Watched this recently, what's the general Yea Forums consensus? Is it kino or is pretensious? I'm at odds honestly

Watched this recently, what's the general Yea Forums consensus? Is it kino or is pretensious? I'm at odds honestly.

Attached: aight.png (1000x500, 697K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>muh girl squad
I can't imagine having an IQ over 100 and thinking this is kino.

flawed but worth watching if you like scifi

I liked it, if anything, for the aesthetics.

the lighthouse guy in tinfoil suit was actually scury

Only the last 10-15 minutes was decent.

>imagine being so insecure and bringing iq into something
ok libtard

>lets try an all female squad because xD

The bit in the lighthouse is kino.
Everything else is meh, but the fungus/wall man and the bear are kind of cool visually/atmospherically.

>writes like a low IQ trailer dweller
>crying about libtards
I see he cut you deep, Zeke.

It's a good sci-fi film. Of course, too intelligent for the american public

Yea Forums loves it so much because of the BLACKED scene

I liked it. The visuals and philosophical questions it asks don't make it pretentious at all.

>thinking someone is unironically crying about libtards and missing the joke
ok cuckservative

Read the book faggot

not the best but it has some really original shit that i enjoyed immensely.
the cancer parallels, deformations, mutations, all were gold
not to mention it's gorgeous to look at

Attached: annihilation-bear-2.jpg (841x894, 113K)

>i was just pretending
Your request for damage control has been denied, emotionally affected twenty something.

Pseuointellectual trash. The only reason you retards liked it was because of the sparkly lights

Lol no.


It's a lot better if you realize it's about cancer.


Based and redpilled

The last 30 minutes are absolute kino. Everything else is just alright.

Why would anyone do that? Why would it even be necessary if the film is at all worthwhile? This isn't Yea Forums, by the way. We don't squint and dead tree shavings here, you fucking anachronism.

I mean, it's not bad, there are some decent scenes before it, i honestly think they nailed the "we have no clue how much time has passed" feel. But yeah, after she gets to the lighthouse it gets far better


Not pretentious. Wouldn't say Kino but if you compare it to most of the recent shit pedowood makes it's well above average. It's sort of like gaming - lower budget/indy projects are where the true joy is at.

It was kino

>when the kid posting from a phone pretends to have an IQ over 110

>projecting this hard
>crying because someone used the word libtard
ok nazi

Because it explains in the book why the squad is all female. But you mouthbreathers are too busy looking at pretty colors and crying over the demographics of a high budget b tier film

This. Not even mad at the "girl squad" because it was a volunteer mission and they all went because they were all suicidal/no real purpose left in life. Pretty comfy film

>no u!
Nice one.

Come up with a reason you like this movie other than >it looks good

>no u no u
Nice one.

>this other media that we aren't talking about...
What a moron. You need to go back.

The film explained it too. Doesn't make it any less retarded.

Cope, cuck.

>the phonetard tries talking back on a site it doesn't belong on
>it """thinks""" the locals owe it explanations



Cool plot, cool ideas, TERRIBLE EXECUTION


Movie was shit. Stop crying because you have bad taste.

it's a little clunky in some parts but i thought it was great. the way it used biological horror was pretty good and something you don't see done well often. reminded me a bit of spc stuff.
portman is also a better actress the uglier she gets.

It got Natalie Portman blacked, so it's kino.

>reminded me a bit of spc stuff.

it felt a lot like old speculative fiction/early scifi shit. maybe you're just a retarded zoomers?

I didn't even say anything about whether i enjoyed it or not, i didn't even enjoy it..You're the one crying that somebody enjoyed it.

post your face when this played

t. Boomer

Sure thing, fag.

Wanna suck some cock together?

>muh BBC subplot
So kino

>that's supposed to be an insult
lmao zoomers are so gay

You're a boomer? You should probably be visiting your grandkids then.

Surprised not copyrighted for literally taking the exact premise of “Color from Outer Space” all they did was have the setting vaguely Floridian.
Wasn’t an awful movie.
Being BLACKed = self destruction was nice
>all female squad
Wouldn’t have been bad if they didn’t have
>le ebin powerful Latina
>teehee quirky genius black gril
Otherwise it was alright, rather convoluted.

the bad:

>bad cg
>hammy acting

The Kino:

>qt mixed girls death
>lighthouse scene
>oscar isaac's squad's home videos
>story as a whole was actually really great

The Ugly:

>Natalie Portman

its pretty kino
the only people who hate it are incels

Color from Outer Space is public domain retard


pretty much sums it up. There were some problems with the script, but not so much that you can't sit through it, and it has some neat sci-fi concepts. It's main selling point is definitely the aesthetics.

imagine being a boomer on Yea Forums


I mean, Lovecraft must be fucking furious that someone made a movie based on his work and put a BLACKed scene in it.

There's literally nothing 'pretentious" in or about this movie. It was decent sci-fi, actually had some sense and smarts to the plot and background decent action, some tense moments and pretty good acting.

The bear scene and the mirror fight in the lighthouse were spooky.

Make sure you finish emptying that dishwasher user, your wife will be mad

alien scene was kino

bear scene was neat

rest was largely forgettable

It felt like a decent SCP with terrible characters tacked on.
None of the cast felt like they belonged in such an operation. Then the performance of the main characters aside from Natalie Portman ranged from terrible to mediocre.

Visually I really enjoyed it. Probably the aspect that kept me invested through the bad characters and it was all worth it just for the ending. The sound design for the watchtower part was fucking kino.
Oh and the twist at the very end was completely unnecessary but it's Alex Garland we're talking about so you can expect a rough landing.

Overall the movie is trailing but the ending completely redeems it imo.

few great, even genius concepts and scenes, but overall pretty cheap and generic

Yeah, i think the word "decent" fits best here, there are some really great scenes, but some just drag the rest down.

imagine not knowing anything about literature, history or culture beyond the years you've been alive.

Good in parts
As a whole it doesn't make sense

Attached: 1557696374409.webm (1920x804, 2.96M)

ending is kino

It looks and sounds good. That's enough. It's middling kino or mino , if you like.

- manbearpig
- pepsiman

- goblina cunt
- cheap cgi

>interpretative dances in your path

I forget what the blacked scene was, some random dude who used to date her or something?

Colleague at her college

Heeeeeelp meeeeee

Attached: 1547952767994.gif (500x246, 1.46M)

Yeah it does seem to kind of bog itself down in the middle, I can't pinpoint where but it kind of meanders for a bit before it picks up with the weird shit again.
I just remember Yea Forums going crazy over it when it first released and people couldn't shut up about it and a lot of people were calling it trash unnecessarily. It definitely wasn't bad, I like that it plants enough ideas and questions that you can have a discussion about the stranger parts of the film but it doesn't go full pretension and knock you over the head with it or anything.

liking annihilation for bear scene and "weird shit" is the most reddit opinion one can have
