ITT: Films that are incomprehensible to females

ITT: Films that are incomprehensible to females.

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Love DDL in The Bounty

To be fair lots of men can't comprehend it either

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Real talk, do you think they don't care because ships have been almost entirely male crews in the West?

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Was he in the right?

Show me a better bromance

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Yes you fucking idiot.

Heat is overrated

To date this is the only movie to make me actually, properly cry. I just get the feeling women wouldn't understand it.

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Fight Fight Fight

Jerry Lewis movies

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its got a lot of dumb romance sub plots though, the only one that mattered was al pacinos because it had a good payoff


Fight Club

why'd he keep fighting, though?

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Literally any movie where the main theme is something related to honor or loyalty. These are concepts that are completely baffling to females, and though they claim to understand them in some kind of abstract sense, they really will never truly understand what those words mean.

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God, I love that movie.

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Yes, Fletcher Christian wound up stranded on a small island with a bunch of backstabbers and native whores, Bligh kept his honor and saved his crew.

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Have Sneed

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the descendants of the Bounty mutineers still live on Pitcairn island and it's a tourist destination. Fletcher is still btfo of Bligh even today.

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For cultural appropriation.

underrated frenchkino

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Fletcher died like a bitch in 1793 while Bligh continued to serve with distinction and praised by Nelson himself during the Battle of Copenhagen and retired as an Admiral

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I’m a lady, I like all these movies, but I’m old as shit.

based granny w/ good taste

What about Captain Ron?

This film finally clicked for me after about 10 years since when I first saw it.

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this is literally my sister's favorite movie

user, I have news for you...

>I’m a lady, I like all these movies, but I’m old as shit.
More likely a failed tranny, but whatever.

Excuse me, but I asked you a question. Do you like Captain Ron?

I haven't seen it, what wrong with liking that movie?

lol every fucking time, what is with you and your sister, literally every one of these threads you say this stupid shit

My wife thought it was "boring"

Divorce your wife.

just let me smash haha

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show tits

If the film had a female student going through all this, she'd torch the school in the third act.

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Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with Whiplash? It's just a football movie but with faggy jazz drumming. I'd rather watch an actual sports movie instead.

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the only good one is Bellboy

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>faggy jazz drumming

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>I’m old as shit.
So 28?

>the "faggy jazz drumming" was the theme of the film

Whiplash's whole premise is ridiculous and just beat by beat copies every sports movie trope in the book.

sports movies are gay. whiplash was kino

I agree with this


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Well acted but far too over the top to believable. The whole car crash part was just ridiculous and I never bought that a guy like Fletcher would be allowed that much freedom by the school that employs him.

So was Fletcher literally just lying about the tempo being off?

This is one of my favorite movies of all time.

This one too, what's there not to understand?

Yea Forums thinks Drive is an incel movie even though it's about a handsome criminal/badass stunt driver.

He wasn't talking about the music's tempo user, he meant the drummer's tempo

GoT is ultimately an incel story even though it's about a hot dragon queen though

My friend absolutely LOVES Whiplash and she's a transman

This whole trans thing is really catching on. I live in bumblefuck New Jersey and I've encountered at least two trans receptionists in my work.

I know but I’m pretty sure Teller’s character was playing the correct tempo and Fletcher was just being an asshole.

This is a homoerotic version of Good Will Hunting.
>Yeah bwoy play dem drums for daddy real good and I'll kiss you before I fuck you.

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Barry Lyndon

Not at all true in my experience. Women and effeminate/closeted reddit types were obsessed with it around when it first came out.

They lost. It's/He's ours now.

Literally anywhere in jersey is just runoff from NYC, so why is it surprising that your state is full of faggots?

Explain. My first thought is that good will hunting is way gayer, but it might just be that matt damon is a cutie.

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I don't buy it. It's still a shit movie in any case.

Based. Isnt there only like one visible female in the entire film?


Yeah and they're dead

what clicked, exactly?

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I think you're wrong.

To be fair, english men often can't comprehend this movie because of muh empire bullshit

>implying the Jews who made it understood it either


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I guess it's a simple matter of taste and the fact that I hate most of the the people I hung out with from around 19-23.

I guess it's a simpl

God the music is kino

Any Godzilla movie
Dragged Across Concrete
In Bruges
Lord of the Rings

I work with women and can confirm they don't understand this film
>why is the teacher so angry all the time?
>why doesn't he just quit!

The film just made more sense to me Depp's character actually made sense to me. Like why he was depressed and angry. Also kind of relatable about being held back by your family.

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Stop loving ryan gosling.

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Is he flossing

I feel like there are plenty of violent paranoid bitches who could relate to jake

Holy shit they made a movie out of this? I have the comfiest memories of reading the book one summer working in a used bookstore.

Varsity Blues.

American psycho. Also dubs

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You like them. But do you UNDERSTAND them? Dumb roastie show tits

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Guy Ritchie films are dumb boy wannabee mobster trash. I love 'em

Chicks just won't understand the Kino bursts of violence or why he is so violent

Whiplash is total fantasy bullshit though
so if women don't 'get it', thats just because they're not stupid.

is a jazz student breaking down why the film is bullshit

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