*rips off Yea Forums opinions and memes into a video format*
>normies eat it up and think of this faggot as their le epic rational youtuber
God i hate this fucking hack, he only has like 5 funny videos and it's cause of le cool voice
*rips off Yea Forums opinions and memes into a video format*
>normies eat it up and think of this faggot as their le epic rational youtuber
God i hate this fucking hack, he only has like 5 funny videos and it's cause of le cool voice
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off back to Yea Forumseddit with your eceleb trash bitch
Fuck off to >>>/web/ with your eceleb shit.
fuck off to reddit
Yea Forums is unironically better than Yea Forums and Yea Forums is half filled with literal reposts from reddit nearly all day. I even see people reposting the top comments from reddit posts in these same threads.
Imagine seeing yourself become worse than Yea Forums.
You're not allowed to shit on this guy on reddit
Yea Forums is the only place i've seen where youtube discussions don't get deleted
>Yea Forums opinions
Literally, legitimately, actually, please, fucking kill yourself.
the ultimate failed normie
I don't even know who that is... Should I?
The dubs over shitty infomercial products are the best though.
ive never heard of this dude before but one of his videos shitting on based cooking with jack yesterday he was boring as fuck
he stopped being funny the moment he showed his mug
at least he gave us this gem
Reminder he resides in the alita general
trash up his home and he cleans up the board
He peaked in 2009 tbqh.
Weeeeeeh he agrees with me
Weeeeeeh he disagrees with me
Just shut up you sour douche
Gibi ASMR likes him so I like him.
I think u don't realize how popular Yea Forums actually is. The post to lurker ratio was like 20:1 years ago
>shoves as many vulgar words into each sentence as possible
This thread is like a monkey shitting out his moist ear lobes as he vomits diarrhea while molesting his sphincter upside down on a fetus' umbilical cord covered in bloody urine
he was ok until he started showing himself
How the mighty have fucking fallen. A true shame.
You still watch YouTube videos?
back to pleddit normalfag
what a loser
Is cr1tikal a hapa?
>eceleb and youtube threads are deleted on Yea Forums within an hour
>reach bump limit on Yea Forums and last days
as soon as he started showing his face, i stopped watching this faggot.
Post link. I gotta know that shit.
Look at his hair. He purposefully tries to show he doesn't give a fuck and it's embarrassing.
He was "Yea Forumscore" until he became popular and now contrarians hate him
>>eceleb and youtube threads are deleted on Yea Forums within an hour
What bizarrochan are you browsing where this is true?
Sad part is that’s how he talks.
>rips off Yea Forums opinions and memes into a video format
sad thing is, those memes are all old as fuck. at least PewDiePie has the decency be timely
>steals from Yea Forums
He fell for the mustard gas meme when he tried to kill a cockroach. I seriously doubt he comes here.
>rips off Yea Forums opinions and memes into a video format
and that’s a GOOD thing
This. The other guys on his podcast definitely do but he doesn't come here.
Its that true why dont you fuck off there and dont come back
wait why is this off-topic thread still up? does this mean we can discuss that altright comrade ltcorbis and how she was on the alex jones show today talking about Yea Forums?
Every single video he makes now is him sitting and talking in this room. I can't last 2 minutes
Make a dsp or ltg thread right now and get back to me faggot
Oh, this is what we get in place of GoT threads? Lovely.
So it really is fucking Yea Forumsedditors ruining Yea Forums
>this is what Cr1tikal looks like
jesus christ I expected him to be black or something, he looks too different from my expectations when I used to watch him
stop telling me about youtubers i dont care
Literally who?
I haven't seen him ripping off Yea Forums opinions, he's not a psychotic racist.
Is he really that attractive to you?