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/RBMK/ Chernobyl Backstab Edition
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not funny. you have to be 18 or older to use this website
Drake, where's the core?
>read the wiki on RBMK reactors
>because it uses light water it cam basically go into a loop of exponentialy increasing power output, creating more steam from the water, resulting in more fission, resulting in more heat, resulting in an even higher power output etc.
>this flaw was kept secret from the crew operating the reactor
why nobody tried to blow up a nuclear station lads
t. no isis
Why did they tip the control rods with graphite?
Radioactive boots taste best.
Where were they taken when the meeting was over? Skarskard thanked them "for their service". Were they put in a retirement home?
Thank you user from last thread
>watch the show
>read up on the actual events
>mfw the chad who held the door fucking survived
millions of bullets
Party headquarters to stay under armed guard. Shcherbina will deal with them later and they will get put on trial.
>even during a nuclear explosion in their own reactor due to their own fuckup their first instinct is to think it's the americans doing something
how do you reach this level of mass delusion?
Hold up a min Ton'... Where the fuck are we? What's that metal tastin' shit in the air?
there is no graphite. We used literally zero graphite in the construction of the core. I've never seen graphite in my life. What is graphite? What does the word graphite really mean? In fact, i think you may find some graphite on the roof, heh. Go on up there and check comrade.
His smile and optimism.....back.
Fomin tries to kill himself before his trial
Fuckin hell.
How did the graphite get on the roof?
It's just atoms lmao, how dangerous can they be if you can't even see them?
They would lose 7% energy output if they didn't.
He went to his home, took a bath, sleep, took his family to kiev and come back to work (but he couldn't)
>tfw you will never build your own reactor
With his glasses.
this needs the "if you only knew how bad things really were" subtitle
wait so who was the guy that hung himself in the beginning
I wish Skarsgard's character kept his swagger and confidence a bit longer. He went from chad-in-chief to Secretary JUST in 1 episode.
I still didn't watch the ep 2
Is kino as 1?
the designers kept the sick tricks for themselves
>grabs piece of graphite from Misha, bonks him on the head with it
>splits it in half with his bare hands without any effect to him
>Misha's head is morphing into The Thing in the background
>clicks at Dyatlov
I was hoping the show would show us the minutes leading up to the explosion but never mind, still kino
Jared Harris' character, 2 years in the future.
Legasov. This guy. He was also affected by the radiation.
his one arm got fucked though, he got radioactive dust all over him on the side that was against the door. truly a gigachad for surviving
Don't listen to that user, your image is great.
Now install Tekkit and make one with an actual nuclear reactor.
They will later on.
>thank god it's over soon
Comrade Drake, ....where's the core?
Why does episode two have a made-up character and why does she look like an even uglier Bridget Jones
>Why does episode two have a made-up character
Time constraints
>why does she look like an even uglier Bridget Jones
Anglo genes
>The poem at the start of E2 in English.
based soviet hodor
i wonder if the door did most of the work protecting him or if he was just that much of a tank
IRL they actually got arrested only in August.
>look at that, i love it
>the lower the power the better
>helps to create nice thick radiation level
>*proceeds to check on the reactor core*
>i like that
>that's what im looking for
>*notices graphite on the concrete
>and there, nice.
>now the exciting part, a little shake
>that relases the sand
>and just shake it to the end
>Mh thats exactly what i want
>that nice radioactive lava, so important
>and thats my rbmk reactor
This was shows to Gorbie as a result of the radiation on wildlife.
We all know it's feminazi, hollywood Bs.
Chernobyl is lit brah. Probably microsieverts.
Try harder, Boris.
They did not know about the positive radiation feedback loop when lowering the rods. They had no idea how the explosion happened.
Not great, not terrible
You're not gunnah believe this. He killed 60,000 europins, guy was a nuclear scientist.
There is no graphite, why would you spread such misinformation in a time like this. There was no core damage and there is no graphite. Do you want to lose your position comrade??
>tfw you knew the moment you saw the female knows-it-all that she was made up
re nuke map "how fucked are ya lads" from last thread
Detroit. So I'm fucked, but I was already.
I liked the show, but when this nigga maester Luwin made his speech I knew i'd love it.
>show made by Americans portrays Russians as paranoid communists
Wow what a surprise. I bet in real life they didn't even care about the USA's existence.
>Why does episode two have a made-up character
we wanted to include the efforts of hundreds if not thousands of scientists who helped determine what was going on and the counter measures for it
>so we invented a character who managed to determine the tanks were full from 400 km away, knew way better than a jump start shoe maker and who's fellow scientists were either too lazy to turn up, or stupid and was responsible for telling the supreme soviet council everything
>>why does she look like an even uglier Bridget Jones
their aren't many women, so make the fictional character showing everyone else up one
Holy shit I couldn't tell if this was an actual photo or one from the set.
So I keep watching the episodes and I'm wondering what the FUCK Fomin and Tableslapper are hoping to think for the entire 24 hours while the one lone guy in the control room is sitting there with his dick in his hand? Dyatlov literally left and told him to watch a panel that wasn't working to maintain coolant into the core. What the fuck compelled them to fall on their sword and swear that that the core was intact and working while they sealed off the gate and just hoped that poor bastard was handling the reactor controls by himself?
the door kind hurt him actually but he said in an interview that "the door probably saved my life" because he didn't go further in since he had to hold it. The three men who went into the reactor room all died within the week.
Nigga needs another shank by based ironniggers
>ywn be banned from buying smoke detectors and the get caught stealing them from your apartment complex
>ywn kill yourself with meth
They were all terrified of acting in any way that would divert responsibility onto them.
>he thinks Shcherbina is not all right
Out of the fucking helicopter you go.
so when's the next episode coming out?
Guess imma edit in moar gorgon ramzay
In the teaser for the next episode, who is the guy in the blue suit (Character and Actor)
i cried
I read that he was half shitfaced on vodka and that is what saved him.
I've been meaning to post this for a while. It's the moment when the radiation melts the choppers rotor. They were actually closer than they show on the show.
>if the core is exposed we are finished
>so there must be some other explanation
They all wanted to cover their own asses. Even if it meant denial and the death of thousands, such is the slav way
have you stocked up on Iodine thyroid blocking tablets after watching this?
>[crackling intensifies]
I watched in a dark room with headphones. Horrifying.
so what are the odds that anyone actually volunteered and wasn't just forced?
The Soviet Union was a kind of nightmare acceleration of Pournelle's Law. Almost nobody in power had any capacity to think for himself, take iniative, stick his neck out, and so on.
Remember this isn't just Soviet stupidity, look at the Boeing 737 controversy going on right now, a problem that was known about but had to have hundreds of people die before any action was taken.
He did a great job of depicting total hopelessness. He's completely out of it at the meeting. Lets Legasov talk while he stares at nothing making peace with his inevitable demise.
bro bro bro... don't you know bro? they don't even die ahahahaha look at this dude he got emotional and they don't even die
>radiation melts
>hits the cables
Get a load of this retard
Because it was not at all based on Real events. Reactors 1-3 were still working and the plant personnel was still working there. Noone closed the gates or anything like that. Bryukhanov was in such shock, that when the governmental commission arrived he could only just stutter. General Pikhalov was driving around the plant with dosimeter mapping the radiation spread with a soldier as a driver before the chemical forces arrived on site. Evacuation of 3 km zone had been ordered by Shcherbina as soon as he arrived to Chernobyl on 26th. It was scheduled on 2 pm 27th. The foreigners did not know about the disaster till 28-29th.
1980s soviet union seems comfy you get a nice apartment, wife, kids easy job what more could you need?
Let's believe
the radiation didnt melt anything you mongoloid, the blades just got caught in the hanging chains, as you can see in both the real video and the movie scene. in the series, they even made made the chopper fly through all the smoke so retards like you would understand that he couldnt see the chains
they've brought spare radiation resistant batteries right?
High. People at the bottom did have a high feeling of responsibility and sacrifice, unfortunately denonstrated repeatedly. And for the ignoble, there's the very real possibility that you will get voluntold anyway, so your only good option is to get out ahead of it.
they lived, according to their own retelling of the events they volunteered
They would pick the volunteers if some volunteers didn't stand up.
>russian dosimeter
>american NATO respirator
>american parka
does this dude even wander the zone
Was this the most satisfying moment in the episode? I thought this guy was gonna keep being retarded.
What is the single most quintessentially Soviet moment of the show so far?
Daily reminder this specific pupper will feature again and it will be shot
screengrabcapture this post
it was the cables bro. some accounts claim that the pilot lost consciousness and that may have been from radiation or maybe just exhaustion but the actual crash was cause by colliding with the crane cables.
That's total bullshit. The government commission was in Chernobyl already on 26th, ordering the evacuation and starting the sand/boron drops. Legasov was not a stuttering beta as he is shown in the show. Shcherbina was fucking war hero and had balls of steel. The plant personnel did not flee and was continuing working.
Moderate-to-highly oppressive society really was good for us lads back in the day. I can understand why women and non-whites aren't fans but all i need is work, eat, shit, a bit of kino after work and im good
run doggo run
the commie roller'll get you
run doggo run
well you better get away
based Shcherbina did his homework
The clapping, Bryukhanov and his list and also turning on Fomin at the drop of a hat. Fat shoe man was also accurate. Guy in pic related was also a cobbler's apprentice and look who hes standing next to.
yup. so perfectly deceitful
>Stop the spread of (mis)information.
unironically sent chills down my spine
it was pretty satisfying, I love how he immediately knew they were bullshitting. He might not know nuclear power but he knows bullshit when he sees it.
That meeting did not happened. Ananenko, Bespalov and Baranov were simply on shift on 5th May, when the "diving operation" happened. Prior to that the water from the corridor 001 where the valves where was pumped out by firecrew so there was knee level water but the valves themselfs were in the air. Max dosimeter reading they got during the operation was 10.
Fun fact
Thats shaka, from GoT
He's having fun in there and that is a selfie
You got 2 hours of propaganda on TV and maybe 15 minutes of cartoons for the kids. That's it.
lmao fuck it is, I can hear it in his voice
10 what exactly?
Why didn't they send him to the infirmary. He's clearly delusional
Couldn't they just not have this woman be some sort of all knowing Mary Sue that somehow ends up on a panel with Gorbachev out of fucking nowhere.
Yeah this was great. I also love how much insight it gives into his character that he remembers exactly what the professor told him on the helicopter.
This doggo is a police dog.
That's General-colonel Pikhanov for you. IRL he did not go alone, he had a soldier driving while he was mapping the plant's surrounds for radiation with dosimeter.
My geiger counter's going crazy
He's lying. It was only ever 3.6 Roentgen
>This doggo is a police dog.
Probably not. They wouldn't have focused on it as mush as they did.
there's only 5 episodes my guy
Someone faceapp this man and keep feeding water to the reactor!
Good thing that we got rid of these 2 years ago.
what gas mask is this ?
10 R/h
Most likely it's Nikolai Tarakanov played by Ralph Ineson. Tarakanov was in charge of digging. By he is a military guy and not a party official so i dunno why he wears a suit instead of uniform.
In the next episode super women actually drains the basement herself.
yeah it's as good as ep1 besides them inventing a captain marvel female character to swoop in and learn everyone some radiation... because "it would have been too hard to show all of the different people who really influenced the correct reaction to the crisis"
Look at the angle he's aiming at.
>This doggo is a police dog.
no it's not, this doggo belengs to pic related who was sat on the rear of the bus in the same shot, that's who the dog was chasing after
glorious moment,
this made his character so much better
>implying that in the year of our lord 2019 i am not being subjected to propaganda on the television
its okay i can deal with it
Felt to me like he was just bluffing because he didn't know who to trust, wanted to see if they will turn on eachother or try and explain why there was what looks like graphite on the roof.
If you rewatch the scene, the dog is standing by a police men. It's a german shepherd most common police dog breed in USSR and Russia. The dog just runs to bark at the bus's wheels.
I'll be useful, comrade.
Nato stuff apparently.
Protection form dust and shit. This is his regular outfit.
I hope he falls down the stairs and dies again
>This doggo is a police dog.
And police dogs aren't held by the scruff, even in slavland
he looks like a Kazahk/Gook mutant hybrid
When are we seeing these motherfuckers?
3? 4?
Fuck I gotta watch this kino tonight
Been following the memes but it seems too good to pass
It was great. Never thought that Legasov and Shcherbina would be such a good duo together.
I enjoyed how clearly Shcherbina took charge and worked to solve the problem rather than stuck his head in the sand and pretended everything was alright to save face with Gorbo.
No other alternatives back then. You couldn't switch to something else. Maybe put on a bootleg VHS or something.
These are the "divers". IRL they did not use any diving equipment for breathing because they knew the water was just knee deep, the previous shift told them.
Also the police are taking puppers off the passengers who are trying to board with them, the alsatian was left behind
that shit was so satisfying
next episode Ulana will figure out a way to drain the tanks without sacrificing anyone, and will chastise the men for being so dumb and shortsighted
On a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the maximum, how kino is this scene?
>His life expectancy: gone
Frozen masks in Pripyat.
>Almost nobody in power had any capacity to think for himself, take iniative, stick his neck out, and so on.
Get this faggot in hotel already.
how the fuck can the rest of the world compete against swedish actors?
Why are they frozen komrade?
Shcherbina died in 1990 tho the reason of death is not public, however, he was shown signs of lung cancer when he was dealing with Armenian earthquake in 1988.
Did the evacuation scene have subtitles for the woman announcer? My release doesnt have them...
Winter is cold in Ukraine.
It was shit.
This is what you call kino.
>General Pikhalov was driving around the plant with dosimeter mapping the radiation spread with a soldier as a driver before the chemical forces arrived on site.
>before the chemical forces arrived on site.
He was the chemical forces idiot.
mine didn't either, pissed me off
Is this scene the retard test?
Why was he sitting on the bus with all the other shits? I thought he was some high ranking official that would get a chopper ride out or something.
It was on purpse. It said please remain calm evacuate etc. You can find the translation online.
No it did not. The women was saying:
Attention! Attention keep calm and proceed to evacuate the city. The buses will be there at 2. You may take with you documents, necceceties and food for short term.
>looks outside window
>hmmm, chernobyl's fucked. *sniffs air* and the water tanks are full
>No other alternatives back then. You couldn't switch to something else. Maybe put on a bootleg VHS or something
How about going to a movie theater and watching some Tarkovsky?
The officer takes him away by the scruff of the neck. Police dogs would be on leashes, and again, it ran after the bus.
That ending was pretty kino
Uranium fuel can't melt steel blades
Yes he was, but the fucking regular army did not arrive to Chernobyl until 27th. Pikhanov got there on 26th by a heli.
[Muffled screams]
God bless this series.
>No filler
>Beautiful cinematography
>Great actors
>Radiation dread
>Brutal Soviet aesthetics
>Constant sense of doom
>Fun memes
We can occasionally have nice things
The Core is fine, there is no abnormal radiation, everyone is accounted for, praise Gorby
>you're pouring boron and sand on the reactor? Have sex, incels, that's terribly stupid of you.
>doesn't suggest anything herself
>he thinks police doggos are on the leashes all the time. Have you been to Russia or USSR?
Fuck you dumb ass, there's a reason why they showed it running after the bus.
Is this show completely based on what actually happened or is it like 90% fiction?
Check Ananenko interview yourself, moron.
>that retard who said the radiation melted the rotors.
kek, but seriously. was the accident caused by the pilot losing consciousness, feeling sick or he just couldn't see through the smoke curtain? anyways he was fucked.
She'll go into the basement herself
>*Pushes past the divers*
>*Rolls up sleeves*
>I'll do it myself, useless men!!
90% fiction, loosely based on real events. People in Ukrain, Russia and Belarus are quite butthurt about the series already.
second episode just introduced a major character who's entirely fictional. but other than that it sticks to the historical facts
just feeling sick. there's actual footage of the crash
That picture is of a liquidator who shoveled the debris off the roof.
60-70% real, rest fiction
Where did you get this image?
>as the brave men die one by one and let their final breath a loud rumbling can be heard
>moments later mary sue blasts straight trough blazing hot lava and pumps the water out herself in mere seconds
>meanwhile she files a lawsuit against all of the firefighters for rape
Most of it is accurate. There are a few characters that are fictional, and some of the events that happen in the show are twisted a bit for dramatical or plot purposes.
it's not even because of the water, it's because graphite moderated reactors don't have the safety of a BWR/PWR where the cooland is also the moderator, so if it starts boiling, the reactor slows down
hell yeah, me too, best way to watch it.
>nuclear power is safe
how can anyone say this with a straight face
chernobyl was ONE(oдин) core explosion and it literally fucked up an entire continent. How can coal be worse than this
This was a great scene, but I was hoping we’d get more of the Fomin and Bruykhanov Comedy Tour
It's from
Kek, now I'm starting to understand the whole "Cost of lies" thing.
more power is good comrade
wow, shit. didn't knew there was real footage, thanks mate.
lad, modern reactors are so safe that a Chernobyl situation is impossible
Trailer at the end of E1.
>Yea Forums cant into composite characters
more people die from the effects of coal and natural gas every year
Do i have to post every fuckign thread?
Chernobyl never happened, this show based off game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
>user cant into criticism
Different core design. to current cores. Nuclear power is safer and fukushima is now pretty safe(with some risk factors) Storage for 50k+ years of the nuclear waste isn't safe
maybe if the fucking staff isnt actively trying to blow it up it will be safer
Hello there!
If only there was a strong female who could save humanity
>tfw you evacuate from Pripyat to Kings Landing
honestly this is what sucked the most. poor radioactive doggos.
>People in Ukrain, Russia and Belarus are quite butthurt about the series already.
No they aren't, Ivan.
Maybe 1960s SU for unGulagged uninjured un-suspicious people. By late 70s let alone 80s things were falling apart. Pripyat looks nice because they literally just built it and then abandoned it.
They rarely live past 5 years old since food is scarce and radiation everywhere. They have to hunt mice.
Apparently HBO have commissioned a 10 episode spin off series about Fomin and Bruykhanov.
You guys hyped?
But the storage of nuclear waste if a major problem still
*pulls trigger*
Chernobyl brunch.
;-; i want to put on a radioactive suite and hold that cute doggie.
100% Fictional.
yfw you have ultimate power but handle it incompetently
I actually saw some, they were very upset about anti-soviet propaganda.
This is our resident troll (this personality is "the historian"). There have been plenty of accolades and positive comments from Eastern Europeans, including one who explained local media workings. So when "the historian" lies about Russians not wanting you to see this, he is easily refuted. When confronted, he calls people Russian.
There are people who take care of them.
Only because reactor designs that recycle fuel and cut its half-life are banned by nonproliferation treaties
You wouldn't get near enough to one to do that before a large amount of bullets turned you into swiss cheese.
I have not seen a single Sovok post in the days of thread monitoring I've done, perhaps you met a Party man on the street? If anything most posts have been about how this shows a somewhat rose-tinted view.
it felt really forced but I'm watching it anyway
Call these guys and find out yourself:
We need to scramble our dosimeters... five bloody minutes ago!
A daring synthesis, no?
So the blades came to close to the wires.
Pilot error or did the radiation mess with the electronics and the pilot couldn't turn away?
>Opened this while eating
That was a mistake
Go to 2ch and ask them. Sovoks don't speak English.
It was on russian site.
He's obviously russian and assumes that there are people outside of Russia that can be upset about anti-soviet propaganda.
I think the reason is because terrorists are retarded brainlets, when they highjacked the planes they shouldve flew them into some reactors. Unfortunately their home runs on rickshaw power so they cant into nuking
Or he's someone defaming Russians.
also, how do they do with birds? if a bird stops in the exclusion zone does it get contaminated?
Now I want to play with dogs near the Duga radar.
No, it is a roof clearer. They're wearing the exact same outfits they used on the roof.
Fuck rules and regulations
I'm going there and taking a puppy and an adult dog back home with me.
Feeling sick, the Mi-8 being sluggish at low speed, compounded by the sling loaded cargo, radiation was possibly fucking with the radios too
>Call these guys and find out yourself
None of them saw the fucking series most likely.
Did anyone else get TESB vibes when the chopper gets fucked up and they don't give a fuck? Like Vader when the Star Destroyer gets rekt by an asteroid and the hologram vanishes.
Such a fucking good scene, honestly.
I know. I was just trying to convey the fact that "divers" did not "dive" anywhere.
>stares directly into the core of your soul
Frank Herbert (the novelist) before he died wrote about how easy that would be, that was right after IX/XI. I want to believe we have hardened these facilities but then again Congress spends all its time hunting phantom Russians and phantom Nazis, and Wahhaj the son of a CAIR has been caught twice setting up terrorist training camps, and a program bringing Afghans over here to train them to become pilots was cancelled because the Afghans just went AWOL amd the government doesn't know where they are.
>Everyone came -- his parents, my parents. They bought black handkerchiefs in Moscow. The Extraordinary Commission met with us. They told everyone the same thing: it's impossible for us to give you the bodies of your husbands, your sons, they are very radioactive and will be buried in a Moscow cemetery in a special way. In sealed zinc caskets, under cement tiles. And you need to sign this document here.
>If anyone got indignant and wanted to take the coffin back home, they were told that the dead were now heroes, you see, and that they no longer belonged to their families. They were heroes of the State. They belonged to the State.
From Vasily's wife. Good god her story is so sad.
It was after like the 20th drop
Radiation takes its tool
Depends what it does. If it sits in radioactive dust or eats radioactive seeds it could get contaminated. Some birds don't grow tail feathers an have difficulty mating because of this.
What, they clearly both cared but didn't have another option.
What happens to the brain of irradiated people? The mind would deteriorate just as much as the body, right? So by the time you die you're pretty much a vegetable?
Does anyone feel contaminated with radiation after watching this show?
Speaking honestly, if (you) knew that (you) had just picked up a fatal dose of radiation and were about to die in agony, would (you) just ask for a bullet to the head?
Don't you mean Letho of Gulet ?
Do you know if we will see Ryzhkov or Checherov?
You can adopt Chernobyl dogs.
what about the kot did it make it
The saddest thing about it is in this instance Moscow is totally in the right.
no i would be like
>agghhhhhh i need a nurse i need a nurse!!! And some iodine tablets PLEASE a nurse a nurse!!
absolutely, i would say goodbye to my family or whatever and take the bullet.
I think i can taste metal now
Nah, only contaminated with western propaganda.
Cared? He asked him if there was another option and there wasn't. You think Vader had a choice when chasing them through the asteroid field?
How bad is the radiation in the current year? It must be survivable if animals and plants can not die off in its immediate vicinity
Should also add a description for all of them. For instance, Aleksandr Yuvchenko (HODOR) and Vladimir Pikalov (RUSSIAN CHAD aka VLAD)
He's talking about a video game that isn't Stalker. Take him to the infirmary.
He did not read the Witcher most likely. This is Yea Forums not Yea Forums
It's not that they're surviving. Radiation is oddly specific and hyperlocal. Nobody would survive visiting Foot-Chan. Plenty of areas of Pripyat are perfectly safe, but obviously needlessly risky.
>What. We some kind of bio-robot squad?
Lads pls, where can I watch this online...
I dont have HBO and im slightly retarded too
its really cute form HBO to every once in a while put a days salary into the pockets of cool guys who worked for them at some point
Pikalov was chad way before 1986. He was a WW2 hero.
Pockets of radiation here and there. Forest is still unsafe. Some animals seem unaffected like wolves while others have been affected like pigs and boars.
Jesus Degtyarenko actually survived past day 1, what a horrible 23 days that must have been.
Add Ulana. One image of her from the show and the other is a blank box with the description "never fucking existed".
>Open incognito window
>Search for 'pirate bay proxy'
>Pick a proxy site
>Search for Chernobyl
>download magnet link
Never happened, RBMK reactors don't blow up.
The end of piracy will not be prosecutions or DRM or proprietary platforms choked with spyware. The end of piracy will be stupid young people who grew up on YouTube and do not know how to do anything.
Are you of convinced?
I wonder if this has something to do with fat levels and movement, ie, would lean and active feral boars do better than passive fatty pigs?
Where have I heard something like that before?
Oh yeah, before chernobyl. And before fukushima. There are always unforeseen circumstances.
pilot error due to disorientation kicking in because of the radiation
Even boars in Sweden test for higher than regular radiation levels. You could be on to something though. That's tw
The actual Mi-8 crash happend in October.
That's why they want to turn the zone into a nature preserve.
your point being?
Perfect casting for a soviet soldier then.
I was pretty impressed that there was a asian/mongol soldier in the first episode.
People seem to forget that geographically most of Russia isn't white.
Chernobyl dogs still like to get pet.
They pick abandoned houses to have puppies in so that other predators don't eat them.
Russians have an Asiatic look due to the Tatars, not because of their Asian natives, people like Shoygu (Tuvan father, Russian mother) are not very common.
>Was this the most satisfying moment in the episode?
Nope. This one was the best.
>watching blackhat
>opening scene is someone hacking the cooling system of a NPP causing an explosion
That could never really happen right?
Is anything more touching than this?
>you wreck nature itself
>fido still wants to cuddle
It had nothing to do with radiation. The pilot simply did not see the wire since they removed the piece of metal that was hanging on it before.
Why are all the eco terrorists attacking nuclear plants instead of coal/natural gas plants?
based and nomenclature pilled
not in an RBMK reactor anyway
OH also add Khodemchuk and use an image of wreckage and debris.
Ha-ha-ha...of course not! Where did you get that crazy idea from?
>The attacks seem designed to force a change in the centrifuge’s rotor speed, first raising the speed and then lowering it, likely with the intention of inducing excessive vibrations or distortions that would destroy the centrifuge. If its goal was to quickly destroy all the centrifuges in the FEP [Fuel Enrichment Plant], Stuxnet failed. But if the goal was to destroy a more limited number of centrifuges and set back Iran’s progress in operating the FEP, while making detection difficult, it may have succeeded, at least temporarily.
This scene was absolutely useless (so much for muh time constraints argument for the mary sue), but the shoe maker was a pretty cool lad.
Look up the Israeli virus that wrecked the Iranian processing site. That wasn't a reactor but the material (and the safety precautions) would presumably be similar.
>radioactive material in spinning centrifuges
>somebody is careless with a thumb drive or software
>centrifuges receive order to spin six million times faster and smash
He know you didn't do it on purpose and loves you anyway.
The same reason PETA activists are outraged about municipalities putting pets to sleep and totally unaware that PETA puts pets to sleep.
That's a funny way of saying USA + Israel