Is there a greater symbol of masculinity in film than Clint Eastwood?

Is there a greater symbol of masculinity in film than Clint Eastwood?

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Only one

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John Wayne

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toshiro mifune

Sidney Poitier

Imagine all the shit he took and still didn't chimp out like actors today.

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alain delon wasn't that masculine, he was soft and kind girly in a way



John Wayne was *the* symbol of masculinity back in the day.

He's gay
Got cucked
Wayne is based, but he doesn't have a legacy of few dozens of super conservative classic movies.

>Paul Newman enters chat
he concurs

>doesn't have a legacy of few dozens of super conservative classic movies

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what movie

Sheems you're forgetting someone, fellash

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Maybe some of the characters he played could be emotional at times but in real life he appeared pretty masculine

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Someone post that irrefutable evidence that Clint Eastwood is actually a tranny

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The Train Robbers

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And so it begins

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So manly he doesn't kill animals and riles people up with "controversial" statements

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>inb4 niggers

Jim Brown

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thank you

I watched GB&U last night and I thought it was pretty shitty. Suffers from a lot of things that are wrong with old movies and spaghetti westerns

What does it suffer from

Fistful was the best of the trilogy

What's Eastwood's "super conservative" masterpiece?

Gran Torino was kind of conservative in that it wasn't afraid to call out minority thugs for being thugs.
Dirty Harry was about the structuring of the police and maybe a criticism of bureaucracy but not really.
Fistful of Dollars was just a weirdly styled Western.

You may not like it but pic related is what peak performance looks like. He slew more prime hollywood puss than anyone not names weinstein.

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Drawn out scenes, which go far beyond the element of suspense or development. Noticeably bad practical effects, such as Clint's face when he is walked through the desert.

The shooting scenes are over the top, with Clint and other characters having superhuman shooting skills, likewise when the plot needs it the other guys can't aim for shit or there is no resistance at all. One notable scene is when the ugly is being surrounded by three men with their guns drawn, Clint somehow sneaks up on them, even though two of them should be looking in his direction in the middle of the desert. All of them have their guns drawn, and Clint doesn't, but still they wait for him to draw his pistol before they try and fail to shoot him.

you win

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That was when he talked to the chair where Obama was supposed to sit and everybody pretended not to understand what he was doing and claimed he'd lost his mind.


Noticeably plebeian post.

Even Rooney himself wondered, in his 1991 memoir, Life Is Too Short: “What was my appeal?” The question wasn’t entirely rhetorical, as he went on to explain: “I was a gnomish prodigy – half-human, half-goblin, man-child, child-man.”

no u

Wayne was a fat cowboy cosplayer whose persona was created for him by directors like Ford.

Eastwood played himself.

He wins for the interview

I imagine it was his talent and notoriety. Strong personality too perhaps.

Retard alert.

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Lol, no. James Cagney was way more masculine than Bogart

unironically based

is this a good movie? or is it gay like boondock saints

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to this day, he's the archetypal based negro of america, they come in many froms though

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Was cagney tapping prime Bacall? No. No he wasn't.

the classic


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Eastwood sucked my cock back in 87

Pardon me, most masculine man ever in most masculine role ever filmed coming through. Pic related.

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probably.. only Sean Connery compares

>tfw George A. never saw John Wayne on the sands of Iwo Jima

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That old man was based as fuck.

>black gun in his face

The only one.

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Great answer.

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>Is there a greater symbol of masculinity in film than Clint Eastwood?

EVERYONE in Predator. (even the chick)

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John Wayne was jealous of Clint Eastwood. John Wayne even wrote complaint letters to Clint after High Plains Drifter came out accusing Clint of being a misogynist to women cause he bangs every bitch in the film and for “not portraying the west in an accurate manner”. The letter probably read like something off of the Huffington Post.

Came here to post peak performance

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