It's Prime timeline, set after Nemesis and the future parts of ST 2009. Its a Brexit metaphor. Vulcan wants to leave the Federation after the Romulan refugee crisis, after a severe pushback to reunification. Other planets are beginning to take their cue from the Vulcans, and the Federation is looking at a possible dissolution. Picard is older, retired and largely forgotten by modern Starfleet, but he learns that a third party may be behind the recent events, and leaves Earth with a renegade crew to investigate.
This makes no sense. why would Vulcan, a founding member of the Federation for over 200 years, suddenly want to leave over a bunch of Romulan Refugees? The Federation has hundreds of planets that they would resettle refugees. It's not like the Vulcans have to live with Romulans them down the street from them.
Secondly why would Romulans go to the Federation? The Romulan Star Empire is a SPACE EMPIRE with hundreds of planets and tons of star systems. Sure one Romulan planet blew up, but they could easily relocate to another one of their hundreds of other Romulan planets and colonies.
Thirdly why would the Federation even take in Romulan refugees considering the above reasons?
Michael Morales
this sounds interesting but is going to trigger all the new alt righter trektards
Jayden Baker
I don't buy these spoilers either but your points about why it doesnt make sense actually make it more likely to be real.
think about how bad the std writers were and all the shit like this that they pulled? their complete lack of understanding of the universe and the forced politics that stopped their show being popular or selling any merch.
dont start this arguement, my mentally ill tranny friend.
Isaac Murphy
Tyler Miller
damn that was fast
Christian Rivera
Sounds like the writers didn't really think things through and just wanted a platform to make a political Brexit metaphor. What a shame. I was hoping for a TNG reunion with solid stories. Instead were getting Brexit starring alternate universe Picard.
David Flores
>but he learns that a third party may be behind the recent events space jews? Ferengi?
Liam Diaz
>Secondly why would Romulans go to the Federation? The Romulan Star Empire is a SPACE EMPIRE with hundreds of planets and tons of star systems. Sure one Romulan planet blew up, but they could easily relocate to another one of their hundreds of other Romulan planets and colonies. That's pretty much the way it is in Star Trek Online, only the Romulans split into two factions each with their own new homeworld, the old Empire and the new Romulan Republic who are pals with the Federation.
Angel Barnes
>American jews sticking their filthy kike noses in British politics typical
A better analogy would be if the United States suddenly lost California, there are still 49 other states for refugees to go. They entire population suddenly wouldn't immigrate to canada
Asher Martinez
>ree stop taking inspiration from reality!
Jaxon Smith
(i'm the first one of those) and yeah because i was in the thread dumbass. what was fast was your post calling everyone an evil nazi. lol
Nathaniel Harris
Romulans are going to Vulcan because they ARE Vulcans. They're the descendants of Vulcans who left the planet on slower-then light arkships thousands of years ago. The refugees are from their home planet blowing up, as seen in the reboot with Chris Pine. before that happened, Spock was on Romulus pushing reunification with Vulcan for decades.
So it makes perfect sense for the refugee Romulans to return to their ancient home, and for them to be welcomed. And it makes perfect sense that everything isn't hunky dory, since you have massive numbers of desperate, upset refugees showing up somewhere new and different with a population that can be hard to get along with.
what DOESN'T make sense is Vulcan leaving the federation. even if they left, reunification would still be a thing, and Romulans would still want to go there.
also it's obvious political allegory for Brexit and fuck that shit
Ethan Smith
Based logical Vulcans not wanting to be overrun with barbarian refugees
Julian Lopez
Well you say that but then there's all those Mudslim cockroaches who go across thousands of miles into Europe.
Aaron King
>A better analogy would be if the United States suddenly lost California don't tease me
>The Romulan Star Empire is a SPACE EMPIRE with hundreds of planets and tons of star systems. it was the capital. cut off the was a deliberate decapitation strike by parties unknown.
Samuel Jones
inb4 spock was responsible. they are gonna last jedi his character up
Levi Wilson
>Picard is older, retired and largely forgotten by modern Starfleet Nigga they had DeForest Kelley on the first episode of TNG as an ancient as shit retired admiral and you may as well have thrown rose petals before him as he hobbled around the Enterprise D the way they treated him; and that motherfucker was just a doctor. This shit about oh Picard being forgotten is moronic considering he was figurehead of the Borg crisis, was Sarek's diplomatic successor and there was an entire branch of Star Fleet created specifically because of time bullshit that he and his crew got up to. This shit is like if the British forgot about Horatio Nelson, fucking dumb.
Ryder Gomez
Romulans are fucking based though. It's more like if the English fled the destruction of the UK to America and the Americans shun them for being too white.
Yes it was the capital, but there are still hundreds of planets in the Romulan Empire and a VAST military still intact. Romulans wouldn't leave to go the Federation
Asher Price
>there are still 49 other states for refugees to go There are FOUR states
James Edwards
Romulans are savage and warlike. Vulcans are more evolved and cultured
Landon Myers
The clip shown at the reveal event at CBS confirms this part sadly. It showed Picard showing up to some Starfleet event and being asked his name by an officer, he looks up in surprise like "Are you serious?"
Jacob Roberts
so say the vulcans.
Gabriel Reyes
Sounds like fucking garbage.
There are ways to incorporate the destruction of Romulus into a new show. After the Dominion War every single great power in the quadrant is severely weakened. This is a ripe time for a LESSER enemy to show up, because with every major power weakened severely, even a second rate power might be able to make a move.
Turning it into some anti-Trump brexit analogy just proves to everyone that Star Trek is dead, and has been dead.
Joseph Gomez
>Spock spends literally a hundred years of his post Kirk ambassadorial diplomatic life trying to reunify the Romulans and Vulcans and both sides actually being receptive to it
>Romulus explodes and suddenly the Federation has a massive chimp-out about not wanting Romulan refugees
Star Trek and Brexit. Sounds like a fucking barrel of laughs.
Cooper Thompson
Why do conservatives pretend they're even fans of Star Trek? Don't they understand it's not for them and never will be because they're inherent;y awful, pessimistic people?
Josiah Roberts
I wouldn't want to see anyone on that cover engaged in sexual acts
Lucas Morales
Actually sounds pretty interesting.
I'm inclined to think that the Federation breaking up would be a good thing. They've homogenized enough cultures.
>Romulans are going to Vulcan because they ARE Vulcans. They're the descendants of Vulcans who left the planet on slower-then light arkships thousands of years ago.
Vulcan hasn't been their homeplanet for thousands of years as you just said. They literally have evolved to have somewhat different biology. You avoided the questions of why aren't the Romulans using the hundreds of other planets in their SPACE EMPIRE.
Sebastian Robinson
weren't the pro-reunification romulans hunted by the empire?
Jack Morales
>Not wanting to see the Chad Cook Picard in action Nigga u gay.
Caleb Jenkins
they cherrypick things to claim something is redpilled and based or such mental gymnastics
Brayden Flores
Spocks entire fucking covert set of trips back and forth from Romulus were a Federation psi-op. The Federation admiralty were who told Picard about picking him the fuck up initially in Spocks set of TNG episodes, what the fuck?
Isaiah Evans
Stop talking to yourself
Zachary Walker
Are they? All the time they visit a planet it shows it has its own culture and flavor, only the humans feel homogenized.
Brody Lopez
>Feds weren't ok with having peace with the Klingons
Yeah, no, the Klingons were the ones who regretted it in the TNG-era, not the Federation.
Michael Robinson
Don't you have a paki gang to be gang raped by?
All conservatives hope our future is similar to Star Trek. However, conservatives don't believe that a society can reach that goal by importing millions of illiterate shitskins, banning the right to self defense, and promoting drag queen reading time for kindergartners.
Jeremiah Mitchell
>This makes no sense. why would Vulcan, a founding member of the Federation for over 200 years, suddenly want to leave over a bunch of Romulan Refugees?
Maybe they want to have their own culture again?
The Federation is a giant bureaucracy without the threat of conquest by the Romulans or the Klingons why would anyone want to be a part of it rather than simply governing their own affairs?
I mean, the fuck were you expecting after Discovery? All shows must now be political.
Dylan Hernandez
>the phoneposter turns out to be dumb and unobservant I'm absolutely shocked.
Justin Fisher
>Brexit metaphor HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. Brilliant.
Brody Edwards
>Why do conservatives pretend they're even fans of Star Trek? Don't they understand it's not for them and never will be because they're inherently awful, pessimistic people?
nice samefagging but we can see it. how embarassing.
Kayden Edwards
Yeah man, lets just throw away the whole point of all the shows where humanity has lifted itself from niggerdom only for them to decent back into dumb shit because it's modernist.
Evan Morris
The vulcans literally run most of the Federation. They are a founding member. They aren't giving up that power. The Vulcans are like the United States as a member of the United Nations.
Alexander Foster
>why yes, I am a selfish, horrible person who didn't go to college because book lernin' is fer fags! >i totally believe in the word of christ though! >saving these pictures to my Yea Forums folder will make the nagging thoughts about my own lack of masculinity go away >damn these thin wrists!
Xavier Richardson
so no one is allowed to go to vulcan? It's like when asian people were being killed in one of the many genocides. Like the Hmong people, for some reason Minnesota has like the #2 population in the US. California makes sense being #1, coastal. This is what happens though, a people move to one place, to be together. It's not at all absurd for some romulans to go "yea, Im willing to try the vulcan way of life, Im moving to vulcan" and lots of them to agree and many to go there. It's incredibly logical.
Thomas Perez
Preach, brother
Jaxson Anderson
>All the time they visit a planet it shows it has its own culture and flavor
Every Federation planet has the exact same political structure, the exact same economic plan, the same laws, the same philosophy, and the same authorities governing over them.
So what if they have their own food and language and ceremonial dances. That's all trivial shit. In every meaningful way that a society has to govern its own destiny and to exercise its will as a people they are powerless.
All the white illiterates in your trailer park are A-OK though, right?
Jonathan Allen
Why are refugees be a problem? There are hundreds if not thousands of habitable planets the Romulans could be peacefully resettled on, and replicator technology would ensure that all their needs and wants could be met with no one else being burdened.
Jayden Martinez
Why don't all the refugees just live in a holodeck?
Christian Reyes
>Be part of the biggest pact of planets in space >Nah bro, lets not work this out and just leave
Sounds fucking illogical
Gavin Ortiz
>vulcan brexit another star trek shit show, love it
>telling a hypocrite to keep talking Yep, you're a phonetard alright.
Chase Carter
Adam Turner
they're literate. most of them post on Yea Forums these days.
Michael Wood
Romulans are so protective of their territory that the Neutral zone exists where they blast any ships that cross their border.
I find it highly unlikely that they would be refugees on a federation planet, they're so proud of being Romulan they'll kill themselves before that happens.
Matthew Bennett
>Why are refugees be a problem?
Because muh refugees are a problem now and these writers can't get enough of their stank
Jose Williams
Don't you have a gaping wound you ought to be dilating?
Cameron Reed
T. Gayass Muslim cocksucking numale
Landon Edwards
You're right it's retarded; confirmed true
Joshua Anderson
>orange man bad >alt-right bad >different opinions bad >bad thoughts bad, bad man!
Landon Howard
>An actual good star trek premise for once >ruined once again by shitposting
>rehashing the rape gang/bajor post occupation concept. yawn.
William Russell
>election tourist memes You lost. >doesn't know when greentext is necessary because new You lost.
Hudson James
>enlightened race that runs on pure logic want to Vexit from the Federation can't exactly see how this will make a compelling case against Brexit
Hudson Brown
>stop shitposting on Yea Forums guise! You deserve to be murdered.
Grayson Walker
>that tholian flag lmao
Leo Morales
>Yeah man, lets just throw away the whole point of all the shows where humanity has lifted itself from niggerdom
Have they?
Most of the films and music they listen to are hundreds of years old. There's no private enterprise, no way for anyone to raise resources to pursue anything without some support from the state. Their ideology or political culture hasn't evolved in hundreds of years.
The Federation is stagnant, a boring monotonous dead end society where the people are simply kept comfortable and docile enough that they never dream of change. A dead culture, preserved in formaldehyde by the state, unchanging. A society whose evolution has stopped. How very boring.
NIMBY = Not In My Backyard. It's the reason the US has such a problem with nuclear waste. there's plenty of nice empty desert to stick it in but no one wants it in their state. same thing with the refugees: there's loads of places for them to go, but when it comes time to actually DO something, everyone will say "I didn;t mean HERE. why don't you go ask Delta Pavonis IV, they have plenty of room."
Isaiah Moore
>Vulcans >Founding members of federation >Led multiple species growth after making first contact to lead to peaceful coexistence >Now wants to build a theoretical wall EXPLAIN
>i don't understand anything about the show i claim to watch because i'm conservative and have no imagination
Ryder Scott
>Be part of the biggest pact of planets in space
Illogical ehhh?
If you don't need the pact of planets for security, then why do you need it?
If the Romulans and the Klingons and the Cardassians and the Dominion aren't a threat any more, then why should you surrender your independence to the giant space empire?
Replicators exists, they can do whatever they want with them they dont need to ask for any resources because they're free to pursue anything they want.
Eli Davis
In this canon are Picard's brother and nephew still burned to death?
Joseph Howard
>I suck Muslim cock and so does my daughter
Jonathan Moore
No, but this guy's are: It was for the good of everyone to be honest. No one from that family were going to do anything positive of humanity.
Hunter Bell
For advancements in mathematics/sciences/philosophy etc?
Jose Campbell
> Im moving to vulcan" and lots of them to agree and many to go there. It's incredibly logical. WTF is wrong with you. This isn't Earth where you can just take your passport and visit another country.
The Federation and Romulans have been at war with one another. And they just had a war. Have you even watch the previous Star Treks? There is a huge military border with space mines, ships, military bases, and other shit guarding it. Just stepping into the zone is suicidal even for military ships like the Enterprise. Secondly, no you can't just "drive up to the Vulcan" like you are driving your car to go to McDonalds you fat american. They are a part of a completely different space empire. And they aren't even close to one another.
Even if ignore the above....One planet blowing up wouldn't kill the Romulan Empire. The Romulans control a vast Space Empire. They wouldn't go to Vulcan. They would to hundreds of other planets they control. The basic premise of the show is flawed!
There is so much wrong with your statement that it's absurd. Go re-watch the show. It's clear you have no idea what your talking about or are a shill for CBS trying to push the show's bizzarre premise.
Brody Miller
>he thinks prime universe is the same as the TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY universe lmao get a load of this brainlet. It's literally just a parallel world but still part of the spinoff prequel movie universe
Alexander Lopez
You sure do make sureto let everyone know you fantasize about sucking dick in every single thread you post in. Why is that? Wouldn't it be more conservative to not talk about gay sex in public all the time? Why are you a complete hypocrite? Are you actually mad at yourself instead of the world? It kind of seems like it, queerbait.
Ryan Williams
Imagine being this dumb and believing Midnight's Edgelords
Lincoln White
They already went that route in Trek 2009. Since he time traveled and was not seen since it's destruction, they very well can say he was responsible and went into hiding.
I hope the motherfucker at least learns how to fight by this time, yeesh what a fucking disappointment . I know he's french, but he literally let kirk do all the work.
I've watched every episode and every film. The Federation isn't a dystopia; but its not a utopia either. There's no poverty, no sickness, everyone is taken care of. But it has an extremely centralized power structure where the state ultimately rules everything and dictates who gets to be given positions of privilege based upon rules of merit that the state itself dictates. If you think that's a utopia you're either very gullible or you haven't been paying close enough attention.
You're the one justifying loyalty to a giant space empire. I'm the one arguing for individuality and independence. I don't think you know what a liberal is, friend. You seem to have mistaken liberalism for socialism.
>Replicators exists, they can do whatever they want with them they dont need to ask for any resources because they're free to pursue anything they want
Really? Can I replicate up my own starship? If so why doesn't everyone have one? Why does the state seem to own every ship?
Can I replicate up a laboratory? How about a university? Or a factory? What if I don't just want to live in comfort? What if I actually want to try and change society?
Or what if I do just want to live in comfort? Can I replicate up some beach front property? Or am I going to live where the state tells me to live?
There's no such thing as post scarcity. You can get to a point where the common people can all be taken care of and live in comfort but private ownership and private enterprise still have value because they allow the society to pursue ideals not endorsed by the state, they allow the society to exert its individuality and independence rather than just chasing the ideals their masters dictate for them.
>For advancements in mathematics/sciences/philosophy etc?
The Federation's philosophy and political structure hasn't changed in hundreds of years. Their culture and philosophy are stagnating not advancing.
>all that reddit spacing r/the_donald wants you back, tourist.
Jayden Peterson
Q were raped by Voyagers writers. Q Civil war? kek
Ryder Morris
For an interstellar civilization that's kinda what you want. If the goal is to create a homogenized culture that can contain the resources of an area of space, it wont devolve inter internal conflict. A safe zone. That provides stability to expand onward, increasing the size of the safe zone.
Think of it like the Borg, but as a memetic organism instead of cybernetic.
Jaxon Thomas
>This makes no sense. why would Britain, a founding member of the European Union for over 40 years, suddenly want to leave over a bunch of Arab refugees? Exactly.
Matthew Scott
That's a cute way of saying that you don't have a counter argument for anything I said you candy ass roody poo.
All I want to see was the Cardassia recovery, Dominion dealings post-war and perhaps the Breen as the main bad guy. I don’t give two fricks about “muh refugees”
>Not but did guise are You wish you fat obsessed feminist legbeard.
Andrew White
>i come to Yea Forums for arguments and i regurgitate things i read on ED as if they mean anything in a world where ED an knowyourmeme exist Keep formatting wrong and you'll keep getting detected, rebellious black teen.
Aiden Phillips
Admiral Ackbar is in Star Wars, not Trek
John Campbell
Alright lets see. Ships not owned by the Federation but by Federation citizens.
Cassidy Yates, cargo ship. Tucker's family's cargo ship on Enterprise, that weird light sail thing Sisko and Jake built.
Anything else?
Camden Bell
That was mostly dissenting military elements in 6. Everyone in the fed seems fine with it by TNG era
Aiden Thomas
Not even DS9 S8 would have given you that. The pitch from the DS9 writers for a potential S8 in that latest documentary is Section 31 trying to destroy the wormhole to get Bajor into the Federation. And we all saw how great S31 was as a bad guy in Discovery.
Charles Rogers
>Really? Can I replicate up my own starship? Yes, didn't you watch Star Trek Voyager? Clearly your memory is foggy.
>Can I replicate up a laboratory? Yes. Go watch Star Trek Voyager and TNG. Hell sometimes they dont even bother with a replicator. They just go to a holideck and make one for a couple hours then save it in a save file.
Clearly you aren't a real fan. You just pretend to be one and attach a pic of Q thinking you can fool people.
it also made no sense because in some TNG episode he did actually fight
Kayden Johnson
>pretends to be white and conservative >doesn't care enough about propriety to learn how to use commas So what you're saying is that you're a hypocrite and you'd end up washing dishes for Sisko's dad.
Colton Fisher
Nigger please, I've been in this shithole since before reddit existed. For that matter I've never been to reddit and if you'd been here as long as I had you would have picked up on my old faggotry in that last post.
James Davis
how does it feel to be the only non-pleb, non-proletarius of this thread?
I figured they wouldn’t have enough time to really focus on any of those except maybe Cardassian recovery. A 30 year time jump would give them enough room but I doubt the competency of STD writers.
thats impossible so long as cbs is running the show and they are going after the GOT audience
David Lopez
>please feed me, all i watched is the one about the mall and the one for boomers (i'm literally referring to that one episode about Boomers) Return to your subreddit.
Adam Stewart
>ywn see tilly be forced to lick janeway’s snatch and ass while Kirk, Picard, Sisko, and Archer DP both her holes.
Bentley Campbell
>Its a Brexit metaphor Fuckin' DROOOOOOOPPPPPPPPED.
Matthew Miller
>Yes, didn't you watch Star Trek Voyager?
Sadly yes, and the Delta Flyer was manufactured by the Federation. Not a private citizen.
>Yes. Go watch Star Trek Voyager and TNG. Hell sometimes they dont even bother with a replicator.
That's a fucking state owned ship you obtuse wanker. Do you not get this? Saying that I can do something if I'm a member of Star Fleet and get the captain's permission is not me as an individual exercising my will, its me as an individual asking master for permission.
>i liek playing make believe! I'm not obligated to play along with you, election tourist, which is why I pointed out where you gleaned the anachronistic memes you thought would totally prove your heritage.
Its not only clear that you have no knowledge about Star Trek at all, you are ven too stupid to realize that everything you said can be said about modern western society. You own a damn Computer and via Internet you have access to the knowledge of Humanitys entire wisdom. And yet you use it for shitposting and wanking to Porn.
Camden Gutierrez
q-user, pls go
Connor Green
Did new season of STD have any redeeming factors? Did they learn SOME lessons?
Cool meme. Except all the exploration episodes of the Gamma Quadrant
David Parker
>in the world... on CBS All Access
Jackson Roberts
>obtuse wanker It's 4am in England, absolutely tragic to be ancap-posting in a Star Trek thread from England at this time of day. Even more tragic if you're pretending to be English.
Asher Walker
>Or what if I do just want to live in comfort? Can I replicate up some beach front property? Or am I going to live where the state tells me to live?
You're free to live wherever you want, the federation cant and wont stop you. You can visit another planet and find a nice quiet beach front and live there if you wish. Or you could just turn on your holodeck while living in a city if that's what you want.
Chase Wilson
And the parents of Seven of Nine were private scientists who had their own space ship.
Christopher Hernandez
>I've watched every episode and every film. No, you've watched none of it.
Brody Lopez
Ryan Perez
I like that the only function of that bed in the middle is for her to look seductive on. There is no reason for it to be in that room
Jason Wood
>dude, they trekked 4 times! Lol shut up, phonetard. You don't have to be their goy pet, you know.
Your trolling is lazy and derivative faggot. If you put some effort into it I would have played along but now I'm just bored. We could have had a thread discussing the show or debated philosophy but no. Shit posting reddit spacing isn't trolling.
>We could have had a thread discussing the show or debated philosophy >*tips*
Michael Mitchell
On second thought, if the Vulcans are leaving then it's obviously being presented as the logical choice. Right?
Jeremiah Lopez
Christopher Baker
>your whole planet >your planet You need to actually watch the shows you claim to watch, reddit.
Jacob Wright
> After 9-11, all the New Yorkers of English descent moved to Britain.
Just listen to how silly you sound, user.
Oliver Turner
Is this is really the plot, I'm Fucking out.
One of the most ridiculous things they could come up with for a storyline.
Easton Perry
There are plenty of public holodecks on earth user. They even mention this several times in conversations in the show. Clearly you memory is foggy.
Secondly, it's not that you can't make a laboratory, but you don't NEED to since public holodecks exist and you can just make a holodeck lab and do your work there.
Zachary Lee
The only part of this I'm looking forward to is the RedLetterMedia analsis
Gabriel Clark
>“We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes.” >“Star Trek was an attempt to say that humanity will reach maturity and wisdom on the day that it begins not just to tolerate, but take a special delight in differences in ideas and differences in life forms. […] If we cannot learn to actually enjoy those small differences, to take a positive delight in those small differences between our own kind, here on this planet, then we do not deserve to go out into space and meet the diversity that is almost certainly out there.” >“For most people, religion is nothing more than a substitute for a malfunctioning brain. If people need religion, ignore them and maybe they will ignore you, and you can go on with your life. It wasn't until I was beginning to do Star Trek that the subject of religion arose. What brought it up was that people were saying that I would have a chaplain on board the Enterprise. I replied, "No, we don't.” >“If man is to survive, he will have learned to take a delight in the essential differences between men and between cultures. He will learn that differences in ideas and attitudes are a delight, part of life's exciting variety, not something to fear.”
I have a bad feeling William Shatner will die this year
Anthony Thompson
I thought they got a commission from Star Fleet.
I can never figure out how the private economy is supposed to work in Star Trek. Like there's an episode where Ezri's Dax's parents run a mine, do they own it? What do they get out of mining if there's no money? Is this really just what they want to do with their lives? What about the miner's working for them, did they choose to working in a mine because they thought it would be fulfilling?
Or shit what about that episode where Sisko's dad own's a restaurant. He has fucking waiters, did these people choose to be waiters for fun?
Yea, in the federation people are enlightened that they work for fun voluntarily. This is why they kept making episodes about the Ferengi and how awful their society are for still caring about money.
Jacob Turner
They probably get paid with shrimp gumbo
Parker Flores
Is Earth your home planet you pedantic twat? Do you own it?
No. I'm also not a colonist here and never claimed I owned it, retarded outsider who keeps failing at his own arguments. Try watching the shows instead of getting high and jacking off to Daddy Trump's speeches with them running in the background.
Jeremiah Morales
France didn't even want to allow Britain's membership.
Sebastian Bailey
So why not have Captain Sisko handle the crisis? Sisko gets results in badass ways
Owen Perry
>politics is everywhere now, it's so tiring >guess I'll indulge in a little escapism and watch that new Star Trek show >I love Star Trek, it's my happy place, unlike miserable reality >WELCOME TO CBS DIGITAL. TODAY WE'RE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE NEXT STAGE IN OUR WONDERFUL, FORWARD THINKING, SCI-FI FRANCHISE >"STAR TREK: POLITICS OF [CURRENT YEAR]" >oh God fucking damn it
I mean Nicholas Meyer made The Undiscovered Country into a "Chernobyl and the fallout of the collapse of the Soviet Union" analogy, but I wasn't directly affected by that, and he made a fun, interesting movie, and I don't feel he was really asserting any sort of position on the matter.
I AM directly affected by Brexit, I'm fucking exhausted by it all, and I don't expect this new show to be fun and interesting either. It's going to be one-sided in its view, preachy and self-righteously unsubtle about it.
I'm so bloody sick of this "everything is politics" nonsense. They just say that so they get to justify to themselves how they're making literally everything into hamfisted propaganda.
Brody Martin
there's Star Trek Discovery if you don't want politics
Kevin Powell
It would be nice if all of humanity could behave like the natural aristocrats required for a Star Trek spacefaring civilization, and makes for an enjoyable, engaging story. But it just doesn't match the tragic reality of the human condition
William Ortiz
>What stay with me here...what if we got Vulcan to take another vote?
Evan Brown
so who are the space russians that hacked the poor dumb vulcans?
Camden Scott
You really weren't paying attention if you think that.
Austin Barnes
>people are innately selfish and evil bruh Maybe you should be put down then. Would you like that, Mr. Defeatist Attitude? Would you like Daddy Khan to put you down?
Andrew Moore
Evil Romulans Section 31 Some other races we don't know
Nolan Kelly
On one hand, it's a future series set beyond the Voyager era. That's good.
On the other hand, it's a series trapped inside an ongoing plot premise that will consume every single episode, so it isn't going to have real Star Trek episodes. That's bad.
Kayden Rivera
you can blame DS9 for that, the GoT of its time
Austin Kelly
Sounds kind of shit. Especially the part where it acknowledges the existence of JJ Trek. They could just make Romulus not explode and we could forget about that bollocks forever. No actual canon material has used the idea yet, they could still undo it but if they don't they're legitimialising JJ's shite.
David Sanders
Zachary Rivera
The EU is a bureaucratic nightmare. Just imagine what a Space EU would be like...
Landon Nguyen
Honestly it would kinda make sense if the idea that the Vulcan generation that joined the Federation is now dying out (natural causes) and the incoming generation of leaders is made up of these Vulcan "kids" that have known a lot of war in their relatively brief stint in the Federation (Romulan, Klingon, Dominion, Borg, etc) ...but then again this will probably be shit.
Landon Peterson
The Republic is akin to the Guiado puppet regime propped up by the US. Fuck the Federation. Empress Sela 4 lyfe
Dominic Sanders
>I mean, the fuck were you expecting after Discovery? All shows must now be political.
Star Trek has and always will be political.
Luis Clark
Can Picard please be a differently abled black lesbian who is gender non conforming in this?
Landon Perez
Honestly I think the serialised storytelling is fine for Star Trek, just like having the lead be not the captain, just like it being a short miniseries.
The problem is just that these particular creators are awful at doing it. They'd have to be actually competent filmmakers for you to truly be able to say "this doesn't work and should never have been done"
Michael Cruz
Yes, but for the most part the writers of the past shows were always very subtle about it, and usually covered it up with a compelling story and characters. There were never this HAMFISTED and clumsy with their storytelling. It feels like they are beating people over the head with it.
Cooper Thomas
It's dumb to try, When you have self contained episodes, you can have an occasional stinker and the rest can be gold. When it's serialized, the whole season is left with no recovery when some important element is disappointing.
Hudson Bailey
>Fucking no source
Are people falling for this yet again?
Gabriel Stewart
Children today (everyone under 25) are incapable of processing subtleties. That's the demographic they're looking to secure for long term growth.
Jason Ross
Bullshit. It was overt and multiple episodes directly placed characters in political situations. Take the Bell Riots arc in DS9 for example or the obvious parallel between Cardassia and Nazis.
Roddenberry himself was an avowed anti-capitalist and usually Communist in his worldview.
Brayden Bell
if anything recent shows have proven that you can have multiple bad episodes but people will stick around for the overall arc
Blake White
I mean, not always. They tried to contrive a story with starships making global warming happen in space, and it was laughable and frequently forgotten about afterwards
Thomas Bailey
If he’d listed Midnight’s Edgelords would you have really accepted that
so is that faggot going to claim CBS made Patrick Stewart take a picture next to somebody in a Voyager uniform at like 5 in the morning just to fake everyone out that Picard and Discovery aren't cancelled?
not that user but STD is shown on netflix outside of the US
Gabriel Moore
>...for a brief moment a 4am on a holiday
Sebastian Nguyen
>confirmed Star Trek Discovery 100% dead Picard has no money massive budget cuts and not one licensee everyone walked from the licensee meeting not one toy person they are proceeding on their own meaning CBS is going to have to flip the bill for all of this which they could certainly afford but they generally don't like to pay for these things on their own that's why you see lots of producer credits and executive producer credits they are out of money and can't afford to make Star Trek Discovery
desu, toy based license deals as a means to support a cartoon/TV show are as dead as DeForest Kelley. Kids don't play with action figures anymore. They play with phones. The only merchandising that's even remotely successful are the model kits/statues, that only the super autistic trekkies buy, and clothing.
Oliver Stewart
>the FotM meme frogtard is a redditor I'm not surprised in the slightest.
it would be nice if you could pull up Star Trek clips on youtube without The Algorithm suggesting a million conspiracy theory videos about how "it's really cancelled for good this time, trust me guys, Sarek is a temporal nexus of all the timelines for real"
Asher Martinez
So whats the succubus' problem? Nymphomaniac?
Zachary James
I'm okay with full retard
>Picards nemesis is a British accented half-Vulcan half-Human madman with curly hair >He literally uses memetics to get Vulcans to believe in Vexit >The leader of the planet of Vulcan is someone like that bald old woman from ST:3 Search for Spock and she's having trouble getting it done (Teresa May) >There is a squad of Young Vulcans who wants to help Picard stop the Boomer Vulcans from fucking up everything and they are various people of color actors >Riker dies in Episode 6 by saving Picard from being suicide bombed >Geordie married a hot blonde chick and they have mixed babies who are also cyborgs >one is a huge bulky guy and these guys are like Data but not cringe and the twin daughter has huge jugs >The guy who warns Picard about the third party is an obvious allegory for Edward Snowden >The leader of the Klingon Empire is basically Donald Trump and says Make Klingon Great Again in Klingon unsubtitled so only true nerds will get it >Worf is like Klingon Bernie Sanders and has badass old man hair and a fucking Pei Mei beard >He wants to get the youth to go against Klingon Trump and "mysteriously disappears" to help Picard on some cool heist and possibly dies too but he also serves a role as a Wolverine level Klingon Warrior and the tone turns kinda like Logan, best action scenes ever in Star Trek history happen during these episodes
Liam Barnes
Why was it deleted? Did CBS ask them to take it down because it was too close?
Sebastian Hill
go dilate
Tyler Jenkins
Wait is Picard like, actually going out into the galaxy and doing stuff and not just sitting around being an old diplomat? I guess Patrick Stewart still is pretty spry.
Thomas Hill
because they are the majority.
Ryan Lee
more like because they are vocal
Luis Price
Look at the Muslim cocksucker in denial
Lincoln Taylor
It's not the viewers. It's the writers.
Logan Jenkins
na they are growing majority.
The salt-left is a joke to everyone these days. It's funny you lefty pol trannies come on here and spam shit and get run out.
Wyatt Hernandez
It really is a shame you chimps aren't self aware enough to understand irony.
Thomas Carter
lol you're talking about the SJWs.
Nolan Watson
sargon isn't sending his best.
Christian Jones
Camden Hernandez
Is sargon some target from your tranny youtuber now?
Kayden Robinson
>being afraid of mouthfeel
the absolute state of dissentercels.
Connor Morgan
I always find it funny how people bring up certain youtubers as a way to "attack" people but in reality its the person bringing up the youtuber that is angered by the fact that they exist in the first place.
Christian Watson
Go dilate
Chase Nguyen
>current politics metaphor The worst possible thing they could have done.
Dylan Stewart
>orange hair bad >liberul bad >different opinions bad >bad thoughts bad, bad soi!
James Collins
>Starfleet insignia for the "A" in "Picard" while Picard is confirmed to no longer be a member of Starfleet Imagine being a showrunner for this shit.
Landon James
Romulans aren't warlike, they've fought a grand total of one war with the Federation and that was during first contact. Romulans are the master of subterfuge and if anything they are ST's Israel, the most based nation on Earth.
Jason Richardson
the left can't meme.
Jaxson Ramirez
ah the autism episode. this was interesting.
Austin Collins
Juan Allen
Because they watched Star Trek when they were kids and they didn't yet judge everything based on their political ideology. And due to cognitive dissonance they now claim ST was never about the things it inherently is about because it would mean they would have to admit they actually agreed with the political message of the show that doesn't adhere to their current real life politics.
Joshua Lopez
the only people who attack midnights edge are corporate shills though
Brayden Hughes
Or people who dislike those who act in bad faith
Nicholas Reed
you mean actual autists with aspergers? thats the only people i can think of who would attack midnights edge, who basically let us in on true leaks and that's all.
other than a total sperg the only people who would hate midnights edge are literally employed shills.
Nicholas Sullivan
>Yes, but for the most part the writers of the past shows were always very subtle about it
They were subtle when you were a kid and didn't yet understand things like political subtext. For fucks sake, do you seriously think Let That Be Your Last Battlefield can be considered to be more subtle than what this supposed new show direction is?
Ryan Perry
>because they're inherent;y awful, pessimistic people we're realists that appeal to logic and reason vs the lefts appeal to emotion.
Bentley Cook
>cognitive dissonance I find it comical that the left uses this phrase against the right when cognitive dissonance is the reality of the average lefty.
Left lacks morals or pillars they are amoral people.
Cameron Morris
>memes >tourist
Aww the redditard trannies still thinking this is "their site".
Aaron Kelly
>Star Trek has and always will be political.
this is statement for retards. a show develops branding. of course trek was political but it's brand of politics were actually in opposition to modern progressive politics.
Jeremiah Reed
That's completely fucking false.
Grayson Sanchez
They will make him gay, count on it.
Adam Diaz
people like to lie about trek a lot when they havent seen much of it. I'm not taking sides in your argument but basically people out there saying "star trek was always progressive" are the worst case of this.
Logan Edwards
Then why are you fucking crying that all shows are political instead of being actually accurate about your statements and saying "these show are terrible because they're not politically correct in the sense that they do not pander politics that I personally happen to agree with"
Dylan Johnson
Vulcanis THE founding member. It would be like if Germany wanted to leave the EU despite it being created and mostly controlled by them.
Brandon Butler
>but basically people out there saying "star trek was always progressive" are the worst case of this.
If Star Trek wasn't progressive for its time Uhura and Kirk would have never kissed on TV. It wouldn't have had diverse casting. It wouldn't have had a Russian like Chekov in it during the height of the communist paranoia.
Caleb Evans
mate there is more than one person on Yea Forums and more than one person who thinks you are retarded. I am not the person you were originally talking to, so i never said what you just said I said.
Your arguments and logic won't pan out if you don't understand how to use Yea Forums.
Leo Morales
>Picard is older, retired and largely forgotten by modern Starfleet >The guy that saved Earth multiple times >The guy that tried to destroy Humanity that one time >forgotten
>and leaves Earth with a renegade crew to investigate. Wait, didn't that Trek cartoon pitch involve a bunch of teens finding a starfleet ship? Why can everyone just get a ship?
Jason Myers
Listen up faggots they will make him gay. It’s going to be Stewart’s Ellen. He will come out as gay in real life during his portrayal of his character on the show, in an episode starring his over fifty year long paramour, Ian McKellen.
It was referenced multiple times afterwards, what are you talking about
Adrian Diaz
Anybody can get a ship. Remember The Outrageous Ocona?
Josiah Hall
You don't understand your history.
Nathaniel Collins
The fact that's even your defense is highly indicative that you're on that autism spectrum mate.
Justin Anderson
>for it's time
see that's it. progressive for it's time was nothing related to today's progressives and the morals of say, discovery and every sjw infested tv reboot we are seeing fail.
progressive in it's time lends itself to almost any modern idealogy as most of them are branches that split off from what was progressive then and normalized shortly afterward.
Basically if we wanna get specific, star trek champions fairness and thinking and other things. Progressive writing is in opposition to fairness because they have an idea of what fairness is that is in direct opposition to what star trek thought it was.
Imaginary example:
fairness in star trek: everyone on a ship has equal portions of food available to them
fairness in discovery: we need to put the women in charge of who gets food and those people like white males who question this or step out of line should get no food (or be killed on screen in the second episode of season 2)
Hunter Gonzalez
Umm that article is dead factually wrong.
Joseph Howard
everyone fucking is. that's why its a spectrum. but the response was correct regardless
Hudson Hall
Checked. Can I just say I work on Star Trek and this is a great response.
Robert Garcia
I know you incel marketing goons and trekkies are trying to deny it but you just know they’re going to make Picard gay. Let it be known that I have powers of prescience and perception and my finger is directly on the pulse of the current day zeitgeist.
Ignore me at your peril. But you won’t forget and I’ll be in each Picard thread I see to remind you, I planted this flag in the uncharted territory called our future and I will claim it again, with proper citation in the archives and screen shots, when it closed to pass.
Grayson Lewis
What could we expect? The cast, including Stewart, and the entire creative staff are AIDS infected Marxist loons. They are INCAPABLE of making something decent.
60s Star Trek was about naive ideals. Modern Star Trek is about the pragmatic realism and acknowledgment that those ideals don't necessarily happen organically without having to actually to implement mandatory mechanisms that enforce the ideals, such as affirmative action, etc. The show always reflects the times they were made in, and as it tends to be, our understanding of things evolves. That's why things that the show did in the 60s and 90s don't necessarily apply or make sense decades later.
Robert Taylor
that's fine but you realize it's not a straight line right? it's not like our understanding of things has just increased - a totally new group of people with a fringe ideology that is not a progression from star treks ideals are currently making tv. you could say it's a progression of the tv industries ideals, but if the tv industry were african american hating nazis tomorrow while the public stayed normal, would you say the next trek should be about nazi ideals?
I would hope not.
Jace Jackson
Bullcrap. Old Star Trek, as well as TNG which largely took the plots, some entire, from an older series Roddenberry fleshed out with outlines and scripts and even film tests, was morality plays cleverly illustrated to present the profane audience with instruction and allow those skilled in the secret language even greater benefits.
New Star Trek is test audience and committee designed garbage with vaguely Talmudic allusion.
Evan Barnes
was he straight in TNG?
Brayden Martin
Yes he had a girlfriend called Vash and another couple females he banged.
How is it fringe ideology exactly, other than you don't personally like it, or that it's something new? By your own logic ST was filled with fringe logic when it started.
Oliver Perez
Pfft, everybody knows the Ferengi are the Israelis. The Romulus are the Chinese.
Caleb Nelson
>Hey Picard! >Yes, Admiral Kellen? >Are you receiving this transmission? *inaudible* lightly out of phase. The only way we *inaudible* save the ship is for you to insert your penis into my ass and *inaudible* until it *inaudible* and you go limp. >That’s highly unorthodox admiral but seeing as how we can’t make radio contact even if we tried it’s worth trying.
But then "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" is about how both sides r bad. Never mind that Malcolm X guy had legitimate grievances, aren't we so enlightened up here on our starship, above it all?
Zachary Ramirez
>he learns that a third party may be behind the recent events
*ferengi hand rubbing intensifies*
Zachary Davis
fringe as in less than 15% of the population share the ideology.
Daniel Jackson
>American TV show >a metaphor for EU politics I don't buy it. Simply because Americans are fucking retarded and oblivious to foreign politics let alone internal politics of a supra-national entity.
Blake Barnes
It's extremism.
Josiah Rodriguez
If this is established as 20 plus years after TNG... then why the fuck is someone wearing an older uniform? They were long past these a long time ago.
Lucas Cox
Marxism and associated and related and communist ideologies are banned in the US and their adherents are stripped of all constitutional rights and protections and declared persona non grata by the Communist Control Act of 1954, which has never been repealed or challenged effectively and powers granted by the Act have been used many times.
Look it up. Commies are literally, legally not people in the US even though this law is little used these days.
Hunter Brown
>midnight's edge >true leaks
Colton Lopez
you gonna spam your folder now incel?
Hudson Russell
they are though. and it's all they do, they publish the leaks in news format. sometimes things change or leaks arent accurate but all they do is publish leaks and 98% of the time they are correct.
Noah Sanders
Do you consent to being husband and husband and taking command of this rag-tag crew of trans-multisexual aliens?
>Star Trek Discovery centers around Sarek as a transdimensional nexus! >STD won't get a second season! >STD won't get a third season! >Netflix won't accept the Short Treks! >STD is a different timeline legally to other Star Treks, and can't use elements from the other shows! >The Picard show is in chaos and production is in jeopardy! >Picard show production is not happening!
I don't know what their batting average is like for other franchises, but they know fucking nothing about Star Trek. They write off their numerous failures as either 'being correct at the time' (but of course proven false), or just move the goalposts (You can't prove STD CAN use Trek elements, because we'll just say they paid separate license fees for whatever they use). Anything they get right is obvious - STD will be shit, showrunners being fired have created behind the scenes trouble - NO SHIT.
It's going to be some kind of white nationalist analogy, like "Earth First-ers" or something.
Lincoln Johnson
Picard would be a huge figure in starfleet training though
>first human known to have been removed from the Borg collective and restored >has a tactical maneuver named after him >spearheaded incredibly important diplomatic missions >would be a case study for first contact scenarios, especially with the species that communicated in cultural metaphors >single handedly responsible for securing individual rights for thr federation's only serving android
I would mention Q but I imagine encounters with him were classified
Landon Wilson
>ripping off Babylon 5 again
Jason Allen
Come on ensign user! The admiral and I challenge you to a formal match of Hypergrabass on the holodeck!
Symbolic. Reunification Part 1 and 2 was the episode that marked the death of Gene Roddenberry. They are reveling in their total destruction of his vision, you see.
Ethan Howard
sad life you have mate.
weirdly enough both janeway and sisko knew about Q so maybe not highly classified
Henry White
It doesn’t bother me that they’re gay. What bothers me is how pozzed this show will be. It’s literally going to be extremely gay to the point where all the non-buttless-chaps parade fags will cringe in horror yet again as some sort of progressive agenda is shallowly fulfilled.
Picard isn’t gay and never showed even the slightest bit of faggyness on the show but they will make nu-Picard gay. Count on it.