
what does Yea Forums consider to be the greatest zombie movie? 28 days? braindead? romero's? what about the best decade of zombie movies? after the walking dead is the genre dead? currently marathoning some of the best with your fellow anons. taking votes and requests! cytu dot be/r/sleep nospace snug or see pic related.

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i'm partial to the 1970s Dawn of the Dead, and the 1980s Return of the Living Dead, as well as the 00s 28 Days Later

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this one is just about perfect in every way

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cursed image bump

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what is it called?

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doesnt get any better than this guy

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Zombie movies are retarded and make no sense

he recently died :^(

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it's the snyder remake of dawn of the dead
user is likely baiting and is surely a brainlet, but it's a fine movie unfairly maligned
>muh reactionary filmmaker ruining muh socialist zombie movie

Dead Rising 1 is the best zombie media ever created.

yes, but they are a fun watch

vydia are a reddit hobby

And so are zombies

oy vey

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This was awful. What a waste.

Dying Light for me but I did love Dead Rising when it came out.

Maybe day of the dead. Fulci's movies are cool too.

Romero's trilogy
28 Days
28 Weeks
Re-animator (that counts as a zombie movie, right?)

zombieland is numale as fuck

Return of the Living Dead

Don't know about best but this is my favourite

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bumpin you all are forgetting Rec

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Fucking shameful this took so long to post.

Zombies are the most boring pieces of shit monsters ever imagined but this
is one of my favourite movies ever.

it's literally mentioned in the second post

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Help Alive Inside, brainlet

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>still no mention of shaun of the dead

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probably because it's shit

>mtw this long out of print Blu-ray is the only way to watch the film in HD in the US
I can't wait to import the 4K Blu-ray later this year from the UK. Anyone ever been to Monroeville Mall?

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Definitely 28 days. It was tight. You cared about the characters and the zombies did all the right things. They even were able to explain to some extent why an organised military might have a hard time.

zombeavers is starting soon git in here

cytu dot be/r/sleep nospace snug

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Unlikeable characters making stupid decisions to try advancing a non-plot? Yeah great choice, kid.

sleep tight porker


F O O D ?

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someone uploaded it to youtube in HD but you have to keep it a secret, ok user?

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That's a vampire goofy

Romero's Dawn is my favourite of the oldies.
Return of the Living Dead and Braindead are the two best zombie comedies. Return has a tighter script and I'd say does a better job of parodying the genre as a whole but Braindead is just full of charm and slapstick excess with one ridiculous gross out set piece after another. Both have fantastic endings.
Rec and 28 days are the only really great recent(ish) zombie films. Dawn remake was good, Shaun is overrated but solid, Zombieland is just bland and World War Z was utter trash.

how did Romero manage to squeeze three of the most memorable characters in zombie movies into one movie?
Day is peak zombie

True, but it's a fun sandbox to live out every zombie apocalypse survival fantasy you've ever had.

Definitely my favorite and I still hit the mute button and masturbate when Trash gets naked and dances in the graveyard. Gave me a punk girl/ short hair fetish.

When I was 8 or 9 I watched pic related on my uncle’s farm which is an old ass house way out in the country with a graveyard up the road. Scared the shit out of me and I still think about it and get the spooks whenever I go there over 10 years later. It’s a cheesedick movie but it still scares me when I watch it just because of where I was the first time I saw it.

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>YouTube HD

What would happen if a zombie bit Dracula?
Or if Dracula bit a zombie?

The romero trilogy. Night of the Living Dead is public domain, and you can watch the full movie from it's wikipedia page.
Return of the living dead is just so fun and bleak at the same time. As an inventory clerk for a medical supply distribution company it's extra comfy.

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bro she has the cutest little butt, those guys into fat monster asses will never understand

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MPAA ruined Savini's gore effects:

Burial Ground is the patrician's choice.

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They're both Undead, they cancel out.

not much love yet for Fulci's 1979 Zombie huh

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Midge kino


Dawn of the Dead was a massive hit in Italy when it came out, which led to dozens of shitty rip-offs.

Nightmare City is my favorite of these.


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