>Our first date is going pretty good, user. What movie are we going to watch after we eat?
What is your answer?
Good Movies on a First Date General
>Our first date is going pretty good, user. What movie are we going to watch after we eat?
What is your answer?
Good Movies on a First Date General
Other urls found in this thread:
"Dragon Ball: Super Broly"
> watching a movie on a first date
You already fucked up
it looks like a haggard boy
I wouldn't recommend movies on a first date
aliens with sigorney weaver.
lot of food there, it would be a shame if you got fat and turned into a ROASTIE FUCKING SLUT
lolita, both versions back to back.
followed by leon.
have you heard about serbian film, m'lady?
Found two losers who get all there human interaction from Yea Forums replies
“Daisy’s Destruction”
why am I dating a trap?
Master and Commander
The Notebook.
look at the gay people in the back lol
grade A losers
We aren't going to watch a fucking movie.
is this a boy or a girl (male)
the only girl ive ever met off tinder came over my house to i guess netflix and chill
she came over and we painted for a little bit together and made something really stupid but it was fun.
then we watched the thing.
this was a bad choice i think.
she got very bored of it.
i was nervous as fuck but she laid down in my bed right in front of me and i guess wanted me to spoon her.
for most of the movie just awkwardly pressed my body against hers without using my hands at all.
at some point i finally got the courage to put my arm around her waist for a bit.
we were under the covers.
i got really hot from the skin on skin and my arm kept getting sweaty.
i eventually stopped.
i didnt get any that night not even a kiss or hug.
and she blocked me 3 days later
dont watch the thing
>wearing a hoodie on a first date
a first date should be goal-oriented, like a bike in the park
the elephant man
>reprogram her superficiality
Back Door Sluts #9
>Deadpan delivery, if she laughs say Little Italy
Looks like Justin Trudeau
John Wick 3: Parallelogram
Society (1989)
Crash (1996)
Face Splitting Pier Dive
Whatever new release is streaming - doesn't really matter since we'll only watch the first ten minutes anyway
>black hair
>blue eyes
Movie? I'm putting it up your butt.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it's a beautiful film.
Gaspar Noé's Love
Get a sad one that makes her bawl her eyes out, it also makes them very horny for some odd reason.
"It's an indie film cause I know you're a bit of an ironic hipster. Haha, it's called Satantango, I think you'll really like it"
Go to bed Nic
Endgame for the 5th time
>*Her pussy when*
You were supposed to make a move, tard. Been there. Don't let it happen again.
Any movie date I had ended in sex. Movie date with a girl you already have good chemistry with is the absolute best you can do. Watch a horror film.
>dim the lights and start the movie
>she comes a little closer
>hands touch
>lay your arm around her
>making out while the credits role
>tv turns black
And bam, you're in.
Not him, but movie on first day is an awful idea
>Our first date is going pretty good,
Going pretty WELL you illiterate cunt
Schindler's List.
My girlfriend and I did this the the first time we had sex. Except she can't stand horror movies, so we watched Mean Girls.
well now ive been in a relationship for 7 months
when i eventually fuck this up by being a retard though i guess i will be a little more confident next time
Hahaha I can smell the soi from here.
Meanwhile based Chad merely looks in her direction and is breeding her pussy 5 minutes later
Alien is my go to date movie.
>atmosphere builds up gradually with some casual crew moments and ominous space soundtrack that calms the ladies
>giger themes enrapture women into thinking about biological urges
>Harry Dean Stanton calling on the kitty is a perfect point to start laughing and slide in for a makeout session
This only works for high schoolers or beta women
Swindler's List? for what purpose?
Poor little white boy
If she doesn't enjoy this, send her to the shadow realm.
how did i do bros?
lmao if a girl lays down on your bed what do you think she's hinting at? my god I thought boys being clueless was just a meme
Where do I take a girl on a first date normalfags?
I've yet to date a single woman who has watched this movie before she does with me. I must have seen this movie 20 times by now. The movie confuses the fuck out of them, but for some reason they ALWAYS correlate not understanding a film with the idea that it therefore must be a great film. So they always end up loving it, but then follow it up with asking me what it all meant. Instead of telling them my interpretation, I instead ask them what they think it all meant, afterwhich they say some nonsensical bullshit I don't pay any attention to but at the end I say some shit like "wow I think you nailed it, pretty impressed desu" and that minor amount of validation seems to always rev the engine.
DiCaprio has gotten me laid so many fucking times, guy's a legend in my mind.
>movie on first day is an awful idea
I have heard this from people, with the logic "You dont have any interaction with the person" as the main criticism for movie on a first date.
I really don't see movie on a first date as that bad. Here is the thing: you are going to be talking to the girl before and after the movie. Talking to the girl the entire time of the date, 3-4 hours? could turn out to be bad. You dont know each other well and it could be really hard to find things to talk about after the first hour. A Movie actually gives you material to talk about, and eats up the time in the date where you might be struggling for conversation. Then future dates where you are more comfortable with her, conversation will come easier.
Movie on a first date= not that bad of an idea
>Movies on a First Date
First date should be a meet-and-greet that only lasts about 15 minutes (if you aren't already pals or acquaintances), a single beer or coffee and a short conversation.
This is a small commitment on both ends, it is lighthearted and whether it goes well or not is a very small matter.
The second date should be somewhere where you can have a long conversation, and do something- think a museum, a zoo, if you're huge fags maybe an escape room.
Movie is for the third date, gives you an opening to get physical.
>movie about rape monsters that face fuck you and impregnate you with rape babies that rip out your body and turn into demons is my go to date movie
you arent fooling anyone, incel
You do the movie first then the meal
Somewhere fun yet casual that is mutually interesting to you:
Zoos, art galleries, farmers markets etc.
Eastern European women are ruthless
comic book store
Show her the cool toys you want to buy
>thanks for the snack user
>lot of food
Based on the size of her lemon wedge it looks like her chicken breast is the recommended serving for an active adult, she may have taken a little too much macaroni, like her serving should be about 75% of what she has, but the rest of her plate is full of fresh raw veggies.
As long as her cup's full of water she'll be fine.
>that is mutually interesting to you:
That's a hard one for me, never met a woman that enjoys a good scrap yard, used tool store or a dirty garage.
Fucking boring ass bitches
That's more of a third date outing
Sounds more plausible than this I feel like those are places you take your wife. Who am I kidding? People just drive to each other's houses and fuck each other.
>Zoos, art galleries, farmers markets
What bumfuck town do you live in? I know absolutely no one who takes girls to those things. This has got to be bait.
Tammy and the T-Rex. It's so bad you and her both can laugh, and it has young Paul Walker so she can watch him being awkward. Bonus: It also has a young Denise Richards.
I think there is something truly fucked up about me.
I know but you don't really want to go clothes shopping with her either, so a healthy middleground is an aquarium
The cuckold
bravo nolan
The only true awnser
lmao maybe that's why you're all incels. Girls love animals and the zoo is full of them
Butterfly Pavilion
Black Cowboy Museum
Ghost Town
>short hair and hoodie
Detective Pikachu
Any woman who doesn't like it isn't worth seeing again
holy shit dating sounds so boring, im glad i just met my wife online, i cant imagine doing these fucking awkward rituals just to get laid
It depends on where they're from
Are you saying my girl's a retard?
you can do it as part of a first date, just not the only thing.
I've had good success with going to coffee shop, then going back to my place to watch movie, and then getting sex/bjs afterwards.
Films that we watched
>the dark knight rises - sex after the opening scene, not even memeing
>at the mouth of madness - sex afterwards
>for a few dollars more - took two nights to finish but got sex at the end of the second night
>fury road - bj during
Don't go to the Aquarium if you're in Baltimore though.
75$ for total dogshit, three billion screaming niglets, and dolphins with suicidal depression.
It's an upsetting aquarium to be in.
She's with you, so yes
The handmaiden. it's feminine enough that she wont feel treathened or put off but she'll get horny
Zoos smell like shit, women only like cats and dogs, and the actually interesting exhibits are always closed or the rare animal everyone wants to see is always hiding leading to a massive disappointment overall. You take your 8 year old children to the zoo, not a woman you want to stick your dick inside, you absolute larper.
If shes into bad movies, anyone to have a good laught.
Smoke endo with the bitch and watch “be cool” or 2fast2furious. Thank me later
Go watch Rocky and don't come back to this board until you're done.
My zoo has a thing where they serve booze and only let adults in on certain nights.
It's comfy as fuck.
high fidelity works too. bitches love high fidelity.
>Montana, librarian
Based and wholesomepilled
boys are growing up in a time where hitting on a woman is seen as sexual harassment
>goth hospital
Was talking about tv shows with a girl. Should I invite her to watch Chernobyl with me?
Cringey but totally relatable from when I was younger
No shit, retard. Thanks for enlightening us.
Based Oklahoma
>women only like cats and dogs
The fact you didn't say horses tells me you're a virgin that's, at best, only brushed his leg against a woman on the bus
Watching movies on a first date is a dumb idea. Unless it's a "date" in your home.
This woman is a jew.
Movie at your home =/ in a theater
50 shades of grey
Its only sexual harassment if you're fat, ugly or a manlet and it's literslly always been this way. Even when people were shitting into pots and women weren't considered humans by law, there was still a loose code of honor amongst men to protect women from undesirables.
holy shit you absolute retard you had sex the minute she agree to come back to your place not because you chose to waste 2 hours watching a movie
All you can think of is stereotypes. There are a lot of just average dudes where it's hit or miss whether a girl likes them or thinks they're a creep.
Has worked so far.
Plus if she's boring I get to watch some kino anyway.
>Droopy balls
Lmao what the fuck Colorado
I grew up on a farm, actually, and I know for a fact that unless the woman grew up on one too, girls like the idea of horses but don't actually like horses.
>It's well. Our date WAS going well. Until you proved to be a simpleton. Good day!
I was going to bring up body language and verbal cues but remembered where I'm posting
It's that look in the eyes that's halfway between cold and dead.
If she laughs, she's the one.
This, only with opening scene from The Dark Knight Rises.
>Deep South
Yeah right. Black women are groce and everyone knows it
I'm 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl.
You and what you consider "average" aren't average, bud, sorry to say.
Ended up having a threesome after inviting two girls over to watch a movie at my place after we left the bar.
I turned on Pacific Rim randomly and before the movie even started I was making out with one girl, and then the other one a few minutes later. Then went to my bedroom after getting them naked on the couch.
Still haven't seen the whole movie.
The Rugrats Movie because I'll get a boner during the poopy diaper scene and then we can fuck.
*well day
I've worn hoodies for something like 5 of my 6 last dates and I fucked 3 of them, 4th has been my gf for 2 years
But you're right she sometimes teases me about wearing hoodies. In a cute way thought
she looks like she fucks bareback
You're right, I'm 6'1", so above average. How tall are you?
Same bud. Actually I don't think I have even come within 20 feet of a woman in like 7 years aside from my mother.
why would you go to a movie theatre for a date? Do you not want to have sex?
Women typically don't like it when you talk about how well the date is going when you're still on the fucking date
>27 yo
>walking home from work
>women I walk past gives me "the look" and is staring straight at me
>this has never happened before to me I caught her eyes twice and looked at the ground and continued to walk
holy shit I had no idea what I was supposed to do
Why not?
What does sex feel like
Starship Troopers
Really? I used to love it a long time ago. How do all of the niglets afford to get in?
yes and?
bags of sand
Kubo and the 2 strings
second date with my current gf, first "real" date, has been going great, would recommend
The good news is you were almost definitely imagining it
6'1", not that this is a dick measuring contest. You're worried about being labeled a predator for making a move on women and that's literally the last thing I would ever worry myself over, so that says a lot more about the differences between us than what you claim your height to be on the internet.
> wow I think you nailed it
My fucking sides
Jesus it's just that easy with most woman.
I'm not, because I'm 31. I'm saying boys growing up today are.
>claw nails
No thank you.
The first one was Okja, we just kissed and cuddled the whole time, I din't remember a single bit about it but it sound boring.
For that other girl it was Tokyo Drift, kino car races.
My romantic mind would like to watch Moonrise Kingdom or Chunking Express with a girl, or literally anything along those vibes, a feel good romantic movie, with a great soundtrack and comfy setting.
I don't leave my room that much.
>Don't narrate how the date is going out loud while you're still on the date. That's some anti-social Ted Bundy behaviour. Creep. You ain't getting dick now
dunno, possibly some urban education initiative to bus niglets around and make them do shit but when I passed through Maryland I gave it a visit and had a shit time.
I didn't like any of Baltimore.
30 seconds of bliss
5-20 minutes of boredom
1 hour of fatigue
and potentially
18 years of existential dread and hatred for women
Just fuck a fatty bro.
Dude... A chick isn't going to make the first move. So you need to see how far she'll let you take it.
Every single girl who didn't want to fuck, told me so. And I stopped. Half of those ended up having sex with me anyway, but the other half, I let them be and almost all of them ended up letting me fuck them on the next date (if I didn't ghost them, or they didn't ghost me).
Don't ever NOT make a move though.
Women like sex. They love it, in fact.
If she's letting you spoon her, if she's on your bed. She's down to do something sexual, even if it's just some finger play, a little heavy petting and making out.
You don't take care of that pussy, she's gonna find a man who will.
>DiCaprio has gotten me laid so many fucking times, guy's a legend in my mind.
>goth hospital
Based and metal pilled.
>Movies? OK but before we go that far, tell me about your family background. I need to make sure you're really white first.
Picrelated, but unironically
>My romantic mind would like to watch Moonrise Kingdom
Moonrise Kingdom was the movie I went to see with my first girlfriend when I held her hand for the first time. I was 18 and it took about an hour into the movie until I had built up the courage to grab her hand
Imagine caring enough to have sex in 2019. That’s gonna be a big yikes from me
Fuck, you're right. I bet she'd ask for it too.
That's the hottest shit, when a girl begs you to fill her with cum.
>make a move
Literally what does this even mean
The Fellowship of the Ring.
damn she hit the wall
ps. fuck off normalfags
Kek. Michigan is accurate. Everyone outside of Detroit, hates that nigger city.
''Columbine tapes''
initiating kissing or physical contact or hand holding. He's right, women will literally never do it. They think if you're not making the first move it means you don't actually like them. It is the man's burden.
Very much depends on the girl, but I agree.
If they're the type to get bored easily, they'll hate the long stretches of nothing, but if they're into it then Goose carries the whole date.
What he's getting information from the heist girl and smacking her around I had a girlfriend that literally squirmed closer to me and said "ugh look how he just manhandles her" shit was gr8
literally caked in make up
I invited a tinder girl over to watch a movie at my place one time, we decided to watch something neither of us had seen so we watched Isle of Dogs. I got wine and ice cream for us to have during the movie. She didn't even drink her wine and just wanted to get right to business so she started sucking my dick while I was watching the movie. Turns out Isle of Dogs is a good movie so I paused it and asked if she wanted to have sex, she said no so I said she could stop sucking my dick if she wanted to watch the movie (she was horrible at sucking dick). She declined and told me she had to go home because her roommate was worried about her, she took the ice cream and left.
Now every time I think of Wes Anderson I think of that girl who sucked my dick for 3 minutes and then left. Barely said a word to her.
Absolutely cute and beyond based.
The thrill of mustering the courage and finally moving your hand really is something.
I hope you re-watched it afterwards
Boku no Pico
You mean our date is going WELL. Not 'good'. Well. Jesus fucking Christ. Come and find me when you've learned how to speak English, maybe we'll go see a movie then.
U're suppose to watch the movie before u eat so u have something to talk about.
They tend to, you can't get this pale without being close to dying.
but they compain about how creepy men are for being forward and hitting on them. i don't get it
Ever play chess?
"stop looking at the pieces and make a move!"
"stop looking at her lying on your bed and make a move!"
i love aquariums so i enjoyed it, it was around $25 and it was pretty empty when i was there
definitely not first date material though
she sounds fucked.
Did you get checked for bugs afterword?
what do you mean horrible at sucking dick, did she use teeth or something lol
have sex
Putting the Infinity Glove on your dick
>Just fuck a fatty bro
Would rather stay a kissless virgin
As soon as you're spooning literally just get touchier and touchier. Touch her waist, squeeze it a little, work her up, throw in some neck kisses, then get more bold, brush over her nipples or lightly grope her ass a little. Tease the shit out of her and make her wet, then just do whatever you want basically. Just have build up. Start slow and go from there.
Eventually flip her around (they love that shit) and give her a real kiss. If you're lazy or don't know what to do, pull her on top of you so she has to do the undressing
Should meet a girl online and invite her over to your room, bro. Two birds one stone.
>dyed hair
hard pass
my gf used to suck my dick randomly all the time
7 years later were married and i havent had a bj since july last year
wat do??
As a wise user said a while back, stick your finger in your inner cheek. It's exactly like that. But all around and on your dick.
This is ridiculous
she probably thought you were gonna rape her
>Kevin James
This is accurate
I love aquariums too, it might have been 75 for two tickets, but it was still too much.
I can't watch dolphins in an ugly-ass empty and undersized tank though- that was what really made my experience there irredeemable.
Now Maui Ocean Center-
There's an aquarium.
yup, being rejected romantically is literally a thing only men have to deal with.
No one uses apps like Tinder here in my country.
The girls that do just use it to get attention points, no one actually meets up with almost anyone
My husband's too tired most nights
kind of funny that you had to type this all out for what should be common sense for any functional men
Yeah FBI, this guy right here
>functional men
what website do you think you're on right now
Like a warm tiny slip and slide that's constantly being rewound.
It sucks as a man to have to decrypt their nonsense, but it is what it is.
At least you don't bleed between your legs for a week every month.
check your Yea Forums DMs
Find a mistress
>walking at night
>woman several yards in front
>starts walking faster when she notices me
>i get offended so i just start sprinting forward
>usually they do too, one even ran into a random building
>keep running past them and just in time to catch the light
lol get fucked roasties
>meet pleb girl
>show her the wonders of pure kino
>precious virginity is safe another day
i'm sorry, what do you mean, "don't watch the thing?" i think you meant to type, "do watch the thing."
Just reading this gives me anxiety.
Touch her waist? How? Do I do it as soon as she's close or wait for a particular moment? How long do I touch it? Will she not immediately react to me suddenly touching her on her waist? When to proceed next?
Too much for me
I don't know maybe talk to her about it?
double anal drill team
What's your contingency plan for one going psycho and macing you?
>usually they do too
How often has this happened?
>functional men
Western civilization has very few of those left thanks to a hyper feminized system of child upbringing and a retarded media system sending little boys the wrong facts about how to behave with women.
Kevin James?
>Let's do something else other than a movie so we can socialize.
Is no one going to mention Kevin James?
>ask what her favorite movie is
>type Yiffy
>she's already wet just by that
>download in 1080p because I consider myself a cinephile
>movie is done in less than 3 seconds
>A: 10 V:10
>by the time i press play she's already sucking my cock
legit comfy panty droppers:
The Dark Crystal
The Never Ending Story
any of em literally never fail to work on tinder/okcupid netflix and chill tier thots
She's cheating on you.
Don’t silly such an amazing show experience with the memory that you got shot down asking a girl to watch it with you
Tell her she's hotter than Boron and Sand Lava
Start by rubbing her waist and her upper thigh. Move down to her ass, and up to her ribs. Eventually, move to kiss her, or lightly squeeze her breast.
She will be soaking wet down there if she's into you and into it.
Damn I miss that shit. Been with my girl for two years, she's great, but god that first night is always so fucking fun. You're lucky man. Just remember man, they're all sluts.
Mother of God this pleb is getting laid to pacific rim.
they cant catch me im too fast
like 4 times, maybe moar
I've never seen the full movie, but damn if I don't have a positive view of it in my mind thanks to that night.
Heard it's shit too, so I don't want to watch it and ruin the good vibes that movie has for me.
Woody Woodpecker cartoons while high on Meth.
they were looking for any excuse to not watch this piece of shit
Do this. And don't overthink it, purge all the "what if" thoughts and focus entirely on how her body feels under you hands and how she's reacting to your touch. As long as you keep in mind "start slow and build up" it's honestly pretty hard to fuck up. If she's already laid down on a bed and you're spooning her, the hard parts are all already over.
Same bruh. Got a great girl, but that thrill the first time you fuck is real special
She's beginning to hit the wall
Do not adopt a strategy. Either it happens or it doesn’t but it should always be organic
Don’t talk about Emily like that
this film connoisseur is based and kinopilled
>go on a date
Well if it's anything like other anons said earlier I can already tell I am way too autistic to ever pull it off. I'll probably just go another 5 years of nothing until I hit 30 then hang myself
The inside of your cheek is the same skin as the inside of a vagina. So just stick to a raw sea food diet for 2 weeks and don't brush your teeth at all and you will have an exact replica of the experience. No woman required.
>fury road - bj during
I hope you said "Oh, what a day, what a lovely day" during the bj.
I know with the Portland zoo they make the admission super cheap if you're on welfare/the poorfag school lunch program.
The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre
This is the correct answer. No movie on the first date.
How based can be some Yea Forums posters?
Holy fuck, thankfully some spergs have grown up.
If you can't handle regular girls, work extra hard to find an awkward one, be autistic together.
Or failing that, get a decent hooker, tell her your situation, have her show you what's up. Other anons will probably give me shit for that one, but it's honestly not a bad way to break through the barrier of sex being this scary unknown thing.
I appreciate the advice but it's too late for me, I'm gonna die a loser. Any anons under 20 reading these posts pay attention though
Am I the only one who cant stand watching movies with other people? It's like you cant get immersed because you constantly are made aware of their presence.
>Too late
It’s only the beginning, bro.
If you work on yourself you can make it, step by step.
The only way to really fail is to give up man
Fuck that shit dude I didn’t even start getting pussy again until I was 30
if she was a spic then this would really be true
only if you watch it at the kinoplex
I would suggest going to a titty bar before going the hooker route
If you continue doing what you're doing and spending a large amount of time on Yea Forums/the internet in general, yeah, you probably will die a loser. But that's a choice
Ehhhh, I disagree. Hookers with their own websites or from places like TNABoard are classy and discrete and you don't have to interact with all the weird fucks that frequent/run titty bars/strip clubs
This. If a strong female lead and David Bowie's tight pants don't get her going she was never going to fuck you anyway
But she won't understand
What's a titty bar?
Who /milfwest/ here?
A greasier version of a gentleman's club
what's a gentleman's club
>make a move
>she doesn't like it
>you're now accused of trying to rape her and possibly go to jail
>don't make a move
>if she really wants it she'll initiate
>if she doesn't you still have your hand
The risk to reward ratio just isn't there anymore. Back when the worst thing that could happen was awkwardness from social rejection it was worth it, but today you risk jail time.
An upscale strip club. My God how sheltered is this board? Literally the first thing I did when I turned 18 was go to a club with my loser friends to get a private dance and a blowjob from an exotic dancer
A club where you drink whiskey, smoke cigars and call each other gentlemen. No plebians allowed
>she doesn't like it
>you're accused of rape.
First off, if you think this happens more than 1 in millions, you're retarded. If she doesn't like it, she'll move away/tell you to stop. Hence why you start slow like waist touching and move up from there.
>if she really wants it she'll initiate
Nope. Extremely rare to get a girl that will do this.
Stop making excuses and get in there dude.
>Good Movies on a First Date General
Just start the thread with that instead of that fucking bullshit before it.
Sounds great, good for you
nobody uses the word haggard you dumb flip
>and a blowjob from an exotic dancer
I've never understood how dudes get dancers to do this. I've been to a few clubs and all that ever happens is they cocktease to ring more and more money out of me. What am I doing wrong? What state/country did this happen in?
>if she really wants it she'll initiate
You have to be really good looking for this
Hot Fuzz, then we fuck
"Batman v. Superman: The Dawn of Justice"
They're fucking strippers man, they're already usually drugged out whores. Get a bit of coke, get a private dance, offer her the coke, then start getting touchy feely in the private room if it's not being monitored.
They're basically soft core brothels
Ask for bottle service.
Horrible advice. Stay out of titty bars. The pussy is literally on a pedestal and nobody’s getting it. Those places will totally fuck up your ability to interact with non-strippers
Yeah, this sounds way seedier than the places I've been, that makes sense.
You can buy multiple whores for less than that.
this could work but not as a first date
Women hate blowjobs, but use them to trick men into marrying them. I got more blowjobs in the first three months we dated than the first six years of marriage.
The first movie date I had with this girl, I chose The Wind That Shakes The Barley. I had never seen it before but I thought the whole Irish thing would be a good sell and the stills I saw had like the landscape thing going so I thought it was going to get her basement flooded. It was not a good choice, however. She was legit upset when the movie was over. And not just upset in general but like upset at me. She asked "Why would you make me watch a movie like that?" I played dumb and said something about how long it was and I could have picked a shorter movie but she interrupted me, talking about the how mean/violent they were, the scene with the women get their hair cut off, etc. I thought I could help it by explaining how the guys in the movie had it way worse than the women but she didn't take to that at all. There was a short "discussion" but we just kind of dropped it and I ended up leaving not long after.
Thanks user, I became a man that day.
Full disclosure: I was just an innocent, good looking wh*teboi and she was a sexy little Filipina with fake tits that had me in her sights the moment I walked in
> test
Been to strip clubs across the US as a rich, handsome dude. From the Ritziest places in Vegas, South Florida and NYC, to the lowliest West Virginia and North Florida shitholes. Nobody gets blown unless they wayyyyyy overpay
>Literally the first thing I did when I turned 18 was go to a club with my loser friends
I haven't had any friends since like 10 years old
Alita: BA and you have to wear this costume I made (mom did the sewing bc I'm not allowed to use the machine)
Go to Montreal breh
As an innocent looking, good looking whiteboy, I appreciate it, I think I'll find an exotic club sometime
This has been my experience also, but to be honest they probably just clock that you have money from a mile away and know they can get it out of you.
Jesus Christ user, she is laying in your bed, she at least wants a kiss. After that you will know damn well if she wants to fuck.
Reading this thread makes me feel like I landed on another planet. It's totally inconceivable to me that you guys can easily do this shit with women. I would be paralyzed with fear by attempting to even do a tenth of what you guys are talking about.
i took a chinese girl to the museum of the american revolution in philly, i thought it was dope
we're dating now
I'll be your friend, lets get wasted and get your dick wet this weekend brother
Your first problem is putting pussy on a pedestal, that will get rid of a lot of anxiety
It's cliche but true, don't be one of those guys who thinks he isn't good enough when a girl is already showing interest
I don't even know what that means. For reference I have a hard time dealing with anyone, men included. I've been at the same workplace for 6 years and I still get anxious whenever one of my coworkers I have known for that long tries to talk to me about even the most mundane things.
That means you need drugs
I think you're right, a lead overdose.
What is we're just sitting next to each other on the couch?
What about when you're told your whole life that you aren't good enough? Confidence comes from others feeding it to you. You cannot just magic self-confidence into yourself. Dumb normalfag.
Unironically this. You may legitimately need anxiety medication, I've had friends that it really helped a lot
You're right. You have to start slow and build up. None of this stuff happens overnight and none of the people here that had success had it happen suddenly. It takes a lot of smaller victories
Girl I long term dated had me go to a few movies with her. All ones she wanted to see.
Unbroken- The WW2 japan prision camp movie.
50/50 - about Joseph Gordon-Levitt getting cancer
and Pirates of The Caribbean 4 which I ended up seeing 5 times in theaters because people kept asking me to go see it and i was too embarrassed to tell them I saw it.
Im sure we went to other movies but I dont remember, I think some capeshit
She married some other dude who was already married and I think abusive and went to Haiti for their Honey Moon right around when Trump called it a shit hole country.
I dont think movies are great dates unless you do dinner after. But i havent had a legit girlfriend so i dont think my opinion counts for much.
>immediately jumps to prescripts
Maybe try shrooms first
Never ever take a first date to the movies unless you are a flaming faggot cu.ck. However an action romcom at the pad is like a high speed frieght train to the booty.
Then the thigh is your best friend in the world. Get closer and closer and when you're in a good comfy spot set your hand down so it's touching her leg, not super intentional, just kinda there. If she doesn't react negatively, touch her knee. If she doesn't react negatively, move up her leg a little. Etc etc. If she moves away at any point give it a little chill time then take another shot, but slower.
If you've gotten to the point where you've massaged her thigh a good amount, turn and lean in for a kiss. If you're really feeling like you've got balls, gently take her chin and turn her towards you, they love that kind of thing
>>Our first date is going pretty good
Errr are women normally this perspicacious of the situation they're in?
Well yeah, try everything else first, pills are a last resort, but if someone is having a constant anxious reaction to well known coworkers they see all the time, they should probably at least see a shrink.
> Skin
>watching a movie and not making one instead
when I was a sex addicted degen 7-8 years ago I literally fucked girls after the first date (some take a few dates) and recorded them fucking. actually had an xhamster account with a lot of videos but I shut it down.
>casually dropping that $5 word
This user definitely fucks
A movie you enjoy, so you can already test for compatibility. If she absolutely hates a movie you love, you're in for a bad ride.
But don't make it too serious (drama) or a movie that requires your full attention at all times (Inception).
I'd personally go with something like:
- Deadpool
- Captain America: The Winter Soldier
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Inglorious Basterds
- Pulp Fiction
I love movies with good characters and strong dialogue.
If she would hate superhero or sci-fi movies because they're too nerdy, or if Tarantino movies offend her, I already know there will be compatibility issues so I know not to invest much into her.
brokeback moubtain has gotten me laid 3 times
>girl comes over
>asks me that question
>show her a scene from tetsuo
I thought my autism times were over but I keep surprising myself
POV Jugg Fuckers 2
Sounds like I'm supposed to dismantle a damn bomb
I'll never be able to do any of this shit
A club full of gentlemen, but thats not important right now
slit your wrists you pathetic capeshit manchild
Not an inaccurate description honestly. It feels pretty complicated, especially the first few times, but it's worth it and it does get easier
she will understand your raging erection
eat shit
this only works with buxom lasses
Tennessee truly is the penis of the united states
>they should probably at least see a shrink.
maybe but I really don't care anymore, I'm too old and really feel like I want to die. My mind wanders to killing myself whenever its idle.
You're the only ten I see, user
>My mind wanders to killing myself whenever its idle.
Again, really great candidate for therapy. Just take the leap, literally what's the worst that can happen by just trying it?
You saying you're too old is an insult to old people
if a girl goes through all the trouble to ask for my phone number and set up plans to hang out why can't she just make the first move bros? they always stop talking to me after i don't do anything
>Extremely rare to get a girl that will do this.
>tfw got a girl that will do this
Actually same, it's the shit when they kiss first or just hop on your lap, feels 10/10
>donating content to the porn site Jew
This 1000x. I Jewed myself out of tons of pussy but never realized it until after I started slaying
yeah, i was cuddling with her today and she just grabbed my dick and asked if i wanted to have sex. pretty nice.
imagine a movie so bad two bitches decide the suffering from having sex with this dude is less painful than watching the movie.
>farmers markets
>page 10
Show's over everybody go home.
Last thing I'll say is step 1 to not having a shit life is getting off Yea Forums, so when this archives close your fucking browser and go do literally anything else.