Why do movies add so many cuts into action scenes? It totally ruins the choreography.
Why do movies add so many cuts into action scenes? It totally ruins the choreography
what choreography
they do that so you dont notice all the shitty effects and how badly they are at pretend fighting, why cant we just bring back the colleseums and throw the poor people to fight eachother for live action kino?
how get gf like this when 5'10'' spic
It's a boy not that it matters
Step one, kill yourself shitskin
i dun get it
what you say to me dumb ass fucking white boi faggot?
I am muscular hispanic
I will kill all of white bois and niggers ALL OF THEM
pic is me with my battle gear, I only 4 semi auto mid range weps 2 long range weps and 6 armor trucks and I plan on using them to destoy the white bois for mexico
Viva El Imperio, Viva Mexico! Para La Reconquista, Para El Regreso De Nustra Tierra Santa!
Just bee yorself bro
wait for robowaifus
It matters, faggot.
somebody post that liam neeson webm
Choreography is really hard to develop and remember and quick cuts mean the audience won’t have time to tell what’s going on so they won’t know if someone messed up
just be rich bro
Be pretty. I'm 5'8" and have a fiancee that looks like this.
Avoiding scenes like this
It's because they can't fight to save their lives, so they have to cut out the point of impact. For example a Jackie Chan fight scene doesn't cut all over the place
She's pretty good...
It's done to hide shitty/non existent choreography
Less time to film, easier skill-wise to film, and less impact=less violent looking, so you are more likely to get a lower rating.
its a western thing, somehow directors think it looks good but its totally retarded, asian actions film dont do that, or at least didnt, like on old jackie chan films
you're a greedy double daggers you know that right
>I am muscular hispanic
Like winning the Special Olympics
You're still a spic