Like fucking clockwork

Like fucking clockwork.

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>alt-right gesture instead of OK symbol
What's the difference?

words cannot even describe the shit hole this planet is

>Gay Jew that larps as an Anglo turns out to be a secret Nazi.


wtf kill this nazi

Sick of gay nazis

Wow look at all these reputable news sources

What did he do to make them look for a time he made the OK symbol?

Yeah they’re reversible, no matter what hand you use people can say they see a W and a P. It’s fucking stupid.

Depends on the race of the person performing it.

>be retarded /pol/zoomer
>at one point rightfully notice Stephen Fry is a disgusting homo diddler (like most anglos)
>some time passes
>Stephen Fry makes a meme hand gesture
>/pol/zoomers now completely forget about his gay diddling ways and now think he’s based and will definitely watch his next show on BBC

lmao it’s fun watching /pol/zoomers fail

Reminds me of that paste Magazine article about projared and how youtubers in general are useless compared to the press.

Reminder that though Fry may be a lefty gay, he's argued in favor of free speech repeatedly, so he's at the very least one of the good ones.
They're going to crucify him for his transgressions against the narrative/

I percieve a lack of testosterone over here

Screw him he is a nasty old faggot who has a young rentboy.

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Said the anglo

have sex

look it's you idiots' fault no one can use that hand gesture ever again. why don't you do something useful and meme me up a goddamned job so i can leave this site?

I've always thought he was based, you moronic sudaca.

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Yeah you’ve always been an retard I guess

the fuck trip did you just go on?

Don't use evidence and logic on them. It's a form of abuse.

Who's going around saying he's based?

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>Nazi's ruined one of the oldest human symbols in history that has been used by more or less every culture since civilization began
>neo-nazis ruined pretty much every single Germanic symbol that has ever existed
>neo-nazis are ruining every historical national symbols

Fucking make up your own damn logos you retarded cucks. I don't want to be associated with some limped-pricked larping mutts just because I like the heraldry and symbols of my nation.

>all i have to do is let this fat fuck jam it in my shitter for a few years until he dies of a heart attack and then i'm loaded

shitlibs don't have to hysterically overreact to everything /pol/ does. they can try to behave like rational humans

Based boylover

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Instead of hand gestures why don't we take away the rainbow flag and tranny flag? Imagine the butthurt from faggots who can no longer wave their flags in pride parades because it "represents hate speech"

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I liked QI with Fry was one of the best comedy quiz shows and very interesting.

Sandi can fuck off and die though

you sound like a cuck and probably a kiddie-toucher

>Bound Into Comics
Wow, all the major organizations

>shitlibs eating their own
Like pottery'

>cuck and a kiddie-toucher
No. I'm not a neo-nazi. Just a bit of a nationalist.

>an retard

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Most people agree he's a good entertainer.
Sorry about your bad taste.

Sauce on this animation?


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This confirms that journos (aka hostile intelligence agents) lurk here a lot.

Sorry I don’t have shit taste.

lmao, cant wait until they try to call some deaf person a white supremacist for using sign language

Where is this from?

or you could reject the ex nihilo narrative of the media that attempts to suppress human nature with propaganda

>pointing out that contemporary (((media))) and western cultural discourse is a fucking joke means I love homos
nice logic faggot. kys tripcunt

Praise boomers.

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Genuinely thought this was Chris Chan. Imagine my shock


>thumbs up is racist
>ok is white supremacist
>moving your arms above your shoulders when not stretching is racist

Two sexes - Male, female.

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Was this fattie alt-right?

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Yikes dude. Get help.

>V for Vendetta Actor...
What the fuck? Is that what he's actually most well known for in the US?

How do we stop the alt right bros?

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Who fucking associates Stephen Fry with V for Vendetta?

You guys underestimate how retarded the average '''''''''''journalist''''''''' and twitter users are.

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His kind (leftists and atheists) were the ones who laid the groundwork for all this nonsense faggotry to take place, though. Considering his stance on free speech, I suppose he either didn't realize where it all was going or was foolish enough to buy into his own bullshit, thinking that it was going to make the world a better place and only sees the current far-left kvetching as progression simply taking a turn to the wrong direction (even though that turn was taken a whole lot earlier).

Nevertheless, I still applaud his talents in comedy, though, and the 'It's a Wonderful Life' -themed skit he did with Hugh Laurie about Rupert Murdoch is a classic. But he's not someone I look up as "one of the good ones."

>/pol/ started that freebleed meme
>/pol/ memed that drinking milk is racist
>/pol/ memed that the ok sign was actually a symbol of hate
God journalists and liberals are fucking dumb

If the Jewish Internet Defense League officially states it as not associated as a hate symbol, what other proof do you need really?

It’s not retardation. It’s jews playing the rules for radicals handbook like they’ve been doing for years.

They are fully demoralized, they will ignore facts to continue along. Or you get the lovely
>y'all a bunch of wypipol neway ngl

What are they saying now?

holy fucking shit dude

Is this a joke?
A few years ago if the press had nothing to write about they'd pick a random celebrity and accuse them of some minor shit like cheating, but these days it's pedophilia, nazism or wife beating. Fucking hell.

No, it's actually just them being retarded. The OK symbol being racist was a prank by /pol/ that the fake news media fell for hook, line, and sinker.

fuck off pedo

>caring so much about what the cuck media says that you'll let it dictate your life

/pol/ are retarded but it's pretty funny that people now think the OK sign is racist

>gotta signal im not racist before saying i think the ok sign being racist is funny
Virtue signaling on an anonymous image board no less. Why just incase somebody somehow sees a posting history? You know this site doesn't have that right?


WHat the fuck are you talking about> Where did I "virtue signal" or say I wasn't racist? By saying "/pol/ is retarded?" You assuming a lot there retard. I might be racist, i might agree with a lot of what i see on /pol/, but you you cannot spend any time there and not realize they are mostly retarded.

They didn't fall for it, they exploited it.

Do you seriously believe that would get you off this site?
I've been here since late 2004 and I've gotten married, moved across the Atlantic and changed profession and I'm still here.
Stop fooling yourself.

ex-fucking-cuse me

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that's what /pol/ wanted.
The only end goal is to watch things burn. We tricked basement dwellers into being Nazis to achieve this goal

Yes people were tricked into wanting less niggers committing crimes. It was all a prank you see we don't really want niggers thrown in jail we just want them to keep on killing and raping.

The planet's fine, we just have a bit of a leftist infestation that no one wants to deal with.