Be the literal Frankenstein

>Be the literal Frankenstein

>Get killed easily by your own creation


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Is that nigga dabbin?

His name is Frankenstein's monster, for christ sake.

>both of them are dabbing
Bros, D&D are sending us message!

is this a real screenshot ?

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That's exactly what I said.

No, you called him Frankenstein, when in actuallity it's Frankensteins' monster.
Common mistake, don't worry.

Dude just lock-on and strafe to the right


He said Frankenstein got killed by his own creation. Can you read?

yo...this nigga fucking dabbin

I called Qyburn the Frankenstein. He was killed by his own creation (the Mountain/Robert Strong)

It's like poetry...

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No, the doctor was called Frankenshtein. Hence, the Frankendein's monster.
>can you read
Can you?

Wow almost like they read Mary Shelleys book Frankenstein

Are you retarded? It's a common mistake, don't worry.

someone post the varys edit

Not with that wide swing you gotta roll to the left.

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Are you retarded?

Nice b8.


jesus christ that awful chorography

Qyburn is the GoT equivalent to Dr Frankenstein because he reanimated Gregor, who became the GoT equivalent to Frankenstein's Monster
Qyburn was killed by Gregor, which is equivalent to Frankenstein being killed by his monster
So it's correct to say Frankenstein was killed by his own creation
If you still don't get it you're either ESL or baiting

>haha I'm just pretending to be retarded soo epic
based newfag "troll"

>Qyburn was killed by Gregor, which is equivalent to Frankenstein being killed by his monster
Now you're making no fucking sense.

They should have hired you, a master of CHOROGRAPHY

fucking retard he means exactly what he said. dude got killed by his creation

Why did the zombie obey him without question, and even when the castle was falling he was ready to sacrifice himself so the rocks don't kill his master and the queen, then a second later he suddenly stops obeying and kills him?

Frankenstein wasn't killed by his own creation. He died of pneumonia

>get hilariously BTFO
>double down and pretend like it was ebin b8 all along
embarrassing display

phoneposting is hard

>why does this shitty show have shitty writing

There must always be a Cleganebowl.

You all are some dumb fucking niggas.
>be Frankenshtein
>create monster
>monster is henceforth known as Frankenstein's monster
What's so fucking hard to understand? He didn't die in this scene, he killed Frankenstein's monster. Jesus.

Honestly I'm just gonna assume undead Mountain laying eyes on Sandor must have awakened him or sent a surge through his reanimated brain some shit like that and in that moment nothing else mattered but confronting his brother who equally hates him

Have sex



Dumb people are idiots, and quite frankly I think they are stupid.

See? One single smart person in this fucking retarded thread.

Have sex

but they already met before and he didn't do shit. it's just bad writing

But they already met at that meeting last season and Sandor taunted him even, why didn't he attack him then?

Have sex

so epik xD

It wasn't yet time for Cleganebowl.


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Do sex

>literally dabbing on his own grave
based Qyburn

Top fucking kek

Having sex


I appreciate the explanation tho, that's very nice.

That was probably the greatest genius in the world he just murdered without barely thinking about it.

>Be the literal Frankenstein
If he was the Frankenstein, wouldn't he be the monster?

It's the corpse of a man who didn't think much even when he was still breathing.


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Still that's basically Nikola Tesla who got snuffed out in 1 second.


His creation is quite strong...Robert Strong

If he's such a genius, why didn't he invent a bike helmet?

Out of all the disappointments id say Clegane Bowl was the least of them

Add darth sidious' scream to that clip for some reddit gold

Or yoda death sound.

we didn't actually see Qyburn die onscreen, just hit his head. Hoping he lives, he's one of the best c's

Even better I think kek

Nah he's dead as fuck or at least severely brain damaged

nigga his head fuckin exploded