And what gift would user ask of the elves?

And what gift would user ask of the elves?

Attached: galadriel.jpg (664x299, 39K)

Chastity and a trip to the Undying Lands

a vial of neck sweat

Can you put on your Hela costume and sit on my face, please?

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Please sit on my face.

like 5 inches

to my height
and my dick

Pee in my mouth.

Galadriel's toenail clippings.

Unlimited access to all female elf panties and buttholes

An education.

an elf trap gf for me lady galadriel

then you would have a *does calculation*
six inch dick lmao

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I would ask for elven rope to hang myself with.

God, if elves really existed theyd be terridies of humans reading the things we say about them

The human males natural and seemingly mystical drive to do rough sexual acts to girl elves seems preprogrammed. We must seem as monsters to them.



Thou mayest kill thineself

Yeah, imagine if they had acces to the internet. And saw Yea Forums/4channel.

A quick and merciful death

non tolkien dark elfs are consistently pain sluts, maybe they'd love it

Think this is bad, theyd plotz if they ever went to /tg/.

Galadriel, in my bed.

>Seeking to cast aside the Gift of Men


make my despair go away

>God, if elves really existed
In the movie "Bright" elves essentially took over earth in the financial and technical sectors because they were smarter than humans, but they were also isolationist and rarely mixed with them unless they had to (such as in law enforcement)

elves would be viewed like whites are today

Can you introduce me to to FĂ«anor's widow?
I have a thing for feisty redheads.

Criminals? They're too pure for that.

Which is better?

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found the orc

too much
too little

Both are bad.


right = cinematic
left = student film

is that a samsung tv onthe left?

Dress up as Hela without the silly helmet/hat and sit on my face, as user of taste ( ) said

Attached: Cate-Blanchett-in-Thor-Ragnarok-800x600.jpg (800x600, 56K)

a trap elf sex slave

Attached: smol.jpg (540x675, 79K)

The best hug in the world. ;_;

A swift death

I assumed it was because they had longer lifespans more than intelligence. The elf villains are pretty retarded

Hela was miscast, she was just too damn hot for the role. I wasn't even scared of her I just wanted a nude scene

probably a 20% reduction in excise and a year end cash back policy for purchases at the Mirkwood canteen

Haven't watched but living even say twice as long would be a massive advantage. A huge chunk of time and resources is used to raise and train people.

Make me immortal and lead me to the Undying Lands.

Attached: tanitim_resmi.png (830x1200, 1.45M)

Kill all whites please


the only correct answer