What PS2 game is this?

What PS2 game is this?

Attached: 1557714857619.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

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Same as this one.

Attached: Ok fucking epic.jpg (1920x1080, 1000K)


There are doom wads that look better than this

>putting your troops outside the walls during a siege

Attached: 1503643302165.png (645x729, 216K)

>$15,000,000 visuals

Attached: 1454395945907.gif (400x300, 2.46M)

Dark Souls.

Attached: 1557769624783.png (2400x1350, 2.19M)

total war?


>Estus Flask+10 and he has 12
fucking scrub

rome total war 2

those rocks do look video gamey

that's king's field IV

Nice pre-render background.

I need more of these.

Attached: a12.jpg (624x969, 68K)

PS2 was so much worse looking than you remember.

Attached: 1478976281492.webm (600x336, 2.7M)

Was gonna say this

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Why don't they have shadows?

That is honestly pathetic.

old gpu, you disable them to improve your fps

you can do that in after effects in like 1 day max without bothering about shadows and just say that it's a cloudy region

Stay mad. It's just a TV show, not a real production.

>putting the mercenaries outside the walls so they get some kills off, then die and you don't have to pay them

Not enough money in budget. Used the shadow budget to pay Cersei to smirk in front of a green screen for a few minutes.

>Used the shadow budget to pay Cersei to smirk in front of a green screen for a few minutes.

Attached: 1543174643199.webm (1920x1080, 1.14M)

camera reminds me of Devil May Cry

This looks like absolute shit

But this looks pretty awesome, why are people laughing at it?

Shadows were very hard for the PS2 to render, especially depending upon the amount of polygons in the environment at the time. Developers had to resort to neat magic tricks of the eye to get things like Shadow of the Colossus, many of the techs used in SotC were used long after and are still used today.

to be honest, hating on a few shots is nitpicking. they build a set with 17 streets and alleyways for the KL battle and had a shit load of extras. this shit is extremely expensive and takes weeks to shoot. you can't expect 100% in every single shot. especially in shots that are on for less than a few seconds.

Reminder that Disney is impressed by that and want the same for star wars

>crop shake

Attached: 1531450227828.webm (1920x1080, 1.11M)

>Implying they played anything on the PS2.

still best console library of all time, faggot.

with low settings

Overlord live action adaptation?

PoP Sands of Time