QUIET! ALL OF YOU! We're in a Jurassic thread

>QUIET! ALL OF YOU! We're in a Jurassic thread

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When i was a kid i really couldn't wrap my head around the arm jumpscare. I couldn't understand why the guy's arm was just there and i couldn't fathom the raptors doing it for the laffs.
Why was samuel l jacksons arm there bros? Where was the rest of him?

That's cause you were a kid and you didn't get bullshit scenes that make no sense.

Shouldve survived and killed a Trex like the book.

That's because Steven Spielberg is a hack director.

Because Kikeberg, despite a nice director,sucks at edition. That's why deleted scenes live such inconsistencies behind. Like in the second movie with that bunch of shopped off arms laying around on the ship

Got some early erections imagining him slamming Ellie while Alan was away

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alan! wake up!

how come laura dern looked hot in only this scene

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You did?

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What did she mean by that?

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20 years later still mirin' his legs

>tfw bob peck is dead
what aussie could replace him?


>Brainlets hate subtle storytelling and need everything spelled out for them

There was suppose to be a scene of him getting eaten by raptors but a storm destroyed the set.


Chilled Hayan seabass.

This makes no sense, why wouldn't dinos eat women?