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literally who?

Yo Jamie

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It should be legal to kill or at least torture unfunny comedians for wasting everyone's time.


literally where's the lie?

potential squandered has little effect on those with little to no potential, one can only express their own experience

people with families complain all the time too
why are americans so dumb

I don't know who this guy is, but I like the cut of his jib.

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I wonder what scott mendelson thinks about all this.
he is like the supreme overlord of the jew council.

All this gay irrational complaining mostly done by twitter fags and dumb women(oxymoron) reminds me of the election

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I'd say this is based and redpilled if it wasn't for the frightening and disturbing fact that most of these people already have families.

>fags and dumb women(oxymoron)
an oxymoron is a poethic union between two contradictory terms.
like cold fire or dry water or whatever.
what you meant was redundancy.

he's a frogposter, he doesn't know any better

dumb frogposter (redundancy)

Is he saying that gotfags don't have sex and that's the reason why they don't have families?

>this illiterate post
>these social opinions
Checks out

This is nice work.

BRAAAAP (Onomatopoeia)

No, he meant tautology.

does anybody really give that much of a shit or is this a massively forced meme?

but he is funny. that's why he's a comedian

Hella based

>funny podcast man

Kill yourself

Who the fuck still watches big bang theory?

thats the joke

>unfunny plebbitor
Kill your self

but muh dragonz