/RBMK/ Chernobyl General

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Why did they make dosimeters so scary sounding? Why not like a nice mellow sound? a little bell maybe

Cores fine

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I’ve seen worse. Take him to the pharmacy

Anyone have a link to anything detailing how bad the fallout would have been if the molten crap had reached those tanks?

>At this point you might say NATO=US.
oh user...

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Can't wait for the anomalies. Whirligig's are mad.

Comrade Drake....where's the core?

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Pripyat was evacuated before Sweden detected radiation.

this is what happened to all those firemen. next episode is gonna be fucked up

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They actually make even scarier noises when they begin to max out. But plebs wouldn't understand what those noises meant so they left it out.

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Do you know how a dosimiter works?
The clicks are the penetration of the gas reservoir by the particles .

Anyone rolling lower than 36 is spreading disinformation

My digits only go to 36

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>name is literally Ouchy

hydrogen-chan a cute




someone post the fixed version

what was her endgame? Was she trying to say that it's not that dangerous or was it just a goof?

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Pripyat was evacuated before Sweden detected radiation.

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not great not horrifying either


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I had the fixed version but looks like I deleted the wrong file because I'm a retard

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Chernobyl... Home.

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It's a TV show. We know it's about 5% factual.

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I made an effort

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OC because someone requested it earlier

based and truthpilled

this one still says

effort is what counts comrade

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reminder this has nothing to do with my original statement that Sweden found out on the 28th

That was a malicious lie.


Okay, is this worth a watch? Or is it full of modern day politics and SJW garbage like everything else.

I REALLY enjoyed STALKER if that matters.

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Guys, I think I have a handle on why this show is so damn scary.

With fiction, it's the fear of the unknown that gets you. You don't KNOW where the alien is. You don't KNOW what the monster is going to do to you. You don't KNOW how the evil curse is going to ruin your life.

But here you do know.

You know EXACTLY where the enemy is - it's all around you, in the dust in the air and the water in the puddles and the tik-tik-tik of your Geiger counter as it silently pounds into you, shaving time off your life until you have none left.

You know EXACT:Y what it will do to you - it will chew through your body, melting your cells and organs from the inside out, damaging you in ways your body cannot repair, so that you will die, slowly and painfully, as bits of you fall apart.

You know EXACTLY how it will ruin your life - it will ruin your life so thoroughly and casually you will beg for death right up until they bury you in concrete in a coffin made of lead.

And worst of all? It's absolutely real. And it's still there.

Entombed in the ruins of the plant, under two layers of lead and concrete, wrapped in a blanket of melted boron and sand...it's still there, hot as hellfire. It's a man-made horror, patient and unrelenting, trying every minute of every day to squirm its way out of confinement and look for new flesh to poison.

It is patient. It is powerful. It blew open its first prison, and outlasted its second. It will almost certainly outlast the third. And it will still be deadly when every man alive today is so much dust in the ground.

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requesting this meme but /got/ vs /RBMK/

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Every single one of those dots or hits you hear is a radioactive particle hitting it, so yeah, it IS terrifying but it's also illustrative

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I wonder how well they'll do the body horror, there's no way it can compare to pic related

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best thing on tv ez

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>I REALLY enjoyed STALKER if that matters.
It doesn't. It's not a fucking SyFy show made for legit retards.

It's both. Episode 1 is pretty much 100% accurate and the only bias is against Soviet-era communists. You can drop it there if a Mary Sue will ruin it for you.

Is this Red Skull's origin story?

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it was even worse. 8,000,000µR/s - a staggering 30,000 roentgens-per-hour

Sorry pseud, but that's not why it's scary, everybody knows what radiation will do to you.

Reminder you can't amputate the limb of someone with radiation poisoning because it will never stop bleeding until they're dead.

Somebody go on /x/ and tell them that the pyramids at Giza and are really entombed failed nuclear reactors from an era millennia before glory days of ancient Egypt. By the time the Egyptians started living there the radioactive material had thousands of years to cool off. The Egyptians then refurbished the outside of them, dug little ant-like tunnels, and wrote a great big lie about building them.
Seems plausible enough.

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I wasn't talking to you. I just joined and wanted to say it because it is very stupid and scumlike to change the story like that. Among other things.

what was Fomin and gravel voiced man's endgame assuming they managed to convince everyone that the exploded nuclear pile with unshielded unmoderated fission was perfectly fine?

how did they think they could get away with lying? what were they going to do if their lie succeeded?

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lovecraftian, but like irl
At least people have more of a clue what to do today, Fukushima was handled quite well wasn't it?

If the Pyramids were nuclear reactors that had Chernobyl-level problems they would STILL be radioactive, five thousand years later.

The plant grounds will not be inhabitable for twenty thousand years. It may in fact be the most permanent edifice of mankind on the face of this planet.

They were lying to themselves because they didn't want to be responsible for what happened, didn't you watch the show?

>waaah, why isn't this 5 hour miniseries showing every event in chronological order with 100% attention to detail and accuracy

>Stalker is for retards
Take that back. Now.

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fomin and bryukhanov were just having a laugh

They probably legitimately had no idea just how bad the situation truly was, and hoped they could simply pretend things were fine and correct whatever was wrong with the resources at their own disposal so their reputation and/or jobs wouldn't be at risk.

Fukushima was handled as well as it could have been.

The Fukushima disaster was an interesting case - one where the meltdown was not caused by mismanagement but by entirely external forces. The plants were built to take an earthquake - the subsequent 15 metre tsunami was the issue.

STALKER might not be, but TV shows about the game certainly are.

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IRL they did not lie, the fact that the core was exposed was known before the governmental commission arrived to Chernobyl. Bryukhanov was in such shock that he could only stutter. Fomin had no idea what to do with the open core.

consider pic related

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>They probably legitimately had no idea just how bad the situation truly was
Dyatlov saw the graphite on the ground. He knew from day one, he just refused to admit it.

He didn't see graphite on the ground.

delusion powered by fear. They feared the state above all else, literally more than a exploded nuclear core. When they were dragged away by the military in episode 2 it was not the radiation they feared, but the punishment from the state.

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>why would they lie about chronology and events, I guess it has nothing to to with the hatred towards Soviets.
>Hi, I am HBO, we obiously have no agenda to push here, it's all true.

its actually really great and remains accurate enough for a tv show
The scientist woman was fucking stupid but shes hardly show ruining (yet)


He didn't see graphite, because it wasn't there.

Yes, and he pretty much projected his own denial onto Fomin and the other guy, who simply opted to go along with it.

If you were actually a fan of the games, and not just a insecure fanlet desperately trying to prove his love for the series to himself, you'd remember what the last attempt at making a STALKER tv show was and why it's for retards instead of taking negative said about STALKER as a personal affront.

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IRL they were arrested only in August.

Scary to think this is only a toe dip technology wise. Just imagine the dangers related to reactors made out of things much more powerful or a catastrophic failure at an eventual fusion reactor.
The path to hell is paved with good intentions.

>what is daytrading

yup, the Americans and British are just bullying the Soviet Union. sad, I cried desu

It's not 100% accurate, but it's not supposed to be a straight documentary. It's accurate enough where it counts though, and very compelling to watch.

Irl they did lie about how much radiation was leaking

The power of Soviet doublethink. The eyes can see one thing, the brain another. He looked at the graphite fuel channels and said 'no, that's just debris'. But he knew.

He knew.

This wasn't ouchi. Actually this probably isn't even radiation related.

It would be no harder to presenr this fact as it was. If you preted you do not understand the intent of the authors you are only making yourself out an idiot, as it is obious. The show is filled with deliberate malcontent, this being a mayor and easily depicted one.


You still need to replace Reginald's head in the first panel but, other than that, kek.

How did they lie if the high range dosimeter was only brought to the plant by Pikhalov. They did not know the real numbers.

didn't link reply

is nothing

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How could there be graphite on the ground?


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Look, it really just seems like Chernobyl's radiation has leaked into your brain to make you super paranoid. Even if this was "propaganda" against the Soviet Union, it doesn't matter because the Soviet Union was an absolute shithole fascist state.

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One user said it's some guy from an unrelated accident in China

Some masterful doublethink on their part. What they KNEW was that all three of the dosimeters they had burnt out - one at 3.6R, one at 200R, and one at 1000R.

They assumed the two bigger ones were broken and the smaller one was correct.

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Based Boris lived!

Fusion is exponentially safer than fission as an energy source, if we had the material science capability to sustain it with a net positive energy gain the entire world would have switched already. Spend a few minutes reading about the topics you try to discuss, brainlet.

You're delusional.

Shcherbina died of radiation related disease tho, read the Russian wikipedia

what does ARS mean?

incredible, wow

I assume acute radiation syndrome.

I'm new to this, why is that rolling post gone???

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I'm an engineer, do you actually want to know?

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why do we build nuclear reactors if they can wipe out humanity?

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I'm guessing Acute Radiation Sickness

We know it wasn't there though, are you stupid?

Fusion reactors are much safer and cleaner. If one were to explode somehow there might be some tritium released but there would be no runaway chain reaction.
The contamination would be tiny compared to a fission reactor meltdown, and the half life of tritium is only about 13 years.

Acute Radiation Syndrome. Specifically, where the immediate effects of radiation (the hemmorhaging, the diahhrea, the burns, et cetera) kill you instead of the numerous side effects (immune system weakness, blood problems, thyroid problems, infection, literally every type of cancer under the sun).

Because global warming will do it faster if we don't.

Safer does not = completely safe. I'm not going to read bout how hypothetically safe a hypothetical reactor is.

Congratulations, you win nothing

because fuck humanity, I need to play video games

>Dyatlov saw the graphite on the ground.

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I meant how the core can explode.

Because we need energy to power up our computers to shitpost in vietnamese basket-weaving forums

It didn't. It was a system control tank with minimal radiation. Wasn't that bad.

because they were experts and knew that the equipment only went as far as 3.6. They weren't stupid. They knew they were being dishonest

>Yuvchenko Alive as of 2011

Wasn't he the one that got hurt really bad?

It is not just about falsy presenting facts, which can be easily checked. It is also about setting the tone for people with a lot of other things, effectivly rewriting history.

They can't.
They are pretty stable. RBMK for example just can't explode.

Well it's either nuclear or coal. Green energy is a meme.


>one core meltdown almsot caused the death and destruction of an entire continent, making it uninhabitable for more than a hundred years

nuclear apologists needs to fuck off desu

will this show win an Emmy or at least get nominated?

oh,thanks for the correction anons.
Do we have any pictures that shows how the firemen would have looked like?

>"At the Pripyat Hospital later that morning, she could barely recognize her 25-year-old love, Vasily Ignatenko. He was bloated, his eyes swallowed by flesh.

She still didn’t know the nuclear reactor had exploded during a routine maintenance check, spewing uranium fuel and radioactive graphite. But she knew something was terribly wrong. Over the next two weeks, she watched her beloved die a grotesque death.

“Every day I met a brand-new person,” she told Ukrainian journalist Svetlana Alexievitch 10 years later. (Her story is captured in Alexievitch’s wounding book, Voices from Chernobyl.)

Lesions broke out on his precious lips and cheeks, and then peeled off in white film. His body turned blue, red, grey-brown. The skin cracked on his arms and legs. Boils swelled into place. His hair fell out in clumps.

“He was producing stool 25 to 30 times a day. With blood and mucus,” she recounted.

“The last two days in the hospital — pieces of his lungs, of his liver, were coming out of his mouth. He was choking on his internal organs. I’d wrap my hand in a bandage and put it in his mouth, take out all that stuff.”

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Green energy is not a meme. Hydroelectricity is fantastic.

He was the one that held the door open

He's still alive, but he's got a ton of health problems

Now hurry up and go fix the pumps, I need water running through that fully functional core

Stellan Skarsgard will get an emmy or maybe Harris.

>Energy thats the most effective known to man, produces no pollution, and is cheap

wall and door saved him
and he went to take a shower, save his family driving to kiev and came back to work at next day (but they let him)

>Only happened because Soviet Union was literal retard tier and rushed building it to try and flex on America
Hippies need to fuck off

The three who volunteered to die in the reactor to save everyone else were spared and lived out the rest of their lives without major radiation induced complications. It's like God Himself decided they deserved a little slack for that one.

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>green energy
The spirit of the Soviet Bureaucrat lives on.

google 'acute radiation syndrome'.


fuck me that sounds worse than death do you think they'll show that in the next episode

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>make a nuclear plant to piss off and own the libs
>oops we all died

>Because global warming will do it faster if we don't.
Imagine unironically believing this.

Fucking Christ

The only reason the world isn't run on thorium reactors was because we required uranium reactors to produce nuclear weapons.

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Because people want to be able to eat, drink, and raise families.

Yeah it's in the trailers

Today I will remind them


Maybe the water wasn't as radioactive as they were expecting?

kill yourself

how the fuck did the three guys who went into the irradiated water survive??

>Mfw I win an Emmy

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>Want to make a safe plant that can provide cheap clean energy
>Hurrrrrrrr remember that one time the Soviets built the worst reactor possible and fucked it all up it's simply to dangerous

why didn't they use catapults to shoot the boron and sand into the core?

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Is that a submarine?

You are a delusional propaganda victim. A proff of the piont. This show along with hundreds much worse over decades have shaped you completely fabricated perception of reality. You are not able anymore to even recognise fabrication.

didn't this guy take 30x the lethal dose of radiation there

shouldn't he be vomiting his guts out and possibly giving radiation poisoning to the bureaucrats as well


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western countries aren't stupid retarded slavs so ours are very safe

japanese nearly destroyed japan with their own little meltdown

It's bad when it predicates itself on serving the people, but then being completely negligent or even sadistic to said people.

>green energy is the most effective
Sir, there's an age limit to posting here.

More like Emily Watson will.

>tfw the party is stronger than a billion trillion bullets

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Looks like a U-boat

Help me break out of my bubble so I can finally see the Worker's utopia

ARS isn't contagious. Annoyingly, in this case.

And it takes much longer than that to kill you.
The two firemen who died on the night of the explosion were lucky, in that sense. It usually took weeks. None of which were pleasant.

what are some other abysmal kinos like this?

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Jejenum = duodenum?

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Do you even know the difference between military grade uranium and civilian uranium?

Honestly that was my first thought.

Army engineers can easily assemble something that can deliver payloads like that and you can pretty much launch one "bag" every like minute or so.

Nuclear is green energy

The burns on the outside were nothing compared to his internal organs literally liquidating and being coughed/shit/bled out. Radiation poisoning at those levels basically makes your body forget how to be a body. I think I'd rather burn to death.

maybe an old ass U-Boat from WWI

Better then anything I've done, thumbs up user

Not to be confused with A Cute Radiation Syndrome, where the radiation is just so adorable it makes you feel nice and lovely.

what? stalker has tv shows?


Oh God

Ohhhhh God

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>we required uranium reactors to produce nuclear weapons.
That's not how nuclear reactors or nuclear weapons work user. Thorium reactors use a mix of thorium and spent fuel rods that wouldn't get hot enough to continue boiling water on their own. If anything a thorium reactor needs a conventional reactor to produce spent rods to turn into thorium fuel rods. Nuclear weapons require completely different isotopes that are much more refined, far more unstable, and most importantly - completely removed and independent from nuclear reactors.

I already wrote a resopnse for you here


No they didn't no even died from it but retards like you over hype it like it was some sort of massive disaster. The japs also built that in the worst possible place

i don't mean it like it being contagious. i mean, wouldn't he be so radioactive at that point that he would be making the roof itself radioactive as well? although maybe not by much

No they didn't. Chernobyl was exponentially worse than fukushima

The Terror, of course

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They did not volonteer. They did the job simply because they were on shift that day.

yeah but they had an earthquake and tsunami. The russians were just fucking stupid and arrogant

>ars isn't contagious
Nigga what. His clothes and body were covered in radioactive particles. Just like that nurse that had burns on her hand from handling the firecrews clothing.

>why won't someone let me out from under all this sand!

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No. Any human who absorbed enough radiation to be a hazard to others would be paste. The molecules that make up our bodies can't hold that many radioactive isotopes without just breaking down.


Why didn't they just shoot back at the reactor?

>okay so this one power source is kinda bad for us and the planet and if we continue using it we will die
>this other power source is pretty safe BUT if it goes wrong it can literally wipe out an entire contient and if more than one fails it can make the entire planet uninhabitable

scientist niggas aint shit. how come this is the best we got?

Totally fucking different dumbass

That's called cross-contamination. It's a serious hazard when it comes to dealing with ARS, but it's distinct from contagiousness.

Pretty sure that wasn't Yuvchenko. From what I recall, he was sick enough that he couldn't even get himself to a first aid station less than six hours after the accident.

That would be fucking terrifying...if the core could talk.

>user...let me out...
>...it's so dark in here user...
>I just want to be free user...
>user let me show you my L I G H T

they had enough with the whole thing at some point and shot AKs at the Elephants Foot like any other sensible nation would do.

Because the Soviet man is the God and he bends the nature to his will.

fukushima was built in 74 and back then the japs had no idea what they were doing so they put every plant failsafe in the same location below sea level. technology and regulations have vastly improved since then

You ain't shit nigga

I was burning to know the answer to this question but didn't know how to phrase it without sounding retarded. Thank you.

the reactor had more bullets.

According to another documentary, Khodemchuk was the first one to die in the accident.

If you are a westerner or a 'youth', unless you are eductated on the matter, know you have a very false perception of the Soviet union. It is quite common.

you would think japan of all countries would take nuclear power regulations seriously

what am I looking at?

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based retard

>Play Half Life, Fallout &STALKER for dozens of hours and not once get any reaction from geiger counter noise
>watch episode 2
>fuck this noise

>tfw just an ordinary day in a utopian society

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whoops meant :

>The japs also built that in the worst possible place

building nuclear reactors should require the go ahead from the UN after extensive study. we can't let nations just build something that can destroy the earth on fault lines and under the sea level.

Well I don't see you coming up with any alternatives. These things don't invent themselves - so go grab a handful of magnets and some roller bearings and build that self sustaining magnetic dynamo that'll be the energy source of the future.

What your organs look like after being exposed to intense radiation.

>nearly destroyed japan
>deaths from radiation
>one (1)

oh do you have a fucking medieval catapult just lying around?

Yeah, neither did they.

ima start calling people jejunum

Pretty sure whoever made the first calls to moscow said it was a turbine failure and roof fire and that the reactor itself was fine. I don't remember if it was Bryukhanov or not.

>it's either what I construct in my garage or a nuclear power plant that can due to a random human error fuckup wipe out half a continent

>everything is fine comrades

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>The UN
Off yourself retard you're far dumber than you think you are

Regarding Pikalov's death. It's not released either. They don't publish it for military staff.

The byproducts of civilian reactors (most notably : Plutonium) are highly coveted as raw materials for making military fissile materials. Why do you think civilian power plants are a highly sensitive subject and under severe scrutiny by the international community in countries like Iran ?

Reactors using Thorium, and in particular molten salts reactors, have a plethora of advantages when it comes to producing electricity, but are terrible when it comes to providing materials for military usage, which is why we are stuck with the current solid fuel / uranium technologies.

imagine this guy at the russian meeting
>every hour we're releasing more nuclear waste into the air than the bomb that fell on hiroshima

They have a lot of traveling circuses there back in the day. They could've used one of those midget-launching ones to boron the fuck out of the reactor.


The us has one right on the San Andreas fault line

sounds like Tomie

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It is very hard. You must aproach it with an open heart and an open mind. First know that all your memes and general perception are acctaually the opposite of truth. Then start investigating for yourself and see how it really was. Socialist states were technocratic utopias were knowlegde was the highest value and sexuality wasn't stricken by religion.

based and depressionpilled

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Sorry, but your nation was wholly a disgusting place to live in, even before the Soviet Union. Thankfully in this era of Russian leadership you've taken a more pragmatic approach to geo-politics, which is admirable. What would be more admirable is if the decision came from some spark of moral philosophy, but that's never been the game of the Russian people.


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Assuming the three lads that went into drain the tanks actually succeeded, are those chaps widely acknowledged as heroes because I can't find shit about them anywhere but that might be because Im drunk

What suspension oil does a 1984 Dodge Caravan use?

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Just wanna say who every keeps drawing reactor-tan is doing gods work.

>First know that all your memes and general perception are acctaually the opposite of truth.
Ridiculous notion since in a free-ish society you're still able to take control of your own perceptions of reality, which isn't really something workers of the Soviet Union could have done.

spf 50 user

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They got medals from the president of Ukraine a couple years ago

good idea

You are wrong. Reactors use LEU while weapons-grade HEU, you can't get HEU in civilian reactors.

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how do Chernobyl threads manage to stay so god damn fucking comf?

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>Iodine qt offers you a spicy handjob
what do?

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Catapults are really good at hurling huge fuckin rocks, not millions of individual rocks.

Why the fuck did they use helicopters in the first place? just buy some drones and send them with buckets of sand and boron.

Just learn Russian and start reading.

if I literally saved an entire continent by swimming through radiation you better give me cunny slaves for the rest of my life, not some shitty medal

Why didn't they put plows on the fronts of motorcycles and then drive the graphite and debris off the roof?

It was also built (like many big infrastructure projects) to withstand natural disasters upto the range of a 1 in 100 year event. It was hit by a disaster on a scale of a 1 in 1000 year or so event, and overall withstood that pretty well (no major radiation releases)

they die from light beams?

I am not Russian. I am Yugoslav. Again, despite your firm false belifs. Everythnig you belive about socialist states is the opposite of truth. You have been constantly fed for decaes of vile propaganda. The truth is opposite of what you think it is. Take it from a +35 yo Yugoslav with iq>150 who has seen socialism and capitalism alike.

>That's not how nuclear reactors or nuclear weapons work user. Thorium reactors use a mix of thorium and spent fuel rods that wouldn't get hot enough to continue boiling water on their own. If anything a thorium reactor needs a conventional reactor to produce spent rods to turn into thorium fuel rods.
With a thorium reactor you need an initial neutron source. That can be rods from another reactor type, but that doesn't mean you have to keep an equal number of classic reactors online.

>Nuclear weapons require completely different isotopes that are much more refined, far more unstable, and most importantly - completely removed and independent from nuclear reactors.
Pu-239 can be made in any commercial reactor that uses uranium. Modern US LWRs tend to "burn it up" but even they can produce it given a short fuel cycle.

We literally went uranium for power because of overlap with military use.

hE's DeLUsIoNaL

tomato, tomato

>tfw you'll never descend into the reactor dungeon with your scuba bros knowing full well the future of the continent lies on your shoulders and as you take the first steps in you can taste metal and your skin starts to slough off and there's 100km of flooded reactor hallways to navigate ahead

Attached: elephantsfoot.png (576x480, 19K)

>Poor Sitnikov suffered for 34 days before dying

FUCK. I'm never complaining about my life ever again.

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and cancer

Attached: hello darkness my old friend.png (1542x1274, 2.14M)

Pretty much.

oh yeah, you right
I'm confusing him with anybody else, but I don't know who

Daj ne bulazni.

>the helicopter crew dies in another helicopter crash 6 months later
How unlucky can you be

this guy is the absolutely perfect pick for this role, can you think of anyone else with a more squirrelly, punchable rat face

>A N O N L E T M E O U T
>I J U S T W A N T T O T O U C H Y O U
>F E E L M Y L I G H T A N O N
>I S N T I T W A R M

Could this thread be more upbeat, please?
Thanks, brahs.

why do shitlibs hate nuclear so much?

I'm lowering my control rod

>he thinks people in Soviet union did not know truth.
Do you know how the information is spreading? Most of the people learned to see through the government propoganda.

right on comrade. It's also pretty disgusting how these capitalist pigs think an RBMK reactor could explode.

Its been proven that wasn't a picture of ouchi and is very unlikely to even be radiation related.

would cutting your hand off save you? Like with zombies?

t. anything liberals hate is good

It was a normal operation those days. They were simply on shift.

well, my grandma was ukrainian and she born in poland, but if you said to her that she was poland, she punched you
slavs are strange

Nope. Rinsing it very thoroughly would have the same effect.

You have only seen lies. When have you seen the truth? You can not even phantom the truth. You have no idea you lack the building block for it. You have never lived in a socialust country. I have lived in one and I also in a capitalist one.

Literally impossible

can i get a "frenly fistbump" so i know we are all here to keep this thread nice?
press FFB

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which type of liberals? The people in the US fighting Nuclear are the oil niggers and they're mainly Republicans.

Ukraine developed a national consciousness very recently. Historically it was Poland's farm.

>hurr-durr Russians have no morals.
Where this meme is coming from?

>y...yes reactor-chan...i will help you!

this is a nice documental

>comrades the reactor exploded again and the day crew is on break, they had another reactor explosion in the morning so we gave them iodine pills, they'll be okay in time for their next shift when we'll get another reactor ready to explode due to some test we're doing

Iodine QT wants to fistbump but her hand is all fucky :(

Attached: iodine qt falling apart.png (1692x1256, 2.41M)

Nuclear industrial accident. Guy was right next to and died painfully.


Not even remotely close.

Based Yugo-user.

E̴̦̙̤͚̫M̵̥͓̯̦͍͘ͅB̛̟̦̠̀͜R̴̼͔̱̭͕͔͚͠A̡͕̱̹͎̣͞Ç̦͙̫͎̼̮͟E͉͉ ̮̣͎̝͚͇̕T͍̪̗̱̥͖̩̺H̘̖̼̞͙̞͠E̶̤̙̩ ̸̡̮̠̮͉͜L̡̟̭͎̰̱͓̳͢O̩̻͟V̛͚̼̺̞̠E̢̢̥̦͎̹͚͝ ̨̠͚͎͝Ò̷͇̳͉́F̰̪͉̹͡ ̛̫̭̘̘̩̭͜R̝̱̪̟̞͉̀̕E̬̼͙͔̗͓͜͠A̯̣̪͇͎̣C̵͚͓̟Ț̖̣̝̫̫̯͓͟O͓͓R̹̰̳̣͉̞͖̜̬͟͢ ̦́̕C̷̢̠ͅH̩̩͎̤̬̜͞A̸̢̠͍̖͔N̝̳͘͢
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Hello anons. Hope you had a good day today.

(pool reactor user)

Attached: chernobyl.s01e02 - Webm Test.webm (1280x640, 2.6M)

That about sums up your intelect. :P

Oil is basically not used for electricity in the U.S. with the exception of maybe one or two plants. The oil industry in the U.S. would have literally no reason to oppose nuclear.

Shitlibs are the ones which fight nuclear. And as much as I like this miniseries, physicist Mary Sue claiming Chernobyl could have exploded with 2-4Mt of force or rendered all of eastern Europe a wasteland...things that could have NEVER happened even if ALL the reactors blew...doesn't help the situation.

Are you retarded? The whole "diving operation" happend on May 5th. Firemen started pumping water out of the corridor on May 2nd. The whole plant's personnel was still working.


Communism was shit. Only good thing is I got a young polish wife due to it.

>let's just ignore Plutonium alltogether
>let's just ignore that the technology is not just the power plant themselves, but also the whole chain of supply, including the fuel-processing and enrichment technology, which can then be used to make military-grade fuel, whereas the technology for Thorium and molten salts power plants would require completely different processes and knowledges which couldn't be diverted to also make military fuel.
You are legally retarded

Daj odjeb sa svojim usranim čenom, misliš da ja dolazim ovdje, nisam glup

Oil is not competing with nuclear. Natural gas is somewhat.

Its Coal country and people who think that nuclear means you going to die (Even if it is the safest form of power) and the massive up front costs that limit nuclear in the US.

New bread

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>im gonna need a bigger control rod...

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Imagine running to lower the rods manually because senior dipshit thinks it's possible and you're new, so sure I'll save the plant.

Imagine running into the core room and staring down into the burning core, knowing at that moment you're going to die slowly over the next week in one of the most painful ways known.

Why wouldn't you immediately go back and shove a radiated piece of rebar up the prick's ass.


Attached: raiders of the lost powerplant.jpg (480x360, 21K)

oil nigger is short hand for fossil fuel industry.
>The oil industry in the U.S. would have literally no reason to oppose nuclear.
except they do. Fuck yourself LARP cunt.
>Shitlibs are the ones which fight nuclear.
nope. Oil niggers. Even people like AOC are against it compared to renewables but for it compared to fossil fuels.
>physicist Mary Sue
What is up with you nigger larps and your buzzwords?

confusion, fear, denial

Attached: problemsolved.jpg (842x306, 94K)

They turned off all the safty measures. The truth is, sometimes, just sometimes, people are just too stupid for communism.

so you want to be a murderer too?

Oh and I forgot
>let's pretend there's only one single type of civilian reactor that only uses one single type of fuel, like, in the whole world and across the years
>let's pretend that once the fuel is fed into the reactor, it stays the same forever, and there's no such thing as radioactive decay, fission byproducts, actinids production, etc ....

All I am saying is that civil and military Uranium are quite separated. Thorium shit still needs the Uranium for the reaction chain to kick in.

>oil nigger is short hand for fossil fuel industry.
No, oil is oil so speak clearly next time.

>>The oil industry in the U.S. would have literally no reason to oppose nuclear.
>except they do.
Again, OIL is not used for electricity production in the U.S.

>>Shitlibs are the ones which fight nuclear.

>>physicist Mary Sue
>What is up with you nigger larps and your buzzwords?
You can't even tell me how a nuclear reactor works so I'm throwing your ass out of the helicopter. Goodbye.

did she died ?

Considering the pompous dickhead just killed me, yeah I'd murder him.

Anything we should be worried about user?

Attached: anything.jpg (1920x959, 140K)

nope. Just an issue with the landlord.

russians are stoopid

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Why would you need to, the core didn't explode so it's pointless. but if you do know, do explain

tldr post pics of your shithole LOL

There. Made it better.

Attached: smaller caliber bullets.png (550x448, 262K)

Uh, smoking ia bad for your health. Step out and get some fresh air :^)

And two people (at lest) are telling you that you're wrong. The reasons why we went uranium rather than thorium for civilian power are fucking documented historical facts.

Yes and no.

I am a civilian and have worked in reactors that use HEU (Safari-1), and some civilian power plants (Shippingport most famously) used HEU.

As for plutonium it depends on the type of reactor.

A graphite or heavy water moderated reactor has a neutron economy that is good to produce plutonium. That is why the nuclear powers used such reactors to make bombs.

PWR and BWR (the main civilian reactor designs) really cannot be used to make weapon material, however high enrichment allows much longer use before reloading the reactor. a PWR with HEU can go 10+ years before needing to shut down (such as many naval reactors)

yeah ok

Attached: tfw god's butthole.jpg (1440x1440, 748K)

"yeah you're Russian and will age like spoiled milk"

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Your whole point is Uranium is bad Thorium is good. You are completely denying the history of civil nuclear. Ofc it was by-product of the military operations.

why did he lie to her?

The core did not explode. Not sure what show you were watching.

>he thinks soviet pilots were capable of doing this

Most estimates had half of Europe being wiped out if the molten shit had reached the reactor. Are you saying those estimates made by experts in their fields were incorrect? The woman scientist bit was made up. The estimated outcome was not.

meant for

You are retarded.

lol nope

Attached: tfw misinformation contained.png (1348x1272, 1.63M)


Explain Comrade.


Why cause a panic? Let them enjoy what little time they had left. At that point he probably thought most of europe was doomed as was his own country and very life.

The issue with Thorium is two fold.

It melts at REALLY high temperatures (1,750°C compared to 1,132°C for uranium) which makes producing fuel for it a hard thing to do (thus many thorium reactors are unusual reactors to skip this step.)

Secondly they need to be fast neutron reactors (breeder reactors) and not the slow neutron reactors that most power plants operate as.

Thirdly you need MOX or reasonably enriched U-235 to start the reactor as it needs a solid source of neutrons before it starts the thorium cycle.

But noone is making new bombs, at least according to regulations.

Attached: cheers.jpg (1482x958, 67K)

Memes aside, the first explosion was a steam explosion, they still debate what the 2nd explosion was.

The mining for uranium for civilian reactors probably has nothing to do with acquiring the same uranium for weapons grade production. Probably.

Sand is not a liquid like concrete. You can not pump it through a tube.

Of course people are making new bombs.

Russia is making new bombs, (they decommission old ones and are building new ones) India and Pakistan are making new bombs. Dimona is most likely still in operation in Israel.

Totally nothing, user. Who would try to make weapons of mass-destruction in post-Cold War era? Not Americans for sure.

>what is low density fluid

you can.

user, what is your point you are making? Making nuclear bombs and nuclear proliferation is what my my advanced degrees are about.

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Nowadays, where the Nuclear Sekrit Club countries have their stockpiles set already, and their own dedicated military facilities for renewing them, yes, there's a clear division between civilian and military nuclear facilities.

But that's missing the initial point of the discussion, which was that during the development years of the atomic era, the choice to go with the current technologies instead of the superior thorium and/or molten salts ones was clearly dictated by the demand for bomb-compatible materials which could be bred in the former type of civilian power plants and not the latter, killing two birds with one stone and reducing the costs.
This is still a thing in wannabe nuclear powers like Iran.


user, are you saying those evil Russians are disobeying the International law?

that's not the point i'm making. You're talking about the current state of affairs as of 2019 whereas i'm talking about the history of how and why we got there

Not Really user, there is some major technical issues with the Thorium cycle.

India has been trying to push the Thorium side since the 1970s (since they have it by the ton) and they are still having serious issues getting a working thorium cycle, and this is a nation with advanced nuclear technology for 45+ years.

>Nikolai Fomin has been a Chernobyl tour guide since 2009 and has over 500 tours under his belt. In his opinion, nature recovers here and even takes over not because of lack of radiation, but because of lack of people. Pripyat looks more like a jungle than a town now.

>“People coming back don’t recognize the place,” Fomin says. “They give me their old addresses and ask me to take them there. They all cry.”

he's still alive

The RBMK reactor has a fatal flaw - the control rods are tipped with graphite so that when they're fully withdrawn they won't act as neutron absorbers. This has the unintentional side effect of meaning that when the rods are inserted, they momentarily cause a power SPIKE instead of a power DROP.

This on its own wouldn't be an issue, but the reactor had been mistreated in multiple ways in the early hours of the morning. Running it at very low power resulted in xenon poisoning in the core, which depressed power output. To deal with this, they pulled almost all of the control rods out, but didn't bother to run the reactor hot to clean the poisoning.

Then, they started the test. The test involved temporarily turning the power to the water pumps off and letting the turbine generator feed them directly under the extremely low power. This was supposed to hold for about 45 seconds, until the diesel generators running the pumps kicked in - a test to make sure the power plant could avoid meltdown in the event of external power loss.

But the pressure was too low. steam pockets formed in the core, MUCH lower than they're supposed to - this caused a heat pocket to develop, which spiked the pressure back up and caused the reactor to double in wattage every few seconds.

Realizing something was wrong, the engineers activated the SCRAM procedure, forcing in all the control rods at once - but the control rods were capped with graphite. The heat spiked even higher, and the graphite fuel rod channels cracked, jamming the control rods in place.

At this point the reactor was in meltdown. The heat increased until the entire core mass melted together, and the water still being pumped into it boiled into steam - this was the cause of the first explosion. The second explosion was due to the steam fusing into hydrogen under the immense heat, and then reacting with the oxygen in the air when the reactor lid breached under the immense pressure.

So it actually exploded twice.

Attached: what do you mean you cant into science.jpg (625x824, 138K)

where all my black russians at?

International law does not prohibit Russia from making nuclear weapons user.

France, UK, China (Mainland), Russia, and the US are allowed to maintain and build nuclear weapons without issue.

Israel, Pakistan, and India are allowed since they never agreed to the NPT. South Africa was allowed till the 1990s when they signed on to the NPT,

Oh I know there are major technological and industrial issues for making thorium work.
But let's not compare apples and oranges, shall we?
There were also major issues to be solved in the early years of uranium-based power plants, and the technology now has more than half a century of research, innovation, and budget, across many countries in the world.
Let's assume similar resources and efforts shoved in the Thorium technology before we compare its worth for civilian purpose to what we currently have.

My point was that civilian nuclear reactors were instituted over thorium reactors (we had that tech at the time as as known to be safer) was entirely based around helping the nuclear arms race by having a constant supply of uranium.

Yep, if the test was operated at 700 MW and not the 200 MW after falling to 50MW and having Xenon issues the remaining pressure in the system would have kept the disaster from happening.

Running the test in such a state combined with the flawed control rods meant a double boom.

They had a successfully operating small scale thorium reactor in the 1960s when they were debating which reactors to make for civilian purposes. Maybe India is full of idiots

The simple fact is this.

Thorium has had 50 years of hard core research by a major nuclear power and is still not working.

Uranium power plants work since all you need is pure graphite, natural uranium, and a coolant to make work. The technical challenges of Thorium is two fold.

1) You have to build up your uranium infrastructure first. You cannot have a thorium cycle without a Uranium cycle.

2. Then it develop a whole 2nd set of technologies to make thorium work, and maintain two very different systems.

Also the fuel costs is one of the smallest parts of a civilian nuclear reactor. It all the up front costs that is the killer.

Also, we need new bread.

Yes, the idea been around forever.

The reasons why it was dropped is simple.

1. No one has figured out how to reprocess it in a effective manner at a industrial scale. (Nothing like PUREX)

2. Its very hard and expensive to make the fuel assemblies if you are using a traditional reactor.

3. The cost of maintaining two cycles is cost prohibitive. (and Thorium cycle needs the Uranium cycle, but not vice versa.)

There has been designs to try to avoid the traditional designs, but they have there own issues like the LFTR type reactors.

new bread