Movies that were way better than you expected.
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The Rock best role yet
I think mike stoklasa described the movie as a jock trying to write poetry. I enjoyed it because of that.
i don't like this movie. this movie makes all gymfags looks like retards
most gymfags are not very smart but definitely not retards
Just watched the live action Cat in the Hat. Mike Myers is fucking great in it and any critic who says otherwise is a boomer
>Pic not related
Transformers 1-5
Transformers movie are genuinely garbage you dumb fuck
Smokin Aces
Panic Room
Fucking loved this movie, watched it dozens of times.
House of Wax remake with Paris Hilton
It's an extremely jewish movie that makes fun of goys, even though they were all spics.
Lord of war
This was fucking kino. Everybody shit all over this film and it really didn't deserve it. If you liked Traffic or Sicario watch the Unrated version.
Rewatch it every now and then
I liked it because of Anthony Mackie.
i really thought this was pretty well known with craig being bond forever but i so rarely see it talked about and whenever i've tried to make threads about they never get much traction
Another Ridley Scott film that is underrated. This movie gets better each time I watch it. People wanted a carbon copy of SOTL and got something different and didn't like it. Julianne Moore does a fine job and Anthony Hopkins is masterful. It was better than Red Dragon.
This was just as good as i expected it to be.
Every movie on Matthew Vaughn's resume is kino, with the possible (undercooked) exception of Stardust.
Every Michael Bay movie is bad.
Pretty much every time I rewatch it I've completely forgotten about the ending with the "if you know my name you're smart" or whatever he says, and I'm back to wondering what the point of the line is.
It makes you realize that you still dont know his name after watching the whole movie. Also reinforces the point that he allowed himself to get cocky for once and lose his guard, which led to him getting killed by some random retard he fucked over long ago. Casino Royale ends with Bond saying his classic line, which is a cool callback
I thought this was going to be shit like Revolver was, but turns out I like it a tiny bit more than Lock Stock. Loved the junkie aesthetics.
on the contrary it really disappointed me after lock stock and snatch, felt like he was just trying to emulate his style and it wasn't as good. Most characters didn't seem likeable and acted like retards, but it wasn't fun or funny.
>think Smokin Aces will be mediocre
>turns out it's great
>assume Smokin Aces 2 will be more of the same
>it's actually a thousand times worse than I expected the first movie to be
If a third movie came out I'd honestly have no clue about what quality it might be.
>>assume Smokin Aces 2 will be more of the same
>>it's actually a thousand times worse than I expected the first movie to be
the fact that it was DTV and didn't have any A listers in it didn't tip you off?
>not enjoying handsome bob or the unstoppable russians
In what way did you think they acted like retards? I thought they managed to make everyone believably crook-level smart. The junkie might have been too poetic and smart to be believable, but it worked.
I'd say Revolver had way more of those problems than RocknRolla.
I only found out about Smokin Aces from renting a dvd and I didn't actually look up casting or anything for the second.
That reminds me though. I rented this on VHS, dug out from a huge bargain bin of shit movies and expected it to be some so bad it's funny movie with cgi werewolf soldiers. Then it turned out to be my favourite werewolf movie ever. To this day it's the only time I ever rewatched a movie immediately the next day, and then a day or two later I rented it again to watch with my buddy.
Who has been shitting on this movie? I feel like next to no one has heard of it, and those who have like it.
Pure kino. I think comedy central used to go between this and Billy Madison consistantly back in 2012
Honestly I thought Winter Soldier was just ok and I thought Civil War was convoluted and boring
I was not impressed with the Russo Brothers and the version of Thanos in GotG just seemed like big dumb evil guy. Also I thought it would be a giant clusterfuck with so many characters and I thought I knew who would die (namely, Tony in this one)
I was pleasantly surprised on all counts
This was easily Bay's best film since Bad Boys
>Who has been shitting on this movie?
it only got bad reviews because no Critic wanted to say Michael Bay made a good movie.
I saw a trailer for this in theaters and somehow thought it was going to be ridiculous schlock
My dad rented it for our movie night and I didn't think much of it but it turned out to be pretty good. I wonder how it holds up, it's been like 14 years after all
Fair enough. I mean around here though. Whenever it's brought up on Yea Forums people like it. And they should; it's Cormac McCarthy and Ridley Scott, and a fantastic cast. Maybe it's not more widely liked because of how depressing and anxious it is; that movie just feels like the walls closing in around you.
best werewolf flick ever made
Peter Stormare should have won an oscar for supporting actor as Lucifer
ill give you 1-3 because sam witwicky and high test girls but the rest are painful
yeah to this place's credit i rarely see a bad word said about it here but when it came out i heard nothing and no one i knew saw it. got in the mood to watch it after reading blood meridian and was blown away. one of the best movies this decade tbqh.
good pick
The Dialogue in the counsellor was the most convoluted impenetrable garbage. The film felt like it was trying way too hard to be high brow when it could have just been a tense action/suspense film.
I’ve read Blood Meridian, The Road and NCFOM and enjoyed them all so it’s no like I’m unfamiliar with Mccarthy’s style but his writing really didn’t translate well at all.
That's absolutely not true right?