Yea Forums related confessions

Yea Forums related confessions

I claim to love true arthouse cinema and enjoy the works of directors only snobs know about, like tarkovsky, Bergmen, Terrance malick or Federico Fellini but in reality I get so fucking bored watching their movies I fall asleep watching them every time even though I think theyre beautiful. Its almost a chore to try and watch them but I can watch a bunch of normie trash and love it

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I want to die, I also watch tv

you're not the only one. I've fallen asleep literally every time ive tried to watch a tarkovsky film.

I'm a fatfuck

i am the one and only sneedposter


I genuinely think this website, and the faggot no-life incels who spend all day posting here, is responsible for the downfall of my once great country

Captain Ron is one of the best movies ever made.

Im a literal neet. the jokes on here hit too close to home sometimes

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I want to get into Hollywood and make movies by revolutionizing the porn industry. Here me out before you pass judgement. everyone likes porn and always will, its a steady market no matter what anyone says so if you can get over the stigmatization of it you can have some steady work. People also,to a lesser extent, feel this way about movies. They dont have to be art house indie movies, and in fact that would turn a lot of people away, but a movie with a halfway decent script,acting and (heres the big thing) production value can do wonders. Look at all this capshit floating around, its literally the same movie being made over and over but the fans are shameless and the studios are willing to pump a moderate budget/cast into them and they always break even.
I love porn and movies, but they both lack what the other provides. Porn has some of the shittiest acting and set desgin ever and it completed takes me out of the picture. No Cherry, I dont believe that pizza man is so well hung, I dont think thats a real high school nurses office and I dont buy you enjoy having that fist in your ass. Im enough of a film snob where that will distract me. Movies on the other hand have that production value, but cock tease us with gorgeous stars and sexual innuendos to blatantly bring in crowds, then blue ball us with a pg13 rating thats wasted on one person saying fuck. Why not combine these two greats strengths? Like a sultry girl dressed conservatively, part of the appeal is whats not shown outright. Have a porn with the same level of camera quality, acting and plot of a tv show or film, teasing us with increasing provocative situations. Have you ever had something turn you on during a regular tv show? Its so sudden and unexpected, like hearing your favorite song on the radio, you are somehow more excited then when you went looking for it. Im suggesting something along those lines, professional grade porn with a sudden rise in climatic action until it comes right out with it

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I want to be Ezra Miller's big baby dildo boy. i want to turn into a big lumbering nigger and eat his asshole. his magic assjuice would turn me into a big baby dildo boy. he would stick me into his boi-pussy and i would wait with anticipation spouting big baby goo-goo gagas waiting for him to start thrusting me in and out of his hole. i want to feel his ezra miller essense on my big goo-goo ga-ga baby dildo body. i want to coat myself in his shit all over my big baby dildo boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a big rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with his boi-pussy ezra miller shit and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with big baby boy excitement as i thrust in and out of in his ezra miller boi-pussy and revel in his ass contractions, coated in that mixture of lube and feces, spreading them all over my big thick baby dildo boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want him to pull me out and lick and suck on and jack off my big baby dildo boy body so that his ezra miller shit and assjuices smear all over his ezra miller face and hands. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my big baby dildo boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into a grown human man.

I'm so sick of seeing that white haired lady pop up with like 50 threads when is that dragon show over?

I work in event planning and have met almost all of Yea Forumss waifus in some form or another. Meeting them up close is strange, years of having a person put on a pestle by this place and all forms of media has ruined me, you notice little imperfections. A crooked tooth, slight baby fat, part patches of skin, little irritating personality quirks. Im no looker myself and I understand the irony in all of this, in a way its good because it makes them seem more approachable and human but damn does it suck to meet your crushes

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Jesus christ this.

I used to do this with Japanese pro wrestling. Those 45 minute matches would legit put me to sleep.

I'd like to put most of them into an industrial grade mortar and pestle if you catch my drift.


>put on a pestle

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Nobody cares about plot in a porno retard

You took the words right out of my mouth. The production values and general quality of the vast majority of modern porn is just fucking pathetic, it's like watching someone's high school drama performance.

not a bad idea desu

I used to secretly indulge in romance movies (both serious and comedy) like Breakfast at Tiffany's, Dirty Dancing, and Love Story (I know it sounds pretty gay, but I was kinda a lonely guy back then and was one of those romantic types). After I got out of the military, I couldn't stand them. Still can't stand the overwhelming majority of them now.

I tried to watch "This is 40" with my daughter a few years ago and managed to hold it together until one scene where a rich lady is complaining about how hard her life is and I nearly exploded at that point. I just got up and left.

All the drama suddenly seemed like these fictional characters were making a big fuss about petty and stupid shit that didn't matter. I don't know why it was that particular movie but it just set me off.

I guess seeing enough dead kids will do that to anyone though.

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i fucking hate the french new wave

user porn is how money is laundered. Have you ever wonder how it keeps getting made even though no one has paid for porn in the last decade?

Im scared and saddened at how Disney is taking over everything. Scared becuase that amount of power by one studio will effectively smother creativity and competition. Sad because this means any creativity Disney had will be equally smothered and micromanaged. Its like seeing your childhood friend become a junkie

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>Get it off your chest
I wish I could redo college. I fucked up.

It wasn't just you. I couldn't stand that movie for the exact same reason. I wanted to yell at the screen when I was listening to the characters complain about how hard their lives were from an enormous mansion and bitching about how they're going broke when they all drove brand new BMWs. I was like sell your car and get something reasonable idiot. Just downsize to a smaller house, retard. I hate to employ the term but that movie was exactly what the left means when say "first world problems." Their lives were so lavish by even normal people's standards in America that all of their complaints and perceived woes just rung absolutely hollow.

I unironically enjoy Stranger Things

romcoms an girly movies about finding love are my guilty pleasure. Especially a domineering woman demanding a man, or a timid, nervously cute girl throws herself at a guy and gets heartbroken. Ive seen hes just not that ito you just gor the scenes with gigi

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>I hate to employ the term but that movie was exactly what the left means when say "first world problems."


>Their lives were so lavish by even normal people's standards in America that all of their complaints and perceived woes just rung absolutely hollow.

I was like "take one look at what's going on in your own country. Look at Ferguson, Missouri. Flint, Michigan. Chicago. Detroit." All the crime, addiction, and general misery of those places who speak the same language, watch the same sports, attend the same Churches, and vote in the same elections as you, and you have the gal to bitch? How supposedly enlightened actors can say such trash, even if its fictional, while keeping a straight face is beyond me.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with liking that. But at least for me, after seeing kids dead from starvation, typhus, cholera, and every other kind of disease imaginable, it all seems pointless to the point where your own life doesn't even feel real anymore.

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its a fucking girl movie you autist. If you want "real" problems then dont watch a movie catered for horny, lonely woman and watch a drama or war movie instead. Thats like asking why the fast and the furious movies dont have deep, thought provoking dialog. Its catered towards a specific audience, but that doesnt mean you cant enjoy it for what it is

i hate movies like project x ,good luck chuck ,any movies about party,alchool ,weed and girls... any movie that portray sex as something as casual as getting milk from the local store, any movie with a shy guy entering a house party than see a girl , she look at him and smile , next scene is his friend opening the bathroom door and catch them both fucking like in a literal porn ,than he enter and high five his friend and leave screaming " user is fucking anonnette !!! everone get in here "

i cant stand theses movies ,they make my blood boil
>inb4 have sex

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I don't watch movies made before the 80s because the special effects are so bad that most of it is unwatchable.

I live in a mansion on the beach, am fit, have friends, a full time job, am white, high iq, have sex and post sneed daily.

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I often cant pay attention to a movie if im watching on my computers, so ill have it playing on one screen and searching the internet on the other, stopping the film every 15 minutes or so ad if I really cant focus, ill just watch the cinematography and Wikipedia the plot afterwards. This is just how I watch movies now

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I try to appreciate critically-acclaimed classic movies, but most of them just end up boring the shit out of me.

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I wish I could be like you.

Please have sex, before it’s too late

i only watch shows or movies if they have cute/hot boys

I can't fucking wait for the GoT finale so that everyone shuts the hell up about it.

Id love this, something set up like a sit-com with a basic plot that gets more and more sexual, including a B-plot that might have nothing to do with whats going on

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Women just bore me to death in most films made post 1990’s. They were so cute and wonderful before that, think Jodie Foster, Olivia Hussey, Sharon Tate, that I wonder who the fuck is running Hollywood and why are the women such repulsive monsters while the men are still beautiful? Diversity quotas beyond common sense are ruining things of course, there is no universe in which Riz Ahmed, Dev Patel, Zendaya and Tessa Thompson become watchable or attractive.

Me. And I’m trying to be a writer so that I can influence things how I want.


ive watched so much foot fetish porn since coming to Yea Forums that now I struggle to get aroused by anything but feet. My girlfriend is humoring it for now, but I think shes getting tired of it

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You'll still have to go through six months of "Now that the dust has settled" threads

Must have been rough out there. Glad you made it back safe user. Don't be ashamed to enjoy some cheesey romcoms every once in a while.

mfw Season 3 is going to suck

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You can.

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>I fall asleep
That's because you consume too much refined sugar, and too many junk movies. Reset by watching a lot of movies with classical storytelling style, like romantic comedies, instead of high-velocity action-based genres.

Unironically superb idea.

Why are you doing the black thing of assuming you know how to spell a word because you heard one person slur it once, deep in a purple drank fug?

Loads of people pay for porn. Budgets have gone down, because fewer people do than used to, but there's still a good chunk of the population who do.

Do you mean something like Nymphomaniac?

Suffering is relative and no one is immune to depression regardless of their circumstances.

Comparing the people of Flint, Michigan to well off people with mental health issues is stupid. Like, people are in literal fucking concentration camps in North Korea, but it's fucking stupid to suggest the people without clean water in Flint have it way better. No one's suffering is invalid.

The last time I went to the doctor he stuck his finger in my butthole and called it a prostate exam. I haven’t been to a doctor since

The roastie thing is mostly a meme. It's a lottery, some vaginas are like that.
My mom for example has the pussy of a baby. You can't see the labia.
My sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin.
Same as the "uncut dicks smell" thing.
I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells.

I like watching Friends and Big Bang Theory when I feel sad. I just put it in the background when I study Maths.

This is dumb and wrong on so many levels. Only someone who's young and naive could think this is a good idea.

I didn't enjoy Detective Pikachu, it felt bland, soulless, it lacked plot and the plot it had was stupid, the "funny" parts were incredibly forced and generally unfunny, the one plot twist, wasn't even a plot twist, everything just happened so fast and most of what happened felt like it had no reason to happen, like the reporter. Somehow I feel like this happens more often now than ever before, and not just with this movie or capeshit, I couldn't even watch the first season of GOT because everything felt so fake and staged, I'm at a point where I literally hate everything that's on tv or streaming services. Am I just old?

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I like doing this with Modern Family or The Simpsons, I have seen the episodes so many times I know everything that happens anyway, and it feels good just to listen to it in the background, why are you studying Math anyway?