about to watch this ,
The Nutcracker
Enjoy the hour+ you'll never get back
Be warned. The white girl makes out with a black guy in this movie.
Based foybro, together we will save Yea Forums from GoT
Lmao, this isn't true is it?
Kill yourself
I feel really bad for her. Makenzie Foy clearly thought this Disney movie was gonna be her breakout movie and make her the next Emma Watson. You can see that in all the interviews. But the movie failed and her dreams shattered
Legal loli
Disney's live action department is fucked. They can't make bank on anything that isn't a remake of a classic film.
why would I lie?
>approach her
>she does this
>wat do?
approach her again because getting beaten up by a girl is literally my fetish
that doesnt look right
God, what I'd do to crack my nut in her.
It absolutely is true. Why do you think it's called "The Nut into a Cracker" movie?
Not gonna lie, I leaked a little during that scene. BASED jews, let me tell ya.
Imagine how much jew producer cock she had to suck, all for nothing.
Me too.
oy vey
More like nut in your cracker
I should be on the floor
She doesn't get blacked. They don't have any relationship at all. I was pissed honestly. Was going to include to my list, but it doesn't qualify.
>I was pissed honestly
Look everybody! Look at the newfag trying to fit in! LOL!
been here since 2010. I was pissed. That's the truth.
>nigger loving cuck faggot
Kill yourself scumfuck
I also voted for trump.
>I voted for Zion don
No one cares
Antisemite. Palestine is rightful jewish clay.
his crotch touched her butt
Look at these legs, my God
Gods, when will genetic engineering let me have my own Mackenzie slave
All disney fags cucks?
If true, than the next phase of the mcu will flourish, if not, then it shouldn't
disney has been racebaiting all this time and I have yet to see a white woman with a black guy in a disney movie....