>female, poc led socialist society falls apart when white men realize they provide 100% of the security
Female, poc led socialist society falls apart when white men realize they provide 100% of the security
>The accumulated filth of all their sex and thoting will foam up about their waists and all the whores and roasties will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down and whisper "honk honk."
the only way socialism can work is if the government nationalizes the industry. it all has to be government owned so everyone can be gauranteed a job. communism will scale better than capitalism but is not the answer. the truth is we need a reset. like a another world war. kill off about 60% of the population and start over again. Monetary society doesn't scale. human civ doesn't scale. it's all imperfect and the dudes that created this simulation had no idea what they were doing.
>100% of the security
Since when? Most security guards I've seen the last ten years have been black guys.
>Scene where all the Chads get denied sex unless they support socialism
>Go along with it for a while but ultimately remember that they're the Chads and there's no-one to stop them anymore
Kind of surprised they spent half of the third episode talking about how all the girls should be afraid of rape but then nothing ever happened. It's odd that there were murders before some guy decided to go full Jabba.
Lord of the Flies with women isn't very good though
looks like a shitty CW show that retards and fat girls watch
Not one fatty went to that high school?
what did they mean by this?
>Pure christian
>Saving herself for marriage even when all her peers descend into sin
>Takes upon herself the role of God's own shepherd
>Absolute qt
Being bestgirl is what she meant by it
Olivia Newton was supposed to be in the Supernatural spin off and instead she's in this piece of shit. Rough gig.
Reminder of what Pepe is.
you are an idiot
hapas look like trannies
Give me a quick run. No memes.
16-18 year olds are taken to a replica of their town with no adults or contact with the outside world
Doesn't sound half bad
I am on episode 6 and I am just enjoying the concept of retard high school kids trying to make their own society
Remember that CBS “reality show” where literal children had to form their city. LOL when they had to kill a chicken for food.
I do remember Kid Nation if that is what you are talking about. Enjoy that small town plotting and scheming
Yeah! That’s what it was called.
>Meme Legalism
Oh the hilarity
It's true though.
Some hot guys take off their clothes in this