir. Envy will cause her downfall in the books.
Mom said to take out the trash, Eric.
Not really. I'm a Slav who've seen the terrible reality for last 5 centuries.
Good times create weak men.
Weak men create bad times.
Bad times create cutthroat soulless opportunists.
Cutthroat soulless opportunists create even worse times.
Repeat last two lines ad infinitum.
It used to be true that back in days of monarchies when one good man could change everything the country could unjust itself within a generation but that's no longer the case.
is she bloody contradicting herself, and not realising it in the process?
It's not strong men that create good times but wise men. And it's foolish men (aka those valuing strength) that create bad times. Case in point: social darwinist Nazis and WW2.
Black Africans have never had a mighty empire that changed the world nor have they contributed to the human race in any significance.
>for last 5 centuries
You mean forever
Why are you trying to have a reasonable conversation with shitposters? All they're trying to accomplish is getting (You)s here.
>whaaa for once a women in television isn't portrayed as the hero
pathetic femcels.
To be fair, the show seems to broadly shit on male characters and elevate female ones.
>when one good man could change everything t
That was never the case. There cannot be a sweeping change without an army of followers. One man is nothing without supporters.
Marble super heroes are just like ancient gods
Fat man sold the writes to his slop and gave them all their notes, if he objected to anything he's kept his fat mouth shut and even said the story would end similar in the books that he will never finish.
Didn't Emilia Clarke ask for her character to do this? I heard she wanted to become the biggest villain and the directors caved.
No that was sansa that wanted to get gang raped to death but tumblr objected.
>Are female characters only supposed to be perfect?
Pretty much, female characters having any flaws, weaknesses, or being wrong is misogynistic in the eyes of these people.
If they don't make the black guy with no dick the kang then they are super racist.
>stealth armada of moving ships with fuckhuge ballistas manages to ambush and nail a dragon right in the fucking throat from like a hundred fucking miles away, while the dragon is flying around up in the sky
>Euron's fleet and all of the KL ballista's can't even touch Dany's dragon because she uhh... flies up at the right moment
This writing is special.
It was Griff notes. Not sure to blame Georgei handwriting or Dabid's reading ability
>Implying Dany will ever make it back to the seven kingdoms
>Euron will be remembered as a Hero for generations, slaying the Mad Queen’s other dragon
Euron Dragonsbane!
>It's not strong men that create good times but wise men. And it's foolish men (aka those valuing strength)
Wise men are strong men. Foolish men are men who don't value tradition or are amoral.
Nice argument but op's are right. Black Africans are a blip in history because they have no contributed to it.
Based and Theistpilled
Most of Southeast Asia didn’t have empires that changed the world and yet they were quite prosperous in the past and becoming prosperous nowadays
>have no problem with the rampant fuckery until their self insert feminist power fantasy gets Dabidpilled as well
Jesus Christ I can't imagine waiting 30 fucking years for a story to finish.
I wonder how stannisfags are right now
Nobody cared when their precious character got assasinated but everyone flipped about when dany character was assassinated
just proof how nobody GIVES a FUCK about stannis lmao
>applying societal laws to a continent filled with animals
>there are people that were half as young as the Stark kids when the first book came out
>they are now twice as old as they are in their latest release
>t. weak man
>impotent rage rant on twitter in any way related to someone nuking a city
Based retard.
>Foolish men are men who don't value tradition
No, those that value tradition over all else are bound to be left behind. Take any page out of history for fucks sake. If we didn't discard tradition when it stopped serving it's purpose we would never progress as a society.
I have something to add: all women are whores
But user, you don't understaaaand, your standards of what a "CiViLiZAtiOn" is are defined by your huwite supreeeemacy and therefore your argument is RACISMS and WRONG and BAD and WRONG.
>one philosopher is indicative of what every plebeian believed
The only thing which will make this season kino is if Drogon speaks
>Wait George gave D&D cliffnotes about the end right?
He did but that was ages ago and since the money has been made on GoT, he could change his mind and they couldn't do anything and probably wouldn't care.
>Does this mean book Dany will die and based Aegon "Young Griff" ((Targaryen)) wins the Game of Thrones?
Personally I think she'll kill Aegon but who the fuck knows. She visits him with two dragons to see if he can ride one (true test of Targ blood), it eats him, she absorbs his army, moves on. Just my theory.
>He gave D&D a rough outline of how it ends.
Doesn't mean they're following it, or that he won't change it. I'd think he would just to make his books "more original". I know, the show's the adaptation but the books are trailing now, it's weird. I still think he'll mix it up just to be different to the show.
>is she bloody contradicting herself, and not realising it in the process?
Yes, though she's attempting to do a "it isn't that because X and even if it were, it would be OK because Y". It doesn't really work in rhetoric because you're supposed to commit to an argument, not play both sides. It works fine in court though, lawyers often say "X shows that that my client dindunuffin but if they had; then Y would make it legal anyway". You can totally split a defence both ways, it's about arguing that the prosecutions case is misconstrued because what they're proposing that the defendant did is permitted under some circumstance but in any case, the defendant didn't even do that.
literally who
>Fat man sold the writes to his slop and gave them all their notes, if he objected to anything he's kept his fat mouth shut and even said the story would end similar in the books that he will never finish.
That's true but consider the conquest (fat sacks of cash). He's got that cash now and the show makes have theirs, so nobody will care what he does now and he can do whatever he wants because it won't hurt show sales.
>Euron is omnipotent until Dany is
>shit writing
You're not wrong but I can live with it. I see three reasons for all that.
>hack TV writing reason
They made Euron omnipotent to build him up as a villain and put Dany in threat because putting the heroes in jeopardy is how hacks build suspense and engagement. Now it's time for the pay off and because they're not very good, they couldn't come up with anything better than "this time Dany is paying attention"
>OOC reason
Euron was the big bad and had the mojo but Dany stole it because now she really wants to win and spends some hero points. She's suddenly the protagonist instead of reacting to the antagonist.
>IC reason
Last time, Euron ambushed Dany, this time, nobody expected her to risk going against the Iron Fleet and she ambushed him out of the sun and caught him by surprise at point blank where the slow traversing scorpions couldn't be brought to bear.
Basically, Euron was such bullshit in the last few episodes and last season that Dany returning the bullshit is the least of the things I can be bothered caring about.
Yes, ambushing from the sun is literally a pirate move that Euron should anticipate. Noticing disturbances in the clouds is literally something any sailor ought to be doing at all times, especially when they're on guard. Still, Dany hasn't actually taken the initiative against Euron until now and up till now, every battle Euron has fought has been him ambushing someone, not holding a line in a fixed position where others are ambushing him.
He was the greatest pirate in the world but that's not really the same as a naval commander who has to manage fleets, logistics and defend fixed territory and objectives rather than cutting and running any time a battle isn't going their way. Victarion would be harder to ambush than Euron who just has plot armour and a reputation.
>at point blank where the slow traversing scorpions couldn't be brought to bear
I was literally thinking of Eve and an interceptor orbiting a battleship when I was watching that battle.
For now. Israel is demanding that Drumpf start World War 3 over Iran so they can sell more weapons. Once the nukes start flying no one will be discussing Game of Shit anymore.
Hmmm. I dunno about that. It’s obvious we use entertainment like this to distract us from how unsatisfying and boring our lives are.
>this faggot actually thinks the greek pantheon was their version of the MCU
jesus fucking christ you americans never cease to amaze me
There's a great quote from Tycho today about this.
>It was all built up to burn it down; the pyre was heaped with every chapter
I mean, he thinks that Gurm ought to tack hard and go into left field but still, the characters were written to kill and die and we're coming to the crescendo so we should expect shit to be bonkers now.
But user is right.
Greek mythology wasn't set down in a bible, it was stories told by bards to entertain the masses.
Priests didn't give sermons, they oversaw sacrifices and prayers, that's all.
Progress toward what?
Doubt it. You have democrats scrambling to cover up watergate 2.0 and nobody gives a shit.
Well, I'd say towards technology, equality and happiness but you'd dismiss all of those for your own reasons. Social progress is towards empowerment, both of the individual and society. No doubt you disapprove because of your 'strong men' concept where a few strong men rule everyone else.
The problem you face is that with that is that it's circular reasoning. Strong men are good so things that make everyone stronger and limit the ability of strong men to rule weak men, are bad, and therefore, progressing towards this state is bad, therefore wisdom etc are secondary to strength etc. It's just going around in a circle.
Dany was always power hungry and burnt people alive even before this
Jon wasn't like that he was always good and honorable so it would be way more retarded if this happened with him.
>watergate 2.0
watergate was a whitehouse scandal. You think democrats are covering up something Trump did?
Don't bother explaining, you've lost the plot already. This is a GoT thread.
>Dany was always power hungry and burnt people alive even before this
Up until now, she only burnt arseholes of one sort of another. Everyone she burnt/crucified etc, in one way or another, an enemy or arsehole. The witch took her unborn child, the masters crucified children, the slavers were literally an enemy army, so were the lannisters army.
Kings Landing was civilians and surrendered soldiers, it's a totally different level of blood lust.
I wonder what all the Khaleesi's and their parents are thinking right now
That the name got a lot more bad-ass
Dany is burning with rage and grief and wanted to rain fire and death on those who hurt her. When her vengeance is cut short by the almost instant surrender of KL, she feels bitter disgust. Not only is she robbed of her revenge she is filled with contempt for the city that, far from welcoming her arrival as Breaker of Chains, cowered behind its walls and obeyed Cersei over her. She is picturing having to ingratiate herself to the cowards and snakes of the capital, who she now knows will bend like palms trees whichever way the wind is blowing. They don't love her and she won't be their true chosen Queen. She'll just be a girl who showed up with a dragon and everyone surrendered.
So she "chose fear". No one will question her or disrespect her. There'll be no trial of Cersei or whispered politics. The people of Kings Landing didn't want her to depose Cersei, they would have preferred if she just took her dragon and left. They don't want her as a saviour so she's got to be a conquerer. Westeros will bend the knee under threat of fiery death.
Still it was obvious what they were trying to do with those scenes, they were trying to show that she enjoyed burning people alive and feeling powerful
No guys it's a different kind of murder totally justified even though none of them received any sort of platform to admit to their guilt and receive a punishment under law.
Dany was a shitty fucking leader who happened to be in the right place at the right time, and had far more experienced and intelligent people handholding her to power. Dany's only claim to fames were her dragons. Let's face it: If Dany didn't have those dragons, she'd been killed off in the third book.
People who say this are usually the weak ones, mistaking themselves for the strong
I don't see the trip. Is it a new kind of invisible trip?
>admit to their guilt
>receive a punishment under law
>nuking a city
No cities were nuked in the production of this show. It's fantasy, which is what makes ranting on twitter about it appropriately absurd.
>I don't see the trip. Is it a new kind of invisible trip?
Not that user but I see it. You might have "hide trips" turned on in the Yea Forums config. I wouldn't blame you if you had. I've never bothered because I don't even see the trip until people point it out.
>People who say this are usually the weak ones, mistaking themselves for the strong
This also is true, it's like Dunning-Krueger also applies to strength.
>Dany's only claim to fames were her dragons
She also has some prophetic dreams from time to time, intermittent fire immunity and the occasional flash of brilliance about how to move forward (like acquiring the unsullied) as well as an instinct on how to inspire loyalty and even worship from her followers. She's not entirely useless and has several strong points in her favour.
king's landing civilians walk of shamed cersei, they were assholes too
If it was Cersei doing the burning, I might agree with you.
Everything is personal with rulers, it's first and foremost about themselves.
can American mutts literally think about anything else other than Adolf Hitler and the national socialist workers party of germany?
>dany is an emotional unstable cunt
>"I was a touch emotional"
Dany is a pretty realistic female character if you ask me.
I forgot to greentext.
Then you're trolling very badly.
>sign a 5 year none compete worth a fortune
>5 years pass
>release "da real ending" books, but really just copy the tv series with a few tiny irrelevant tweaks that dont impact anything
>make big dolla
>mfw dany is the jussie smollet of westeros
>her kids
Is Dany a pit mom?
Maybe Drogon can turn his head? Using that long snake like neck? It might not even be related to his direction of flight?
Seriously, his head is on the end of a 10m omni-directional turret and his CoG is far back from his head so the disruption to flight is minimal.
Of all the things to complain about, a flying creature using their neck is not one of them.
>>our brains
Speak for yourself cunt. This is all just bread and games to distract us from how rotten everything has turned.
This. The world is fucked.
>s1 dany gets mad burns shit
>yas kween
>s2 dany gets mad burns shit
>yas kween
>s3 dany gets mad burns shit
>yas kween
>s4 dany gets mad burns shit
>yas kween
>s5 dany gets mad burns shit
>yas kween
>s6 dany gets mad burns shit
>yas kween
>s7 dany gets mad burns shit
>yas kween
>s8 dany gets mad burns shit
>what is this sexist bullshit I didn’t see this character development coming from anywhere
Why are people so stupid
>there are people who have a hard time understanding game of thrones
Jesus christ just nuke the west already
Communism bad. Got it.
I'm talking about something with the same scale not to autistically compare every aspect of it
>believing nuclear weapons are as powerful as you’ve been told
If you live in the country you’ll be fine.
>Bad times create strong men.
Or women.
Why can't these femcels just have sex, it's only a tv show for fuck sake.
>trump will drain the swamp of elites and boot lickers
>trump does exactly what the Jews in Israel tell him to do
So which one is it you fucking moron
>If you live in the country you’ll be fine.
"Fine" in this context is EXTREMELY relative.
1. The destruction of global infrastrure would mean the end of virtually all modern comforts, I hope you have a lot of books on your shelves because you're gonna need to entertain yourself going forward, there'll be no internet.
2. Only a vanishingly small percentage of the rural population actually know how to subsistence farm, modern farms are specialized and not built to provide fully for the people running them.
Even if I were capable I really would not be fine with living the rest of my life basically being a feudal peasant.
change yan to tsun and its a based opinion yes it is!
>they ruined 30 years of George RR Martin last sunday
>Not last 4 years
heh, classic liberals
>can't into analogies
yes you are
tell us more dad.
If it happens it happens and then you probably die. Or maybe you survive and end up living the rest of your life as a feudal peasant. Either way you don't have any real say in the matter so who gives a fuck.
Point is, we won't be "fine" even in the unlikely event that we don't die.
>14 girl so redpilled she could practically be a host on The Right Stuff.
2000% Based
>the results were positively shocking
Ah, so the Oscar noms were bought.
Me, an intellectual: Guess women really are too emotional
Nah, it's going to be Arya. The episode ended with her riding a white horse out of the destruction. Foreshadowing much?
>war hero
He would be a walking God at that point.
Back from the dead, made king in the north, kills Night King. true heir to the iron throne.
Ever since Lost I dont watch a show until it's over so I can gauge time commitment.
Looking forward to this show.
I hate that the major backlash now is hamplanet cat ladies BAWWWing over their self-insert rather than people who had their investment killed by shit writing
I'm starting to think this whole season is a social experiment to test if women make rational choices in voting for leaders
>people who had their investment killed by shit writing
Those people lost faith a long, long time ago.
Maybe around when Bran&co ended up at Craster's Keep just to create a dramatic moment when he glimpses Jon from a distance. Those episodes were arguably the start of the D&D fan fiction.
>Ah, so the Oscar noms were bought.
Those films were critically acclaimed and are legitimately considered quite good.
Though in general, yes, most oscar nominations are bought, I'm sure hers were somewhat bought too but it probably helps to have good films to buy nominations for.
>Ever since Lost
I never really started watching Lost because I could already see what a train wreck it was. There's just this vibe that those shows give off. High intensity, melodrama, 180 loyalty flips, heel-face turns like a revolving door...I think it started with late season 1 Twin Peaks and now, if a show starts to look too incoherent or random, it's just dead to me.
Can someone redpill me on why people are buttemade? I've never seen the show.
Lots of people died in the titties and dragons power hour? Isnt that how the show is??
for once I agree with the normies
It's not the twist itself that is what's annoying as fuck - it's the fucking out of nowhere rushed bullshit.
Dany is an annoying cunt in the books but because you don't have the inspiring music in the background then you can't trick the reader into thinking she's a saint.
That is exactly what DnD did for 7 years and with 2 episodes to go they decide - "actually she was crazy all along lmao".
I'm 100% sure this twist would occur in the (what will never be released) books but it would be done far far more deftly.
DnD are incompetent retards though who decided to rush the final season despite HBO AND GRRM both wanting more episodes to spread the content out in.
>implying critical acclaim isn't bought
Look at fucking marvel.
I don't get it people considered Cersei blowing up the High Septum and all her enemies one of the most evil things ever yet Dany did the equivalent over and over and over again and they cheered.
these are the same retards that have a twitter outrage over Ramsay raping Sansa and Joffrey killing Ross but high five each other when Ramsay castrated and tortured Theon for an entire season.
yes 1000 millions
>brainlet doesnt know the academy
I feel so sorry for you
I'd even say Cersei was more justified since she was cornered and had to do something about the sparrows but Dany kept going out of her path to burn people.
>Daenerys is a character that as repeatedly shown to probably go mad one day, both due to her genetics and some actions which hint at it throughout the show
>along the way she accumulates power by collecting various people of colour and frees slaves from baddies
>She therefore became popular with normies and women who want to support the good guy in a show that became popular specifically because most of the characters had complex morals
>when she eventually became mad and burnt everything there were tumblr tears from people who thought she was going to be a good character, there was satisfaction from people who were waiting for her to go mad, who had the bonus of also enjoying the tumblr tears
>but from an actual show quality point of view, the exact moment when she went mad didn't make much sense because it was right when she was winning a battle
>fans of Daenerys were literally shaking at what happened to their fave and blamed the writers and made it about sexism of course
>the writers are hacks, but there was sufficient hints that Daenerys was going to go mad and by hints i mean saying she's going to rule by fear right before she does
>if they actually liked the character of daenerys rather than just wearing quirky mother of dragon tshirts then they would have known that daenerys was going to go mad or at least struggled with madness
Imagine an alternate timeline where D+D didnt cram the ending into 6 episodes and they actually gave all these character developments the proper time they needed to develop
Watching Dany's descent into madness should have occurred over a whole season, not within 30-ish minutes
>nukes go off
>world becomes Fallout in a nutshell
I’m okay with that, especially since I can legally begin the race war.
good. i hope they catch you desu
what is misdirection?
>The most popular show on Earth is about a crazy feminist that brought inmigrants to the doors of the most civilized city in all of the West
I just realized Danny is Angela Merkel and D&D are warning us about the downfall of the West.
Cersei blew up major characters that were all fodder for normies to grow attached to.
Dany has killed nobody of importance prior to season 8, she's depicted as good in contrast to Cersei as she spent the first seasons only killing unnamed slave masters and those Dothraki Khal's, the only instance i can think of are the Tarly's.
everything today needs to be sudden, EBIN twists, user. gradual change just isn't as AWESOME!
Why do people keep saying they've ruined his work when:
1: they haven't even read the books
2: it was George that turned Dany mad
Do they think D&D made this decision and that in the books she won't turn ?
>his mobile phone autofilled his gmail into the name field
Can't believe all these fags taking you seriously when you can't even operate a fucking phone
I meant the books, he started writing the book in 1991, so it should be 28 years of work.
Why doesn't she just approach HBO about working on their Game of Thrones prequel series, or are DnD working on the prequels after finishing Game of Thrones and before preproduction on those Star Wars movies.
long's lading on the other hand deserved it all
Is she Alia Atriedes?
>underage and no life experience or understanding of the world
Maybe try leddit
Nah, Merkel is a cunning old crone, she knows exactly what she's doing.
Dany is a amalgamated avatar of millennial liberal women, driven entirely by emotion and high on their own righteousness to the point of not perceiving reality.
African men aren't strong?
They live day to day in their shitty environment just fucking and eating. That's not strength, much less mental strength.
user said men, that implies agency and humanity
Proving the point:
Where are all those matriarchies?
unironically this
They don't read or care about the books
austerity, stressors and trauma in the early stages of development are strongly associated with negative outcomes like low income, shorter lifespan, lower reported life satisfaction, low education and many more
it's something incels tell themselves to justify being weak beta pussies and boomers like to say because they think it sounds like some esoteric and ancient knowledge
Death by Dragonfire doesnt seem bad since they get immolated instantly as seen in executions. Its only bad during battle when you get hit by a stray shot and you burn horribly.
If the retarded bydlo in KL are "civilized" they deserve this shit desu.
Dun mind me i'm just posting here because i want this thread to hit the bump limit and fucking die. All twitter screencap threads deserve to be in the shitter
Without trying to defend the shitty writing here, if you think there wasn't any buildup to Dany losing it, you haven't been paying attention. She's been slowly turning into a power hungry bitch since the Mereen arc.
My response to Stannis was that I just stopped caring about the show or what anyone else thought. I stopped watching and moved on, and wouldn't even know about this Dany and Arya shit if not for massive spergouts on Yea Forums and social media.
>All twitter screencap threads deserve to be in the shitter
Why? Because you say it?
>retard thinks dany is gonna be a dindu nuffin in the books
>thinks grrm was gonna write a disney end
In historical times that one good man of course promoted and hired other good men. But still, the quote is still fucking bullshit.
>no motivation
Except for being a besieger tired and angry as fuck that they lost a bunch of men and women surrounding a city who just didn't know when to give up.
>imagine being that invested in one particular character on GoT
damn, son, it must suck to be you
That's the chaos element.
>whole show is turned into unbelievable feminist wank.
>they're still not happy.
wow, it's almost like you shouldn't pander to women.
it sounds like some sort of valid mechanism because if you have strong men who create good times, the times will eventually stop being good and the men stop being strong for some reason
of course weak men don't turn bad times into good, and even if they would then nobody would call them weak. When the strong men create strong men, they're also lumped together as the same.
Fuck that! A dragon killing an entire city? That worth watching the series after all.
I can
The Danyfags who keep supporting her through all this are actually worse.
Funny. I'm actually a Bernout and even I am sick of that bullshit.
What the fuck does some cartoon dog from Disney cartoons have to do with it?
Beat me to it. Fuck you Miura.
Soc was killed because he dared say natural phenomena were the gods they were glorifying
It's partially true imho. It's as if we look for super-heroes because we don't have paganism.
If you read the deeds told in myths is literally capeshit, albeit there are layers of interpretations of human psychological processes and historical events re-told.
But Batman punching the Joker is literally Chaoskampf.
>like dany
>get associated with these retards
oh well
Not accepting the surrender of a city in medieval times after it was breached was basically the standard.
So, what cersei did was a crime while what dany did is just warfare
the difference is that the greeks were smart and that the capeshit authors were and are selling cheap trash for basic entertainment. Might as well say the bible is just sonic vore fanfiction.
But user weak men and strong men! Don't say things that are accurate, just invent some bullshit!
niggers aren't men
>greeks were smart
Where the hell is Hillary's back molar?
desu this makes me like dany more and i always hated the common people. idk why cersei cared to rule overthem.
>Future tense statement circa 2016
>Present tense statement
The prediction was wrong, but you act like there's some doublethink.
Is this Dany ending not the greatest thing we could have expected from D&D?
The only downside has been how incompetent they made the defenses of King's Landing. It's like the Lannister army just disappeared and the Golden Company was 1,000 men.
It should have been 40,000 Lannister/Golden Company soldiers vs 6,000 to 8,000 Unsullied/Northmen/Valemen.
>tfw Svarog was far better and more fierce
>reading comprehension fail
>stop caring so much about star wars the last jedi was good turn your brain off lol
epic clapback bro
Let me guess you're a """Christian"""
That’s actually a good point though, why is everyone reeing about Dany now, instead of the whole slave debacle
>it's womyn again
When will you incels ever shut up? She's a spoiled cunt, no different than if she was a spoiled faggot.
she's right, you know
Is it really a good idea for someone in hollywood to shit on someone else's work, also in hollywood?
>has to be ultimately put down for being feral
Forgot this one
>30 years of George R R Martins work
let's be real here he's only cumulatively spent a couple of months of that actually writing
This is why females belong in the kitchen.
apes =/= men
she owns a very succesful Hollywood studio user
like you can say she's not deserving of her success but she is successful
>When the forces of nepotism and affirmative action combine...
Entertainment media is the drug that keeps us docile. Times are bad, but at least we can watch some kino to distract ourselves right?
No, Tacitus and Josephus both recorded the death of a wannabe rabbi named Yeshua. What wasn't recorded was all the magic tricks.
will never happen
>and happiness
>I don't have any better ideas lol
the fact you even know what that is says a lot about you
The scandal is the spying on Trump that occurred as well as the actions leading up to the now over Mueller nonsense.
So it wasn't Jesus.
>planned on invading westeros since book 1
>with a foreign savage army
>to slaughter westerosi men
>based on a false claim
>understanding full well that the common folk DONT pray for her return
>enacts eye-for-an-eye justice everywhere she goes
>these savage and ultimately futile "deeds" lead retards in the audience to believe she's a "good guy" and that the invasion of westeros would be a good thing, GRRM is teaching you dumb asses a lesson
This wasn't a colossal shift in character, you're just a colossal faggot
Teasing what her character would become is still not walking the path faggot