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/RBMK/ Chernobyl General
is the tripfag finally gone? asking for a friend
he's barely posting
Azor Iodinefu
reminder ignore the Tripfag. They are paid IRA shills. Filter and report
Time to stock up on iodine tablets.
whats in those yellow barrels?
Hey just started watching
What the FUCK is Dyatlov's problem
who the fuck was this guy
I'm not sure if they're supposed to be main circulation pumps or what.
Glorious hero of the revolution tovarish.
Hol up
Hol up hol up
Boron boys
Not sure, but you could see him getting onto one of the evacuation busses in ep 2
>The Goiânia accident was a radioactive contamination accident that occurred on September 13, 1987, in Goiânia, in the Brazilian state of Goiás, after a forgotten radiotherapy source was taken from an abandoned hospital site in the city. It was subsequently handled by many people, resulting in four deaths. About 112,000 people were examined for radioactive contamination and 249 were found to have significant levels of radioactive material in or on their bodies.
>The Instituto Goiano de Radioterapia (IGR), a private radiotherapy institute in Goiânia,[1] was just 1 km (0.6 mi) northwest of Praça Cívica, the administrative center of the city. It moved to its new premises in 1985, leaving behind a caesium-137-based teletherapy unit that had been purchased in 1977.[5] The fate of the abandoned site was disputed in court between IGR and the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, then owner of the premises.[6] On September 11, 1986, the Court of Goiás stated it had knowledge of the abandoned radioactive material in the building.[6]
>Four months before the theft, on May 4, 1987, Saura Taniguti, then director of Ipasgo, the institute of insurance for civil servants, used police force to prevent one of the owners of IGR, Carlos Figueiredo Bezerril, from removing the objects that were left behind.[6] Figueiredo then warned the president of Ipasgo, Lício Teixeira Borges, that he should take responsibility "for what would happen with the caesium bomb".[6]
>The court posted a security guard to protect the hazardous abandoned equipment.[7] Meanwhile, the owners of IGR wrote several letters to the National Nuclear Energy Commission, warning them about the danger of keeping a teletherapy unit at an abandoned site, but they could not remove the equipment by themselves once a court order prevented them from doing so.[6][7]
There is no problem. Head to the roof comrade
His problem is retarded subordinates causing a steam explosion and them running around like headless chickens whinging about how "the reactor is gone" and "the core is exposed" and what not when everyone with more than a 3rd grade education on nuclear physics KNOWS that RBMK reactors CAN NOT EXPLODE.
I'd be brusque as well if I was him.
Just finished second episode. Horrifying ending desu
just finished the second episode. last 5 mins were pure kino
What game are you playing?
>Degtyarenko (guy absolutely ruined by steam explosion) took 23 fucking days to die
>On September 13, 1987, taking advantage of the absence of the guard,[7] Roberto dos Santos Alves and Wagner Mota Pereira illegally entered the partially demolished facility. They partially disassembled the teletherapy unit, and placed the source assembly – which they thought might have some scrap value – in a wheelbarrow, taking it to Alves's home.[1] There, they began dismantling the equipment. That same evening, they both began to vomit. Nevertheless, they continued in their efforts. The following day, Pereira began to experience diarrhea and dizziness, and his left hand began to swell.
>...On September 16, Alves succeeded in puncturing the capsule's aperture window with a screwdriver, allowing him to see a deep blue light coming from the tiny opening he had created.[1] He inserted the screwdriver and successfully scooped out some of the glowing substance. Thinking it was perhaps a type of gunpowder, he tried to light it, but the powder would not ignite...
>On September 18, Alves sold the items to a nearby scrapyard. That night, Devair Alves Ferreira (the owner of the scrapyard) noticed the blue glow from the punctured capsule. Thinking the capsule's contents were valuable or even supernatural, he immediately brought it into his house. Over the next three days, he invited friends and family to view the strange glowing substance.
>On September 21 at the scrapyard, one of Ferreira's friends (given as EF1 in the IAEA report) succeeded in freeing several rice-sized grains of the glowing material from the capsule using a screwdriver. Alves Ferreira began to share some of them with various friends and family members. That same day, his wife, 37 year-old Gabriela Maria Ferreira, began to fall ill. On September 25, 1987, Devair Alves Ferreira sold the scrap metal to a second scrapyard.
That last scene was probably the biggest NOPE moment of my entire life.
People volunteered for that.
>The day before the sale to the second scrapyard, on September 24, Ivo, Devair's brother, successfully scraped some additional dust out of the source and took it to his house a short distance away. There he spread some of it on the concrete floor. His six-year-old daughter, Leide das Neves Ferreira, later ate a sandwich while sitting on this floor. She was also fascinated by the blue glow of the powder, applying it to her body and showing it off to her mother. Dust from the powder fell on the sandwich she was consuming; she eventually absorbed 1.0 GBq and received a total dose of 6.0 Gy, more than a fatal dose even with treatment.
Water. These are main circulation pumps.
it seems that dumping five thousand tons of poopoo and peepee on the tripfag was the right call, comrades but now we have a different problem
looks like the molten down remains of the tripfag mixed with human waste and urin and the remnants of his chair and computer have now fused into a highly cancerous mass of material we call 'cringium'
if we do nothing it will seep into the groundwater and turn all the men into incels and all the frogs into faggots
wat do?
внимaниe внимaниe
some geezer that the idiots relied on for a good circlejerk
>can watch any gore video without flinching
>can watch any horror movie without being scared
But this fucking show makes my core shiver with bleak dread and depression
Chernobyl Doggy
i recommend using 4-chan x to anonimize everyone. ignorance in this case is mostly bliss.
Um was that woman scientist actually a thing IRL?
Bernard Sanders Sr
Problem? There's no problem, a RBMK reactor literally cannot explode.
there's something about the mix of brutalist commie architecture, 80s bland colors, sinister socialist incompetence and invisible, yet certain agonizing death lurking that just hits that perfect horrorkino note
Why is everything in this show so damn sinister?
Tell me, how does the core shiver? You're not thinking straight comrade.
She's a compilation of "hundreds" of scientists or something
He's name in the show is Zharkov. There was a pilot in Chernobyl named Zharkov but no party officials. So he's made up.
>*ruins your kino*
what did she mean by this
But graphite on the roof.
>Yuvchenko, now 42, recalls what happened that terrible night 18 years ago. He is a bear of a man, 6ft 5in tall, and a former Soviet champion rower. You can't help but notice his left arm, which is half the size of his right and shiny with scar tissue. His wife, Natasha, sits nervously on the edge of her seat.
>"There was a heavy thud," he says. "A couple of seconds later, I felt a wave come through the room. The thick concrete walls were bent like rubber. I thought war had broken out. We started to look for Khodemchuk (his colleague) but he had been by the pumps and had been vaporised. Steam wrapped around everything; it was dark and there was a horrible hissing noise. There was no ceiling, only sky; a sky full of stars." A stream of ionising radiation was shooting starwards, like a laser beam. "I remember thinking how beautiful it was."
>Yuvchenko went with a party of men to recce the damaged reactor hall. He stayed outside, propping the heavy reactor hall door open with his shoulder. The three men who went in all died within two weeks. "You don't feel anything at the time," he explains. "We had no idea there was so much radiation. We met a guy with a doseometer and the needle was just off the dial. But even then, we were still only thinking 'Rats, this means the end of our careers in the nuclear industry. We all thought, 'We've been exposed now, this has happened on our watch' and set about doing what we could. After about an hour, I started to vomit uncontrollably. My throat was very sore."
It's been 2 weeks and still nobody can explain to me how RBMK reactor cores explode
>blows raspberry
prime function
Great casting job for those men
they dont lol
You are delusional.
it's all so tiresome
There are more invented characters in the show
>gets 50/50 lethal dose of radiation that is so intense he can fucking see it
>my throat was very sore
Biggest legend in the entire story
honestly that is the best part lol. Watching all these S E E T H I N G virgins and their Russian scandal bait handlers is fascinating.
A made up character.
>On 21 May 1946, with seven colleagues watching, Slotin performed an experiment that involved the creation of one of the first steps of a fission reaction by placing two half-spheres of beryllium (a neutron reflector) around a 3.5-inch-diameter (89 mm) plutonium core. The experiment used the same 6.2-kilogram (13.7 lb) plutonium core that had irradiated Harry Daghlian, later called the "demon core" for its role in the two accidents. Slotin grasped the upper 228.6 mm (9-inch) beryllium hemisphere with his left hand through a thumb hole at the top while he maintained the separation of the half-spheres using the blade of a screwdriver with his right hand, having removed the shims normally used. Using a screwdriver was not a normal part of the experimental protocol.
>At 3:20 p.m., the screwdriver slipped and the upper beryllium hemisphere fell, causing a "prompt critical" reaction and a burst of hard radiation. At the time, the scientists in the room observed the blue glow of air ionization and felt a heat wave. Slotin experienced a sour taste in his mouth and an intense burning sensation in his left hand. He jerked his left hand upward, lifting the upper beryllium hemisphere and dropping it to the floor, ending the reaction. He had already been exposed to a lethal dose of neutron radiation.
>Over the next four days, Slotin suffered an "agonizing sequence of radiation-induced traumas", including severe diarrhea, reduced urine output, swollen hands, erythema, "massive blisters on his hands and forearms", intestinal paralysis, and gangrene. He had internal radiation burns throughout his body, which one medical expert described as a "three-dimensional sunburn." By the seventh day, he was experiencing periods of "mental confusion." His lips turned blue and he was put in an oxygen tent. He ultimately experienced "a total disintegration of bodily functions" and slipped into a coma. Slotin died at 11 a.m. on 30 May
>lmao lets just abandon radioactive equipment
>Khodemchuk (his colleague) but he had been by the pumps and had been vaporised.
>There was no ceiling, only sky; a sky full of stars." A stream of ionising radiation was shooting starwards, like a laser beam. "I remember thinking how beautiful it was."
Fuck why is this so goddamn terrifying. Nothing in fiction scares me but this show makes me feel sick in my stomach
This scene is fiction.
Here is Ananenko's interview about how it really was:
She's supposed to represent the Swedish physics panel.
She's just an injected strong female because narrative.
TLDR in English?
>they're pouring boron and sand on it
>that's what I'd do
Jesus Christ.
I had no idea that Chernobyl was almost an apocalypse for most of Europe. They came so close to those other reactors going up. I am on board with the people that say we should have more nuclear reactors but holy Fuck does it give you second thoughts after hearing about how close we have come to doomsday with these fucking things.
>How do you dramatize a great big mess? The 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster is a subject full of gripping detail and historical and scientific import. But as a story, it’s hard to get your arms around — sprawling and repetitious, dependent on arcane particulars of physics and engineering, marked by failures to act and by large-scale action that accomplishes nothing.
>“Chernobyl,” a five-part mini-series starting Monday on HBO (in coproduction with the British network Sky), takes what you could call a Soviet approach to telling the tale. This is incongruous, since one of the messages of the program is that Soviet approaches don’t work. But there it is: the imposition of a simple narrative on history, the twisting of events to create one-dimensional heroes and villains, the broad-brush symbolism.
Ohhhh god it's real.
That scene did not happened irl. The commission was in Chernobyl, it was not gathered in Moscow.
"The pool-bubbler will make a steam explosion" was Ryzhkov's concern when the heat signature of the "lava" disappeared from the thermal imager mounted on the heli on 2nd May. Ryzhkov ordered 30km zone evacuation as well as draining of corridor 001 by pumps, so people would be able to access pool-bubbler's valves which was done on 5th May.
so, will season two be about fukushima?
>Over the next four days, Slotin suffered an "agonizing sequence of radiation-induced traumas", including severe diarrhea, reduced urine output, swollen hands, erythema, "massive blisters on his hands and forearms", intestinal paralysis, and gangrene. He had internal radiation burns throughout his body, which one medical expert described as a "three-dimensional sunburn." By the seventh day, he was experiencing periods of "mental confusion." His lips turned blue and he was put in an oxygen tent. He ultimately experienced "a total disintegration of bodily functions" and slipped into a coma. Slotin died at 11 a.m. on 30 May
Why didn't they just put him out of his misery?
pretty good
its literally not that bad though
i dont see why all the whining
yeah its kind of stupid she automatically knows shit legasov and scherbina dont but as shes a composite character of 20 other scientists, I'm guessing that the part where she figures all that out isn't very relevant to the story nor does it make for riveting cinema
>writes woman as irritating battle axe who no one likes
Based writer. Zharkov was also OC but he was fucking kino so you know he could've made the woman good if he wanted
Imagine if the Soviets had been successful in keeping it all under wraps and the usual bureaucracy fuckery had done its usual business and nobody ever informed them of those tanks being full.
Its disgraceful, really spreading misinformation like that
We still have 15 exactly same RBMK reactors working in Ukraine. Do you really want more reactors?
>The dog!!! ohhhh nooooooo #ChernobylHBO
the Irish government issued every household with iodine pills in 2002 because people somehow got it into their heads that terrorists were gonna blow up a nuclear plant in Wales.
How exactly they were going to blow up a facility encased in several feet of solid concrete was never quite addressed.
life, uh, finds a way
>Only Scientists realize the Drama of #ChernobylHBO, politics Wont realize it! #Chernobyl @HBO @SkyUK Episode 2
why didn't they just nuke the reactor?
>they drained the pool-bubbler on May 5th.
>no diving equipment was needed.
>water was at knee level
>peak radiation was 10-40 R/h
>Baranov stood at the corridor 001 enterance
>Ananenko and Bespalov ran into the corridor, found the valves and opened them manually no wrenches were needed
>They lived and worked happily after, Ananenko and Bespalov are still alive and work at the neclear inspection in Kiev. Baranov died of heart attack in 2005.
>wants to nuke reactor-chan
what are you, gay?
They might have wanted to know how people died from severe radioactive exposure. Too bad he didn't have much of a choice to consent.
my mom bought a box of iodine tablets after 9/11 in case the terrorists nuked america
How many gallons of feedwater are you on bros?
>#chernobylhbo just’ve finished the 2nd ep and u know what? - u guys dont know how russians drink vodka. I mean the scene in the hotel. There are only two ways:
1st usually on funerals - u just pour and drink
2nd other situations - u clink glasses. U DONT USE THE TABLE FOR IT
3.6 XD
None. They drained the feedwater with pumps shortly after government commission arrived.
It was a golden age of selling dumb shit to fearful people.
Hmm not great but not terrible
Delusional. Report to the infirmary now.
That scene was retarded as fuck. He drinks vodka like an Englishman.
that's what the commies want you to believe
We only came close because the Soviets were total retards most of the other incidents are way over played as disasters
Because it discredits the work of a group of scientists all while making it look like a woman thought of what the men couldn't just to push an agenda while only mentioning in a post episode blip she didn't exist. Meanwhile shit like happens. I absolutely hate shit that portrays itself historically accurate then changed things just to fit a narrative.
This really, really bugged me. Just have her say, "Yeah, I would too..." then have her do exactly what she did in the show but without her coming off as such a smug cunt.
>Sky makes the whole fucking thing
>in coproduction with
just rewatched episode 1 again
holy FUCK I love Dyatlov
the man is a living meme
the hair
the 'stasche
the funny little white outfit complete with hat
and the lines, delivered in that perfect deadpan
I mean yeah the show is romanticized. In the end Chernobyl wasnt that big of a deal.
>made up character that is all-powerful, charismatic and loved by everyone, a total mary sue
>just happens to be an old white male
>no diving equipment was needed.
They still provided them with full protection just in case, surely.
>Go into the series knowing that creative liberties were taken for the sake of drama
>YAS barely registers compared to the rest of the kino
Sounds like you're the one with the agenda, comrade.
He's a big guy
But why do the girls get to play the good guys?? I WANNA PLAY THE GOOD GUYS >:(
>wasnt that big of a deal
Thats right comrade. You will not be sent to the roof for now
There's a lot of changes made to those reactors which have allowed them to operate safely and there are plenty of far safer reactors like thorium we could be using.
for U235
What is the cost of lies?
It's not that we'll mistake them for the truth, the real danger is that if we hear enough lies then we no longer recognize the truth at all.
What can we do then? What else is left but to abandon even the hope of truth and contend ourselves instead with stories.
also he was a bit of a douche lol
>The standard protocol was to use shims between the halves, as allowing them to close completely could result in the instantaneous formation of a critical mass and a lethal power excursion. Under Slotin's own unapproved protocol, the shims were not used and the only thing preventing the closure was the blade of a standard straight screwdriver manipulated in Slotin's other hand. Slotin, who was given to bravado, became the local expert, performing the test on almost a dozen occasions, often in his trademark blue jeans and cowboy boots, in front of a roomful of observers. Enrico Fermi reportedly told Slotin and others they would be "dead within a year" if they continued performing the test in that manner.[12] Scientists referred to this flirting with the possibility of a nuclear chain reaction as "tickling the dragon's tail", based on a remark by physicist Richard Feynman, who compared the experiments to "tickling the tail of a sleeping dragon".[13][14]
>character is wrong and is used as a satire on soviet patriotism
that's not a mary sure
What commies? Ananenko told this story in 2013 to Yuri Andreev who is the head of souzchernobyl - Ukranian organization of victims of the disaster. Andreev was a liquidator in 1986. Why Ananenko would lie about it?
The ending music of episode 2 reminded me of Fallout's OST.
Reddit show.
>hurr durr radiation sickness xD
>haha so edgy they die slowly
>fuck drumpf and fuck the soviets!!
>muh strong womyn that came out of nowhere
>le looks into the reactor and looks back and face is red xDD
Fuck off.
almost everything outside of the immediate chain of events at the reactor are fictionalized. Learn to cope virgin. Nobody cares about how gay you are.
He is in shock, get him out of here.
>>le looks into the reactor and looks back and face is red xDD
huh, i never thought about it that way. i hate this show now. thanks user
Who fucking cares you fucking fag, nothing is represented in a truly correct way, you condense shit. Emily Watson does a good boring cold physicist and there were a lot of academic women in Soviet.
ps have sex
>takes place in USSR
>everyone has a British accent
You guys told me this was supposed to be kino.
this post is maxed out at 200 roentgens
have sex
(but not gay sex you faggot)
Sad thing is you probably can't even make anything historically accurate any more. Networks are going to require this kind of inclusion bullshit because history is racist/sexist.
hi redddit
go back to your Detective Sonichu threads
Not great, but not terrible.
post pictures of your hymen
The truth hurts, doesn't it?
let's go watch Game of Shit instead, right?
Oh, or how about more capeshit yes?
We can always discuss Nu Wars: Episode 9 afterwards yes?
>Blocks his path
Is Chad 1 really a bigger Chad than Chad 2 if Chad 1 takes orders from Chad 2?
Can someone post irradiated Ricardo?
Does this guy survive?
Not probably, it's already a thing. If it doesn't fit the narrative, it will be ignored or changed.
Just finished the first episode. This was pure kino. The style, the acting, it’s all just perfect. Love the Dyatlov lad
>o-oh no... the Americans and Swedes found out. That's terrible!
does anyone know the history of glowsticks in the soviet union? Did they have them at all in 86?
When he made that power move yes he was
Not as much as dilation, i imagine, trannyrade
It's not that it's only Mary Sue. To make her arc they fucked up chronology, made up events and meetings and made Legasov look like an idiot.
looks hot
He's alive at the end of the episode so maybe
I dont know if I understand why this core was fine after criticality but e.g. reactor fuel is fine to handle before use but once critical is split into nightmare demons and unsafe for humans.
Why didn't the core become dangerous, I guess it didn't decay into more dangerous isotopes or something?
The best part is when some guy was explaining it weeks later with the same fucking core and set it critical again. What a dope.
Legit terrifying, so is the one where they put a source in a woman's asshole and accidentally left it there and then ignored all the warning alarms and took her home before it fell out and anyone realised.
but my favourite incident is San Salvador, where 3 people working a steriliser dont know that radiation is dangerous or what a gieger counter is for. Unreal.
How many Grays did I expose myself to just by viewing this image?
russia is bad bcuz it rasist
russia invented rasisum and the kkkk
russia cheeto hitler drkuckf bigot bigot bigot
rasist predident
russia haked the elction
Is Ulana the only made-up character on the show?
tfw this level of Kino is only on for 3 more episodes.
umm sweaty
we measure radiation in roentgens in this thread
now have sex
>It's not that it's only Mary Sue.
it's that it's a woman. You'll seek out any way to complain about the woman character without saying that you're complaining about the woman. You're never fooling anyone.
Chad 2 will have to grow a mustasche of authority to get back
It’s for an american audience, thats why. Are you going to cry that Gladiator is not in Latin?
Not an argument. Why is everyone in Chernobyl a Brit according to this adaptation?
he died in 2003 i think, age 79. true legend.
Americans and Swedes did not find out days after the explosion. The evacuation started way before they found out. The only thing that foreigners finding out made Soviets to do is Gorbachev issued an official statement.
Can someone explain to me why 700 MW of power was the minimum threshold for the Chernobyl test but 30 MW of power was a no-go? Wouldn't less power always be better if you're trying to see what happens when safety systems get disabled?
lol @ ur life
1,000,000 roentgens per hour
Nope. The fireman, Ignatenko, is also a sort of conglomeration.
>Are you going to cry that Gladiator is not in Latin?
Will there not be a second season?
Pilalov died in 2003. Irl he was not alone in that car and the plant was not locked. People were still on shift at reactor buildings 1-3.
I mean, less than 30 dead? There's cities with much higher murder rate by the day.
>Second season ends up being S.T.A.L.K.E.R. tv series
>People were still on shift at reactor buildings 1-3.
but did they get milk afterwards?
>hurr durr lets go help out with the nuclear reactor even though we know we’ll get cancer in 5 years and die
Are these characters retarded?
time to settle this once and for all
When the power drops too low, at least in the case of this reactor (which allegedly had some faults in it's design), the reactor has a chance to shut down - not unlike a car stalling. If the reactor stops completely, not only does it look bad on you and everyone else on the staff, you have to go through the process of getting it started again. And repeat the test. So you need power low, but not so low that the stability of the reactions is compromised.
It has to do with how RBMK reactors work. When you attempt to lower the power it actually spikes it. This is part of why the reactor exploded when coupled with shutting down the diesel power keeping the cooling water going. It was an attempt to self sustain the reactor cooling on its own power, IIRC. But instead, it exploded, because of this critical RBMK flaw.
whats going on here?
Help or have 50 million people die and have half of Europe be uninhabitable for a century.
What is tripfag?
there's like 95 suicides in Russia every day
Core is controlled by rods inserted from the top to absorb radiation and stop chain reaction. Low power means rods are far in and radiation/heat/power is all at the bottom, instead of the middle.
Also, low power doesn't burn off xenon produced by the fission, which interferes with the reaction. That's why they had to pull the rods wholly out to get it going again, which is bad.
If the elephants foot isn't in episode 3, this series is complete shit
I wouldn’t fucking help. Fuck that. Me first everyone else second.
Wrong Sweden detected the radiation on April 28th.
a HBO and Sky production
>user we have cleared the parameter, we need you to go up to the roof
>Dyatlov is last
>Workers at Forsmark reported the case to the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, which determined that the radiation had originated elsewhere. That day, the Swedish government contacted the Soviet government to inquire about whether there had been a nuclear accident in the Soviet Union. The Soviet government initially denied it, and it was only after the Swedish government suggested they were about to file an official alert with the IAEA, that the Soviet government admitted an accident took place at Chernobyl.
I don't know if anyone is interested but I just realised that Garanin who tells Khuauaya to fuck off is Gary's big fat printing friend from Goodnight Sweetheart
they found it months later
>introduced as dismissive and dare i say it, smug
>gradually becomes more and more distraught
Scene stealer desu.
Have sex and report to the infirmary comrade
Yeah, and 3 km zone was evacuated on 27th.
remembering any of their names after two episodes a week apart
no he's first, check again.
Don't worry user, all other voters are delusional
>be working at Chernobyl nuclear power plant
>be manning the gauges
>Dyatlov tells you to scram the system
>watch as the reactor power output jumps from 30 MW to 30,000 MW in 3 seconds
what do?
>fingers down the ol throat and throw up
need to avoid the roof at all costs
Drink feed water
Which would still have nothing to do with the Swedes detecting it on the 28th anyway.
>watch as the reactor power output jumps from 30 MW to 30,000 MW in 3 seconds
Dyatlov's Feed and Seed water (formerly Chernobyl NPP) (formerly formerly Vladimir I. Lenin NPP)
>all those mentions of Americans in this episode
Would have made for some unintentional laughter at the irony if they had actors with American accents in the show.
Its obviously gen chadov not only did he alpha down on scherbina but he came back swagged out and looked scherbina right in his face and said " look at my drip nigga my outfit is so clean they throw soap and water at me when I show up" then he bullied those two nerds. Someone post his return from his mission for me please
>30 MW to 30,000 MW in 3 seconds
That's impossible, I'm delusional
congratulate our comrades on making the five year energy plan in three seconds
after that, rub milk on my skin
*throws up
this desu
scherbina is based
but chadov is a superior specimen
the kind of man only strict soviet military discipline can produce
this series will unironically do wonders for chernobyl tourism
>the kind of man only strict soviet military discipline can produce
would a broth made of feedwater have that special kind of spicyness I've been missing?
>5 years tho
the soviet military didn't make chadov user
chadov made the soviet military
That's the point. In the show "the west knows" made Shcherbina start evacuation which is a blatant lie.
Really stupid to make one woman represent all the scientists. Was it really that hard to write like three scientists, all working in different fields, discovering separately that something was wrong. Instead we get le omniscient smart wamen shoehorned in.
one billion trillion of bullet for you
this used to be a nice board
>You did not see graphite, you’re delusional
western media when they learned about what happened
Just remember they literally combined twenty male scientists just to make one woman sound intelligent.
And now you came.
>2000 dead riddle
what's the riddle?
Nobody is even saying they made them start the evacuation you autist.
Then what did I see mister smarty pants?
the point of the series was to show how the nuclear explosion was handled
they just skipped all the work and yass queened it at the same time
this show has the better reation faces
Your statement doesn't make the female character any less invented.
>fuck it, I'll swan dive into the core sluts.
>Russians spend all of their time on an english language image board talking shit about western culture
>get triggered and defensive and buttmad about ANYTHING made about their culture
almost like they're hypocrites lol
He survived WW2 beeing mobilized in 1941 (in artillery tho). Participated in taking of Berlin. Was wounded three times. He then went to get batchelors in chemistry and continuied his military carreer in chemical forces. In 1968 he was appointed head of the chemical forces of USSR.
fukushima kino when?
Pretty sure hbo requires one Yas queen per show and all things considered she not even that bad compared to the other shit they do
I need to replay STALKER, what mods are essential for Call of Pripyat?
I prefer the fem insert to the cringy CSI compilation of a bunch of nerds working in a lab to discover these startling facts
yes it would have been best to keep to history fully, but you just know the whining by the feminazis about no wamen in the show would get to ridiculous levels otherwise
why Memery 2.2 of course
that was boring and it wasn't a secret
>Chernobs all the WAY
Honestly did a great job with him realizing just how awful the situation really was instead of just pushing the Soviet mindset.
I know that if the corium touched the water it will be huge, but that huge?
This debris field is emitting 10,000 Roentgen/hour and you're fucking looking RIGHT AT IT HOLY SHIT WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO
And did he actually go get the reading it was that just the show
What was the cafeteria serving that night to make everyone throw up?
someone didn't stop the spread of disinformation
No one even died because of fukashima
feedwater soup
What do you do.......
already been made, it's called Shin Godzilla
This poster is delusional, it's clearly only 3.6
feedwater, comrade
He went for radiation mapping survey with a soldier-driver on 26th. He mapped all the territorry surrounding the plant. Idk about the near core, but he got a pretty heavy dose of radiation.
pop an iodine pill, smear milk all over me and walk into reactor-chans bosoms
Why is this show so terrifying, lads? I get this uneasy feeling through the episodes.
Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station in New Brunswick:
In 1990, assistant plant operator Daniel George Maston was charged after he took a sample of heavy water, contaminated with tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen, from the moderator system and loaded it into a cafeteria drink dispenser.[13] Eight employees drank some of the contaminated water.[14] One individual who was engaged in heat stress work, requiring alternating work, rest, and re-hydration periods consumed significantly more than the others. The incident was discovered when employees began leaving bio-assay urine samples with elevated tritium levels, one with particularly unusually high levels. The quantities involved were well below levels which could induce heavy water toxicity, but several employees received elevated radiation doses from the tritium and activated chemicals in the water. It is believed that Maston intended the exposure to be a practical joke, whereby the affected employees would be required to give urine samples daily for an extended length of time.[15]
Fucking based
She's smug and condescending.
Redpill me on Gorbachev
reactor-chan gifts you with 30,000 R/h, what do?
Report to the infirmary, comrade
tried to reform USSR into russian version of USA
instead, crashed the union with no survivors
boris yeltsin was NOT part of his plan
>It is believed that Maston intended the exposure to be a practical joke, whereby the affected employees would be required to give urine samples daily for an extended length of time.[15]
Just a prank bro
>Your bones will rot, forever destroying your ability to create new blood cells. As you near the end, your immune system will completely collapse, your lungs, heart and other internal organs will begin to disintegrate, and you’ll cough them up. Your skin will eventually break down entirely, all but guaranteeing infection. One man from Chernobyl reported that when he stood up his skin slipped down off his leg like a sock. At high doses, radiation will change the very fabric of your DNA, turning you quite literally into a person other than the one you were before. And then you’ll die, in agony.
same as pic related. they're dealing with an existential threat to their home. More than any of them.
Michail Gorbatschjow
I can't recall how big those tanks were but imagine a couple thousand gallons of water instantly vaporizing. Th explosion would have been gigantic and taken out the other reactors with it. Doomsday scenario.
Fuck him, spineless retard. He is one of the main reasons the Union collapsed.
so its a bad thing?
So basically just shoot me?
Or maybe the Soviets were ill-prepared to handle their war gains for more than a century.
thought that giving people rights (glasnost) and introducing free market (perestroika) would make the people happy, end the Cold War (since the Ruskies were economically exhausted and couldn't keep up with the US, especially with Reagan in charge) and save the economy from meltdown.
Instead, all it did was let people openly talk about how shit the USSR was and how they'd be better off without it. And the economy melted down anyways.
It was mainly Ryzhkov's concern. In reality corium never reached the pool-bubbler.
Yes but with a billion million trillion bullets
damn, almost half of the planet died then
stfu chud
He was the Soviet equivalent of Jimmy Carter
Actually, it was just a social experiment.
What war gains? USSR lost more than 30 milion people in WW2 that was not part of the plan.
but the story of the three guys was real, that almost happened, right?
>bro what war gains? lmao
>radiation will change the very fabric of your DNA
you could change race?
Who's reinstalling stalker?
by war gains, he means Eastern Europe
I wish this picture had him vomiting blood into the cup. Please lads, make my dream come true.
The 2-5 MT figure is based on a report by an actual soviet nuclear physicist. It's likely he was bullshitting to get people to take the disaster more seriously, or he was doing the 'atmosphere on fire' level of worst-case estimation (nuclear physics has very wierd margins of error).
The rest of the figures are completely legit, however - the tertiary explosion would have destroyed reactors 1-3, adding more fuel to the fire, and then their coolant systems likely would have undergone similar catastrophic failure, releasing the whole smash into the atmosphere and with it enough radiation to kill most of Eastern Europe.
I don't think I've been unsettled by a scene in a TV show as much as this one unsettled me in quite some time.
it's less the size of the explosion and more the amount of irradiated water vapour it will put into the atmosphere and how far that will spread
Is this trailer kino?
sure look at sitnikov
looking at the core for 10 seconds made him go from white to native american
Yes, you would go from whatever you are now to walking corpse.
I never uninstalled it. CoP at least.
>heavy feeling of dread watching it
>there's not even that Lynchian ambience that would stir up such a feeling
have sex commie
imagine the whiff
He'll be fine, I've seen worse.
*flips page*
>You can actually see the left guy's face turning red from the radiation
Nothing unsettling in this, they're just looking at the core, which is fine.
dumbass. even if he wanted to abandon a planned economy, all one had to do was look at china to see capitalism works better without democracy. made his country poor and weak instead of china 2.
Radiation don't exist retarts
how about u fGS get me anew thread?
user, you have to go to the roof
Not that big hugs its difficult to know just how bad it would have got.50 million people dead, most of eastern Europe uninhabitable, then dealing with how far the radioactive debris and ash cloud etc etc etc. It would have spread so far a clean up would have been impossible.
Him flipping that page made the whole scene hilarious. It was so fucking loud and dramatic meanwhile everyone around him is freaking out.
new thred?
next ep when? the imdb page is confusing
>russian leftists and american leftists bickering at each other over whose version of leftism is better or worse
how about both of you go take a look at the graphite on the roof, and stay there.
I am thinking of building my own geiger counter
Tuesday night US east coast.
>he thinks eastern block = USSR
At this point you might say NATO=US.
>Thinking it was perhaps a type of gunpowder, he tried to light it
folks are dumb
The only benefit from having Eastern block was bigger market for USSR cuz western countries embargoed it.
I think I know why it's so wierdly scary.
Because it's real. The dialogue may not be, the characters might not be, the events might be a bit switched around (the heli crash happened several months after the disaster, not on day 3) but the danger is very, very real.
The melted mass of concrete, uranium and graphite is still there, entombed in the belly of the plant. It will still kill you if you look at it wrong. And it will still be there, and STILL be hot as hellfire, when you are dead and dust.
It's a manmade monster, like some dragon or demonic beast, sealed away, never to be disturbed again. But it's trying to get out. Always, every minute of every day. And it will outlast the tomb. It outlasted the first, it will outlast the second, and I think it will outlast the third.
It is patient. It is deadly. And it still will be deadly long after every man alive today is dust.
Why didn't they lower the control rods? The morons were right there.
Their hands would literally melt off before they could.
>not wanting to be a Ghoul from Fallout
ahahaha you nailed it
You vagina is reading 1000 Roentgens
Exactly. These mooks are just getting flushed at the site of a bunch of contaminated reactor water. Get them to the infirmary and they'll be fine.
I've seen worse. They'd be fine.
half way into ep 1 and it bothers me that it's not in russian with subs
will trudge through it
Do you watch, say, the greek dub of Troy or 300 with english subs?
i don't watch plebbit tier brainlet films thanks