>StarTrek: Picard will stream exclusively on @CBSAllAccess in the United States, on Amazon #PrimeVideo in more than 200 countries and territories and in Canada on Bell Media’s
Star Trek: Picard
Is he going to be the head of Section 31 or some other JJ Abrams shit like the rumors that have been circulating?
Fuck cbs
>fagshit AGAIN
Fucking no this better not be true.
first image
>Cucktain Cuck-cuc Cuckard of the KEK.S.S. Cuckterprise.
>Cucktain Cuck-cuc Cuckard of the KEK.S.S. Cuckterprise.
i think the section 31 show is going to have michelle yeoh in it the captain from the pilot of STD
he's not looking so good..
Why, we already have next generation to see picard at its best, what do they even have to show here, him as admiral just watching other's do the job, wtf
10 bucks they make him a fag on the show
They're gonna Luke Skywalker him and have him hand off his legacy to some oppressed minority.
It's pretty much confirmed, no?
Holy fuck how hard is it to make up a new captain?
>not even Netflix
lmao they are desperate
as long as it isnt tied into that new shit trek show I'll watch it
Absolutely fucking based Chadtain Chadames C. Chadirk
This shit is vaporware.
They wanted to push this as another SJW vehicle but all the distributes don't wanna touch this hot shit after the mess that was STD.
I heard Stewart has some say in when it comes to the script and that he was the main reason why Picard acted like a 80s action movie in the Star Trek movies so this can´t end well
Isnt STD getting another season? Why?
Can't wait to watch more alternative license prime timeline Star Trek!
Where was this? Has a whole clip been leaked ala Mandalorian?
fucking christ
Doesn't they literally just start filming?
what's gonna get ruined next? Is there anything left?
it was taken at the cbs event today they showed off a little clip and someone took a pic
Piccard will become the new borg queen
Sigh.. they are going to destroy his character.
Does he transition before he gets assimilated?
ummm sweeny todd, men can be queens too now you know
Remember when Star Trek wasn't literal superhero capeshit where the "protagonist" is the center of the story and solves everything? It's about normal people working together to solve problems. Alex Kurtzmann is a hack writer, so his best idea is "Remeber PICARD? Remember WORF?!?"
They should have gave him a beard like in All Good Things. And from how he's dressed he might as well be Professor X.
>why the future looks like the future
Patrick Stewart is an SJW cuck. Fuck him and fuck this show.
The only way I'll watch it is if he somehow fucks up so badly he gets bounced back to Ensign and the entire show consists of him getting yelled at by another captain.
It’s set in the alternate universe, i.e. the bad robot license of Star Trek.
Have sex.
Well that's kind of boring
They could please everyone with that idea, have him demoted to Admiral Sisko's toilet attendant, one or two appearances per episode where Are Benjamin yells at him for offering the wrong cologne.
of course it had to be DS9 fans seething
I'm not even mad, after this show you're going to be forced to admit Picard a shit. Have fun with that, sweaty.
Star Trek becoming a series about a geriatric person, we're surely living in the best timeline.
STD is unironically bigger than Game of Thrones in Germany.
>t. zoomer
if it's bad people will just ignore it, keep being a dumb nigger
Netflix is going to disintegrate when Disney's streaming service drops. Amazon's service is subsidized by prime.
>this is your average zoomer DS9 fan who never had a dad
Netflix is subsidised by their shares value, as is every publicly traded company, it's a machine that runs on hype, they're not going anywhere until they have good press.
>memes are still funny, right people I've convinced myself are my friends?
You're retarded and should try talking less around people who are obviously smarter than you, kid. In the meantime, figure out the difference between commas and periods.
We all know this is going to be shit.
Are you having a stroke?
So, more dune buggies then?
It's too late. He's seen it all.
Where is Star Trek: Janeway?
And more die hard like moments where he jumps around in a Tank top while shooting lazer guns and making one liners
In the dumpster with the single mom who raised you, voyagerqueer.
And yoy can have it all my empire of dirt
>it's kino when my masculine stand-in Kirk does it
The Section 31 shit was misinformation, as is all the stuff about it being in the JJverse.
It's Prime timeline, set after Nemesis and the future parts of ST 2009. Its a Brexit metaphor. Vulcan wants to leave the Federation after the Romulan refugee crisis, after a severe pushback to reunification. Other planets are beginning to take their cue from the Vulcans, and the Federation is looking at a possible dissolution. Picard is older, retired and largely forgotten by modern Starfleet, but he learns that a third party may be behind the recent events, and leaves Earth with a renegade crew to investigate.
It's going to be worse than anything you can imagine
>there are phonetards in ITT right now and they think they're welcome on this site
Are they actually calling it Star Trek: Picard
Might as well call it Star Trek: Pandering
>Its a Brexit metaphor.
Were gonna wish they were pandering.
But were gonna get SUBVERTED
That's a better premise than the Red Angel shit
>But were gonna get SUBVERTED
Exactly, that is the purpose of everything now.
They couldn't even think of a proper title? I expected nothing and somehow got less.
What's the episode were Picard gets stuck in the elevator with a bunch of kids and makes a really cute hebe girl his first officer?
>early DS9/Voyager era uniform
>the kid with an anime reaction images folder pretending he has personal standards
Shut up and eat your slop, bigot
it's got an added colored collar
it's not
Back to your internment camp, homo.
>Giving anime posters yous
You're worse.
If we don't start telling people they're retarded and it's not OK, we're never going to get off this rock.
>it's kino when my masculine stand-in Kirk does it
Kirk was the same character from start to finish. Picard was an ambassador, and the actor wanted "more fucking and fighting" for his "character" (even though Stewart was married and cheated when he hooked up with the actress who played Vash and were almost pornographic on-set)
So yes, retard, it is Kino when Kirk does it because it's what Kirk would do. Picard WAS kino because he was an awesome diplomat/problem solver/leader, but instead the insecure ACTOR wanted to be Bruce Willis in Die Hard.
It's PRECISELY this meddling with the character and his new high position on this Picard series that has me utterly without faith that it won't be SJW propaganda bullshit. He may be too old to go fist-fighting, but he'll shove his politics in it because THAT is what interests HIM as an ACTOR.
I'm going to wait for the reviews and will ONLY eventually pick up the Blu Ray if they DONT go SJW with it. But I know they will. Interest in this show = subverted.
Point of fact, you're just as retarded, so you deserve them.
I'm not reading that, autist.
Your reply was entirely predictable. Try killing yourself, you bore.
>jamal uses caps for emphasis
very feminine and low iq
Picard had action scenes in the tv show too tho
fuck picard retards
He doesn't care. He's got a hate boner for anyone he considers intellectual. It's the poor in him coming out.
>using the word based
>pretending you're not the retard
He just kept moving from topic to topic in one long unbroken sentence it was really quite hypnotic
he's a zoomer for liking the superior older series rather than the numale captain.
confused I'm
so are you the retard who didn't read the argument or the retard who takes offense to minimal use of cruise control?
not seeing a counter either way
>You're predicable!
>Further responds with "kill yourself"
Ironic. You wouldn't happen to be a writer for this awaiting shitpile would you? Your remarks are about as base as I would expect from people who name a show after a lead.
it's no surprise with such strong pagan roots
he is the retard that fucked your mother haha boom
>calling the 78 year old a numale
I imagine lots of things confuse you. You seem incapable of thinking anything through.
I'm the guy who's pointing out that you write like an uneducated black kid. I'm also going to point out that you're intellectually insecure because you think that Yea Forums is a good place for arguing and you act like people owe you something.
>le irony!
>reddit space
What's up, election tourist? Having fun clinging to the carcass of a site you never really got to see? Also, someone should probably let you know that you're not Oscar Wilde, you tryhard faggot, and it's not OK to be gay.
>using caps means you're a nigger
>goes on to write like one
>I am larping as a nigger! so much better! based!
>Picard is a numale
More like oldmale amirite fellas haha
>I NEED to capitalize to show people I'm chimping out!
>the reddit tourist pops into the thread and posts a picture from his favorite youtube friend simulator
Legibility and capital use is bad, you're a nigger
>minimalistic posting = nigger
I like Midnight's Edge but I don't entirely buy their complicated
>Prime timeline as we think of it is actually its own JJ-verse Prime timeline technically separate from the Prime timeline of TOS-VOY that we've been led to believe it is
"alternative license" bullshit, it doesn't totally make sense. If it's set years in the future from anything we last saw, and all the costumes, starships, etc are new, then there's no reason for it to be a technically different universe in order to justify that. Like, maybe all the different copywrited/trademarked designs are indeed off limits to them, that I find plausible, but the "it's technically not the same universe, but a slightly different one, as is dictated by the license" idea sounds like an autist trying to reverse engineer a justification for why some things may be the same and others may not be, in condiseration for all the ephemeral stuff that don't robustly exist, but are instead the imaginary threads connecting everything. To think that comes under the license is absurd.
It's fiction, it doesn't need to make complete sense. New people come in, they're ignorant and egotistic, and they may change things. They're unfortunately under no obligation to come up with a logically internally-consistant explaination for why those things have changed, because it's not actually a reality.
I'm having trouble articulating this, sorry. Think of it this way, copyrights and trademarks may come under the license, but the in-story reason for why those things have to be different almost certainly does not. They're just different now. So there's no reason to think the Prime timeline as we've been presented it is actually a secret other Prime timeline they've snuck in under our noses. The Prime timeline isn't real, so you could just say this is the indeed the Prime timeline, just done irresponsibly. You can have an autistic theory to explain why the canon makes no sense, but I doubt it's in the license.
>I NEED to use caps because how else are people going to know where I'm being an emotional BITCH in my writing!
>i'll just call my inherent laziness and ignorance minimalism
>that'll make me look like less of a retarded poorfag from a shit family with no standards
>Yea Forums is srs business
how new are you
They were already proven wrong on that anyways so that's moot
Well said user
>just stop acting white, bro!
If you can stop, you never were in the first place.
>how new are you
It's always hilarious when zoomers who got here after 2010 try this strategy.
>newfag tries to hard and exposes himself straight away
Every fucking time.
Sadly redditors think this place just exists for shitposting and low quality posts.
Exactly. They lost the fundamental thing that made Star Trek work. A "main character" is antithetical to the core concept.
>no u!
Nice one, outsider. Super effective.
>zoom zoom tries to call others new
>when his newfaggotry oozes out of every sentece
who told you to stop acting white, /pol/tard?
>zoomers on Yea Forums in 2011
>ture parts of ST 2
I'm actually fine with this, and it flows well from the last movie and Picard's bond with Spock.
Star Trek has always been about this diplomatic shit. Just don't make it a stupid action movie. (SPOILER: they will)
>when you try to pretend you're not new but have a Yea Forums folder full of named reaction images because you haven't grown out of it like the older boys did
>what do you mean people expect me to write like a white person?
>that sounds like serious business instead of reflexive behavior for someone who was raised by decent white people who don't live in poverty
You're crashing. Pretending you don't know the plane is going down won't help you.
Who does he surrender the flagship to first?
The episodes after they posted that crap video.
Also in interviews after the season, they even specifically referred to the previous shows as prime and how they feel they successfully tied STD with canon.
>white this
>white that
>are you white?
>I'm white
>you can't be white
>whites never into minimalism
holy shit lol
>writing like a nigger is minimalism
ah shit, TOS-ENT, I meant
Have they? I know the "Discovery's Enterprise needs to be 25% different" theory got denied from a CBS official, but it came from John Eaves himself, who I can't imagine would make it up, I don't know what to believe on that one.
I do kinda get the impression that there was nothing stopping them from making an accurate Enterprise and accurate Klingons, and they're just irresponsible enough to think they can change things up however they want and expect the fanbase not to be confused and angry. The use of The Cage footage throws all the speculation about licensing into uestion for me. I honestly think just shitty disrespectful egotists are making these shows.
>when confronted by his inadequacy in the eyes of white society, he's reduced to a two word reply and feigned laughter
Your family is trash.
>The episodes after they posted that crap video.
They were still sticking with that theory in one of their recent videos, though
q, after a saucer seperation.
Yes, choosing to write like a non-white anywhere and at anytime means precisely that. You're finally starting to understand that your behavior isn't acceptable.
Your grandmother is trash.
>minimalism is exclusive to non-whites
are all trekkies this stupid?
surely not
Your grandfather is trash.
JJ Trek is trash.
Kurtzman Trek is trash.
I'm never watching this shit. Seriously, what is up with these jews? Why is it always the jews? Doesn't even make any sense.
>section 31
>JJ Abrams shit
For real. I didn’t like any of that at all. Especially how micheal was the most important person in the universe.
racist. Your kind isn't welcome here
>on a whites-only site