Based Mel

>currently filming Passion of the Christ 2: Resurrection as week speak, due to release on Easter 2020
>already working on exposing the Rothschild's with based Shia right after


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I like mel but this is going to be terrible

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So what happens when JC comes back?
>I really hoped he could could escape in JC1.

How long until the jew that spams nazi trannys ruins the thread?

The idea of making a film about Christ's Resurrection when the actor is visibly much older is baffling.

wtf you on, lad? Jew that spams nazi trannys? wut

Most actors agree with Mel on the Jews since they've witnessed firsthand their most evil excesses, but they're terrified to speak out because of the consequences. If Mel Gibson in 2006 could get taken down, nobody could survive.

But Mel did

>Passion of the Christ 2: Resurrection
why not Passion of the Christ 2:Annihillation
Passion of the Christ 2:Unlimitted.
Passion of the Christ 2:Battle for earth

His time in hell aged him a lot.

Based Mel

He doesn’t make terrible movies

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He's meant to be hard to recognise at first because he's radiant or some shit, not because he's leathered.

He's the director

But Jim Caviezel is going to be Christ again, right? And he also has experienced the passage of time.


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>huge backlash
>a bunch of jews on twitter kvetching to shut it down

he's playing Santa, too.

Christmas kino is back on the menu boys

Mel Gibson, a guy who's known for playing the "crazy guy" in such films as Mad Max, Lethal Weapon and Conspiracy Theory, is trying to convince you that Jesus is real.

I need more Gibson kino right now


You mean running interference for the Rothchilds.
I mean who would take anything said about them seriously now.
>based Shia
Oh user.

Can't wait for the prequel Passion of the Christ: Genesis.
And then the third part of the trilogy Passion of the Christ 3: Revengeance.
Christkino is back, lads!

Hacksaw Ridge was so bad.

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You think that is what Mel Gibson is known for?

I want to root for Mel because he's basically the only modern Hollywood director who's allowed to be outwardly Christian but it probably won't be the same as the original Passion of the Christ and will just feel like one of the many lazy reboots currently overrunning cinema..


>not Passion of the Christ: Genisys


so wait does the jew control the Hollywood or not

>because he's basically the only modern Hollywood director who's allowed to be outwardly Christian
imagine being this pleb

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>Owh gawd it's too accurate
>Oy vey, it's plain anti-Semitism

Imagine caring about a manlet like Manlet Gibson

What Women Want

Get the Gringo
Blood Father
Dragged Across Concrete
Edge of Darkness