>"I will burn cities to the ground"
>does that
>"wtf why would she do that? that came out of nowhere."
fucking retards
"I will burn cities to the ground"
Other urls found in this thread:
People are retarded for thinking she was ever good. Peoples ideas of morality are completely skewed. They don’t realize
>I dont need proper character development, I just need a single line of dialog uttered many seasons ago, thats good enough for me!
The problem was that it felt enormously rushed, just like the rest of Season 8.
>fucking retards
Oy vey, those fawkin' retawded goyim!
Most of the show watchers are women or low-T men who need subtlety beaten over their heads to get anything. She's been talking about killing anyone who gets in her way since the very beginning, and every time she showed mercy it fucked her over.
Also she's super qt and I wanna fugg her
Yes OP this looks really that a lot of the trying to find fun has reached a point now where discovered anything from. Would have at nighttime on the first desire to do poorly done. From you're insane for his to prison have baloney. No beyond ludicrous crowded means even less.
>what character development? are you talking about that time when she bunred Dickon Tarly alive?
More than one season. How many times does she have to say it before you get unstupid
>Burnt the masters to get the unsullied
>Burnt the fleet in that mercenary city
>Burnt and killed all the masters
>Burnt and killed surrendering Lannisters
How was this rushed?
What part of
>just like the rest of Season 8.
did you not understand?
It would have been smoother if they took one more episode to establish it but everyone with at least a two-digit IQ should have seen it coming.
In fact, wasn't it one of the most popular fan theories ever since Jon's parentage got confirmed?
>lists mere misadventures that barely contribute to her descent into madness
>casually forgets that she did what she did in the past for the sake of defending herself, supporting D&D's dogshit writing
>"How was this rushed?"
So, THIS is what the GOT defense force looks like...
Dany going nuclear has been obvious for a while now. The entire episode beforehand goes over how she has very few friends left and just lost her birthright. Punished Dany was the only way any of this was going to end.
...the absolute STATE of D&D cucks.
>Her entire rise to power and everything she did prior to coming to Westeros
>”Mere misadventure”
S8 is all over the place but come the fuck on did you for one fucking moment think it would go any other way?
>The entire episode beforehand goes over how she has very few friends left and just lost her birthright.
Therein lies the crux of the problem. Going from "feels lonely and depressed" to suddenly "genociding everyone" in the span of 2 episodes is proof of how rushed this season was & is a perfect example of how corporate sabotage can wreck character development.
No amount of Yea Forums's contrarianism is gonna change my mind. The show is crap. It's been crap Season 5 and onward. Nothing can save it. The only reason people here are "loving" it is due to the amount of Dany fans and SJWs getting BTFO and treating this as "Shakespearean"-tier writing.
It's been obvious for a while, but it was just too rushed.
They spent seasons slowly starting it and putting all the chess pieces, then jumped from "Grumpy" to "psycho".
There should have been a better build.
>mfw dropping a big load
>did you for one fucking moment think it would go any other way?
I was expecting a well-developed, Tolkien-tier level of logical development in regards to relatable, realistic growth of a character's personality. I would've been more accepting of Dany's descent into madness had it been written by actual good writers, but "RAAAUUUUUUUGGHHHHHH!!! FIRE! BURN! FIRE EVERYWHERE! FOOOOOOOOOM! EXPLOSIONS!!!! VERY YES!" is all we got because D&D can't be fucked enough to write a human story if their lives depended on it. Instead, I got subverted, because "muh subversion for the sake of subversion" is the new hip trend amongst libshit Hollywood writers who support Marxism, pedophilia, and act like deranged psychopaths on social media.
I all I fucking ask is for actual EFFORT in a story, but no one in the West seems to know how to do that anymore.
>this level of seething
Have sex.
I dont get why would anyone defend this horrible kike's writing
game of thrones is shit in terms of script, just relax and accept it
user,do you really want another or two seasons of a shitty show ?
>Tolkien-tier level of logical development in regards to relatable, realistic growth of a character's personality
aragorn good because he good
sauron bad because he bad
are you a child?
so many seething redditors in these threads tonight lmao
back to /r/freefolk with you faggot
Have Subverted EXpecations.
I finished the first book a week before the series premiered, and as soon as she got dragons I fucking knew she was going full Hitler. The script and the show suck ass but I'm soo fucking happy she turned to be the genocidal lunatic I always thought she was. Frankly it shocks me the showrunners had the balls to actually do it.
>power hungry character who is the only person in the world with the ability to nuke a city actually pushes the button
whoa...... what a twist!
Have sex
hAve sex
haVe sex
havE sex
have Sex
have sEx
have seX
This. Also normies cry she only dracaraysed bad people. She always had a very one-sided view of the world in which she was always right.
You first, cock.
It was necessary to demoralize the Andals completely before the allied armies could occupy the south without opposition. The strategic burning campaign was justified.
>>"I will burn cities to the ground"
>>does that
>>"wtf why would she do that? that came out of nowhere."
>fucking retards
People are literally saying a Targaryan going mad makes no sense. I think that people want to fit in and don't want to accept that some aspects of culture are now being dominated by mentally retarded women.
We cannot have any plot twists involving women because that is sexist. This is the future cuckolds created.
If you are making these arguments you are part of the literal destruction of civilization itself.
Cut your balls off!
Embrace transhumanism!
Embrace transexuality!
Embrace drugs! Embrace Opioids!
Eat maggots!
Spread aids!
>I would've been more accepting of Dany's descent into madness had it been written by actual good writers,
Dany has always been like this. A ruthless queen obsessed with fire and with bloodthirsty desires for revenge.
>I would've been more accepting of Dany's descent into madness had it been written by actual good writers
But this is what I don't get.
Why would you pick this particular thing? EVERYTHING WAS SHIT. But this thing (actually a good plot twist) was what you decide to consider bad?
You praised them wasting their time on mindless fan service. You deserved poor development.
>Only burnt the masters to get the unsullied
>Only burnt the fleet in that mercenary city
>Burnt and killed all the masters after they rose up against her multiple times, initially trying diplomatic solutions, still didn't burn the city or people who complied
>Burnt and killed Lannisters who literally refused to bend the knee after being given every chance to do so
You're right, wow, she's been a psycho all along!
Obviously there was a small lead up to this, but it was a huge leap from doing those things when pushed hard into it to "bells? Oh yeah I guess I'll burn a bunch of kids in the streets"
She looked hot in this scene. And I don't think she is generally hot.
Well for one, every other time she did something like this it was to people who fought her or arguably deserved it. She was never portrayed as insane, she was portrayed as ruthless and brutal, and there is a difference. Joffrey and Aerys were insane, Tywin was brutal. People say her going mad was foreshadowed but it really wasn't, what was foreshadowed was her being a destructive entitled conqueror and dictator. It also ignores all the times she's been portrayed as liking the poor and downtrodden and wanting to help them, and all the times she wanted to help them. Main reason she started burning shit in Slavers bay was because she thought slavery was bad. for her to due such a quick 180 and start actively targeting smallfolk for no reason is stupid. If the peasants had attacked her or if she decided killing them was acceptable collateral damage to get to Cersei was worth it that would make sense but she had won the battle and decided to just start killing civilians for no logical reason other than a rushed, forced heel turn.
>She was never portrayed as insane, she was portrayed as ruthless and brutal, and there is a difference.
In otherwords. She SNAPPED. She BECAME insane.
You just want to fit into whatever is popular in society. It makes you feel bad otherwise.
It did feel good when everyone agreed with me that episode 4 sucked. But I get to use my brain. And when the show tells me for 8 seaons that she could go insane, I accept her going insane as a normal part of the plot.
When fans turned her into their avatar, or a symbol of women's empowerment, they literally lost the plot.
>muh libs
lol you fucking retard, over half the people here love the out-of-character shitty writing because "women got owned" and "I love Hitler"
Dany girl kills snowman and sansa dwarf kills queen your welcome low t cucks
>Why would you pick this particular thing?
Not him, but I'm just as mad about Jaime, Bran being meaningless, Brienne being meaningless, the Night King being meaningless, Littlefinger and Varys being meaningless, and D&D writing the political intrigue characters so awfully that Peter Dinklage openly admits how stupid they made his character, etc.
That's fucking stupid writing. If anyone in the show can just snap and ignore years of characterization and development to become a psychopathic super villain what's the point of it all? Jon, Tyrion, Arya, Sansa, have all been through arguably as much shit if not more and didn't turn into mass murderers. Shit Jon is also a Targ and he fucking died and came back and still kept it together. It's not like it would have been hard to rewrite this shit to make sense, she has been foreshadowed as a ruthless dictator, she just wasn't built up as a crazy person until the plot decided any Targ can just suddenly lose it randomly when the plot needs it.
It's not that it comes out of nowhere. It's that they don't write it properly so it feels ridiculous.
It's similar to how they tried to write Sansa as smart. The idea works. She was with scheming assholes for so long she picked up their ways -- but they never show her becoming that. She isn't, and then she is. The viewer doesn't think so, because they never see it happen, so the writers have to have other characters say it a lot.
Same thing with Dany now. Varys has to say she's crazy and unstable like 5 times suddenly and based on nothing. It's like he's talking to the audience from the writers, as to justify how her character will act from now on.
It's really awful writing.
Why did she even do it though? At least burning all the other people she had a reason for it. Literally what was her reasoning for burning down all the peasants after she won?
And don't any of you fucking autistic 20 IQ retards claim she wants to rule by fear because she'll never be loved like Jon or whatever, that's such a stupid fucking plotline and makes equally zero sense. The only people she's seen love Jon are the North, which he was King of, and the Wildlings, who he liberated. There are 6 other Kingdoms some of which have already sworn to her.
based as fuck
>If anyone in the show can just snap and ignore years of characterization and development to become a psychopathic super villain what's the point of it all?
(But probably also potentially Jon)
They have signalled this for 8 fucking seasons specifically about HER.
Sorry faggot. Guess what also? Anyone can suddenly lose a battle. Anyone can suddenly die. That was the game of thrones. It's far more interesting than the stupid slow-motion Muh Queen narrative that you cucks preferred.
Dont pretend youre stupid
Yeah I just cannot figure it out. I recall hearing some vague notions about Targaryans flipping the fuck out. But I'm going to completely ignore that because I just don't like it.
So now that that is out of the way.
Why could she suddenly and with no really valid reason flip out. There's like no warning or anything and it's just completely out of character for an imbred Targaryan.
Targaryens don't just snap and go crazy for no reason what the fuck are you on. They're often times either born cruel, or develop that way. Aerys spend years falling to madness from several stillbirth, Varys whispering in his ear and being captured by his own subjects and held as a prisoner. Viserys went crazy because he had to watch his entire family die and spent years wandering around the world begging for people to help him, just scraping by with his sister. Neither of them just suddenly snapped.
This. We didnt even have a scene where shes orders the death of a handmaiden for being too rough with a hair brush
The show has been shit for a while. This is arguably the best thing to happen. Plus she got like 10x sexier.
Targaryens don't just flip the fuck out randomly, see
Even Aerys descent into madness was gradual, and wasn't just some sudden snap.
>denied Daario for the prospect of a political marriage in Westeros
>gets to Westeros
>Stannis is dead
>Renly is dead
>Bran is the Three-Eyed Raven and a little kid
>the Tyrells are dead
>the Mormonts die out in the battle of Winterfell
>Jon is literally the only person she could marry with a claim to challenge Cersei outside of fucking Gendry
>actually be in love with Jon
>Targaryens don't just snap and go crazy for no reason what the fuck are you on.
There were plenty of reasons given. But her brother didn't actually have many particularly valid ones.
And he wasn't actually acting that crazy until he started getting denied what he wanted. He actually set up what seemed like an ok deal (for him). A bit naive.
And look, she loses almost everything and gets denied what she wanted. Keep begging for fan service though normie and then complain when things aren't set up properly.
It's still stupid writing. If any Targ can suddenly go crazy than why did we bother following any of them? Why bother developing any Targaryen character if they can all just go full retard after one bad day? Bobby B should have killed them all when he had the chance. It's an incredibly dumb and cheap plot device to force a character into being a villain, and it was also unnecessary because you already built up and foreshadowed her as villain, just as a sane villain.
>Targaryens don't just flip the fuck out randomly, see
She had plenty of reasons. And actually didn't take do it any shorter than her brother.
Her brother also started to flip out only after starting to realize he wasn't getting what he wanted.
She also lost Jon, which was something she wanted, and lost lots of others as well.
>There were plenty of reasons given. But her brother didn't actually have many particularly valid ones.
Yes he did, he was described as cruel and vain well before he tried to steal the eggs and threatened Dany. He was crazy when the show started. Of course the catalyst was him getting shit on by everyone and getting none of what he wanted.
>And he wasn't actually acting that crazy
Yes he was. The first episode has him being a cruel dick. He was cruel and terrible to literally everyone he talked to unless he needed something from them.
>And look, she loses almost everything
She won the battle and was about to get everything she wanted.
People shitting on the writing are being disingenuous or stupid.
In fact , we have a fucking the legend, repeatedly repeated, that explains how Targaryans have a common problem with madness.
But fans were convinced that she was the heroine. After Ned beheaded, After Rob betrayed and slaughtered with Cat, After Oberyn, after Hodor... after so many dead of
favorite characters, at last Dany will be the symbol of heroism and good power that a part of the audiance desperately sought in this show.
Don't get the low ratings for 8-5 at all. I mean I do, it's normalfags seething that YAAAS QUEEN has been a ruthless tyrant the whole series and they somehow missed it. The episode wasn't perfect, but Dany torching King's Landing was not one of the plot mistakes.
....there sure are a fuckton of GOT shills in this thread.
>She had plenty of reasons. And actually didn't take do it any shorter than her brother.
Yes it did. Viserys was crazy when the show started after years of being on the run.
>Her brother also started to flip out only after starting to realize he wasn't getting what he wanted.
He was unjustly and unreasonably cruel from the very start.
>She also lost Jon, which was something she wanted, and lost lots of others as well.
This seems like very weak justification for the sudden flip.
>villain is evil because... he's evil
Bravo Tolkien
>It's still stupid writing. If any Targ can suddenly go crazy than why did we bother following any of them?
Because you were captivated by her beauty (or her self-perpetuated hero narrative) as were dozens of characters in the show.
But she was never pure good anyway. Used anti-slavery as a justification to have her dragons and sell them too and then kept running with that seeing that she was gaining power.
Then abandons them for the claim of her mad father. And then for some strange reason does exactly what her father did.
>. If any Targ can suddenly go crazy than why did we bother following any of them?
They can't. This is literally a bunch of retarded showfags. There have been plenty of great Targaryen kings who didn't go crazy.
>show has been shit for years
>people only now complain about writing
>watching it unironically
If you were smart youd watch it just for moments like this and you would enjoy it.
she said she'd burn cities to the ground because she was trying to get into Qarth to avoid dying of hunger and thirst.
stop trying to limit the fallout from D&D's shitty writing with your shill threads & fuck off.
spotted the showfag
>aragorn good sauron bad
Just because the characters in lotr follow classical archetypes it doesnt make the story “childish.” Where GRRM may portray the good and evil in each character, in classical mythology, and indeed in tolkiens work, the entire world represents that duality. You the reader are left to contemplate the story and see your capacity to be like aragorn or like sauron. That being said, even in tolkiens work we see the struggles each characters face; for example in Boramir we see him succumb to the weakness within his desire to do good, bur we also see his capacity for redemption and self sacrifice.
>If any Targ can suddenly go crazy
it is actually said both in the books and on the show that they go crazy easily and without reason.
>why did we bother following any of them?
This is your problem
On Yea Forums? Nice spot, dude!
The problem is that D&D threw in the YAAAS queen stuff which deviated from her true character only to fall back on the story beat in confusing fashion. They did the same with Shae.
>how do we defeat Sauron?
it's all dependent on whether one individual can resist the greed, temptation, and corruption of absolute power. he fails, and the only thing that saves everyone is someone who has already been entirely corrupted by the power already
>how do we defeat the night king?
instead of a psychic battle to preserve the entire history of humanity's memories between two powerful cosmic beings, let's just have a little kid assassin sneak up and stab him with a dagger
Middle-Earth has the good-evil duality baked into literally everything. I think it was inspired by his knowledge of religions. You can say that's childish, but I think that's too simplistic. It does force storylines down a certain path, but the world building is so good it doesn't matter too much.
>Yes he did, he was described as cruel and vain well before he tried to steal the eggs and threatened Dany. He was crazy when the show started. Of course the catalyst was him getting shit on by everyone and getting none of what he wanted.
He was depicted as cruel and vain, but not crazy. And don't conflate cruel and vain with crazy.
>Of course the catalyst was him getting shit on by everyone and getting none of what he wanted.
As was hers.
>Yes he was. The first episode has him being a cruel dick. He was cruel and terrible to literally everyone he talked to unless he needed something from them.
In order to justify your irrational conclusions you've started conflating cruel with crazy. I guess cersei was crazy too.
>She won the battle and was about to get everything she wanted.
She lost her love and said that it would be fear.
She had a dragon, a Eunuch and a kingdom that she believed would not be loyal to her.
>Yes it did. Viserys was crazy when the show started after years of being on the run.
Not really.
>He was unjustly and unreasonably cruel from the very start.
She has been learning over and over, from her own statements, that it is better to be feared than loved.
>This seems like very weak justification for the sudden flip.
She loses the only thing that she gained in Westeros.
And you don't have to explain madness. Even if you want to say that the others slowly descended into it.
This is still tv were talking about. Might as well pop in “the room” if were gonna make that argument
boromir is basically the only character like that. everything else is entirely good or bad. and yea that is childish
>They can't. This is literally a bunch of retarded showfags. There have been plenty of great Targaryen kings who didn't go crazy.
They can, this is literally stated over and over again. And if you think that some not being crazy is proof against "any can go crazy", you're being irrational, (like Dany fans always were, expecting a simple good queen from that self-centered bitch).
This isn't about her being pure good, super hero. She was always portrayed as being ruthless and having a dark side. Fire and Blood and all that. It's just that she was never shown to be insane. The show uses insane as a cheap and quick way to get her to her natural end point as a villain instead of finishing the arc they already. She spent all of Merreen and all of season 7 annoyed that being diplomatic and peaceful and compromising wasn't working and wanting to just kill everyone who opposed her instead. Why not follow up on that instead of just having her snap and go crazy killing civilians and destroying her own capital city?
She's always been a villain. Especially in the books, where she is portrayed as being almost Stalin tier evil.
Why this came as a shock to people I will not know.
>They can, this is literally stated over and over again
Name 1 single Targaryen who just flipped randomly from being an okay person to being crazy. I'm not even a Dany fag but this is retarded logic.
Most of the idiots that watch this show had their formative years during Obama, and they just LOOVE subversion and deconstruction provided it's happening to someone else or someone they didn't stick their flag into.
>when a targaryen is born the gods flip a coin
it's a lineage made of incestuous relationships to keep the blood alive. they have always been mostly crazy, with some exceptions.
Now you know which side Dany's coin fell on.
in ADWD it's revealed that Viserys tried to get into Dany's room and rape her on the night before she married Drogo, in spite of the fact that that could have gotten them both killed if he realized she wasn't a virgin. he was a fucking nutcase.
I assume HBO is trying to protect the IP by limiting the fallout with paid shilling, just like with Star Wars.
It’s because they put our modern morality on her actions
>who cares that she was going from
City to city leaving destruction in her wake, she was freeing slaves so it’s fine
Then when she does the same thing In Westeros they are shocked
season 1-4 clearly set her up to be someone that in the end, wanted to rule because she fucking wanted to rule.
she convinced her self that it was because it was for the best for everyone, the realm, the common people and so on, but evertime an obstacle stopped her she lmaoed and killed everyone with dragons or some fire magic, which she took as some divine sign that she was fit to rule
I don't think she really went mad. Her actions make sense. So it's not a plot contrivance that "she went insane," because she's not insane, just ruthless.
>He was depicted as cruel and vain, but not crazy. And don't conflate cruel and vain with crazy.
Dany describes him as being mad several times in her opening chapter dude. He would have frequent outbursts of anger telling her not to "wake the dragon".
>As was hers.
She was going to get the Kingdom.
>In order to justify your irrational conclusions you've started conflating cruel with crazy. I guess cersei was crazy too.
She.. was.
>She had a dragon, a Eunuch and a kingdom that she believed would not be loyal to her.
A dragon is hardly a small thing to have, not to mention she has no reason to really believe this. Only the Northmen are loyal to Jon, and he was King of the North. There are 6 other Kingdoms, many of whom sworn to her already.
>And you don't have to explain madness. Even if you want to say that the others slowly descended into it.
Lmao what? Even if we agree to this how is "they just randomly went crazy lmao" good writing?
>it is actually said both in the books and on the show that they go crazy easily and without reason.
no, it's said that a coin is flipped WHEN THEY'RE BORN. a brief reading of grrm's Targ history clearly divides the Targ's into "good" and "nuts", it's binary on purpose.
>It's just that she was never shown to be insane.
Hence her going insane. Which implies her not being insane and then becoming insane. But note that she was depicted as being isolated and alone. Lost almost everything. Literally only a dragon and Eunuch left in the world and no hope for any new friends/love in westeros.
>Name 1 single Targaryen who just flipped randomly from being an okay person to being crazy. I'm not even a Dany fag but this is retarded logic.
I don't have to. Becasue they've stated over and over in the show that this could happen. She's been warned again and again for thinking like her mad father and it's always been a question whether she would become like him.
There's no rule that she cannot flip suddenly and there has always been fear that Targaryans are unpredictable in a dangerous way.
If everyone can always see it in time how is it dangerous?
Varys saw it. And he expected it. Just accept it.
>it’s okay that she has roasted mass populations alive becuase I like her reasons that time
Kek the absolute idiocy of lefty fags
>in ADWD it's revealed that Viserys tried to get into Dany's room and rape her on the night before she married Drogo, in spite of the fact that that could have gotten them both killed if he realized she wasn't a virgin. he was a fucking nutcase.
He's trying to make an Heir the Targaryan way and cuck Drogo. That's not necessarily irrational. But her descent to madness or flipping out doesn't have to be the same.
>deviated from her true character
This IS her true character. You just didn't want to notice.
Yeah when they're born dumbass. They don't just live their lives and then suddenly snap as if every day the coin is flipped.
>they have always been mostly crazy, with some exceptions.
The crazy ones have been the exceptions, not the reverse. Look at the Targaryen kings, most were either neutral or decent, or bad at their job but not insane. The only outright insane ones I can think of immediate are Aerys Maegor and Baelor ( though he wasn't cruel ).
There is no logic to Tolkien at all
>There's no rule that she cannot flip suddenly and there has always been fear that Targaryans are unpredictable in a dangerous way.
That's never been a fear. The saying is "when they're born they flip a coin," not "every day they flip a coin". The fear was never that a completely rational Targ would just randomly go crazy.
>raping your 13yo sister isn't irrational
haha not in the slightest
>But her descent to madness or flipping out doesn't have to be the same
it wasn't a descent it was a cliff, with diminished long-term home media sales at the bottom of it.
She has finally become interesting, let her dragon fire burn away the degenerate westeros
it's a simple way of saying that if a Targryan will be crazy or sane, it will be completely random.
>Dany describes him as being mad several times in her opening chapter dude. He would have frequent outbursts of anger telling her not to "wake the dragon".
Really? To wake the dragon. Great point. She also talked about herself being the dragon many times. So that's a nice point about her becoming like him.
>She was going to get the Kingdom.
Was she? Were they going to serve her? Were they going to kill her off like Varys tried to? Were they going to kill her off like her father?
>She.. was.
Cersei was not crazy. You like to llump all good things together and all bad things together. Bad is not crazy. Good is not sane.
>A dragon is hardly a small thing to have, not to mention she has no reason to really believe this. Only the Northmen are loyal to Jon, and he was King of the North. There are 6 other Kingdoms, many of whom sworn to her already.
And yet she is betrayed by everyone around her. Fire and her dragon is the only thing she could trust. She is letting her instincts take over.
>Lmao what? Even if we agree to this how is "they just randomly went crazy lmao" good writing?
When you've made it a large part of the plot for 8 seasons that her becoming crazy like her father is a real possibility.
And no one in the show specified that it followed some rule of "she has to start slowly building up to her craziness".
This is the logic of the story both in the books and the show. You were suckered into a simplistic good-girl character in a show about grey-characters and cause and effect.
Lmao seething tumblr tranny
can you people please try to decide whether the shills are supposed to pretend to be liberals or not?
I dont want to come off as pretentious but if you read the creation myth in the silmarrilion you can understand that the core motivation for all evil in middle earth is the desire to be the Creator. But, lacking that power, Morgoth or Sauron can only corrupt the creations of illuvatar. Theyre not actually evil, theyre like hurt children (at their core).
yeah, at birth. As in you never know what you're going to get with the next Targ. The saying specifically says when a Targaryen is born they'll be decent or a total asshole. Not that Targs are unpredictable lunatics going from petting kittens one day to butchering babies the next.
>That's never been a fear. The saying is "when they're born they flip a coin," not "every day they flip a coin". The fear was never that a completely rational Targ would just randomly go crazy.
Then by your logic it has to be done at birth and only revealed later. (under stress).
Because the people on the show talked about that possibility for her over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. FOR HER SPECIFICALLY.
Yes, her closest advisors talked about the possibility for her specifically many times over many episodes specifically comparing her to her father.
>7 seasons of "I'm gonna kill everyone in my way and do anything to rule"
>Women clapped and men toasted their giant onions glasses
>Finally does it
>"uh...wtf this is problematic! She was just being the good guy like Captain America when she sacrificed people, roasted htem alive and waged war on others"
How low is the IQ of the average GoT viewer?
how the fuck is any of this signs that someone will go mad?
Mirri Maz Durr turned Drogo into vegetable and killed their unborn son
They'd imprisoned her and were going to steal her dragons
They were going to hold her there against her will and gang rape her
It's fucking war
There have been plenty of characters who have executed people in the show but it seems that everyone's issue is that Dany is using Dragon fire and somehow that makes her madder
Didn't she just like earlier this season say she didnt want to rule over ash? I mean what she did makes sense because her character is a power hungry woman child but the leap from I don't want to rule over ash to I WANT TO RULE OVER ASH! was done in a very poor way.
>actually a good plot twist
except that Dany is literally set up as Vagina Dragon Jesus from the first book/season, complete with a comet to herald her ascent to godhood. she's an abused child who becomes a queen, yet 2 episodes from the end we're supposed to abruptly accept that she's Hitler?
no. it's shit writing. if she was going to be Hitler give her Cersei's backstory. but of course Cersei will be the mad queen in the books as grrm can actually write.
>Tolkien villains
>The villain is evil because hes evil and because his best friend was literally satan
Tolkien is great but a tolkien-esque villain doesn't really fit with stories in asoiaf
characters are meant to be greyer than tolkiens
also i didn't realise melkor x sauron was a thing and im kinda shaken up about it
dany turning evil could've been handled better, the only problem i have with it is the justification for the massacre
they should've done it like this:
>she wins and cersei die at the end of episode 4 (Jaime's arc ends where it fucking should have with him happy with brienne, he doesnt need to be in the show anymore), missandei is never captured or executed by cersei
>then episode 5 is her trying to rule, she still kills varys for trying to betray her
>the people don't like her and a riot breaks out in which missandei is killed/raped and killed, maybe by a still alive euron to make it extra spicy
>in retribution she and greyworm set the dothraki and unsullied on the people in retribution
>things get more and more out of control with greyworm killed by the crowd too
>this time she sets drogon on the city
this would've felt more natural than what happened, daenerys too quickly goes from cruelly executing those who oppose her to commiting genocide
>haha not in the slightest
You're conflating evil with irrational. And for a Targaryan incest is neither evil or irrational.
>it wasn't a descent it was a cliff, with diminished long-term home media sales at the bottom of it.
Literally the possibility of this was discussed everywhere prior to this episode. It was almost c onsidered a plot twist for it not to happen.
But I know yall are the same retards who praised fan service and want every arc to end in a poetic ending like checking off a list.
Im agreeing with you. Im saying the yass queen shit was a deviation
>posts rick and morty image
>doesn't understand why this is bad writing
>calls others low IQ
You know I watch Rick and Morty, I'm something of a scientist myself.
They thought she was just memeing
You watched it incorrectly
>Really? To wake the dragon. Great point. She also talked about herself being the dragon many times. So that's a nice point about her becoming like him.
The insane part isn't him naming himself a dragon. The insane part is that he savagely beat her while he screamed it, but okay.
>Was she? Were they going to serve her? Were they going to kill her off like Varys tried to? Were they going to kill her off like her father?
Why wouldn't they? Highgarden swore to her, Dorne swore to her, Jon swore to her, Yara seemed completely fine with her and now she's in control of the Iron Islands, Tyrion is slated to be heir of Casterly Rock.
>Were they going to kill her off like her father?
Her father was killed for burning people alive. I don't think burning people alive is a good way to avoid meeting his fate.
>Cersei was not crazy.
She most definitely was.
>And yet she is betrayed by everyone around her.
She was betrayed by one person close to her, two if you count Tyrion.
>When you've made it a large part of the plot for 8 seasons that her becoming crazy like her father is a real possibility.
Her father went crazy is an entirely different way though. Sure, I guess if you go by the logic that Targs just have some magic crazy button that gets pushed it works out, but that's never been the logic of it until now.
>This is the logic of the story both in the books and the show. You were suckered into a simplistic good-girl character in a show about grey-characters and cause and effect.
I never claimed Dany was wholly good, in fact I think the Mad Queen ending is the most sensible way to end her character. But the execution was horrible and shitty.
>except that Dany is literally set up as Vagina Dragon Jesus from the first book/season, complete with a comet to herald her ascent to godhood. she's an abused child who becomes a queen, yet 2 episodes from the end we're supposed to abruptly accept that she's Hitler?
No, you accept that she went crazy and that you were a retard for trusting in someone who was depicted as potentially snapping.
You are not my queen yet!
The show dropped off a cliff quality wise even worse than s6-7
Mate. All I heard before is people complaining how the show is taking its time to put the pieces together and that there was little action. Now, the pieces are set and it is moving fast and still, people complain. I am not saying there is no flaws but people are contradictory and have very short memory.
Dany has literally been a villain since book 2, and all of her actions were justified because
>muh breaker of chains
Any reddit normie fucktard who didn't see this coming for years is a moron and should be chemically castrated.
>yeah, at birth
Even "at birth" it's a way of saying. After all it is a simple joke used to taunt the Targaryans, not a real curse. Simply, for their blood, or for the bond with the dragons, they are an extremely dangerous and unpredictable lineage.
>Then by your logic it has to be done at birth and only revealed later. (under stress).
Except this literally never happened to any of the other Targ kings.
>Yes, her closest advisors talked about the possibility for her specifically many times over many episodes specifically comparing her to her father.
Barristan specifically said she was nothing like her father. Only Varys really had this fear, though prior to her burning down KL I'm not sure what his justification for it was.
Who else here /aroused/?
>thinks characters being consistent is bad writing
I can see why you like nu-GoT
Except literally no one was in her way seeing as she was floating in midair on her fire breathing teleportation machine that could have taken her right to the red keep where she could eliminate the last and only person that was in her way
The people with low T and low iq are the faggots that think her executing people that commited treason or enslaved others somehow means shes always had a bit of Ramsay in her
>b-b-but capital punishment=BAD!
>She's been talking about killing anyone who gets in her way
The civilians weren't in her way.
She had already won at that point.
Like even if she was pure evil it wasn't even logical to fuckin do it.
We can all agree that she has become wayyyy more sexier now that she's crazy, right??
>Tolkien is great but a tolkien-esque villain doesn't really fit with stories in asoiaf
>characters are meant to be greyer than tolkiens
Tolkien's works are spiritual while Martin's are about farting and shitting.
if Targs could flip at any time they'd never have been able to maintain a dynasty, because they'd be completely unreliable as leaders from the outset.
it isn't just "crazy" or "sane", either. it's "monster" or "messiah". they're either exceptional human beings or lunatics.
by the way Targ means "super" in middle english. so Targaryen means "super Aryan".
>all these basedboys and fat girls that are now outed for basically supporting Hitler if Hitler was a woman and went through a few sad phases
Comedy gold
>gollum isnt like that
>frodo isnt like that
>aragorn isnt like that
>faramir isnt like that
>theodin isnt like that
>You're conflating evil with irrational.
you mean like D&D did in The Bells?
Yep. Those looks she gives as she descends into madness make me so hard.
This is the best part desu
Jaime mentally compares Cersei to Aerys in the AFFC scene where she burns down the Tower of the Hand.
Thanks for summing it up perfectly for me
This was GRRM's intention all along and it's glorious.
>The insane part isn't him naming himself a dragon. The insane part is that he savagely beat her while he screamed it, but okay.
And after that she also referred to herself as a dragon. This shit is inside of both of them.
Like it is inside a wolf.
>Her father was killed for burning people alive. I don't think burning people alive is a good way to avoid meeting his fate.
You knew that for multiple seasons she knew that he deserved to be overthrown and yet considered his overhrowing to be invalid.
>>Cersei was not crazy.
>She most definitely was.
You want GoT to be like Star Wars where there are two forces: evil and good. Evil is irrational by definition. Don't be evil. Lalala.
She's not crazy. There's a potential large payoff for being the end ruler and leaving that to your child. Totally rational to attempt to have it.
>>And yet she is betrayed by everyone around her.
>She was betrayed by one person close to her, two if you count Tyrion.
Jon, Tyrian, the north, Varys.
I should have said people either betrayed her or died.
>Her father went crazy is an entirely different way though. Sure, I guess if you go by the logic that Targs just have some magic crazy button that gets pushed it works out, but that's never been the logic of it until now.
It's literally a basic part of the entire lore of the Targaryans. Not just in the books but also the show.
Additionally they specifically discussed the possibility of her being like her father many times in the show.
Also a few instances of her caring about innocents are irrelevant. IRL people pretend to care much more than they acutally do about various things. It's cheap to play pretend, and Dany won undying loyalty for it. (Then abandoned them)
>I morally don’t mind her burning peopel involved with slavery
You are myopic that’s your problem
There's plenty of shitty writing this season, but Dany razing King's Landing was not a heel turn and was not part of the shit writing. How much spoonfeeding do you need to realize she has always been like this, since season 1? When it comes to the power she craves she will do literally anything. This was to take the Iron Throne, her entire objective.
>how the fuck is any of this signs that someone will go mad?
To me she's not crazy at all. She's doing exactly what she promised to do from season 2.
You, some part of the audiance, Tyron himself, thought she were exaggerating, that she would change and become the heroine of the story you bet on.
I believe you have largely underestimated her resentment.
You see this right at the start of season 8. All the northerners are looking at her with suspicion but she smiles when the dragon's show up and they all run away in fear
you can't imagine a woman you're attracted to being nice to you, so going "evil" is a turn on. pretty simple.
>Except this literally never happened to any of the other Targ kings.
They wouldn't be talking about it for her if they thought they had already proven that it was impossible.
And if your narrative is correct, her father could have never flipped because he was not always crazy.
>Barristan specifically said she was nothing like her father. Only Varys really had this fear, though prior to her burning down KL I'm not sure what his justification for it was.
No he questioned that, and they questioned that multiple times. The question kept coming up and there were intentional scenes where she says some shocking things that makes her advisors go Hmm...
>it’s okay t comitt mass murder against the slavers even when they are just doing what they’ve been doing for generations
Why is this so hard for you guys. Just because you like the reasons she had for previous mass murder doesn’t mean she is any less of a mass murderer you fucking idiots
Have you lost your *mind* Dany?
GRRM is a totally straight-ahead writer as far as setup is concerned, he doesn't do things for shock value.
he also wrote Stannis, who burns people for directly expedient reasons from practically his first appearance yet is not generally assumed to be going mad for some weird reason.
Holy projection Batman. I can smell the roast from here.
She was right to do it and Kings Landing deserved it. If they seriously try to portray her as hitler in the next episode I will castrate D/D myself.
Peasant lives don't matter, they can't organise or effectively rebel, and she establishes a norm of terror in her future subjects so they know what befalls them should they displease her. It only becomes a problem if she keeps doing massacres rather than one big one at the beginning and people feel they have no other choice but to rebel from a perpetual ongoing tyranny.
This is all basic Machiavelli, read Discourses on Livy and The Prince
>And after that she also referred to herself as a dragon. This shit is inside of both of them.
How is referring yourself to a dragon the insane part? I don't even get your point here. Viserys savagely abused her for years before the first episode started. How can you claim he wasn't crazy, or at least twisted?
>You knew that for multiple seasons she knew that he deserved to be overthrown and yet considered his overhrowing to be invalid.
Agreeing with him being deposed is not the same as agreeing with her entire family being deposed.
>You want GoT to be like Star Wars where there are two forces: evil and good. Evil is irrational by definition. Don't be evil. Lalala.
No I don't. Even in the book Jaime compares her to Aerys. Cersei is impulsive, sadistic, cruel, and irrational. By any stretch she can be considered crazy.
>Jon, Tyrian, the north, Varys.
Jon did not betray her, he swore himself to her, he never told her he wouldn't tell his sisters, in fact he outright said he would. Tyrion and Varys I counted, and the North never betrayed her.
>It's literally a basic part of the entire lore of the Targaryans. Not just in the books but also the show.
It's not though. Name a single Targaryen that just suddenly snapped. I can name more good, decent Targaryens than I can insane ones, and then twice as many who were just neutral.
>Additionally they specifically discussed the possibility of her being like her father many times in the show.
She was often said to be nothing like her father as well.
>Also a few instances of her caring about innocents are irrelevant.
We have her POV from the books, she genuinely cared about the plight of the slaves.
Yeah i agree, my point was that the person shouldn't have used tolkien as his example as that style doesn't fit aSoIaF.
Tolkien is one of the only fantasy authors to have written actual literature
People who think that the fat fuck writing edgy genre fiction is in any way approaching tolkien are retarded
also i'm going to keep posting melkor x sauron art because i feel like it
>if Targs could flip at any time they'd never have been able to maintain a dynasty,
They had dragons. The last of them was during King Aegon III reign , more or less.
Can you post the one where Morgoth is fisting Feanor?
It's almost as if there is more than 1 GoT fan and they have different expectations
>>I morally don’t mind her burning peopel involved with slavery
>You are myopic that’s your problem
Watch the scene. Watch what set her off. It was her looking at her dragons and becoming emotional. Anti-Slavery was an excuse to keep the dragons.
It then became an excuse for her to conquer cities and a self-justification for her being a good ruler.
Then she abandons them because she wants to rule the kingdom her mad father was rightly overthrown from.
>No he questioned that
"I'm not my father"
"No, your grace. Thank the Gods."
He specifically left to find a Monarch worth serving. He would've never signed up with Dany if he had the faintest doubt she was like Aerys. Serving Aerys is one of his biggest shames, and he contemplates that he should've left him to die at Duskendale.
>And if your narrative is correct, her father could have never flipped because he was not always crazy.
He wasn't always crazy, but he didn't just suddenly flip. He gradually descended into more and more insanity.
Dany has been a tyrannical bitch the whole series. Stupid Twitter whores were ok with it because her actions were always at the expense of white men.
It's not , she's always been a batshit insane authoritarian bitch.
massacring Peasants doesn't accomplish anything precisely because a Monarch doesn't stay in charge at the behest of the Peasants.
all Dany does by burning her own capital is waste a lot of her economic and political capital. there was no rational reason to do it. Aerys himself, who was explicitly mad, only set nobles on fire until he was about to lose the city.
literally the first person in the show she killed was a brown woman
>I will kill your infant daughter
What did Gus mean by this?
They really fucked up the tone of the show in the first three episodes this season. Her going mental would have made sense after season 7 but not after all the long night shit.
And all the shit with the golden company and euron greyjoy, what the fuck was the point if Cersei was just going to job with no resistance anyway? There's subverting expectations and then there's just teasing for the sake of it.
They really should have just done two movies instead of a full season since everything is just filler with no pay off
This and if you disagree youre doing mental gymnastics
dragons can't prevent you from being assassinated. no one ends up in charge of anything for long if they're blatantly unstable, and insane people can't function effectively as parents and train their children to ride dragons.
>The civilians weren't in her way.
Yes they fucking were. They were the reason she didn't torch the Red Keep right after she took Dragonstone. She views them as complicit in Cercei's strategies, Tyrion convinced her otherwise. She's not listening to Tyrion anymore because he's now both a fuckup AND a traitor.
I swear it's like everyone else is only catching half of the dialogue. It's shitty writing to have really important stuff take place in a quick reference to offscreen events, but it's all there, and she had multiple debates with Tyrion on this point.
>How is referring yourself to a dragon the insane part? I don't even get your point here. Viserys savagely abused her for years before the first episode started. How can you claim he wasn't crazy, or at least twisted?
Being mean or beating someone is not crazy. It's cruel. Words are not all the same things. There are different words. 1 word might mean one thing while another word means another.
You can be crazy and bad or crazy and good. Evil is not crazy. They are different concepts.
>Agreeing with him being deposed is not the same as agreeing with her entire family being deposed.
Who would have been king after he was deposed? Eventually Jon. Oh wait...
>No I don't. Even in the book Jaime compares her to Aerys. Cersei is impulsive, sadistic, cruel, and irrational. By any stretch she can be considered crazy.
No, she's cold and calculated. He is depicted as actually insane.
>Jon did not betray her, he swore himself to her, he never told her he wouldn't tell his sisters, in fact he outright said he would. Tyrion and Varys I counted, and the North never betrayed her.
Jon refused her love and the north refused her as queen.
>It's not though. Name a single Targaryen that just suddenly snapped. I can name more good, decent Targaryens than I can insane ones, and then twice as many who were just neutral.
Sample size is low. But you know, her doing this evil thing is possibly just the start of her madness.
This. People dosen't bother because she had slaughtered a bunch on unpleasant people , but the methods were already there.
it was Tyrion who more than once stopped massacres, even of people who deserved it.
the show is irrelevant: Dany planned to burn the slavers from the outset.
she has a genuine motive to hate slavery because she was a slave. it's totally straightforward and apparent to almost all IQs of audience, like good writing usually is: that's why it didn't cause the show to implode like the last few episodes has.
The marketing/producers are perhaps even more at fault than DnD. For some reason she was constantly framed as a sort of badass girl power capeshit hero, even though she burns fucking everyone who opposes her and speaks constantly of conquest and forcing others to submit to her will.
It's legitimately fucking absurd to think that even the TV show is too smart and too complex for Americans.
The execution of her finally snapping was awkward as fuck but yeah. She always had a megalomaniac and cruel side.
You're not intuitive at all. That post was not the best post either. Bad intuition.
>>"wtf why would she do that? that came out of nowhere."
only retards claim this. She went gradually more and more shady.
>>No he questioned that
>"I'm not my father"
>"No, your grace. Thank the Gods."
>He specifically left to find a Monarch worth serving. He would've never signed up with Dany if he had the faintest doubt she was like Aerys. Serving Aerys is one of his biggest shames, and he contemplates that he should've left him to die at Duskendale.
He questioned that multiple times. He believed, at the time, that she was not going to become like that.
But it was questioned. And part ofthe point of this was that people shouldn't have taken the chance.
>He wasn't always crazy, but he didn't just suddenly flip. He gradually descended into more and more insanity.
The coin-flip is in reference to him. So it disproves your notion that she would have to have already been crazy at birth. It has nothing to do with birth.
As to it taking a lot of time, just because he took a while doesn't mean she has to. There's no explicit narrative that Targaryans need to take a lot of time.
And she has quite often acted psychopathically in her response to death even when getting rightious revenge.
I have literally not seen one person day this came out of nowhere, only that it was very badly written. I see people complaining about non-existent complaints it came out of nowhere.
Executing captured and traitorous enemy soldiers after giving them several chances to keep all of their power, which everyone else besides the Tarlys took, is the huge thing people keep pointing to as the "evil" tipping point. But most of the characters would or have done that or worse, traitors and war enemies usually aren't even offered their lives let alone the chance to keep all of their titles and lands. That's point D then they just leap straight to Z and it's rushed as fuck.
Have I? Jon Snow, by my right of succession and sovereignity of my crown, I hereby relieve you from your command and suspend your northmen from service.
>>Being mean or beating someone is not crazy.
>crazy; adjective; mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way.
Savagely beating your little sister at the slightest provocation can easily be described as mentally deranged manifested as aggression. He wasn't a schizo, if that's what you're trying to say but he was crazy.
>Who would have been king after he was deposed? Eventually Jon. Oh wait...
Viserys, since Aerys named him heir after Rhaegar's defeat.
>No, she's cold and calculated. He is depicted as actually insane.
She screams at people all the time. She is compared to Aerys by both Tyrion and Jaime, the two people in the world who know her best.
>Jon refused her love and the north refused her as queen.
Him not loving her is not a betrayal, and the North never refused her as Queen. Besides that, even if they did there are 6 other Kingdoms. Dorne, who by all accounts should be the most powerful of them, swore to her.
>Sample size is low. But you know, her doing this evil thing is possibly just the start of her madness.
The sample size of Targs is not low, they're autistically well documented. Unless you mean Dany's actions, but her massacring hundreds, if not thousands seems like quite an odd way to "start" her madness.
do you even have a brain?
her being unpopular didn't make any sense after the Long Night either.
1) pretty much everyone would have thought Dany and Jon were still fucking
2) dragons were one of the only reasons that they won
3) Jon, who everyone loves, rides a dragon.
4) the dragons are Dany's
we can talk about how Dany going mad made no sense, but Dany being isolated and disliked was just as fucking retarded.
>Targaryens don't just snap and go crazy for no reason what the fuck are you on
They literally do you fag
Burning the city demonstrates the rulers capacity to kill. It establishes the pricetag for rebellion and defiance. If she follows it up by being a generally fair and just ruler then it pits the trap of
>comply and have an okay/good ruler
>defy and be burned to death by dragons in an orgy of destruction like she did that one time
A ruler needs to demonstrate they are not paper tigers, that their bark has bite, and to defy them will have real horrible consequences. Without a demonstration of terror then threats are just threats, empty, unreal, and ineffective. Most Byzantine coups began with a looting of Constantinople that the new ruler magnanimously puts a stop to after blinding his worst enemies.
>He questioned that multiple times. He believed, at the time, that she was not going to become like that.
Name a time when he questioned this.
>The coin-flip is in reference to him. So it disproves your notion that she would have to have already been crazy at birth. It has nothing to do with birth.
If anything it disproves the entire saying.
>As to it taking a lot of time, just because he took a while doesn't mean she has to. There's no explicit narrative that Targaryans need to take a lot of time.
There's never been a narrative that Targs just randomly flip mad.
>the show is irrelevant: Dany planned to burn the slavers from the outset.
And then she goes to Westeros to free the slaves abandoning the not as good slaves to their fate.
you are such a fucking shill. you're reading this shit off of crib notes.
name one who did showfag
Yeah this is right thbqh
editing choices like music used when she kills certain people usually frames her as heroic when shes killing the masters and stuff
marketing did shit like this too
music and editing matter when characterising someone in film/tv
in the books she's more clearly framed as the future villain
evil dany in the show is kino but i can see why brainlets thought she'd always be the hero
and again, the massacre using the dragon reasoning is silly
no but i have this one
>Targaryens don't just snap and go crazy for no reason what the fuck are you on.
Danaerys always had an underlying ruthlessness. She didn't go mad. She lost all the people that reined her in and was in a situation where she believed she had to choose between her benevolence and her ultimate goal of ruling Westeros.
>Burnt and killed Lannisters who literally refused to bend the knee after being given every chance to do so
That makes her pretty crazy though. You're supposed to take war prisoners. Also she was the one attacking. The Lannister were just defending their kingdom. Just the fact she's invading a land and demanding to rule it makes her at the very least an amoral character.
Twitter was flush with posts about how awful it is to “make Dany evil.”
>Danaerys always had an underlying ruthlessness
Sure, for reasons, agree with them or not they were there.
>She didn't go mad.
What reason did she have to fly through the streets torching people who had surrendered? The only reason I've seen given was that she wanted to rule by fear or whatever, but not only do D&D say it was because of some personal vendetta in the behind the scenes thing, I don't get why she'd think this. Because the North loves Jon? There's 6 other Kingdoms, some of them have already sworn to her.
Yes, take the “break the wheel” statement that was everywhere on tv and radio, for example. While it was branded in a way to make her seem like maybe shed bring a better way of ruling, democracy perhaps, to westeros, in fact she just has a one dimensional way of thinking where she can only meet challanges with “burn this” or “break that”.
>Savagely beating your little sister at the slightest provocation can easily be described as mentally deranged manifested as aggression. He wasn't a schizo, if that's what you're trying to say but he was crazy.
No, being mean is not crazy. Nice 1984ish language simplification, but reality doesn't work like that.
>Viserys, since Aerys named him heir after Rhaegar's defeat.
That's even worse, lol.
>She screams at people all the time. She is compared to Aerys by both Tyrion and Jaime, the two people in the world who know her best.
She is not depicted as crazy like Aerys. But the comparison almost fits in terms of brutality.
>Him not loving her is not a betrayal, and the North never refused her as Queen. Besides that, even if they did there are 6 other Kingdoms. Dorne, who by all accounts should be the most powerful of them, swore to her.
But Dorne doesn't exist anymore. It was problematic so it has been retconned. I mean we have to just ignore that shit because D&D gave you retards your fan-service episodes and the much beloved simple good-guy/bad-guy caper of Season 7.
>The sample size of Targs is not low, they're autistically well documented. Unless you mean Dany's actions, but her massacring hundreds, if not thousands seems like quite an odd way to "start" her madness.
She doesn't necessarily care about people just because she says she does or maybe even she has learned that that shit doesn't help her much. The north's reaction to her seems like it would inspire that belief.
One big thing also, is that there should be some acceptance that people dont' really care. They are self-centered and her not caring much about the population given her power is not that odd.
she wiped out the Golden Company, the whole battlements and Euron's Fleet in 10 seconds. plenty of people would have seen it happen.
she could have gone blown up the Red Keep too with her seismic dragon fire if she wanted to shock and awe, I'm sure enough innocent people would have died just by accident.
it only had to be deliberate to accomplish D&D's literary goals.
The character has been beautifully misunderstood in a heroic revolutionary, when she has always been driven by revenge instincts. Moreover, she always enjoyed burning people.
Lmao, awesome. I just made that up btw
Why are women being angry such a turn on for men?
Yea, the fact she seemed to only save the north to get laid is very telling. She has to be convinced to save the north. A good ruler wouldn't let them all die. She had to be swayed into this before just sacking kings landing though. And she was thinking she'd weaken Cersei by making her fight too.
>No, being mean is not crazy. Nice 1984ish language simplification, but reality doesn't work like that.
He wasn't just mean, he was erratic and violent.
>That's even worse, lol.
What does this have to do with Dany not liking that her family was deposed?
>She is not depicted as crazy like Aerys. But the comparison almost fits in terms of brutality.
She most definitely is. Moreso in the books than the show, but even in the show she is impulsive and sadistic.
>But Dorne doesn't exist anymore. It was problematic so it has been retconned.
Varys says that the Prince of Dorne has sworn to Dany in Episode 4.
>he doesn't necessarily care about people just because she says she does or maybe even she has learned that that shit doesn't help her much.
We have her POV from the books, yes she does.
It's because of the incest, not the fact that they're Targaryeans which make insane.
Instead of incest producing the horrible physical defects of our world, in ASOIAF its purely a mental disease.
The whole point of ASOIAF is the capacity everyone has for violence, and the endless cycle of abuse. I really can't believe anyone is talking about this as if it's out of nowhere or poor writing. Last episode is the only part of Season 8 that's actually felt like GRRM's writing.
>I'm sure enough innocent people would have died just by accident
By accident isn't enough. It has to be deliberate and purposeful killing, a demonstration of the rulers purposeful capacity to kill actualised in real deliberate deaths, not mere collateral damage.
Yea, no. If she wasn't mad she would have realised that torching KL would turn Jon, the guy with a better claim to the throne, against her, which the exact opposite of achieving 'her ultimate goal of ruling Westeros'
>Name a time when he questioned this.
That very clip that you posted.
Shows it was a concern only alleviated by her response. But it shows it was a concern. Also it was his counsel being accepted which was what caused him to lose his concern.
Where is he now, by chance?
>If anything it disproves the entire saying.
No, like the other guys said, the craziness, just because it's thought of as something randomly distributed by birth, doesn't manifest at birth. They understand this. These characters are not stupid.
>There's never been a narrative that Targs just randomly flip mad.
The narrative is that they can become mad. There is no asserted timeframe.
>But most of the characters would or have done that or worse
No. They would have taken the nobles as prisoners.
>>traitors and war enemies usually aren't even offered their lives let alone the chance to keep all of their titles and lands
Traitors to what? They were defending their kingdom from invaders. The fact alone that Dany is invading a land that doesn't want her makes her the bad guy.
>If she wasn't mad she would have realised that torching KL would turn Jon, against her,
The guy that refused her love? Certainly she's not frustrated and angry... no no.
Lmao, get subverted kid.
He never compares her to the Mad King, the only thing he does is say she's not like him. Also he loses his concern before she accepts his counsel for the trial.
>The narrative is that they can become mad. There is no asserted timeframe.
Becoming mad implies a timeframe. There is never the implication that Targs just flip like pit bulls or something. That would be absurd.
ugliness is erotic in beautiful women
Probably because women are so mediocre and such boring midwits, utterly soulless, mirrors of the group without essence, and so on, it makes for a refreshing change to see one with will, autonomy, and self-direction, if only as a fantasy character divorced from the soul grinding reality of female mediocrity.
The Tarlys specifically betrayed the North for the Lannisters, fallout from the battling between the king's war. Meanwhile from a Targearyan perspective the Lannisters are traitors and usurpers.
She's basically using Stannis' reasoning, but not even doing anything as dishonorable as secretly using witchcraft to assassinate a brother. I think all of this behaviour is pretty amoral, but not only is it typical, it's more just and straightforward then we get even from decent characters. Of course, I know that D&D also wanted us to see Stannis as a baby eating Dark Lord psychopath who was just despicable the whole time, too. And the way they handled that sucks too, doesn't it?
Frustrated and angry enough to literally melt half a milion people alive. Certainly she's not mad... no no.
>He wasn't just mean, he was erratic and violent.
But he didn't REALLY go nuts until after he truly started not getting what he wanted. There was not a slow progression from cruel to nuts. There was a very sudden change when he realized he had no power. Essentially that he had lost the throne.
She didn't lose the throne but she lost her advisors, friends, and any expectation of being appreciated as a good ruler.
>>That's even worse, lol.
>What does this have to do with Dany not liking that her family was deposed?
What kind of person could she be for being mad that her cruel brother was denied the throne?
>She most definitely is. Moreso in the books than the show, but even in the show she is impulsive and sadistic.
Not really.In the show she is being portrayed as having coldly removed her enemies and managed Kings Landing well.
She basically had to blow up the sept. What else could she have done?
>Varys says that the Prince of Dorne has sworn to Dany in Episode 4.
Yes. D&D are retarded. Maybe we'll see Dorne in episode 6.
Dorne are on her side because she has dragons, though, not because she is nice.
>>he doesn't necessarily care about people just because she says she does or maybe even she has learned that that shit doesn't help her much.
>We have her POV from the books, yes she does.
That was a while ago. And I don't actually remember that anyway. But even so, that was a while ago. And we dont' have what was happening in her mind since.
Plenty of reason for her to think she's not very good at anything but using her dragons.
> There is never the implication that Targs just flip like pit bulls or something.
There is not even an implication of the contrary, simply because past events are only narrated verbally.
>of civilians
>at random
>in addition to all her enemy's forces
>along with her own city and castle
looking forward to the Star Wars movies haha
oh god can you imagine her climbing on top of you and giving you that look before she starts furiously riding your dick?
tfw no gf desu lads
Your thread just made me realize what a waste of time and brain power it is to even browse this place. I know it's very unlikely that you are this dumb and you're just fishing for (you)s saying to yourself "hehehe that was an epic troll!!! Lols!!" and normally I wouldn't even reply but it's just so tiresome to see the number of retards who actually reply to your shitty bait. There was a time I valued the chans as a place where you could explore alternative ideas without having your ego get in the way but it has degraded to the point where I can feel the brain cells departing from by body as I read the stupidity and "epic trollz". Breaking rule #1 was the biggest mistake oldfags did. Trump was not worth it.
>ywn be cute twink sauron in a relationship with gentle dom melkor
why live?
But Hitler didn't genocide anyone.
>"I am not here to be queen of the ashes."
>"We are going to leave the world better than we found it."
>"My father was an evil man."
There was no buildup to it. We go through several episodes where she and Jon are fighting together acting like the saviors of the world, and now she's burning down a whole city full of non-combatants. It's jarring. This whole season feels rushed. It lost the deliberate pacing of earlier seasons once they ran out of source material.
I was actually expecting some pretty serious shilling to start as the damage became apparent.
the funny thing is that they seem to be trying to sell the idea that the writing was good but people just didn't understand it.
>He never compares her to the Mad King, the only thing he does is say she's not like him. Also he loses his concern before she accepts his counsel for the trial.
That's him encouraging her to not be like him. And the depiction in there has no constraint that he "slowly went nuts". That was something that you added.
>Becoming mad implies a timeframe. There is never the implication that Targs just flip like pit bulls or something. That would be absurd.
>We have explicit examples in our own world of something happening.
>It is absurd.
But Danerys is insane.
She's got nothing of the good traits you've mentioned, she's just angry at this point with a will to murder.
Now they all know the price tag of defiance. Getting cooked by a dragon.
>when they ran out of source material
this only happened as quickly as it did because they fucked up the pacing of season 5 and omitted most of the story of the later books
so they ran out of source material at least 2 years earlier than they would have otherwise
I thought she was going to pull some worse shit with jaime.
>I was actually expecting some pretty serious shilling to start as the damage became apparent.
>the funny thing is that they seem to be trying to sell the idea that the writing was good but people just didn't understand it.
I'm selling the idea that D&D should never get a job again.
I'm selling the idea that episodes 1 and 2 were retarded, but that's what the retards wanted. You probably liked them.
And then you're surprised abou the rush?
The plot twist is good. D&D are not. I think everyone agrees.
No one's said out of nowhere.
D&D said she suddenly just snapped when she saw the Red Keep with vengeful anger at Cersei for killing her dragon and her translator. The problem is instead of flying over and executing the bitch, she very willfully let's her escape and spends fucking forever burning lots of fucking peasant families she hasn't been built up as having strong feelings about, and she knows Cersei doesn't care about them, either. The only reason she does it is the writer want to show how Pure Evil she is so the audience will root for Arya to gut the bitch. But it doesn't make sense.
Her evil action being trying to kill, execute, or imprison Sansa, Jon, Tyrion, etc. would make much more sense as a tipping point than her torpedoing any chance she has at power by "getting revenge" on some orphanages.
She's been crazy the entire series
You just couldn't see it because you want to fuck Emilia Clark
she has autism and was triggered by the bells, she was losing trust in the people around her for weeks.
the writing was on the wall, lad.
>We go through several episodes where she and Jon are fighting together acting like the saviors of the world,
This is where they truly fucked up. Until the end of season 6 the building up of Dany as a character who could go either way was clear and then suddenly she meets Jon and have a change of heart and it seems like she came around and will actually become good.
Stannis in the book he was a better character, while on the show he was the equivalent of an autistic child that screan all the time that the kingdom belongs to him.
However, both use black magic to get rid of a rival, the brother. I've always considered Stannis a piece of shit because of his way of getting results.
"she has a good heart" - jon snow
honestly emilia is cute but im not that attracted to her alone. Something about dany is so attractive and adorable even when shes going full autismo and psycho.
Jon has always been pussywhipped.
kill yourself
>season 2 gif
aaaaaaaarrrrggghh all these wasted years have passed
>suddenly she meets Jon and have a change of heart and it seems like she came around and will actually become good.
that's probably why some people are so angry. They had expectations with her and Jon. Their two favorite characters united towards victory
But she displays a moment of autonomy and self-direction in the moment that women ordinarily don't have the will to. Angry women are attractive in the moment of the their anger because they contravene the pathetic cowardice of ordinary female behaviour and rise above the general contempt men feel towards women for being weak and ineffectual.
It's not rational or consistent, it's just a sentiment that naturally arises in men at that moment becaise instead of collapsing into a sea of tears or being a doormat that woman acts like a being with enough will to change the external world rather than acquiesce in weakness to it.
Dany may have a good heart, but she has a bad pussy for Jon.
when she went to jon all seductively asking "is that all i am to you....your queen..." i was hoping jon stopped being gay and made passionate love to her. Gods she wanted it and i wouldve given it to her so good
At least we got this
go back to your 'ruling is hard' thread you obsessed retard. lotr is just as childish as asoiaf, grow up
>jon:"lets wait here while our people die as bait and fodder until nk comes"
>Dany:"the dead are already here"
Dany has been a more benevolent and caring leader than jon up until last ep.
and what do they do when she liberates KL and goes for the keep? they flee towards cersei.
Imagine how much that mustve hurt. she lost rhaegal and her closes friend and was just about to be poisoned by her advisor and she successfully frees KL from tyranny just so these ungrateful peasants can run towards tyranny. they all deserved worse than death. I always think about these times in history where the people are just so dumb and betray righteousness. this is one of those times.
I stand with dany
>grow up
fuck yourself nigger, LotR will always be based
> says something in anger
> dude she totally meant it
You think if Tyrion spiked a punch bowl with poison to kill everyoneit'd be okay since he said at his trial he wishes he had poison for all of them
>that's probably why some people are so angry. They had expectations with her and Jon. Their two favorite characters united towards victory
And yet they don't accept his rejection of her as being impactful.
Book Tyrion, yes.
>Robert's tax policy was to just borrow all the money from his enemies and then laugh and drink and never pay it back
I don't know if this is GoT defense shilling, but there's a huge difference between thinking she was ever a good or sane person and thinking the pacing in general has been horrible since season 5, which it has been. They just grab the characters and throw them around as quickly as possible to hit all the plot outline bullet points GRRM gave them while forgetting to make it a show instead of a highlight reel rumble intended to pander to bar reaction video crowds. It's just a heap of moments moments meant to either get cheers (Arya killing the NK) or be "shocking" and cause outrage (Shireen burning) without the shit that holds it together.
Pretending the Daenerys shit is the only thing people have a problem with is retarded. It's just another example of how rushed everything is, how dumb all the characters are, and shit like teleporting Euron and is all powerful then suddenly worthless ballistas that's just illogical. Some people can turn their brain of and just enjoy the explosions but for others it's just annoying.
>LotR will always be based
I like how you express yourself.
But I'm not sure you're right in what you say.
She's 100% ruled by her emotions there, which is a known disadvantage women are known to have simply for being women.
I wouldn't look at her snapping and wanting to burn everything as a moment of autonomy and self-direction, it's just a moment of her losing her mind to her feelings just like a woman losing her mind to her fear and cowering into a mess of tears.
basedjack is not a fucking argument faggot
How many times Tyrion say that he wants to kill everyone?
>Pretending the Daenerys shit is the only thing people have a problem with is retarded. It's just another example of how rushed everything is, how dumb all the characters are, and shit like teleporting Euron and is all powerful then suddenly worthless ballistas that's just illogical. Some people can turn their brain of and just enjoy the explosions but for others it's just annoying.
We can just look at the ratings of the episodes.
That twist was appropriate, everything was rushed, but the fans generally loved wasting time in episodes 1 and 2 and then gearing up for a basic boring confrontation that has no significant twists.
Does anything truly believe the male favourites in Elizabeth's court said "no" when their """"virgin"""" queen come on hot and heavy? Matriarchy means the queen bee keeps a harem of men to play favourites with.
One. During his trial.
yea for lotr fanatics he should weigh like 400lbs
He says he wishes he had poisoned everyone at King's Landing. Daenerys says she's going to burn cities to the ground once that I can remember. It's about even. She doesn't even say "I wish I had enough fire to burn every innocent woman and child to death" in anger which would make those two things even as foreshadowing.
this made me rock hard
They use rushed as an excuse, but the truth is simply that some just didn't want Dany as a villan,
Is Mad Dany /ourgirl/ now?
Even people who hated episodes 1-3 are still watching because it's the end of the series. ASoIaF has been around for three decades and people want to see how the story finally ends. That doesn't mean they think the writing has been good for a long time.
dany has always been good. youre not high iq. the reason a lot of people are upset about the twist is because there hasnt been good indication for such a radical change.
YOU are the filthy casual normie.
Fuck my sides, have some
Tyrion is a piece of shit. Dude killed his own father and then brought an army to take over Westeros.
From a rational position you're probably correct in your assesment, but the erotic drive isn't rational, it's a sentiment that arises in response to stimulus without conditioning from the rational mind.
>her feelings just like a woman losing her mind to her fear and cowering into a mess of tears.
The big difference is activity versus passivity. The passive woman accepts the external world's impositions and retreats into herself and meekly cries or calls out to a man to fix things for her. The active woman imposes her will, be that emotions of rage or whatever, upon the external world and remakes it according to her will. That's the part that arouses an attraction, the actualisation of her will upon the world.
it's a bit different. Dany repeats several times that she wants to burn King Landing and have her revenge. She has always had anger, resentment and hatred. Tyrion says those things at the trial because he knows he was exploited and betrayed, even though he had worked so hard to save the city from Stannis.
Also seeing his waifu testify against him was the final blow.
The Iron Bank are fucked
What a load of shit. She was good when it was convenient, but power was always, through every season, more important to her than being good.
Normies thought her threats were metaphorical slay kween moments rather than literal statements
Of course, and some people who hated The Long Night just wanted Jon to be the one to kill the Night King. But a much bigger group had lots of other problems with the White Walker ending including that it was rushed. Just as it was starting to sink in how rushed the White Walker resolution was, the Cersei resolution was also rushed. Now we have Daenerys as the Big Bad for just one episode, so they can't make Jon killing her and the ascension of King Bran and his council not rushed as fuck. There's no time.
A lot of people are openly complaining because they turned Dany into a villain. Imagine rooting for a character whose sole motivation is revenge and self-entitlement and then be surprised when she turns evil.
Tyrion snapped when he saw Shae in Tywin's bed and strangled her. Sansa has sort have gone through an entire series of snaps, what with being coerced and misled by the Lannisters and Littlefinger, and then made into whatever the fuck she is now.
>Even people who hated episodes 1-3 are still watching because it's the end of the series. ASoIaF has been around for three decades and people want to see how the story finally ends. That doesn't mean they think the writing has been good for a long time.
Look at the fucking fan ratings of the episodes. Two complete wastes of time were loved by the fans.
So fans either were too stupid to do the math, or, as I've seen from reactions to Dany twist, believed the show was about female empowerment.
In other words, they saw those episodes being wasted and they were really happy about the idiea that there was literally a simplistic good-guy bad-guy ending approaching.
Dany did NOTHING wrong
I see what you mean.
Can you try to make sense out of this user, too?
I have to say that I have always seen Dany as a pure psycho.
>As you say, she invades foreign lands and demands to rule, purely because she feels like she should.
>She executes people who don't agree with her.
>She let her dragons roam free, tried to reel them in briefly then let them roam free again (resulting in constant death, and at the very least, loss of livestock which is as good as death in medievil settings)
>she only helped the north because she wanted more soldiers and enjoyed how much John kissed her ass.
>She practically collected titles and personally announces all of them to every asshole she threatens to burn to death if they don't do ecerything she says.
>her advisors talk about what a psycho she is, and that she needs constant reeling in
>she openly and often refuses to listen to het advisors, opting to go be a psychopath instead
>days "if they won't love me, I'll rule them with fear" like 15 minutes before the massacre at KL
>And worst of all, she puts positive spin on it all, by claiming it was all for the slaves.
She frees slaves and slave armies, and "somehow" ends up with tons of slaves and slave soldiers. Jee... I wonder how that happened...
It's all bullshit. But hecause she didn't rave like a loon constantly and announce how evil she is in a hamfisted manner, people don't see it. People I really hope never vote.
Dany's sudden snapping and killing everyone is handled very clumsily, but it's about as surprising as seeing fat people in sweatpants at a walmart. IE: not at all.
If anything, I feel like her snapping when she did makes a little sense. Because her advisors all told her to show restraint, her rule is threatened by her own BF (indirectly) including at least one conspiracy and the battle lasted all of 10 seconds. She was frustrated, angry and crazed. I feel like in that moment, she was thinking "my advisors can't tell me wht to do. I'll showw them ALL" and just did it on a whim. Which is normal for a psychopath.
Daenerys had anger and hatred for the Baratheons and Lannisters for Robert's Rebellion, not an obsessive desire to murder some random poor kids. I don't remember her ever sitting around talking about how much she hated and wanted to kill poor peasant families she has never interacted with. If they'd shown her burning and torturing little slave children because she hated slave masters so much, that would have been foreshadowing of this.
>Imagine rooting for a character whose sole motivation is revenge and self-entitlement and then be surprised when she turns evil.
Yeah because revenge and self-entitlement are such noble purposes. She is doing exactly what she promised.
just to be clear, I'm not contradicting you.
It’s not that she burned cities to the ground that was the problem, it was that she burned them unnecessarily.
But it doesn’t matter, she was never fit to be queen anyway. The moment she continued to pursue the Iron Throne after finding out it wasn’t hers by rights she was no longer a benevolent liberator seeking to bring peace and stability to the realm (Jon Snow could have easily done that as well as she could and she knows this), she was a usurper looking to seat herself for selfish reason who would be willing to kill whoever stood in her way.
She said she would burn down cities, prior to learning sympathy for those who needed her. Prior to becoming the mother to so many people. She gets hot headed and says things she doesn't believe. A lot of people are like that.
>How was this rushed?
Are you implying that anything in the show isn't rushed?
>but come the fuck on did you for one fucking moment think it would go any other way?
Yes. I thought they were going to shit the bed and go YASS QWEEEEN SLAAYY with her.
I've hated her from the start, hated her shit character with shit decisions who only succeeds because of Muh Dragons, and after the Tumblrite RAGE when Joffrey raped Sansa, I thought these asshats were going to go Stronk with her and put her on the throne. Glad to see I was wrong, and even MORE pleased to see the retards raging over this.
Danerys has ALWAYS been a Super-Cunt, hated anyone who disagreed with her or was more "popular" than her. No wonder the roasties flocked to her. Bitches ruined the show after their Joffrey-Rape screeching tirade.
Tyrian would likely not ever be able to actually do it, much less stomach killing that many people. Dany does it at least once a season.
>not an obsessive desire to murder some random poor kids.
She literally kills two innocent girls in season 3, just because they were unfortunate prostitutes in the wrong room at the wrong time. She makes no distinctions.
She has always been a merciless women which alternated moments of reasonableness with others of cruelty,
I can't speak for "the fans" and I don't think you can either because I think there is a variety of different opinions anyway. But for some people, I think the ratings for episodes 4 and 5 are a delayed reaction to episode 3 wrapping up that plotline too quickly. I definitely know people who thought that was too easy and Bran or Arya would be a new Night King or some shit. But episode 4 swept that right under the carpet and within a few minutes it was like the entire "Winter is Coming" White Walker storyline the very first scene of this show opened with had never even existed. Why even bother with it and kill Littlefinger off last season if "the show is only really about political shit not stupid fantasy nonsense"? There are lots of better shows to watch if I wanted a realistic documentary about real life in the middle ages or real life politics and thought ice wights were just childish.
>Are you implying that anything in the show isn't rushed?
Yeah I'm defending this narrative, but my point is not that it wasn't rushed but that every narrative was going to be rushed.
>Why even bother with it and kill Littlefinger off last season if "the show is only really about political shit not stupid fantasy nonsense"? There are lots of better shows to watch if I wanted a realistic documentary about real life in the middle ages or real life politics and thought ice wights were just childish.
I think Rome was great, but the problem with historical shows like Rome is that you know what's gonna happen.
Remember season 4?
>hizdahr: my father was against the crucifixion of slaves, but you picked him at random and executed him as collective punishment
>dany: lol, idgaf
Her fans were always delusional
Tyrion for the sake of his family keeping power uses Wildfire. How is Daenerys killing a bunch of people different from what he and everyone does? Lannisters thought they were rightful rulers, Stannis and Renly did, Targs did too. Same stupid shit from all of them.
Dany is far too ambiguous for Jon and would want to own him. The north would want Jon to be king and call the shots. It was doomed to fail from the start.
Because in the past she only did fucked up shit to people we perceived as the bad guys. Now she is doing the same shit to innocent people and only just now are people going "Wow man this is some fucked up shit."
>> Holy out of context batman.
I haven't seen out of context this bad in years. Time to roll the retard.
>> Yeah and she didn't kill civilians. Military target. She also did it to free slaves.
>> Military target to protect slaves she freed. No civilians attacked.
>> Again to free the slaves and make a better nation. She did theoretically kill civilians here but they were oppressive to the wider greater populace and assholes.
>> When was this? Last episode in a very clearly out of character scene? Remember when she let the tarely's surrender and the two idiot leaders wanted to die like morons so she killed just those two. So she minimized the military losses. No civilians attacked or injured.
You a fucking retard man.
Tyrian is not doing it for his family, he is doing it to protect Kings landing.
Dany kills the slavers to get the unsullied. Dany kills the masters so she can be queen and worshipped, or else she would have an actual plan. Dany helps Jon because she’s enraged that the Night King killed her dragon, thinks she can weaken Cersei in the process, and bag Jon in one go.
She does these things only for herself, because she’s ambitious. Idk how many times she has to tell people to bend the knee or die, cities she has to conquer and sack because of her one-dimensional way of looking at things, or state that she will take Kings Landing in fire and blood.
She also lets emotions direct her unless Varys and Tyrian, the two best statesmen in the show, somehow convince her to stop killing people.
So what if they were slavers. It was their own culture. Daenerys had no right to impose her own morality over them.
>Tyrian is not doing it for his family, he is doing it to protect Kings landing.
>Tyrion the guy who doomed King's Landing by killing Tywing and bringing Daenerys in the first place gives a fuck about King's Landing now
She killed the slavers originally to get the unsullied. She conquered the 3 cities to be a queen somewhere and feel good about people giving her another title. y’know, until she decided that she cared more about the throne and left the city to its fate. How benevolent.
She does these things because she is ambitious and believes she can do whatever she wants. While she has a good side, she thinks of things far too one-dimensionally, i.e. let’s kill the masters with 0 plan of what to do, as long as I get to be queen. Let’s burn these surrendering and defeated soldiers because muh fucking knee. Let’s make an alliance with one of the 3 strongest powers left and demand their fucking knees.
Once she runs out of friends because they’re either all dead or nobody else trusts her, and her advisors aren’t around to tell her that just killing everyone isn’t the best idea is when we see her true colors.
>> Arguing for slavery.
Well too bad the slaver culture was so weak it crumbled around them and betrayed them. If their culture was as strong as you say it should still be alive. I'm not saying Danny was some saint but she was far from the monster the show tried to ass pull in one episode from some gay ringing bells.
This is where we get to the greater good. It comes down to who society benefits most. The masters were a very very small group of elite imposing harsh ruler ship over the vast majority of their subjects. I can't help if it their culture was so cruel that the very people they rule rebelled for a (foreign) Queen and willingly chose to be free and ruled by a foreign power over being enslaved and ruled by their own people.
>letting your resentment of normies control your perception of good literature
>being a jaded brainlet follower
What's it like being this much of an NPC without even getting to experience the fun of sharing interests with normal people? That's the absolute worst of both worlds.
I don't think it holds, the passive/active distinction has more explanatory power because a beautiful woman who is passively ugly is not beautiful in those passive acts/omissions i.e. the whiny girlfriend tear tantrum calling on boyfriend to fix things for her is not beautiful or attractive. It's a conjunction of:
>the woman is beautiful and therefore good
>a woman actively imposing her will on the external world is good and therefore beautiful, not matter what the content of that act be it "ugly" by some other metric, and arouses the attraction of erotic sentiment
>a woman who passively complies with the external world in ugliness is not attractive
Imagine if someone else burned the city down and Dany just stood by unsure what to do (the timid reaction of most woman to a confronting or difficult challenge), she wouldn't be attractive or beautiful then in her passive ugliness. She's attractive because she is active.
Yes, which is why every fucking episode he’s begging Dany to not kill everyone.
>Yeah because revenge and self-entitlement are such noble purposes
For 99% women it is. Literally the highest moral end for most women and what they live their lives for.
You mean the same city she abdicated in civil unrest and left to its fate? The same one where the slaves just came back and set up shop as usual as soon as she left? The city that she has literally no control over unless she keeps killing people? That one? What greater good?
Umm sweetie ever heard of "by right of conquest"?
Dude she was claiming to burn down Kong’s landing if she needed to up until she shacked up with Jon, and still all the whole kept it on the table.
Except she burned their fleets lol. Also yeah so what there are always minor malcontents in major government changes. Hmm a small amount of slavers like 20-30% of the population to 70% of it hmm I wonder who's needs outweigh the few. The last thing we seen is the slaver being dealt with. Now you can theoretically day the city will fall back to the slavers or maybe it will be free. There is simply no way for us to know so trying to say she left it in civil unrest is a pretty big ass pull given there is no evidence lol.