Alita: Battle Angel
General Discussion #516
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helloh new bread prease be heal by abita
First for wholesome alita
Hello new bread, please be healed by Arita.
Wtf user? We agreed to end these threads at 515. Why did you make another one?
And no it's just one Chinese guy with 70+ phones, Jeeeeez.
Similar to pick related.
lol silly user we're not ending until #999! or maybe #9,999
This image is beyond disturbing.
she's a midge
Anyone got screencaps of the Alita on the Joe Rogan Experience memes? And the picture of her looking to her side at the guy on the mic who's smoking?
> 10 days ‘til beach meet
I just wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that last night we decided potheads and booozers won't be allowed to ruin the Alita beach meetup with their stench and retardation. Anyone attending the meetup that smokes weed or drinks alcohol will have to stand by themselves on a different part of the beach away from the main get together. Its sad that it has to be this way but its obvious stoners and drunks have no respect for others and quite frankly smell bad. So if you are one of these people that can't put your vices aside to enjoy a community event plan accordingly for the meetup or better yet just don't come.
>*Joey hits the blunt* So I'm back in the pits with these Motorballas, these cocksuckas are all fuckin' using for the pain and shit, I've got some 180s I'm passing around-
>That's legal in Iron City?
>Joe, Zalem don't give a fuck, why would *cough* *cough*...why would they give a fuck?
>Jamie, look that up. That's crazy.
>You wouldn't believe some of the shit those cyborgs cook up. I did a line of neocoke with this guy Gino - wild motherfucka - and I swear to you my hammer was up for two days straight.
>*Joe notices Alita getting woozy* What the fuck was in that chocolate you gave her?
>*Joey's voice drops to a whisper* I'm not gonna lie to you Joe Rogan, that was a five-hundred.
>*Joe doubles over in laughter*
>I'm sendin' her back to fuckin' Mars.
>this bullshit again
I was just explaining that stoners and drunks won't be allowed to ruin the beach meetup. They will need to party on their own separately.
>10 days until the 3 year anniversary of the day that chick who looked like Alita went out with me and then promptly left me 2 weeks later
I think I'm gonna stay in and drink. Have fun, guys
Her eyes look even fuckin bigger and even more bug like here.
Dont know how you guys get past that? Her design looks like shit because of her eyes. They are legitimately disturbing, frightening, disgusting. What the fuck.
Checking in to see if the other WA user is here. We were talking earlier but lost touch. Drop a note if you're around.
I don't know why you stoners have to get so agro about this. It was already explained that one user has to take a drug test a few days after for a job and doesn't want to get high from second hand smoke and another user is alergic to weed. Everything is gonna be fine. Stoners just need to stand downwind when puffing the bong or glass dick or whatever you call it that you suck on.
Fucking kek nice
lol if i could i would go just to sand away from yall
For all the Americans asleep last night here's a little cute frenship story. This thread is full of excellent people and I'm glad we're all still here.
Leetagang, where is the bluray?
reposting one of the funniest recent ocs i've seen from a while ago
where the fuck is the bluray
janny I'm back!
Why not just have edibles? Doesn't stink up the place and doesn't expose people to second hand smoke.
>being this controlling
lol have your (you) and shut up now.
Only 30 some posts in and you guys are bickering, waiifufagging and loli posting. How embarrassing.
this dusty ass Jerome tactic old hat buddy. The meetup deets flat out say 'some may smoke/drink. some may not; we'll play it by ear' so kindly fuck off with the false flagging. It didn't work before, it won't work now.
In your headcannon, is the Berzerker body "fully functional?"
Well I mean it doesn't bother me if some people can't get through a social gather without frying their brain with drugs. Whatever floats their boat I guess. I just want to stand up for the anons that decided to leave early if someone brought a bong and anonthe user that said they wouldn't even come if their was weed smoking because it effects their asthma really bad. I don't see why those anons should be punished because people can't get by without being stoned for a few hours.
You're not going to kill our threads
You need a better hobby
Why are nigger weebs so obsessed with loli porn?
lol I should've seen the end coming but it still got me.
glad you're still here, too fren.
We're going to be on a beach in the open air with plenty of space around us, it's not like we're going to force everyone into a tent to hot box
user please. The "we'll play it by ear" is a gentle reminder that weed smoking won't be allowed and if anyone brings weed they will be asked to go away to smoke it. Lets not make this meetup difficult.
It's not us it's some fuckin weirdo with a vendetta against the jannies
A whiff of the weed smoke could ruin someone's job and could cause the allergic user to have a bad asthma attack. Being in the open makes it worse. The smoke could go anywhere. Maybe you guys should smoke in the porta potties or something.
you're committed to the bit, I'll give you that
I'm with her.
before the 2nd meetup some user was posting pics of guns that weren't his, threatening to show up and do bad things. never happened, meetup went perfectly.
before this meetup, someone claiming to be super straight edge is claiming to show up and call the cops and other dumb crap if people smoke weed. not going to happen. also they're probably the same person replying to themselves back and forth as a super pot head, "threatening" to blow smoke in their face and other dumb crap. basically all he has to do is pretend to be the super straight edge or super pot head to get (((you)))s.
the plan for the beach for drinkers and smokers and non partakers alike is as follows; everyone shows up and probably doesn't do anything for a while, and as people start to want to drink and smoke, people bothered by the smell can just sit farther away, sit downwind, or just walk around the beach for a bit until they're done and then we all keep talking and shitposting irl, denny's after; any replies to this or other posts along the lines of "you degenerates have to ruin it for us who hate the smell of weed" or "fuck you you can just stay home if you don't like it" are obviously people who aren't going to the meetup trying to start crap, so just ignore them, even if they're giving themselves (((you)))s.
Probably Jerome
Have you ever actually been around anyone smoking anything? I don't think you realize how much of a non-issue this is.
Thank you this is totally reasonable, I hope nobody wants to ruin it for other people so as long as everyone stays chill I think it'll be fine
>alergic to weed
is it still in theater anywhere?
You say that because you are a dopehead that has no qualms about ruining other people's moods. Why is it so hard for you to understand? Not everyone wants to be around belligerent stoners shoving bongs in everyone's face. Most of us want to just chill and talk and people that can't be around weed smoke don't want to have their night or life ruined. Can't you leave the weed at home for a night?
One of your cutest stories yet, great stuff. I'm really enjoying this exploration of Alita and Koyomi's friendship.
You don't get out much do you?
(You) are literally the only person who agrees with (You). If (You) are really going to the meet, I guarantee (You) the only person everyone will be standing very far away from across the beach is (You).
Not trying to be grumpy, but won't the beach be teeming with people for the Memorial Day weekend?
Nobody's going to shove bongs in anybody's face. You're making up some imaginary scenario and then freaking out about it for no reason.
Yeah we didn't really plan that out very well but I think it will be fine as long as we get there a little early
From what I understand its only the Colorado anons that are planning on causing trouble with weed smoking. They are used to being in a state where everyone is stoned most of the time. They just need to understand here in California we have a more respect for being polite with weed smoking. I don't smoke weed myself but maybe one of the other California dude weed anons can explain the situation to them better without them getting so argumentative.
We'll have to find out user.
Thanks friend I'm really enjoying the character study aspect. Hope it's a useful characterisation!
I'm her until the end of the line friend.
Can you leave yourself at home? This is life. Someone JUST MIGHT drink beer, swear, talk about subjects you aren't comfortable with, etc. It's on YOU to have thick skin and be reasonable with people. Clearly, nobody likes the idea of being so severely policed. If this is too much for, that things won't go perfectly your way in how everyone else should act, then go someplace else or stay home altogether.
What kind of monster would attach Alita to that hideous body? It looks clumsy and probably not very aerodynamic.
>finally bought into the hype
>find a theater nearby that says it's playing alita
>click buy ticket link
>pic related pops up
Fucking raging. Is it left in theaters anywhere?
Why do I have to stay home? I just want to hang out and for things to be chill. A majority of who is attending doesn't smoke weed. Why should the stoners be allowed to ruin everything? This isn't a weed gathering. Its an Alita meetup.
Fuck you. I'm from Cali and I hang with smokers and non-smokers, drinkers and non-drinkers alike. No one is such a shithead to have the audacity to tell people to fucking go to the other side of the beach or the park or whatever. Everyone acts like an adult, and small groups of smokers, non-smokers, drinkers, non-drinkers, mixed groups, etc. naturally form. People self-regulate fairly well. What people don't like are assholes like you playing dictator to belittle people whose lifestyles and choices you don't agree with.
that was so good.
Probably not. Where do you live?
You're so judgemental it's ridiculous.
I don't know about the Denver user but the other CO user doesn't drink or smoke at all and I only do on occasion. I don't know why you're being so uptight but your mood is going to kill the fun faster than anything anyone else.
>being this angry over having been asked to stand 20 feet away downwind to smoke weed so as not to disrupt the get together
Why do you stoners get so mad when asked to be polite?
You’re falling for bait user
Ignore it and move on
>We'll have to find out user.
Well, If you saw my old post It really doesn't need very high tech for a cyborg woman to have sex and eventually having babies.
I expect to only be served water, bottled, at the event. I hope we aren't serving anything with caffeine in it as that would cause religious issues.
Why do you have to be an asshole and dictate to other people how they should act? You, one person, are not going to control how several other people will behave. That won't work. You can try, but everyone will laugh at you and leave you behind in the dust, and you'll be all alone with your one fellow straightedge loser dictator cunt friend, both of you not wanting to budge on how you expect others to act just like yourselves and what you prefer. And then you can both suck each other off.
I live near Chicago. I will be in New York city this weekend, maybe it's still there?
The only thing that is gonna kill the mood is if you get all belligerent when politely asked to stand downwind fren.
I live in NYC, it's been gone here for about a month now
one (1) alita please
>4chinnel meetup
>4chinnel meetup for a thread dedicated to a comic movie adaptation
Stay safe, based retards
I'm totally fine with standing downwind, that's perfectly reasonable.
Asking people to completely separate themselves from the group for the entire time is excessive.
you u wanna join me in the toilet stall
no gay shit
I don't smoke or drink, asshole, and not even going to this event.
You weren't suggesting, or if wasn't you it was that other annoying user, to step "20 feet away", there was talk of "far away across the beach" and
"potheads and booozers won't be allowed to ruin the Alita beach meetup with their stench and retardation."
This is so rude and vicious and condescending and so much else. How dare you talk about other people like that and assume the worst from them?
>I hope we aren't serving anything with caffeine in it as that would cause religious issues.
Lol, exactly. Everyone can find a reason to be offended and divisive.
Fuck, I missed it. Got all hyped for cyber kino too late. It won't be the same at home.
I would come just to make fun of you little faggots
user please. All we are asking is that stoners stand downwind to smoke because people's jobs and health is at stake. Is that really so much to ask?
I can't wait to shoot up heroin with my alita bros at the beach meet
You can't come back right away though. The weed stench will be on your clothes. That could trigger allergic anons asthma. If you are like 40 feet away to smoke and stay at least 20 feet away for 10-15 minutes after it should be enough to dissipate the smoke and smell.
Go hard or go home. I'm continually amazed that people take this bait and try to argue about something that will be a non-issue in person. I guess people get bored huh.
too sexy, pls delet this
How can there be over 500 threads about one movie which was released only a few months ago. How much discussion can there be had? What do you guys even talk about?
Why are you so angry about the expectation of common courtesy at this event? You aren't even coming. Why are you even commenting?
Right now it's kind of a shitshow but it's a community here with a shared love of film and manga.
That's not all you were asking, fuckface. And if you were asking 'merely that', you asked it in the most obnoxious and insulting way you possibly could've.
"that last night we decided potheads and booozers won't be allowed to ruin the Alita beach meetup with their stench and retardation."
Like I said, it's rude vicious, condescending, it's othering, it's cold, it's cruel, it's shitty to say this.
>last night
First of all, this is like the fifth night in a row I've seen this copypasta troll post. Second, we never had a fucking vote on anything. This asshole just 'took charge' for no reason and started spewing bullshit.
>will have to stand by themselves on a different part of the beach away from the main get together.
This is not '20 feet away'. This is OTHER SIDE OF THE BEACH, 'away from the main get together', meaning they're not really as welcome and as part of the group as the non-smokers/non-drinkers.
>but its obvious stoners and drunks have no respect for others and quite frankly smell bad.
lol, again, so fucking mean, rude, insulting, stepping the line, awful, IMPOLITE
>can't put your vices aside to enjoy a community event
How about put your vice of being an obnoxious asshole aside?
>Everyone's falling for the bait again
>I guess I'll just go to bed...
>common courtesy at this event
>isolating a bunch of people from socializing normally
>You aren't even coming
An neither are you, JEROME.
good lord that latex
I dunno I think there's actually a super straightedge user in here or just someone who doesn't socialize much
Come on. Why are you so angry about this? What is with you stoners? Why do you think the majority should be inconvenienced by your addiction?
it'll blow over user. We just have one aggressive retard. The meetup will be 100% comfy.
Koyomi really is a qt pie. It's a shame she gets overshadowed by Alita, but of course anyone would
Look at the language he uses. He's a total, maniacal rigid asshole. I don't care about him being straightedge, because I'm straightedge too. I have a problem with him thinking he can dictate how everyone can act on a beach in fucking California. Doesn't matter, anyhow. He's a troll and won't be going.
I just learned that alita is a fucking mask tumor wtf, such an adorable tumor
Lana's a total cutie and it's a shame we didn't get to see more of her in the movie
no it's just an old Jerome tactic. I guarantee you if somebody at the meetup is genuinely uncomfortable about one or two anons MAYBE smoking I highly doubt anybody is going to be a dick about it. Being comfy is rule number 1. I don't particularly enjoy pot but me + beer + other people smoking is usually a nice comfy combo.
she's even a badass photographer!
Am I allowed to bring an escort to the event where I pretend she's my gf and introduce her as such?
>already said I don't drink or smoke
Let me be even more specific. I don't consume any drugs at all. Not alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, opioids, caffeine, nothing. So stop calling me a stoner as part of your non-argument.
Like I said before, I have nothing against people getting into sensible groups, sensible distances away from each other when people will be drinking or smoking, but to put it on THEM to take THEIR asses way all th way across the fucking beach is ludicrous. Everyone's an adult, everyone has legs, it's a big beach, and people can go or stay where they wish from each other, its everyone's individual decision and will, not yours.
>The meetup will be 100% comfy.
I hope so. I don't like being around drunks and addicts. They always get angry and in peoples faces at parties. People that smoke weed are already getting mean and in peoples faces before the meetup. What if this all breaks out again at the meetup? I will be sad if it does. I wish the stoners would just chill out already.
It's true, Alita really grows on you
You're not doing a very good job with the pretending she's your gf by already letting us know you'll be bringing an escort.
I'm really curious to see how they'll handle Koyomi now that she's as old as Alita
>this level of false flagging
ba dum tsss
A rather cute tumor.
Lol yes I don't give a shit
If you aren't a stoner then why are you making and issue over them standing 50 feet away? Bear in mind smoking weed is illegal. Allowing stoners to smoke weed incriminates anyone by them. Asking them to be 50 feet away to use their drugs isn't an unreasonable request to keep the rest of us from being illegal.
really hoping they give her more focus. It'd be nice to see her and Alita bond since she's really only had close male relationships so far.
You can make a female classmate come with that whore money.
I'm sure many anons will be bringing their gfs, I'll blend in.
Not nice
Classmate? Do I pay her?
Actually I don't think anyone's bringing a gf
Waht's your age and income level?
This pic was like 3/4 of the inspiration for that story so thanks based Koyomi poster for constantly dropping it and leaving the idea stuck in my brain.
>If you aren't a stoner then why are you making and issue over them standing 50 feet away?
Because I care about people's rights and liberties and dignity, even if they don't align with my worldview or lifestyle choices, unlike you. Lol, we went from 20 ft to 50ft, but I guess that's better than "across the beach".
Lol, it's legal in general, but I do think it's illegal in a public place like the beach, but so is drinking beer. But, it's like littering. Worse than could happen is you're written up a fine. Lol, nothing at all would 'incriminate' someone standing there. They could literally stand right next to the puffer and intentionally inhale the marijuana smoke, nothing would happen to them, the 'happen to them' being a modest fine, of course. One must be in possession and actively holding it.
Anymore bullshit you want to spew, or is it time to drop the act and admit you're Jerome?
Alita is the cutest tumour ever
Why did you choose this thread of all threads to stage your pathetic little vendetta against the jannies?
its about being inclusive vs exclusive... before everyone was welcome... now you need to be 420 friendly just cuz a few anons... let me ask this, if someone wanted to pull out a crack pipe, should everyone be okay with it too?
Are there actually going to be people flying in from other states to meet you schizophrenic freaks?
it's just a movie
how the fuck did this shit anime movie spawn 500+ threads
you guys won't even be seeing the movie during the meet, WHAT IS THE POINT
I can't wait to go and see you ugly deformed faggots on the 25th. I'm gonna laugh the whole time just looking at you "people"
I'm too far gone these FB tier memes are making me laugh
>I'm sure many anons will be bringing their gfs
The prank is on you if you go to the meet to laugh at people user. Please report back on your mission though
I think it's only fair we post pictures of other people besides Rosa some of the time
>he doesn't know what /healing/ is
>he doesn't know /alita/ is chads and stacies
How long it takes you to write those short?
>only fair we post pictures of other people besides Rosa some of the time
agreed! Have some Eiza/Nyssiana!
I'd be glad to see you there user but if you haven't seen the movie then you're going to miss out on a lot of the conversations
>before everyone was welcome... now you need to be 420 friendly just cuz a few user
lol, it's the opposite. Most anons will either be drinking, smoking, or don;t give a shit by standing next to drinkers and smokers. You're in the minority of people not wanting to stand next to people smoke or drinking.
>if someone wanted to pull out a crack pipe, should everyone be okay with it too?
Yeah, why not? Especially since it doesn't leave any sort of odor, and so long as they stand a good distance from anyone who doesn't want to be near it, but I'd imagine such people would naturally stand away by their own. If that would SO offend you, you would be free to leave the meet.
Eiza is sexy as fuck but for some reason she doesn't have the same effect on me that Rosa does.
I didn't read your post but I certainly would like to be raped by Asuka
Anyway that's my blog hope u enjoyed it
>The bounty for the cyborg Nyssiana was 20,000 credits
>I care about people's rights and liberties and dignity
No you don't. The only liberties you are defending are the stoner's and their "fuck you we smoke when and wherever we want because fuck you" mentality.
yeah I know the feeling. Eiza is stupidly attractive but Rosa's just got an infectiously cute personality that makes her standout.
Shut up and show your tits. Oh, you don't have them. And cunt? Maybe you are transsexual? Whose brain is hiding in your head? Maybe you used to be a fat man who made himself the body of a young girl?
No, that's literally you right now. Look in a mirror. When you point a finger, three point back, etc.
'The only liberties you are defending are the non-smokers' and their "fuck you, we force others to not smoke around us when and wherever we want because fuck you" mentality.'
Sound familiar? It's you.
>fuck you we smoke when and wherever we want because fuck you
Why are stoners like this? More importantly why should we allow them to be like this at the meetup?
Come on Ali let's go party
What the fuck is going on in this thread right now
Why should anyone let you come? Only you care about this. I haven't heard one person agree with you who isn't (You) responding to yourself.
I don't understand why are so mad about stoners being asked to be polite. Its not like they have been asked to not come. The meetup is welcoming them so long as they don't cause problems. Its not like walking off a ways from the group to use drugs is a burden.
>stoners were asked to be polite
>they response was fuck you
>people are trying the stoners down and reason with them
>stoners are having none of it because stoned
jerome pretending to be a concerned user who thinks the meetup will be comprised of rude drunk stoners. it is kind of funny watching him false flag though
Just saying... i'm a big drinker but i wouldn't do it at the meetups if there was a single person there uncomfortable with it... i would just appreciate the same common courtesy from the stoners
Well some of it might be trolling but the stoners were asked to be chill and they said they won't. Its been going on for a week now every now and again. The stoners should just chill out on line. Everything will be fine in person I am sure. We can work stuff out at the meetup. Stoners standing downwind away from the group shouldn't be an issue really if we are firm with them and explain why at the campfire.
This. I really don't see what the issue is. All anyone is asking for is that everyone be respectful.
Don't forget that in addition to smoke from cigarettes and weed, that fat people smell too. There's just a certain odor to the morbidly obese and I'm not confident in our group's hygiene care. I hope they separate themselves out from the rest of the group.
clear case of someone deeply butthurt he doesn't have a social life and attempts to ruin it for others
emphasis on the "attempts"
If I have a good idea- about an hour or so? I'm lucky enough to not second-guess myself much when I write. When Stephen King talks about his writing process I feel a lot of similarity with my own though he's of course far better than me.
hahahaha, exactly
Guess Straightedge Jerome-kun won't be going,
he's persistent to his shitposting. It's very tedious.
>170 posts
>not even 35 posters
Also I really think that Alita needs and deserves a good friend so that's how I try to write Koyomi. She helps support Alita when the Alita is navigating the difficulties of the social world around her.
Steven King says he tries to write six pages a day no matter what and if they're no good he just throws them away.
Doing it every day is the real key to being a master at whatever it is that you want to do.
Oh hey welcome back around.
Yeah he's an inspiration not only for that but also as an example of someone who doesn't let the idea of perfection get in the way of his craft. It's ok that not everything you make will be perfect. It's pretty much impossible that it could be. But the more that you make, the more likely that you hit greatness multiple times.
what are the chances that only 5 people will show up at the meet up?
I hope more people show up than that, I'm not driving hundreds of miles for nothing
3 showed up to the most recent one so 5+ would be good?
where's it at?
I'm calling it as like 8-9
How many hundreds?
oh no no no
it seems likely. The main LA crew is like 3-5 people already. Two CO anons, myself, flying user... trying to think of others.
Offtopic but idk who else to talk to, you're the only people who's opinion I respect and I can tell this to:
I'm playing a VN (Big Brother for those who care) and am starting to feel geniune emotional attachment to one of the characters. On the route I'm on the character almost gets stolen by someone else, and seeing it made the angrier than I can remember being in months. Then when she ditched the other guy I got extremely happy.
it's not real, what is wrong with me
It's a little over 1000 miles
Where's flying user coming in from?
pretty far lol
Well hopefully it will be worth the drive
Something similar happened to me with Alita. Made for a miserable week or so as I grappled with the idea of falling for a fictional character, but the dread eventually passed and I've been good since. Accept that what you're feeling is true and real and then give it some time. You'll be alright.
>*ring ring*
>Um, it might be a few days before I finish this delivery. Sorry, but it's really big!
>I do have a friend helping out now, though, so that's nice! Anyway, goodnight everyone!
take your time, Alita. You always deliver.
this is the fat chick you all lust over?
10+ hour days saying the same shit for over a month?
all for that fatty?
You're an incredibly reflective person HF I appreciate your thoughts on this.
That's not Rosa that's her stunt double
I guess this is a step up from the pedo arguments?
This is the cutest thing
Of course. I've put some heavy stuff out there before and people in these threads have always responded with sincerity and insight. I try to help others in kind where I can, even if I don't always know what to say.
ah dang you got us user! Pack it up boys our secret is out! alas
Rosa's usually pretty skinny
Fucking hell she's gorgeous
I wonder if it was refreshing for her to be able to film is reasonably whatever body shape she wants since it got GCIed over. I remember RDJ talking about filmkng the first iron man and being sick of having to stay in suit-wearing form near the end of filming
she pretty cute I guess
And I've been with you on the line of pain and growth the whole way. I guess it's not surprising that we write the stories we do huh?
it was probably pretty nice for any cyborg. Wear stretchy grey pajamas all day. Minimal makeup if any for some characters. Then again in Rosa's case having 2 HD cameras in your face all day seeing everything might be a bit uncomfy.
New Steve video
is... is she wearing an alita motorball concept art shirt?
>tfw already ate dinner
>can't autistically watch his new reviews while eating my simple leftovers
well at least it's something to look forward to tomorrow after work... ;_;
Made me kek out loud.
lol this works so well A+
It's such a nice release, even if actually writing the things can be like pulling teeth sometimes.
Anyhow, I'm up way past my bedtime, so this is good night from me before I get all weepy.
This movie was shit, your retarded bitches if you like it
Sleep well friend.
I’d rather see her with Conan than joe plebmeister.
haha you got us
watch it tho
What's it like to watch Alita while stoned?
i-imagine liking alita
Seriously, what makes you think people that criticize the movie didn't watch it? Seems not so tolerant of opinions.
because 99% of the people shitting on it say exactly what you said. At least in the early days the manga-autists had gripes about it 'not being like muh manga!' so I'm very sorry if we don't exactly care if you thought it was shit.
Criticism necessarily needs to provide an argument. "Movie is shit." Is not an argument, or at least not one worth engaging with.
I saw it stoned about 45 times. Not joking, smoking before going in the theater is my favorite thing. Sounds and visuals are louder and therefore more exciting. Especially if you sit up closer. That’s about it.
Who cares. That’s not even real pizza.
From 1-10, how would you rank Alita in Beauty/Attractiveness?
3D is cringe
It didn't make you think at all, it just made the action better?
Seeing it stoned on imax 3D was fucking dope too.
4/10 compared to my loli gf (picture related)
Man, Leeta's really starting to rub off on me. Glad to find she's finding work with Alita's Delivery Service.
Yeah. If you watch a movie stoned and you’re thinking, you’re not paying attention to the movie. It’s been a much more sensory thing when I combine movies and weed. I reeeeally wanted to watch alita on acid but the shit I was able to get was shitty fake acid. Some day...
10 jesus dude where do you think you are
I think she's CUTE
I had Under The Skin in my mind. Slow cut movies give you time to get what the director is trying to say, the film deserves its kino reputation (I first saw the movie when sober and liked it then). Blade Runner 2049 too. I guess I just like arthouse while high. Blockbuster movies are fine too, but the enjoyment while high is more incremental rather than transformational if that makes any sense. Was wondering if Alita would make me feel anything pretentious like thoughts about the human condition. I'll get around to it eventually with Alita though once it hits blu-ray.
>doesn't realize katawa shoujo still has a fucking general after more than half a decade
do not underestimate the power of concentrated autism
99/10 of course.
she's endured long enough to have a place in /alita/. I used to think it was dumb but I'm fine with her now.
>only 44 posters today
tic tok, alita posters
Well all those thoughts I had about alita after watching it and discussing it with you fanatics. Observations like pic related do creep in with multiple views while watching but maybe after you have an idea what you’re looking for
Oh god that pic no ;_;
Yeah, I mean, I have nothing inherently against Leeta, it's just that when she was born, there were 50 Blondita/Leeta images a thread for 5 threads in a row, lol. Even Vampalita would get annoying if it was spammed incessantly like Leeta used to be, but it's all good now. Leeta is like Bizarro Alita. Blondita I guess is usually without the glasses, and more bimbo-y, while Leeta is more specifically kinda SJW and dorky.
I remember the outrage when she was first posted. those were some great threads
Daily reminder that Rosa is retarded
44 is actually more than usual for midweek. Idk what kind of point you're trying to make.
I could see myself writing something like that while stoned if I was a Christkid, makes sense too.
She unironically likes Shaun King too. She's still a qt even if dumb.
the spamming of it definitely was most of why I was turned off by it but thankfully it's had time to breathe. I prefer Leeta specifically because she's kind of dorky and sort of assertive but also unsure of herself.
yeah lol bodily autonomy is retarded lol got her good man
he's delirious don't bother
>thinking a baby is part of a woman's body
Back from 2 weeks of absence. Glad my shitty OC is still being thrown around.
is rosa a lesbian bros?
how about we don't have a debate on abortion in this thread
bruh you just went full retard
No she's bi
works for me, I won't engage if he keeps going at it.
She definitely likes cock, but she could like girls too. I'm guessing bi.
>Muh religion
God I hate the burger abortion discourse
Nice to have you back friend
Yeah I'd peg this. Unironically I think she probably has a lot of love to give
Welcome back. We got like 3 new writefriends while you were gone
It's very simple.
don't engage user it's not worth it.
I'm feeling lonely today anons. How do I cope?
oh boy here we go
It's hard. Do you have a friend you can talk to? Or even your family? It's not the same as a partner but it can help
Hang out with us friend
post here if you've got nobody to talk to. I've been feeling really hermetic lately so I'm pretty much speaking to nobody besides a few sentences at work.
Any recent relevant news besides the blu-Ray date?
Digital release will be early June
>but I want my disc
Looks like we'll have a couple options.
Also...May 23rd will be 99 days of Alita being in our hearts.
That dress looks so smooth
Lol, I remember when this OC was first made, it was the same thread as the Alita-crew PA AMA.
hey anons
Oh for fucks sake... no rosa why
Wtf i love rosa now!
Lol that Zapan in the background
>-goes to click-
I call bread
Haha you must be new to the threads
*that was unclear; yes you're wrong I'm not va.
Eternally comfy no matter what.
what's better bluray or 4k ultra hd?
you got it
uh probably 4k if you have a screen for it. I'm stuck with bluray for a while.
Is /ALITA/ real or a forced meme?
I mean, this movie was released months back to little or no fanfare.
What's the big deal?
Is this just some backlash to the super hero movies, or to the blockbuster titles that have been released this year?
Why this movie?
Why are you babysitting this thread when the board is full of Yea Forums and Yea Forums trash Women are fucking parasites
/ALITA/ is real. We're powered by engineering and love.
No it's simply a really great movie
Will the Sonic movie follow the same advice as Alita and fix the eyes?
We got another one. It's very much the real deal friend. We wouldn't be 500 threads deep if it was just a knee jerk reaction
Thanks. I'll have to watch it then.
what do you guys even talk about at this point
It's being babysat and forced by a janitor. Don't worry though as he'll losing his powers soon for this just like the reylo one
>Why this movie?
we love it. Simple as that. No irony no cynicism. Pure, genuine love for it.
Dear God, I hope so. And everything else wrong with the design.
I mean, part of me thinks they should've stood their ground. The design is preeeettttyyy hard to look at though.
I smell some nice bread
I dunno we'll start a new topic in the next bread
It's actually multiple jannies
It's the fucking worst. The stupid thing is, all this publicity about it looking so shitty will probably just sell more tickets once they fix the design
Just as planned...