Holy shit

holy shit

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I'm not much into cinema and shit, but I don't get how D and D were allowed to purpotedly rush the final season to go work on SW faster..
They don't even even own the serie, why didn't HBO just fire these faggots?

People are still watching it and paying their HBO subscriptions. They don't give a fuck.

can't wait until everyone who works with disney gets stealth-black listed.

Remember when those Star Wars fans petitioned to get a different trilogy and everyone called them incels? I think it’s time for some payback!

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people are calling these people babies too

I'd love it for the next episode to open revealing that Bran had warged drogon and killed all those people while Dany begged it to stop. It would be amazing to watch these people scramble

ThisBut also the sooner it's finished the sooner they can get lower paid actors for all the spinoffs

It's a shame people are only now realizing how truly terrible the writing is for this show.

Dany will become mad queen in the books as well. Normies are retarded if they think this show will have a happy ending.

>Bran had warged drogon and killed all those people while Dany begged it to stop

Why would this matter when Disney owns almost all of entertainment at this point

isnt thw whole continent like devastated and most of the young popluation death on the war or crippled?
the world is a mess in the series either if the white hair bitch gets a boyfriend or not.

I think all these angry femmes need to have sex

uronically its just as the writing improved to 'hamfisted reimagining' tier, up from 'garbage fan-fiction'

>Writing out the genocial qt rape queen
Not on my watch normies

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you know who is more easily triggered than incels ? - literally everybody else.

Your life is pathetic

NK climax was way worse than dany going mad. why are people only getting angry now?

Mad queen Dany is great. I don't want Jon and Dany love story.

They're mad that at the end of the day Daenerys is still an actual character and not a mary sue. Roasties love mary sues which is why they keep creating them. The problem is that they project mary suedom onto Daenerys even though she was always going to go mad and turn evil. It was always going to end like this for her but they couldn't see it through their "YASSS QUEEN!" goggles and they didn't read the books where it's even more obvious that Dany is going to be an evil megalomaniac.

Daenerys is not a hero. The only thing she has ever wanted is to be in charge, and without her dragons and her looks she would never have been able to weild any power.

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mad queen is thematically a fitting end to her arc, lead up to it was rushed i suppose. definitely made her a lot more interesting a character desu.

Thank God I don't have to see dumb and dumber ever again

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What's sad is they aren't even complaining about the actual shitty writing that's plagued the series since they strayed from the books. They're only whining that they're female empowerment fantasy didn't see fruition because that's the sort of audience D&D cultivated since turning the show into a SJW shitfest.

So when Arya kills the Night King in the shittiest, most anti-climatic way, that's fine?

But the Mother of Dragons does exactly what she said she'd do seasons prior, and NOW it's a problem? No YASSSS QUEEN, huh?


why have you retards not signed this shit yet, lets get this bitch to a million

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I think Rian Johnson and Paul Feig should produce it

women can be heroes too, bigot

>The only thing she has ever wanted is to be in charge, and without her dragons and her looks she would never have been able to weild any power.
not even that.
without her dragons she's just a fuck-slave.
If Drogo stayed alive the dragons would have never hatched.
Then they would try to grow the horde, face more wars with other powers because they didn't have the dragons to strong-arm their competition into submission and I doubt they would have ever even crossed the sea.

Who's the bigot? I'm encouraging them to be villains, too.

I love how they were 100% fine with the direction the show was taken until they finally fucking realized that their yaaskween was the villain all along and they were just too fucking retarded to see it.

kek what the fuck is Grey Worm going to do with the rest of his life?

teach soldiers

can we get a petition to ignore that petition for a laugh?

That too. Not to mention that Drogo would be in charge and if Dany's ambitions started becoming too difficult to achieve, he'd tell her to fuck off and get back to sucking his dick. Either he was a smart enough leader to know what his limitations were, or he would have died and then Dany would have just been traded to someone else like a sack of potatoes.

you do realize the life of a bodyguard is finished the moment he has nobody to guard, right? Or he will die trying to guard her.

the writing was shit, but I think they just skipped over huge parts of what could have been a competent story line.Kind of like with the prequels, the overall story sounds awesome, but the execution was shit.

commit suicide because he has no balls and cant fuck

Just because she was “destined” to go nuts doesn’t mean the execution of it wasn’t pure garbage.

It was rushed but what she did was completely in character. This is not a Jake Skywalker situation. Daenerys has always been cruel to people who she doesn't believe will obey her.

Will never happen, but what I find interesting is the rate in which it's been climbing. It was 30k signatures this morning, it's up to 170k now.

She’s never been actively cruel to smallfolk. That’s the key difference. The man whose core advice to her was that the smallfolk generally don’t care who’s in charge literally died in her arms just days earlier.

they should learn to code

How about a petition in 15 years to redo seasons 5 through 8 after the books have been finished

Don't worry, they will remake GoT in 10 years with a black Dany

They were stupid to think that they could wrap everything up well in six episodes, especially after how badly that went with the previous season being as short as it was.

> rush

It took 2 years. I agree it sucks ass but they didn't rush it. They just didn't try to write

So I guess a Game of Thrones theme park is off the table?

loving every laugh over the same people who scolded me for disliking ME3 ending now doing the same thing

>15 years when books are finished
>not 30
>30 years
>not never

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Kings Landing residents were shitheads. They cheered when Ned was executed and took part in Cersei's walk of shame with glee. They're monstrous city scum and deserved complete annihilation

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Why do jews always have to make a reference to nazi armies

>implying you wouldn't show cersei your cock

Kill yourself

i'm willing to become a weeb if it meant a proper ASOIAF anime true to the books

Jon will execute him for war crimes



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I bet Daario thinks he dodged a bullet regarding Dany

Can't wait to see my man Euron make a suprise appearance this week!

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The people of King's Landing only know what they're told and you are judging all of them by the ones that would fit into the city square.

I'm confused about what's supposed to be female empowerment because every woman feminist I've ever met has been the type who wants everything to burn, including me. So how is the show's version of the establishment being melted to char not exactly that? Didn't Daenerys even say she was going to do this if her kingdom wasn't given to her back in one of those wandering in the desert seasons anyway?

They didn't rush it. They are not great writers who were financially constricted by HBO who can't afford to just shell out $300 million for a season of a TV show when most people are parasites who pirate it.

Because I've hated the show since season 4 and just want it to burn now.

I'm pretty sure that I read that HBO wanted 10 seasons but the people behind the show decided to end it here with a shortened season

Who says Daenerys isn't a hero for burning Kings Landing? That place is a massive shithole filled with rapist peasantry, liars and backstabbing cunts. What she did was objectively moral.

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>slaughtering millions including children is objectively moral

Kill yourself contrarian reddit fuckwit.

Cersei was marched through most of the city. Every time the smallfolk in KL are shown they're absolute fucking scum and Dany did the rest of Westeros a favor by eliminating a huge tax sink to the capital

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>why have you retards not signed this shit yet, lets get this bitch to a million

Because the show is just as bad as it was starting from season 5 but now the tumblrinas and clams just figured it out solely because their feminist power fantasy got fucked in the ass.

King's Landing insurance doesn't pay out for drogon attack

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>She’s never been actively cruel to smallfolk. That’s the key difference. The man whose core advice to her was that the smallfolk generally don’t care who’s in charge literally died in her arms just days earlier.

So what? The recent events convince her that she'll never hold on to Westeros while being benevolent. She wants to be benevolent and rule at the same time but she believes she can't realistically have both. So she chose one, and visited the wrath so usually reserved for her conveniently evil enemies on to the innocent.

If nuking King's Landing stops the war and saves the countless more peasantry across the kingdom from being nuked themselves, then yeah, it is.

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>internet petition
>having any effect on anything whatsoever

>Why do jews always have to make a reference to nazi armies

It's their creation of the world myth.

It didnt save anyone you fucking contrary idiot


kings landing was beyond saving

>medieval swordshit setting
>taxes used to pay for social services

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>hurrr a few percent were criminals BEYOND saving so were all the children and centuries of architecture

Stop posting retard

meereen was older than kings landing, were you complaining about its historical architecture when it was being attacked lmao?

That's every place pretty much. Too bad NK couldn't destroy everything.

Have a family.

Nice strawman

jesus, the number of unsullied keeps growing after every fight

stop being racist, sweetie

One place has been fucked with fire, one. Last time I checked Westeros was a kingdom consisting of more than just the shit infested rats nest that was King's Landing. Bitch, your book-lit ass probably doesn't even know about the Burning of Harrenhal, which this is, part deux, but with a BIGGER fucking dragon, named Balerion, who was Aegon's good boi. So it's not the first time a bunch of cunts got roasted.

Fucking retard. Public opinion really started turning after episodes 3 and 4. Yes, plenty of people on Yea Forums shared Twitter comments that were angry about Dany's turn. And yes, most of the public that's mad at it now was already mad at it before then.

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Based and nedpilled

That would really subvert my dick.

>tfw all of these people have either shared or payed to have it publicized

>a bunch of shit that wouldn't matter to denny's character if she even new about it

>Why would this matter when Disney owns almost all of entertainment at this point
Disney's going to go bankrupt and will need to sell most of it off within the next 10 years.

I hope you're right