Do you think A and B list actresses can be rented out for fucking? What are the rates they're going for?
Do you think A and B list actresses can be rented out for fucking? What are the rates they're going for?
Why did he do this?
Why not? Fuck that nepotism whore lol
Cause he's based and has sex unlike me
KStew went for something like 250k per 15 minutes
i wan't to fuck dobson in the ass while he draws inflation porn
wtf nigga. everyday something new that makes me disgusted with my fellow people
wtf I love Son of Dob now
>le edgy im losing faith humanity
Just kill yourself hippie.
It's an open secret that actresses get pimped out to kikes and chinks
Why did it die?
porn stars (actual hookers) charge a lot. i can't imagine how much it costs to bang even a C list celebrity
>being upset at someone torturing animals is now edgy
are you, by chance, a retard?
>What are the rates they're going for?
Are you Jewish?
I normally don't like animal abuse too much. Never enough to be distraught or anything. But this fucking webm is fucking hillarious and all I can think about is the frogs in shrek
He’s actually autistic and doesn’t get how people interact
Everybody's got a price.
Rumor is a few do whore themselves out for $75K or so.
Based and frogpilled
She would have to pay me desu
Instagram is a thing my dude, its a catalogue for whores
Closest I’ve heard of for this was the model Sophie Anderton 15k per hour to fund her drug habit
you could probably fuck B-list actresses if they're desperate, but A-listers are too rich and/or property of jewish cock