what the fuck was her problem?
What the fuck was her problem?
This is what happens when you don't have sex.
She needed a good shag, just like the feminazis who are seething and demanding reshoots
bad writing.
i loved it and she's a qt
if only d&d would give us a bad ending and she wins, that would be glorious
Tension and frustration from lack of dick
Imagine she gives you those eyes and then pisses in your mouth and farts up your nose!
She wanted to rape all women
This. I will apologize for everything ive said about them if they do that.
This. We've been telling you to have sex for a reason
easier said than done
I want to tell her I was the one who captured Missandei so she'll "rape" me as punishment.
The bells were too loud.
She did absolutely nothing wrong.
>what the fuck was her problem?
No nigger dick to her.
Dany living the incel dream, can't wait for her to rape Jon in the throne room and force him to be her king.
lonely & horny
i don't like femdom but that would be a great ending
No, no nephew dick. The real trigger for Targ Madness is when you stop them from incesting. Dany instinctively knew Jon was a relative so she jumped his bones, when he said "no auntie, I won't fuck you" it was like stealing a pit bull's bone and she flipped. Jon's indesciveness this season is also conflict between his desire to incest and the Stark in him. And Viserys went crazy because some other dude not him got to fuck his twin sister like in the natural Targ order.
She's not milking my cock
It might be easier to just kill everyone instead
They were making a move, man. She had to get it on.
>You WILL give me your cock user, I am your queen and it is mine BY RIGHT
>Now pull it out and lie back so the dragon can ride, or I'll burn you and everyone you love
Should I be worried that my sister cheered for her when she sent the dragons to kill the civilians?
First time she's seemed to like Dany, too.
Your sister is a top-tier idiot. Even the normies just complained about shitty writing instead acting like it was justified.
She sounds based and redpilled, find her an honorable Yea Forums autist to breed her lots of children
This scene would have made more sense if there was an actual purpose for her actions, but she literally had nothing to gain from doing this. She had already won.
Academy Award level acting there
Your sister might be a psychopath.
If she ever starts acting weird and anxiously, dick her down.
She didn't care that it was justified or not.
Just wait until a bunch of fuckwits start defending this obviously bad writing just because it makes SJWs angry
its been bad writing since season 5, if you aren't laughing at it all by this point you're just helpless
I'm laughing at your virginity
how can i be a virgin if i fuck my hand?
t. angry, retarded roasties. The people of Westeros weren't showing her love, and the word was out about Jon being the true heir. She believed her only choice was to strike fear into them, by burning down cities like she promised.
I've been watching videos of her acting all goofy and charming over the past 3 days. I even stopped talking to this girl on bumble because she's nothing like emilia.
What the fuck is wrong with me. I'm fucking dying over here. My depression is reaching critical levels.
> laugh at the bad writing
> defend the bad writing
These are mutually exclusive options
ill keep defending it as long as it makes you mad because it makes me laugh
You faggots would be defending the Star Wars prequels if Anakin was a strong womyn whose turn to the dark side made SJWs angry
awww were you still emotionally invested in game of thrones past season 5? lmao
maybe the ones complaining are also the ones that need sex too
have sex
>emotionally invested
>in tv show
>ever in you life
Consider suicide
then why do you care?
She was punishing the KL shitheads for not murdering cersei literally years prior for being an unquestionably vile, selfish bitch
The more you think about this episode the better it unironically gets
Same, user. I liked her before, but I've suddenly become obsessed with Emilia Clarke after that episode.
dont worry, Danniel will be skullfucked by kingslanding peasant COCK. only way for redemption
she couldnt have sex
Dude haha that would be so gross! Lmao
She made a sudden heel turn because the show needed a villain for the last episode
Same senpai, I can't get her psycho eyes out of my head
shes broken
this video does a good job summarizing her desu
Women.....Her and Cersei are 2 crazy bitches. Bitches go crazy on each other all the times I dont know why people are so surprised.
Ser Barirstan was right to be concerned.
she created a wasteland to call it peace
it literally is though
her vagina was a little dirty
well then give up some pussy
If only...
They were all torched, no peasant cocks left.
shes going to be queen
and then she's going to outlaw abortion
feminists are gonna freak
I never gave a fuck about Emilia and Denerys, but after that scene I went full Dannyfag.
Those fucking crazy eyes. Emilia can act when she keeps her eyebrows checked.
Also, this.
this but unironically
>tfw when all the tumblrites meant "Have Sex" actually as a invitation, because they are sexually frustrated and fear what they might to as a consequence
This single shot turned me into a Danyfag.
will we start seeing girl school shooters because of game of thrones?
I jizzed
This is a good explanation for who she really is:
It's simple really.
you can feel the pent up sexual frustration, the most of her loins evaporating on the hot summer breeze
>unironically linking to plebbit
kys and fuck off back to where you came from fucking cancer
people with names like this should always be imprisoned
>she literally had nothing to gain from doing this. She had already won
Massacring shitloads of conquered people basically guarantees they won't try to fight back later. Or if they do it won't matter because there's so few of them. You can always rebuild the city later.
I just want to hold her hand bros
Based. Ask her if Macbeth is her favourite Shakespeare play.
I am still defending Star Wars prequels
Spin doctors working overtime, no this was not written well at all
you don't have bros and you need to kill yourself asap for being the way you are.
What a twist, in one season Dany has gone from one of the most hated characters on Yea Forums to one of the most loved.
Criticizing character decisions as bad choices isn't critique
M-Maybe we should holds hands then..
>gets killed by her allies the next day
She has nothing to fear from the common people and everything to fear from the powerful people she pissed off.
Just burn them too you fucking beta shitmuncher
More like their parents should have been sterilized.
-Narcissism: other people's lives are not as important
-Entitlement: i must take back what was taken from me! it's mine. it is my destiny. it is my right!
-authoritarian leadership style: bend the knee or die!
-paranoia: friends and "children" being killed off. people all her life betraying her. Jon rejecting her. The people wanting Jon over her. Varys betraying her. etc.
-PTSD: Jorah, Rheagal, Missandei recently dying under her command.
Also I feel like it hasn't been talked about much but she was told over and over since the beginning of the series that "her people" were waiting for her. That her people sung songs of the return of the Targareans. That there were many allies that were waiting for her to return. When she makes it to kings landing, she feels betrayed by these people.
Don't get me wrong she's crazy but I think this best describes what's going on in her head.
She was insane for at least three seasons, you see through Tyrion's POV and Varys spells it out loud. How could you not get Game of Thrones? This shit is for teenagers for fucks sake
this one really does it for me
>kys and fuck off back to where you came from fucking cancer
I literally don't even have an account on Reddit, faggot. I've literally never posted on Reddit.
But I'm definitely going to read Reddit because I'm interested in reaction to GoT.
>Spin doctors working overtime, no this was not written well at all
It lays everything out. It's very well written.
Everyone overlooked the fact that Emilia Clarke doesn't measure up to the daenerys character.
Honestly you should have your hands chopped off at the wrists.
>get explained
Yikes and oofpilled
Long live our noble Queen!
There was. You had to pay attention.
She was worried about Jon's claim to the throne and how the people naturally loved Jon.
Compared to where she came from where she inspired love and loyalty, she could not get that in Westeros.
In the last scene she has with Jon she explicitly says "it's Fear then" or something along those lines.
Since she can't inspire the love that Jon does, she will inspire fear.
There's literally nothing wrong with the Prequels except boomers that can't comprehend it but boomers have absolutely shit taste in almost everything so fuck em.
shes unironically good faggot
Good leaders establish stable peaceful reigns with an opening outburst of terror and death.
Toasty roastie
Good God, I love Emilia so fucking much.
Yea Forums has been bullying her for years, but now that her character has gone psycho suddenly everyone loves her. She was always my waifu. Fuck you, user.
>everyone loves her.
besides autistic larpers from /pol/ nobody likes her or ever has
I love you Im here Daniel. Im ready. Im going to smear my Cock over blackish streaks on your face, slowly entering mouth. Beware darling Daniel, A Skullfuck is incoming
She secretly wanted to marry Robb Stark, but after finding out about the red wedding she wanted to make everyone responsible pay.
It's actually not that unclear.
She's burning with rage and grief and wanted to rain fire and death on those who hurt her. When her vengeance is cut short by the almost instant surrender of KL, she feels bitter disgust. Not only is she robbed of her revenge she is filled with contempt for the city that, far from welcoming her arrival as Breaker of Chains, cowered behind its walls and obeyed Cersei over her. She is picturing having to ingratiate herself to the cowards and snakes of the capital, who she now knows will bend like palms trees whichever way the wind is blowing. They don't love her and she won't be their true chosen Queen. She'll just be a girl who showed up with a dragon and everyone surrendered.
So she "chose fear". No one will question her or disrespect her. There'll be no trial of Cersei or whispered politics. The Lords of Westeros will bend the knee under threat of fiery death.
I thought Emilia's smile was too teethy and made her face look weird but now I see its so genuine and lovable that I can't stop looking at it.
You kidding me? Its god damn buck-tooth. Ugh
This. The people of Kings Landing don't want her to overthrow Cersei. They want her to go away. They aren't welcoming her as a saviour, so she's gotta be a conquerer.
Yeah but she's so goofy and sweet and brings enthusiasm, charm and light anywhere she is.
I can relate.
Her problem is Dumb & Dumber not liking the ending created by GRRM because it doesn't fit their female empowerment agenda so they spent their last seasons pushing feminism and then rushed an ending that doesn't make sense because they didn't want to write a flawed female character on previous seasons.
TLDR: They pushed feminism on seasons 5 to 7 and then the ending they knew was coming makes no sense.
>Please Jon may I have a crumb of dick?
What a pathetic character lmao
Literally a femcel. All she wanted was love but Jon is too much of a retard.
Oi luv u... Ur moi qween...
This is a good explanation. She wanted to vent her anger on the Lannisters but when they surrendered she didn't feel satisfied so she just said "fuck it".
I hate this gormless retard. His character arc went nowhere and now he's being completely retarded for no reason.
the viserys butting in was kino
She's a woman and thus unable to control her emotions without real men (non-eunuchs/manlets) keeping her in check.
femcels should be put on terror watchlist.
Excuse me, but perhaps you meant "fuck off back to where you came from and kys, you fucking cancer", as it is impossible to traverse back to the Reddits if the suicide is successful. You're welcome.
shes an incel. learn from this. we need to keep weapons out of incels hands
Disagree. Bad writing like with Jaime heel-face-turn. Jury because women like her and you don't like that, doesn't mean this is good writing. Sorry.
No one would be your bro, irreverent asshole.
It's mean spirited and bad natured to mock someone for a thing they can't control bro. Be better.
well for one she's incel and two she's probably a metaphor for the show writers
mental illness, bad genes, spastic writers who didn't create her character arc correctly.
They fucked up her maturity levels, they fucked up her romances, they fucked up the heel turn.
The only thing that was half-believable was the jesus christ savior narrative (maybe because it's the best known so they can ape it without trying)
god she's never looked sexier
shitty pad
Has Jon Snow's head on a pike and burns Sansa. Yeah, I'd pay to see that.
Has someone refused to dick her?
May explain the twist.
>not raping Jon Snow while forcing Sansa to watch
Meanwhile Jon Snow is brought up a bastard.
Is sent to certain death past the wall.
Goes to fight the undead.
Comes back
Saves the south by sucking up to the queen (literally)
Will have to kill Danny so he didn't save the south just for it to be burnt.
I'd rather be a bastard than be sold to some sand nigger, honestly.
you can handout the lands and wealth of the people you killed to qwell discontent of those you decide to let live.
should've saved killing her last dragon for this scene, bells ringing everyone begging for mercy, both dragons sitting on the edges of the walls waiting, then ballistas placed on top of buildings actually inside the city, not on the walls, fire and kill her "baby". Scene would be made 10x better and more understandable for her actions afterwards
The Wall.
She looks hotter than ever though.
Jon Snow isn't even his fucking name, he has been living a lie his entire life, only to die trying to save all the ungrateful fucks in the world, he should've just joined the Night King desu.
Fine, I'll go get some girls. Good thing there's an elementary school nearby.
>comes to Westeros as a mythological figure, savior of the downtrodden, performer of miracles, first person to get the Dothraki to cross the sea, red priests preaching all over the continent about how she's the messiah
>has everything it takes to win the throne, Reach, Dorne, Iron fleet, largest khalasar the world has ever seen, an army of unsullied, and three full grown dragons
>is convinced to hold off her assault, loses Reach, Dorne, and the Iron fleet as the result
>decides to save the world from ice zombies, is convinced to ask for Cersei's help instead of roasting her on the way North
>Cersei lies, nearly all of the dothraki die, half of the unsullied, her beta orbiter, and a dragon, all fall helping the North
>the North still doesn't give a shit and treats her like an enemy at worst and a nonentity at best
>the reputation she earned in Essos means less than nothing, worse, her good deeds in Westeros aren't even being acknowledged
>convinced to give Cersei a chance, AGAIN
>another dragon dies, her BFF gets murdered just to taunt her, her remaining fleet gets rek'd and probably some of the unsullied drown
>her advisers start to conspire against her, one is trying to poison her, her boyfriend reveals that her claim is shit and breaks up with her, it's all falling apart
>FINALLY assault Cersei
>city surrenders in five minutes
>it was that easy
>she didn't have to suffer any of the losses she suffered
>meanwhile Cersei lost nothing and is about to be rewarded for her evil by fucking off to a vacation home in Essos
There's nothing scarier than a narcissist who took a hit in their self esteem.
She had to pay the toll one day.
Jon stabbing her in the heart is a metaphor.
Like pottery.
And Dany sacrificed much of her army, one of her children and her dream of taking King's Landing with minimal bloodshed to save those same ungrateful fucks.
Good analysis.
Unlike Daisy Ridley who only brings dread and disgust.
her "children" were given to her. What is given has no value, user.
>"her dream of taking King's Landing with minimal bloodshed"
Pretty sure this was Tyrion and Varys plan, not hers. She wanted the Dothraki and the Dragons to sack it. (technically, her brother's plan) Danny can't think for herself and when she does people die.
Exactly. I don't understand how that is not considered understandable and in character by people.
Not quite. This is what happens when a woman who has merely taken it as given that she could summon any man of her choosing to fuck her at any moment, is rejected. I've seen this before. Their entire world view; their entire conception of self and self worth comes crumbling down and they become possesed by venom, confusion and rage. Men of substance merely grit their teeth and bear it
oh no
She was starved from food and sex for 3 days straight
>no sex for three days
Wow, could you imagine?
Imagine 30 years haha...
Maybe the real sex was the burning bodies we made along the way
Poor thing
three days without sex wow t-that must be hell haha
>her "children" were given to her. What is given has no value, user.
They were dead rocks until she walked into the fire with them.
>Pretty sure this was Tyrion and Varys plan, not hers.
Tyrion is the one who convinced her to go north instead of just taking King's Landing. Given how easily the fell in S8 it would have been even easier with 3 Dragons, her full army, plus Dorne, the Iron Islands, and the Reach on her side and without all the shit the North cucks gave her she probably wouldn't have burned it.
>What is given has no value, user.
That is actually right - this fucking around cost her more than directly taking the city and ruling straight away, so she made everyone pay the same dues.
Shame that the screenwriters didn't explain it very well/more/fucking winged it.
no they're immune
Normies still seething kek