Fucking KEK

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Other urls found in this thread:


It’s time to start over

>season 8
how about s5 onwards

oh boy a change.org petition i'm sure this'll change everything

This. It's too late now normies.

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s8 is so bad it hurts physically

make it s4 onwards and you got a deal

>episode 3 airs...

>episode 5 airs...
>rewrite the series NOWWW!

These are the same people that call you Incel btw

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no one is calling you an incel. you are calling yourself an incel.

sign the petition to have sex

>tfw GRRM finishes the last two novels before he croaks and they're actually good
>tfw HBO gets the gang back together
>tfw it's a masterpiece of fantasy television
>tfw D&D get BTFO
i know it's never gonna happen, but i like to dream

Attached: it could be just like this.png (960x1440, 3.19M)

Am I the only one that's enjoying this season? I got pumped last week when dany watched misandei die.

Competent= someone who agrees with my social agenda

I've been entertained. The salt is the icing on the cake tho

When Trump gets involved and uses it as his reelection gambit you'll be sorry

I don’t watch this show, what about recent episodes have pissed off SJWs?

Didnt these people mock others for wanting Star Wars to be rewritten?

I’d rather GRRM die the day of the finale and the books are never released so you faggots have to live with the shitty finale

this. so much

Fucking kek

Women make for shitty leaders because they're batshit crazy, basically

Should start a petition to remake seasons 5 onward

At least it's entertaining. 7 was worse.

Great thread! There is only 4 others like it currently active! Well done!

There isn't any others about the petition faggot

The roastie's and SJW's self-insert character became the worst tyrant in a show full of extremely evil tyrants. They are upset because they think it's out of character for her but it really isn't.

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Have sex

There literally is retard, and it’s larger than this thread

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This, the first 3 episodes were infuriating but episode 4 and 5 have been kino

Why yes I do enjoy Game of Thrones, how could you tell?

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Only incels use the term roasties. I do think the something is funny though.

>ned stark's execution
>red wedding
>princess shireen being burned alive at the stake
>ramsay bolton having his literal baby brother mauled by his dogs
Seriously, what the fuck were these people watching all this time where they thought this was a normal fantasy romp?

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No. They are upset because it wasn’t executed well. No one is mad that she’s the mad queen. They are mad that they crammed an entire season between two episodes.

You really believe that? Kek.

has she had sex since she was raped?

Tf is wrong with these people?

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Not having sex

Hasn’t even started book 7

Why are normalshits still so asshurt about Dany doing what they've been building up to since Season 2?

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I don't even try to be a contrarian

more like s3 honestly

legit question: has a change.org petition actually ever changed anything, and why do people continue to make them even though they haven't?

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>Stannisbros understandably upset when showrunners completely butcher his character and do something completely out of character for him
>"Um no sweaty, Stannis is evil, he's a white religious male, ever GRRM said so. Deal with it."

>Dany goes full nuts and burns an entire city like she's been threatening to do the entire season and keeping with her character development when she crucified 163 random people, burned an innocent Mereneese nobleman, burned the Tarlies, and got an onscreen orgasm every time she set fire to armies with her dragon or scared peasans.

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Name one (1) petition that actually did something

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yea you can't just remake season 8. all these problems started in season 5.

Change.org sells signer info to 3rd party advertisers, who use it to sort market demographics

>people are upset that a show that has always been nihilistic garbage is nihilistic garbage

>no problem with the gay caricature that is Show Loras
>perfectly fine with the complete rape of Stannis
>Tyrion is great because he's le witty dwarf, he drinks and knows things LMAO
>Barristan getting shanked in an alleyway and forgotten about in an episode is okay
>Roose being goodmen'd is SO SHOCKING
>Mass applause when Littlefinger gets YAAS'd
>Mass applause when the Night King gets YAAS'd
>Dany falls to the Dabid curse and turns into an incel mass shooter and THIS is what crosses the line for everybody

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2020 already in the bag tho

Barabros eternally BTFOing Danyfags

more like from the moment they passed the books in season 4


FMA03 is actually good though, even if it's worse than the manga

You sound contrarian. But I think they're both good for different reasons.

watching the whole thing fall apart 4 years after I quit watching is cold comfort after what they did to my boy Stannis

How entitled are these twitter assholes. Move on with your life

>start watching the show when it started going to shit because BRO cool dragons and battles and shit
>get mad when the show continues to be about cool dragons and battles and shit

Kill the normies. If they put up with Battle of the Bastards but somehow call foul on season 8 then that's some absurd doublethink

Im hoping Stannis' story line gets unfucked in the books.

>s8 is so bad it hurts physically

It's no worse than seasons 5-7.

>I’d rather GRRM die the day of the finale and the books are never released so you faggots have to live with the shitty finale

Someone else would be brought in the finish the books and they'd be finished sooner.



How do you like them sand sneks my boi

I'm glad all the basedboys and fat girls got BTFO because Dany actually stayed in character and went crazy. The amount of tears is crazy

>that ABSOLUTELY degenerate disgusting giant cow nosering on best girl

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>No one is mad that she’s the mad queen.
No. Literally there are millions of women who LITERALLY say that this was a show about female empowerment.

And I think those people would be mad even if it was set up competently.

But it IS a show about female empowerment

That’s a big number

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>But it IS a show about female empowerment
Not supposed to be. And clearly isn't now.

gurm said he'd rather have his notes burned after death than pass his work on to some other author so no

>a tv show character doesnt fit my beliefs as they progrress through a story

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Jesus fucking christ people are entitled. Just consume something else that will please you.

Women being the villain is the ultimate end of empowerment
They'd rather rule in hell then serve in heaven its a deliberately satanic ideology. Its also why more and more women who are feminists are turning to the occult and magic.

Remake season 2 through 10

seriously when's the last time a change.org petition actually changed something that wasn't just gonna change anyway

Those same people screeched incel at criticism for TLJ

why do roasties try their best to ruin everything

That's not even as many people that live in my nowheresville city

>3,6 roentgens

Stannis might burn his kid in the books though, maybe there's a logical plot leading to that. They just made him thoroughly unlikeable from the get-go (which Stannis is to certain extent in the books) but they don't promote any of his good sides, like being one of the greatest military minds on Westeros. He's just a complete retard on the show, but then again D&D have failed to any of the smart characters.

>Tyrion is great because he's le witty dwarf, he drinks and knows things LMAO

I wonder how a rapey and somewhat murderous Tyrion would work with the show audience.

>no problem with the gay caricature that is Show Loras

Another shitty character assassination, he becomes a kingsguard and remains faithful to Renly's memory. It's all so bad.

>Women being the villain is the ultimate end of empowerment
>They'd rather rule in hell then serve in heaven its a deliberately satanic ideology. Its also why more and more women who are feminists are turning to the occult and magic.
Well, if you want to see that "those types" didn't like this and didn't see it as empowerment you can go and look. They wanted a simplistic ending with her ruling everyone s the super good guy queen.

They literally call it a trope for a woman to go crazy.


To be fair her father went insane first so it's hereditary

>guy having fun with a camera is bad.
>having a beard is bad
when did Yea Forums become so incredibly bitter?

>To be fair her father went insane first so it's hereditary
I know. I'm just pointing out how they don't care about any of that, they just want a simplistic female power fantasy. And those two bumbling faggots gave them that for a few seasons.

Lmao kinda worth just for the butthurt

I mean that's exactly how books end anyway. Daenerys was always supposed to be evil. Pretty sure GRRM told D&D his endgame in the story and this is it.
They just fucked up the road to that endgame.

the books should be readapted when/if they're ever finished
as a western cartoon series

As a historical/war manga/anime fan, I just can't enjoy episode 3 and 5 of this season.

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>it-it just didn't seem right to us...for this moment
Someone fucking shoot him please

>show has several powerful women who defy gender stereotypes
>the only one who counts is the white savior worshiped by an army of brown people

This is why so many people don't take feminism seriously.

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What I want to know is why do they have to defy gender stereotypes to be valid? Olenna was a realistic female character and great in her own way. Why do feminists hate the qualities of women so much?

keit ai

They cannot attract a mate with their own femininity or lack thereof so they seek to sabotage it as a whole. Same reason they shit on strong women who also radiate femininity and positive feminine qualities.

Why are they bothering?
The actors are probably glad they can move on with their lives.


The people who think it's bad writing because of Dany being evil are stumbling to the right answer in the wrong way.

>only ever get called incel by others
>remember it entering the public’s lexicon
>never used it to describe myself
>constantly get called it online by 5/10 twitter thots

Oh it's UNSPEAKABLE, is it?

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It's right there in the name you dumbass.

Yeah, there's a lot of parallels between him and Agamemnon so there's a possibility he'll sacrifice his daughter like Ag did, though it will probably be in sheer desperation after the Wall falls or something and the Others are marching south and humanity as a whole is on the line. Him just doing a turn face in the show was fucking retarded, just to win a normal battle which he loses.

why does hollywood have to destroy franchises with terrible writing? It's so bad now, it has to be intentional. as if, George wanted his last books out to be loved and in order to be so he demanded the show end like a fart in an elevator so he can own the proper beloved ending?

Zoomzoom beardlets.

If you think the problem people have is that bad things happened rather than the quality of the writing, you're a retard. Nobody complained about those things because they didn't just happen randomly for shock value.


I hate this fucking bandwagon, s8 is on par with 6 and 7 at least.

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Exactly, they're all complete shit

Bobby would never say this.

>I want my fanservice eh eh ehhhhhhh
These dumbfucks don't know what good or bad writing is or else they wouldn't want only S8 rewritten. S8 is equally "good" as 7 or 6 or 5.
No possible rewrite of 8 could save the show.

It started in S2 so go back to then


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They should have called it Game of Misogyny desu

nah I like it, at least I feel vindicated in hating the show now. it's like everybody has finally opened their eyes to how shit it was. the level of delusion and grasping at straws to explain away writing errors in the prior seasons was the most retarded shit

Wow user, you're so much smarter than everyone else. Surely their wanting a redo to s8 has nothing to do with it being the last season/ending...nah, they are just dumbfucks and you are a smartfuck.

thinking Brotherhood is better is hardly contrarian when it's the consensus. 2003's ending was total shit.

>season finally gets good again
>the rabid retards who liked the series once it went to shit are up in arms
And it hasn't even begun. Tick tock, Dany.

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>season finally gets good again

Last Sunday, when D&D finally got to the point.

lol they mad.

why not being honest and ask directly for a black womyn?

>reelection gambit

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Thanks, user.

Episode 5 or "KINOsode" as we call it around here

For you.

Unpopular opinion.
I actually enjoy the season so far. I don't give a shit about any of the characters or the way they die, it's just fiction. I enjoyed the burning of kings landing because it was top kek. I sincerely hope Dany lives

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Honestly the problems started in season 1. Remake everything post Bran getting pushed out the window.

>season finally gets good again

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t. triggered beardfag
your beard doesn't make you look manly, it makes you look like a numale

Everything but Hardhome, yes.

Imagine being so much of a NPC that you pretend to enjoy something just because the women who denied you sex didn't like it.

No it isn’t you fucking moron. This series had already become a huge turd back in season 5. Season 8 has if anything been more redeeming than all the other recent seasons.

Yes? Drogo, Daario, and Jon. Probably more. She's the most sexually active character in the entire show.

Épisode 5 changed that. Season 5-7 are still garbage.

wtf that's not why at all

>dozens of times throughout the series there is mention that Targaryans have always been plagued with madness sooner or later.
>Dany says several times that she's going to burn down the current world and start it all over.
>has a vision of her standing in the ruins of the red keep, ashes falling from the sky.
>literally 30 minutes before she nukes the city, she says she's going to cause the sky to fall upon everyone that stands between her and the iron throne, innocent or otherwise.
>"I can't rule with love, so I'll rule with fear".


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I'm mad because it will be short lived. We don't get to see 3 seasons of Dany ruling through fear and fire. She will be killed by moralfags and we'll get a tepid bittersweet ending for the Starks. Typical cliche bullshit.
You don't make your final villain character appear right before the last episode then defeat the final villain in an even shorter time and get to call it satisfying.

Dany going mad was surprisingly based, but the way it was executed was still garbage.

Not even remotely why. You're so sex obsessed it's pitiful.

At least they get paid.

I literally just got done having sex (and my roommate yelled at us for having the music too loud) and I can tell you for an absolute fact that S08E05 was Kino specifically because it btfo the Yasss Kween brigade, you larping lapdog Virgin. Log off

When the ding donged of course.

The only two who rose to power turned out to be insane. Sansa is pretty much a young Cersei now. The only powerful women are the ones that might as well be men, Brienne and Arya.

I say there were problems from the start. They had good casting but it looked as thought they were aiming for scenes to be disjointly posted on Youtube than anything that goes well together.

Have sex, incel

Now that would be a real subversion.
No, we will get Aragorn-lite ending with Jon. In the end they can't help but rip off LotR.

S1 was pretty good, but that's because it was mostly ripped straight from the book.

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You do know that if they remake this, people will pay more? This would be reselling the same product to the same audience a second time. They could even reuse lots of stock footage if they wanted.

It's brilliant. They shit up this season so hard that people complain, leading to remaking the same season. They get two seasons' worth of profits in one.

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sadly the tards at hbo will think "oh no, they hated what happened to dany! We need to make her a hero again!"
They'd change nothing else besides this, the tiny decent part of this shit show of a season. Arya would still leap like a cartoon rabbit and kill steal the nk, most of the characters who didn't die will fuck off somewhere else, showing their survival to be meaningless, and the past few seasons would be garbage

0 chance of that happening.
If it did it would be a clear message that enough whining can simply change any HBO decision, and any shreds of their credibility as a company would be gone.

it is a shitty enough ending that they might be convinced to revisit some scenes, maybe pull a reverse george lucas (edit shit to be better and not trash)

Just one question, what does means "competent writers"? Because a "competent writer" would do exactly the same thing but with more episodes to give it a better build up.

So are they going to fork over the millions required for re-shoots or what?

Face of the Have sex poster.

if it gets to be more than a million votes, then the chances are less than 1 but more than 0

How profitable is this season? If they make enough, it'd be an excuse to sell the same product to the same audience twice in a row.

Incels labelled themselves as Incels

Really they should just trash the whole thing and start from scratch.

This is The Last Jedi all over again

it'd be tough since most people still remember the greats like Tywin or pre-season 5 Tyrion. Just remaking it from scratch and people wouldn't be able to picture the new actors as anything other than LARPers


haha the salt left sjws never fail to impress.

Yeah sure thats the reason.

Jesus SJWs are sad.

i think this is hillarious. all the normies told us to have sex when we said TLJ was a shit movie. how the tables have turned.

>pic of the film
>logo says it's brotherhood

How about George getting off his fat old duff, completing the series?

And then

Only then remaking the show.

Digimon games getting localized in the west

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It needs to be at least from season 5. And the actors are too old for it. So just say fuck it and have Netflix make an anime-esque series.


Neither one of those is bad. But if you can't spot a basedface, you need to leave.

What about season 7? It was incredibly bad, especially eps 5-7. Hecking clowns

>he thinks GURM is even interested in writing anymore
He's enjoying his NEETBux and daily burgers

sex. have it.

I'd say, 8.1 and 8.2 are just fillers, nothing special, 8.3 is bad, but 8.4 and 8.5 are actually good.

>2003 is more grounded in reality and delves deeper into philosophy
>BH is literally weebshit

Roasties never get to complain about the Disney Star Wars backlash again.

Attached: daenerys 9-11.jpg (1106x808, 624K)

Dany's last dragon is going to get killed, which will be the end of her power. Jon will keep her in a dungeon where she can give birth to their child, who will be sent off to live in exile with the last name "Snow" because Jon knows another incest baby cannot be allowed to rule Westeros, and he wants the child to have a chance at a normal life with no knowledge of their lineage. Jon will not even reveal that he is a Targaryen, and will reluctantly rule as Jon Stark.

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niggah he already finished the books, he's just waiting and pretending to be working on them still. get rekt

Some people just want to watch the world burn

Why do people always use Brotherhood vs FMA03 where both have their merits over the other as an example when we actually have a much better example with Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate where Ultimate was just a straight up improvement in every possible way. The original is cheap looking half hour episodes Ultimate is hour long beautifully animated episodes, the original adaptation turns to shit as soon as it runs out of source material to adapt while Ultimate follows the manga from start to finish.

That's what we want, we want a GoT: Ultimate.

Attached: Hellsing vs Hellsing Ultimate.jpg (1325x742, 169K)

You saved this Pic from me days ago, incel. But you're right about the normalfags

hardhome ruined the wights

>What is basic math?

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Every single person who thinks this is nostalgia-blind.

Or maybe does not like literal CRPG final bosses and shitty subtexts in his stories.


yea no m8
03 is shit. Everything that doesn't follow the source material (being cinema, books, manga, anime, porn, w/e) turns to shit

Except FMA03, which was better than the source material ended up being.

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nerd equivalent of football fans. they make it part of their identity

Shut up and stop being so wrong

So people have an outlet for their anger and get to feel like they're changing something while they're just silently REEEEEEEing in front of their screens.

who even reads the books
in that case read classics from decades to millennia ago

Tolkienfags everyone.

>Implying he wrote even one page in the last 8 years

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I want them to sign PERTITION for me to have sex

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I'm confused, what did they want to happen?
they liked the battle of winterfell right? so it was just that last episode they hated?

He's contractually obligated to say that. I mean what kind of FAT and LAZY fuck would work on a book for 9 years without producing anything? Could you fucking imagine. How absurd it would be to imagine a morbidly obese man sitting around working on something for 9 fucking years without anything to show for it. ha ha.

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The show costs millions to make they aren't redoing shit.

They wanted more girl power. Arya kills the Night King, then Dany wins the throne and women Rule the world after killing off all the disloyal and stupid males forever and ever the end.

That's what they wanted. They didn't want to be told that women with power are capable of the same cruelty and inhumanity as men with power are that's not a fantasy that's reality and there is nothing they hate more than a taste of reality.

So people here get angry that the show is shit and then make fun of people when they do and say the same thing?

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>online petitions

back to r^ddit

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worked for Dark Souls

Come on, you gotta admit you're having a laugh at those losers too

1) They liked her, thought she was going to be the hero, so the sudden heel-face-turn feels like a betrayal of the character.

2) They've also been foreshadowing her overthrowing the shit tyrants playing the Game of Thrones, not becoming a tyrant herself. See video below, 2:30 through 3:45. Her sudden change in 8x05 doesn't feel organic, and doesn't square with her previous attitude/behavior, even when you consider that's she's lost Jorah and Missandei. Even then, why would she be angry at the citizens of King's Landing when she saw with her own two eyes that Cersei, and only Cersei, killed Missandei? It's too much of a leap for the character.

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Daenerys being an obviously evil cunt is probably the best part, particularly because normies can't pretend she's anything but now.


I personally liked that last episode but yeah, I see what you mean

they must have gone mental when their beloved queen went insane and white male Jon Snow becomes the obvious choice to be the king

shame really, that people feel the need to project their politics and cultural ideals onto a fucking television show

lol hoes mad

I just want the night king to be more than a mindless killing machine

Season 8 is actually good in terms of plot line and production.

No, it ended a few plotlines too abrupt and some characters are shittily shallow, like Bran and Euron.
But in general I agree, it is otherwise solid. People are mostly butthurt the show isn't fulfilling their happy end and female hero fantasies.

He's kinda an invention of the show, in the books he was a historical figure who was lord commander of the Night's watch who fucked a white walker and declared himself king before being cast down and in that books that was the end of him as far as we know. The show turned him into a Dark Lord they could fast off against Jon. Hardhome in the books didn't have a dark wizard show up to "come at me bro" opposite Kit. So expecting some sort of grand revelation beside the Children of the Forest made the white walkers to kill humans was just expecting too much from a D&D OC character.

It was like all those people expecting something singificant out of Talisa being a Volitine not being a Westerling in a show.

She had been going mad and spitefull to the citizens of Westeros for the entire season already, so her switching into fullblown murder mode wasn't that weird. Ofcourse D&D are shit and wrote it like she was about to commit suicide.

Also she was a good ruler for those that "loved her", anyone rebelling against her was executed and she quite clearly said that she has "no love here". All and all it's a poorly executed twist, but we've seen worse as D&D are terrible writers.

I just signed the petition, ive never seen an episode
I cant believe have donated money for this thing

The Mad Queen thing *could* have made sense if they organically eroded Dany's attitude towards civilian casualties. Yes, the seeds are there for her to go nuts, but there's still a gap between "I will not be queen of the ashes" and "time to incinerate all these fleeing civilians who have surrendered anyway" that the show's writing never actually bridged.

A good way to bridge this gap would have been Dany being exposed to how shit the KL people can be. Like, if Missandei was lynched by an angry mod of residents, that would have at least been an attempt to justify her sudden willingness to deliberately target civilians. Or maybe Dany takes the city, and as she's ruling, she deals with another resistance thing like the Sons of the Harpy in Mereen, which gradually erodes the difference between "Her Enemies" and "Her Subjects" in her mind; she doesn't know who the rebels are, since they hide among the populace, so she becomes frustrated and suspicious, gradually widening the definition of "treason", making guilt by association, etc., punishable crimes. THAT would have organically explained her deciding to torch a bunch of civs.

But right now, as it currently stands, the show makes a logical leap which is simply not supported by anything we see on screen. It's just bad, lazy, rushed writing by D&D, who seem like they're hurrying GoT so they can go fuck up Star Wars too. HBO offered to do more episodes and seasons, but D&D refused, they made it as short and as rushed as they did because they're simply tired now, so we and the show's legacy have to suffer for their shit ambitions.

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>Season 8 is actually good in terms of plot line and production.
No. Absolutely not. Only thing decent in Season 8 are the special effects and actor performance, latter of which is capped by the script writers

They should re-do season 6-8 with double the amount of episodes and have better writers

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So never. Excellent.

based and remakepilled

Hey, I'm not denying they made stupid logical leaps to "subvert expectations", I'm just saying D&D had been hinting on it already and she obviously wasn't set up to "overthrow tyrants" like the guy I replied to said.

There are still a ton of square pegs being shove into round holes but you can in broadstrokes understand how things should have worked out. For example I can totally see Dany going mad and burning the city, that in a broad sense fits her character and the narrative but the way we get to that point in the show feels rather abrupt and they only started hinting at her decent into madness this season. Most all the beats make sense in that way, well save the bit about Arya being AA and a couple of bricks being the Valonqar, that's like multiple seasons worth of foreshadowing being forgotten and waved away.

You get the sense DnD didn't understand that the reason scenes like Ned death and the Red wedding work wasn't just because they were brutal and surprised people but rather they made more sense, were more logically consistent with the show, and fit better with the narrative than the alternative where the hero magically always comes out on top. DnD justify a lot of their worst decisions merely on how unexpected they'd be. If you watch the behind the episodes and makings of you can see a lot of the big shocking moments were poorly planned because they only seem to think shock value matters yet if you go back through seasons 1, 2, and 3 the Ned's death and the Red Wedding were foreshadowed very early and in retrospect when you watch those seasons again you see all the mistakes along the way that inevitably lead them to that fate which isn't the case with the latter seasons. I don't have a problem with any of the major event or twists, some people are upset about what has happened but I think deep down it has more to do with how those things happened and how we got there.

The show lost a lot of its characters dynamism, Tyrion and Davos are great examples of characters who used to matter but just stand around doing nothing now, and generally being shells of their former selves. That's what's more disappointing than any of the events.

Bookfags started hating this show in what, season 5? I think you're severely underestimated how disappointed bookfags have been about a lot of things for a long time. Episode 3 (rushing the Night King conflict) was just the last straw. As for Daenerys, it's just another example of how rushed and botched the final eps have been. Just having rushed through wrapping up two other arcs, she's the Big Bad, and pulling a new final villain out of your ass at the last minute always really pisses off fans that I've seen. Make her go evil at the end of the penultimate season, then she's got at least a full season as the main villain, that would work.
Also the episode 6 plot leaked. Bran is king and Jon just fucks off. Not satisfying for a lot of people

>if Missandei was lynched by an angry mod of residents,
that would be retarded. it would make westeros resemble the southern united states or black hawk down and open up too many retarded parallels related to race that aren't really there in the context of king's landing. in dany's mind cersei and the civilians supporting her are not distinct entities, she makes that clear in the first part of the episode.
>she deals with another resistance thing like the Sons of the Harpy in Mereen,
why do we need a replay of the same storyline when it makes it clear she fucked up badly in meereen to begin with and that was with her best intentions? she had to sell a guy back into slavery
>THAT would have organically explained her deciding to torch a bunch of civs.
daenerys is at core a royal narcissist who believes in destiny. if there is any foreshadowing that could've been better done, it should've been done in seasons 1 and 2. like in the books which make it explicit that she internally does not care if she burns everything down and that her destiny is 'fire and blood'. the problem is that the show decided to dispense with internal narratives in order to cut down screen time and then it got bogged down with the YASSS SLAYY HARRY POTTER BITCH HILLARY 2016 audience watching it. you do not see the minds of the characters unlike the books

>Bran is king and Jon just fucks off
Sounds pretty BASED to me tbqh famalam.

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People are starting to call them alt right icels like they did with the last jedi

Nobody disagrees that mad queen was rushed but if you thought Dany'd story was going to lead anywhere else than that you weren't paying attention. Dany never had any legitimacy for ruling Westeros, legal or otherwise; she has no ties to those people (so no charismatic authority) and Jon is the legitimate Targ heir (so no legal authority). The only thing she has is her army of robot soldiers, barbarous rapists and dragons. The only way she could rule Westeros was through conquest.

Shit was never going to end well.

Nah, that was only the hardcore Stannisfags, most bookfags turned on the show eariler with Talisa of Volantis in Season 2, Yara's pointless attempt to save Theon from Ramsey in Season 3, or Brienne defeating the Hound in Season 4.

Are redditors still SEETHING about Game of Kino? Yikes have sex my dudes




Attached: stannis bend the knee.jpg (856x769, 90K)

no it doesn't. It's just another tv show and you're a faggot

fat man will have made a ton of cash signing a none compete for a few years. Then he will just tell everyone hes releasing his books with a super cool ending, but really just copy the TV ending with a few minor tweaks and make a fortune again.

Are you really upset about how your dragon show is going? Grow up, dude. People have different tastes. Deal with it.

>mfw my normalfag friends have started to like the season again after these incel campaigns
Good job lads

>Stannis might burn his kid in the books though, maybe there's a logical plot leading to that.
No, his wife and Melissandra will burn his daughter while he's away. He hangs his wife while the Red Lady escapes with her life.

Hellsing Ultimate is stupid, has worse soundtrack and is too much over the top. While the tv series is cult classic.

What are the chances HBO or DD will see this?

>only season 8
>not also season 7
Why are femcels hiding behind MUH WRITERS excuse when all they care about is their femcel power fantasy?

It's not even the worst season you mong.

They will see it but will not do shit.

It's like I'm really on /mlp/

Why don't they just reboot the whole show? (sarcasm)

Jon is going to kill Dany and then choose to take the black.
Tyrion forms a council to determine who the new ruler is. Bran will be chosen.

and what if they do? these petitions are meaningless and people who make them are retarded

The show didn't go into much detail with Dany's father but in the books it makes it far more clear that this is still very much a possibility for her and all she'd need is one good push to fall into madness. Her father Aerys wasn't always mad, his first dozen or so years of being King were prospirious and peacful and he was seen as a wise and benevolent ruler, then he was tricked, imprisoned and humiliated by Denys Darklyn at Duskendale and after that is when he officially snapped and went mad.

So what we needed was for Dany to have a Defiance of Duskendale like event which would sour her relation with her subjects but that never surfaced in the show.


It's actually pretty decent but feel free to keep SEETHING

Weren't they praising the writers up to this season?

>Someone else would be brought in
Bryan Sanderson

this. he's never going to finish them. that's why all these seasons from 5 on have sucked dick, because they're based on his vague plot outlines he wrote out a decade ago between bong hits. you've been milked and subverted, bookfags.

Hopefully it would be someone with more talent than Sanderson.


I'm sure there are a horde of fine young Jewish writers waiting in the wings.


fucking kys

They only care about dany doing the right thing.

Season 5 is when normies hopped on board so therefore they think it is decently written.

Change it to D&D getting blacklisted and you got a deal!

I don't understand these people, those two twats were the same people that wrote season 5 to 7 that they love so much.

Thank you, Yoda. I will, I promise, but first I have to save my friends

They are moving on to Star Wars where they won't cauae any harm because that franchise is already dead

I seriously know people who start watching around Season 4 and 5 but never went back to watch Seasons 1-3.

People actually do this shit and it gives them a wildly different perspective on things.

Fuck that. Season 2 onwards.

what was wrong with season 2?

No Westerlings.

All interesting characters were dead.

someone else should finish what he can't/will not pic related

Attached: wheeloftime.jpg (600x424, 41K)

>Stannis' death was fine
>Littlefinger's death was fine too
>As were the sand snakes
>And Jaime not becoming a diplomat
>and all the dick jokes
>and all the plot armour
>But Dany burning people like her character always has is going too far
sounds about right

But also, a faithful anime adaptation is pretty much our best hope

If those leaks are true then the next episode is going to be hilariously bad. That part about Jaime's hand is so fucking dumb that I can't wait to see it

i'd do it, i'd bend the knee, lads

Leave it be, these retards abandoned the true king for a psychotic bitch

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Noone actually said that faggot

S5-7 were far worse

Stannisbros are mature and emotionally developed unlike other groups...

Don't bronies say the show gets better later on? GoT is the opposite: it started at it's peak and slowly sloped downward and became a sheer cliff after season 4

Fuck off mate, seasons 3 and 4 were absolutely terrific. Fags on this site literally hate the show for the sake of hating it. The only seasons that deserve maximum amounts of hate are 7 and 8. 1-4 were masterful and 5-6 were a great deal lower in quality but were still above average.

Being above average doesn't make them good since the average is so fucking low. I agree that 1-4 were top tier though and 5&6 did have a few good moments at least. 7 had winds of winter and 8 has jack shit

Art is not a democracy

But entertainment is

>even the seething twitter faggots are calling this a terrible fucking decision and that D&D should be free to write what they want
Is this petition a subtle redpill?

Until a director campaigns for an office in a major studio, no it's not.


they hate it for muh women/nigger/sandnigger not being special in medieval world
>yas queen slay
>queen actually slays
>wtf i hate her now
that's not a redpill, it's just a sudden consensus

Hell, those two twats were in charge since season 1. The way they're acting they've literally only come into existence staring with Season 8 Episode 5.

It's like Sherlock Season 4 all over again.

imagine getting mad at the only plot point that has made sense in the whole last 2 seasons

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I'm talking about those same SJWs' reactions to the petition. A look at Twitter is showing some pozzed motherfuckers saying that the petition is wrong and that D&D have the right to end the series however they want.

Attached: nononono.png (599x355, 163K)

Season 8 is absolutely trash, only contrarians can defend this mess and chaos. And yes its much worse than even 5,6,7. 5 had hardhome, 6 nicely finished and had hodor twist, 7 had Jon is Targaryen twist etc... 8 has no redeeming qualites, its rushed, predictable, straightforward, destroyed several character arcs, destroyed lore and mythology of the show etc...

>how about s5 onwards
how about everything George wrote after book 1?

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>talking to thots on twitter
There's your problem

I'm convinced it's only the faggots who loved seasons 4-7 that hated this episode. Remember that these sad sacks of shit eat propaganda up by the heaping handful, and once they were reminded that Game of Thrones doesn't consider anything sacred they flipped the fuck out.

- episodes 1 and 2 are garbage pandering fanfic of inconsequential meetings of characters
- episode 3 has a decent beginning and then goes down the drain
- episodes 4 and 5 have good plot overall but are too rushed and have too many retarded wrappings of character arcs to be called good

Oh yeah their mom being Sloth totally wasn’t retarded, and let’s not even go into Envy being their brother and also a giant dragon while Nazis, yes, literally Nazis, invade through dimensions in Conquerer of Shamballa

Based. Seriously though, it took these retards 4 entire season to figure out that the writers couldn't come up with any interesting ideas or visual portrayals.

Episode 3 was fucking shit, all the normies cared about was about how dark it is, they had no qualms with the retarded order of battle and the rest of the "subverted" plot elements; should tell you enough about populair series being flushed down the drain in order to appeal to a casual audience.

>POC killed off
>Danny is a psychopathic roastie
>"Best ending ever" - Emilia Clark
based season

Attached: best ending ever.png (808x455, 389K)

>they had no qualms with the retarded order of battle
all GoT battles have been retarded tbf, so not many expectations there

you cant remake just season 8, its not possible
there would have to be new s8, and s9, possibly s10

try using a better version from a few years ago

Attached: 1423446112199.png (346x427, 251K)

how about season 2 onwards

Attached: Talisal.jpg (1010x567, 61K)

>mindless drones that want other shitters to ruin their kino
Japan would hit each of them

The vast majority of those 150k signatures would be fine with Arya killing the NK again.

Fuck normies and their retardation. Not signing.

Attached: 100% soy.gif (413x243, 51K)

But think of the autists who need to read it and see if the tax code has been updated! I'm with you, though. It seems like the only reason people even want to read them are to say they read them and differentiate themselves from people who just watch the show. I'm glad this house of cards came tumbling down on the average GoT fan because that person is an insufferable, reddit using pseudo-intellectual that follows pages like "I Fucking Love Science" and Neil DeGrasse Tyson just so their social media profile makes them appear to be all sciency and smart and shit.


The only reason she says this is that she knows that NK wouldn't be killed easily by Arya in the "competent" version while still keeping the Dany going mad plot.

>defending season 4
based showfag

God that's such a shitty design. The one that shows up in the wildling camp was so much better.

Dark Souls to PC. Lol.