How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history, Yea Forums?
How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history, Yea Forums?
feeling very subverted, op
>Jaime, who was a horrific incestual monster abandoned everything and everyone he cared for so that he could die slipping his finger into his sister's puss one last time
actually rocks fell on him
Why’s this tribesman using a pedo symbol in his twitter handle?
>looks like a dyke
>pushes Far Left politics
>defends shitty writing
>praises D&D
>"muh feminism"
>Dany fan
>thinks everything that happened was "poetic"
>identifies as otherkin
It's like I didn't need to do my homework...
metaphorical death
What is the metaphor in any of these situations?
>Jaime, who lived his whole life without rocks falling on him and killing him, has rocks fall on him and kill him.
Like pottery.
the lefty dany fans are all raging this season. this is level nine stupidity
Dany whos actress had a brain attack had an ingame brain attack and went psycho
really makes you think
interesting that he left Jaime's death out. I bet even him knows it was fucking shit.
Thousands of them who didn’t abort their fetuses over the last decade have named their gender neutral daughters Danaerys are having apoplectic fits at the moment. It’s beautiful.
>that first bullet about lyanna mormont
I can't believe people this stupid exist.
s-surely it's just a coincidence
Only normies hated it though
Subversion for the sake of subversion is not good writing
have sex
stop asking questions
My friend, I don't think you're applying that to the correct situation
you posted this instead of having sex
damn ... this is some DEEP shit man like my brain is spining right now this is some INCEPTION TIER shit for sure
vrother I'm not who you initially responded to, but can't we all just enjoy danyfags collapsing?
>I-it’s the end result that matters and nothing else!
>Any decisions made by the characters don’t matter and never did!
Fuck these people.
>The man who spent most of his life building a like-minded community around hi, died when said community turned on him,
um amigo, have some sexo
>the man who spent his life pining after a gf attracts a selection of groupies only after his death
supreme pottey
Why is Euron dying on a beach special? He basically lives and battles entirely in the ocean. He is in all likelihood going to die either on his boat or washed up on a beach, like all the other iron born that died
t. poor critical mind and intelligence
Based ACDEM.
>a man who claimed to have an innate ability to interact with animals gets killed by one
remember when karl talked about that dude at the bar called "johnny hat" because he never wore a hat? this is the same level of logic
>people like Lyanna Mormont instead of cringing whenever she appears
This is why I’m glad evil dany upset normies
The show has sucked for years and I’m glad that yass kween fags get to feel bad at the end
how ironic... it's like pottery...
Did she write the whole season?
>Character who wanted to drill the kid from Home Alone in his bed, dies alone, in his bed.
He got his rocks off
>Euron Greyjoy died on a beach
It would have been far more poetic if he died far away from the sea.
>Euron Greyjon died after penetrating two twins.
Even more potterific.
t. poor critical mind and intelligence
Arya who wanted to kill Cersei for 8 seasons, didn't.
Tyrion, who wasn't friends at all with Varys, said he was a good friend.
Davos, who had his sons killed by Tyrion and owed him no favor, did a favor for Tyrion.
So fucking based bros holy shit pottery it rhymes.
>me, talk about the type of hot sex I'd have with hot celebrities
>is actually a virgin and will never have sex
Wow, my whole life is a pot of trees.
Stopped reading there
>guys guys look I frikkin OWNED this guy on twitter
absolutely B.A.S.E.D.
have sex and followers
yeah, that's a big OOF from me, dog
and a big WOOF from me dog
Am I ever glad I bowed out of this shit years ago. Imagine being associated with these obsessed normalfags, cat ladies and social justice freakshows.
These are 100% dumb and whoever tweeted this should actively feel bad.
>responds seriously to meme one liners
You a bit daft, mate?
holy BASED
Can you imagine his reaction had Euron, who spent most of his life at sea, died at sea?
daily reminder to this guy in particular that poetry in prose isn't necessary good and poetic prose is often fucking trash especially so far as narratives are concerned and also character stories coming full-circle isn't even fucking poetic aND ALSO intentionally subverting logical conclusions to established story beats is just another form of conclusion and nothing to be lauded and another thing what the FUCK kind of name is jerem
"Mace Windu. Dies jumping from a window" level of poetic deaths here
Mace Tyrell. Dies while his family takes the entire L
Isn't that spiral in his name a pedo symbol?
>Theon wanted to kill Bran
Did we watch the same show?
I feel like this guy would be blown away by alanis morisette
>little killed big
>How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history, Yea Forums?
It's silly that this is how people judge a show. That there can be a bunch of contrived endings. Not interesting. Same logic that gave us two episodes of fan service in a 6 episode season.