What is the worst ""critically acclaimed"" movie you've ever seen?
besides Disney shit
What is the worst ""critically acclaimed"" movie you've ever seen?
besides Disney shit
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Inb4 "but so and so is great mobie! timeless classic! harg harg harg" Nobody cares
black swan
I thought it would be about art but instead it was a schlocky horror movie where people rip their nails off for no reason
Fear and Loathing wasn't critically acclaimed
The Martian
The Great Wall
We Built a Zoo
The Shape of Water
what do you have against Matt Damon?
>fear and loathing
terrible taste
Jimmy Kimmel?
synechdoche new york or whatever.
pretentious bullshit
God awful. 3 hours of standing and staring out windows, wife problems, and horrendous dialogue.
The only reason anyone watches this is "wow epic Deniro AND Pacino!!! duuuuuude!" May as well just watch Righteous Kill, at least you can see Carla Gugino sex scenes. Hopefully the Irishman doesnt suck.
Precious and this
>Get out
The duo of overrated negro flicks
Add interstellar
lord of the rings, everything star wars, clockwork orange and i did not care for the godfather
Anything by Richard Linklater. He's a long-winded, pretentious hack.
I love Matt Damon but good god all of these movies were trash. Especially the Martian. Yeah we left everyone else to die but lets sacrifice our entire crew to potentially save Matt Damon, because Matt Damon.
this and gravity, what a shit show
La La Land
completely agree, sat through 90% of it on my fucking own lay in bed and turned it off at the end because i realised it didn't matter because all the story that preceded was shite
He insulted me a little bit
No Country for Old Men.
Maybe not the worst I've ever seen, but certainly didn't deserve Best Picture.
There Will Be Blood and The Assassination of Jesse James were both better pictures in 2007, and are still better films today.
Fucking BASED
No Country For Old Men is up there with Citizen Kane for Reddit praise
I just watched Fear and Loathing for the first time yesterday, was a fun time bros.
Hell Or High Water. That movie is fucking trash. I don't understand how it got so much praise.
low test replies
I can't deal with A Clockwork Orange, it's so reddit it's crazy
In what way is ACO "r*ddit"?
Sure it's Disney shit on top of being capeshit, but Black Panther still deserves special mention.
It fucking sucks, dude.
i watched it because i thought it would be high test action but i might as well have watched a six minute youtube compilation
It’s reddit because it became popular for its tacky weirdness. You are not allowed to like things like that you reddit freak
I enjoy the narration, music, linguistics, acting, but it's definitely aged the worst of Kubricks films. Many moments of horrendous editing. The scene where Georgie is drowning Alex as police goes on way too long, with terrible sound effects.
This is Based.
Pacino is awful in this and DeNiro is mediocre. Only the secondary characters are interesting.
Add the unjustified 3 hr runtime on top of that.
It's a decent film but nothing above average.
any LGBTQ+ movie within the last 10 years
In terms of disapointment? Godfather part 2. People say it's better than the first movie but it's a disjointed mess with cuting between young vito and the present. Cuba was fine but the whole part with the backstabing jew feelt out of place. Decent movie, but no where as good as the first one.
Objectively shit opinions. Filtered.
It was SO FUCKING BORING. I turned it off after 35 minutes
Tried watching it twice.
Quit at the same time both times.
Fucking boring movie.
This, but the villain was kino
I don't know what the fuck this film was trying to be, some subversive informed commentary on capeshit, I don't know, it came off as pretentious disjointed overlong "artistic shite".
I have heard this film come up several times among "top critics" and they almost talk about it like its the monolith of artistic cinema, the successor to 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Sorry it sucked. I will never like this film.
Downsizing may be the worst movie I’ve ever seen.
>it‘s every critic identifies with MC episode
this. shitman
also true, tried to enjoy it by thinking like a pretentious nob would but that didn't work really
do you like merlot?
every scene is fucking gold. especially the bathtub scene and the rant about the hippie movement.
shallow contrarian-just-to-be-contrarian retards
It's already been mentioned, but Clockwork Orange is the most overrated garbage film ever created.
Too may to list
But this one might be the most over-acclaimed flick in history
Yeah, that's pretty much reddit: the movie. Up there with fight club and the truman show.
"grand social satire" movies are fucking retarded.
Moulin Rouge (with Suckerpunch, my most hated movie ever)
Lady Eve
Sullivan´s travel
The Martian
Forrest Gump
The strange case of Benjamin Button
E. T.
Enter the Void
Interstellar is garbage
Inglorious Basterds is boring garbage
Requiem for a Dream just isn't that good
Capeshit is for simpletons and therefore 7/10 at best
Totoro is boring. The only good Ghiblis are Mononoke Hime and Porco Rosso.
Nah. No Country was shit and didn't have an ending. Llewelan is just seen dead in a hotel, no context. Its so disjointed.
Holy shit Birdman is great, a true pleb filter
>main character rapes a woman in the first 15 minutes and ultimately gets away with it
>r*dditors love this film
It's like you're all being retarded on purpose
Slept through the last hour. Capeshit – especially capeshit this boring – has no right to be two and a half fucking hours long.
I agree. Flashbacks went on too long, film was all over the place. I enjoyed the first one more.
And Godfather 2 was filmed between Lake Tahoe and Vegas, two places I grew up so it should have special value to me. The first film is still better.
>Disliking Totoro
Mononoke is just Nausicaa with more budget and less appealing characters, Porco is Great, though.
I agree. NCFOM is reddit tier meme garbage.
>Flip a coin! Hehe! So random
It went in too hard on being "comfy-core" and ended up being totally without value. I thought Nausicaa was just OK.
>Anything by Richard Linklater.
It is you-gu-gu-gu who are fuck-guk-guk-gucked
Boyhood aside he's a comfy fucking director who always gets really natural performances.
The before movies, waking life, a scanner darkly, bernie, the newton boys, and dazed and confused.
Boyhood was turd, and I never cared much for slacker, but he's not a bad director.
>Look at these nigs nigging
>Isnt it beautiful?
>Someday, I hope *I* am the niggest
no thanks
>DAT opening
>DAT new home day
>DAT rainy night at the bus stop
>DAT tree growing dance
>DAT whole missing Mei sequence
>DAT GOAT meeting
>totally without value
Okay, senpai...
It's a waste of 90 minutes, instead of watching it you could just look at the poster and get the same enjoyment out of imagine some whimsical shit.
>Hating Paul Giamatti: the movie
I never noticed how much airbrushing is going on with that poster.
You´ll learn to appreciate it when you get older
But doctor, I already AM older!
This, that movie was a fucking joke
Boyhood, Roma, Cache, Brooklyn, Avatar, Pi... there are just so many
ITT: Brainlets
Who praises The Great Wall? It was brain-dead chink pandering
>La la land
this and titanic
Black Swan.
Just a confused mess of a movie. I started to walk out, but was lured back when the lesbian sex scene started- and they even managed to screw that up.
I wish I had those two hours of my life back.
>i did not care for the godfather
How? It's the most perfectly paced film ever made, as well as being brilliantly acted, directed, and scored.
Hacksaw Ridge
The fellowship of the ring
V for vendetta
And the Godfather part 3
Boyz in tha hood
also fear and loathing is fucking excellent
Pulp Fiction
>Hacksaw Ridge
Forgot about that one. What a piece of shit.
I'm so glad I'm not brain-dead like you. 2001 is the most important film since it came out. Cinema would not be the same as it is today without it. Not only this, it is beautiful film in itself. What isn't there to like?
>V for vendetta
It's almost so bad it's good. Lots of satisfying moments, but SO MANY cringe-inducing ones too. Natalie Portman ruins it by herself.
Why is it so important?
Forrest Gump, but everyone knows it blew dogs.
Yeah, I thought it was good but certainly didn't deserve most of those Oscars.
what a fucking shitty movie.. all it is is a woman wanting to, and eventually actually, fucking a fish man..
the language they speak [in The Godfather] is a language of subtly.. something you don’t understand
>nothing would be the same without 2001
I guess you're right in that we probably wouldnt have as much le ai becomes sentient bullshit
fucking awful taste in movies
Hurt Locker, maybe I was in a bad mood or something but I have no idea how that piece of shit won awards
Who knew such an old film could still be such a pleb filter.
Because he’s an absolute pleb. Except with Star Wars, that shit sucks. And LotR ain’t bad to each his own.
>such an old film
Terrible taste. One of my most rewatched kinos. You’re smooth-brained, that’s the problem
Agreed, that movie is an unbearably annoying pretentious piece of shit and I love Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Halloween reboot
shakespear in love
it was just anglos wanking each other about their history but the output was still a lame as fuck movie
Go watch avengers
The Master.
I just watched it for the first time this weekend and I agree. I think it had some neat ideas, but liked the smell of it's own farts too much. It needed to be more grounded. The surreal stuff would have been nice in parts, but it took it too far.
>Keaton plays birdman
>Keaton was the first batman
I honestly thought it was a dark comedy and satirical and found it funny.
>lmao im a multihundred millionaire with a career that auto dispense millions of dollars every year from a rich family with multiple mega mansions here let me lecture you in a movie about the joys of living with nothing
pic related, one of damons mansions
The movie may be tacky, but pic related is based off the author of the book - who actually did have a group of guys break into his house and assault his wife. Most people don't realize this, but the story was written as his way of dealing with things.
To the movie's credit it almost is a good movie.
>jewish nerd hates self but in a charming way
Possibly the worst trope of all time
Don't know about how critically acclaimed it is but Reservoir dogs is one of the worst movies I've ever seen right up there with Disaster movie, Sausage party, Valerian and The sacrifice.
How can anyone dislike a movie this FUN is beyond me. It's just FUN. Stop going on about meaning and commentary, it's just a movie that's never not FUN
>The sacrifice
End yourself, please
why you didn't like it?
>the judges it by its tropes virgin
>the judges it by its execution chad
Ex Machina
Shawshank Redemption
>being this much of a brainlet
His wife was raped by us soldiers during wwii. The author of aco hated the novel and he hated the film. Especially after it caused copycat acts of violence and he took the brunt of the controversy while Kubrick was off being a faggot.
It made absolutely no fucking sense. Though the ending was entertaining when the dude was running around like a retard and the others chased him.
Shit throwing aside what the fuck was that movie about? I read that in theory they mashed up 2 scripts and it ended up this clusterfuck of nonsense bullshit.
>Shawshank Redemption
What’s not to like about that one. You’re just saying that to be edgy and special. Go fuck yourself
>Ex Machina
Didnt enjoy it either. I just dont like that jew actor guy and found it weird the guy caught feelings for a robot
A Beautiful Mind
The Shape of Water
Green Book
All objectively bad movies, by any metric.
>I'm so glad I'm not brain-dead like you
tips hat
2001 is not that good bucko face it
>the whole part with the backstabing jew feelt out of place
Have you ever met a jew user
2001 is the reason why changed science fiction, special effects, marketing, and music in films forever. Any film you can think about since 2001 regarding notable in any of these aspects are notable because of 2001.
>while Kubrick was off being a faggot.
Kubrick had it banned permanently from the UK because of reports of copycats
I agree with this. There was too much soap opera plot included that didn't balance well with the crime stuff. The gunplay is amazing though and deserves all the praise it gets, especially the opening heist
Anyone who doesn't say "Crash" is a pleb
now THIS is a stupid opinion. What did you hate about Reservoir dogs so much?
>Green Book
I agree. The soundtrack felt manipulative.
Get Out.
>Wypipo bad. Niggers good. Niggers popular.
Fuck that movie.
no one liked Elysium
yeah its pretty meh.
my assumption has always been there probably wasnt a lot of edgy films to compete with it? idk
I wouldn't call Enter the Void critically acclaimed
Boyhood, no contest.
>It made absolutely no fucking sense
Dude, it spells it out to you.
>Apocalypse is at hand
>Main character prays for another chance for mankind in exchange of what he holds dear
>Wish granted
>Burns his house and loses his family by behaving like a loon.
Cope harder pleb
I know the soulless meme gets tossed around a lot but if isn’t I don’t know what is
I don’t often get riled up on here but holy shit you have no taste
Probably the worst movies of the past five years.
No Country for Old Men
>"critically acclaimed"
>posts a cult-classic that is barely considered as such with very middling reviews
my fav film ama
pleb filtered
What do you like about it?
That was critically acclaimed?
>The Martian
What did you dislike about it?
That was also critically acclaimed?
>The Great Wall
Ok seriously what critic are you listening to
>We Built a Zoo
Never heard of it
What about call me by your name?
Agreed. It was a Micheal Bay level film using over the top emotional explosions instead.
Look, here's the thing, it is comfy core, and it does it better than almost any other comfy core movie. And I get it, you don't like comfy core, but it is the master at the style regardless.
30 years ago user,
the motifs, the inaccessibility of it all, that its funnier than it is depressing - im laughing at hoffmans character, its really practical for a "pretentious" film
i think you have to engage with it in a "hands off" way
give it another chance, dont take huge monologues seriously like the funeral scene, tonally it wouldnt make sense if you did, just enjoy the humor in the attempt to go grander and its futility
Im admiring the shape of your post user
The only lasting contribution 2001 made to sci-fi cinema was its overemphasis on special effects. Literally nothing in the movie was new or profound, from the "rogue AI" concept to the 20 minute "whoa man the colors!" hippie psychedelic sequence. What good ideas the movie had were drowned in glacial pacing and overlong sfx masturbation.
Intelligent, philosophical sci-fi, including themes like human evolution being influenced by extraterrestrial intelligence, had not only been done before, but had been done in a superior and more entertaining way. Check out the Quartermass miniseries made by BBC in the 50's for just one example.
Drive is boring garbage
Life of pi. Still think about how much it sucked
Shut the fuck up
It's fucked up that happened but because of Kubrick way more people will know that it did
The fact that this garnered any positive reception is proof of review conspiracy
lmao the absolute state of drivefags
Yeah we got capeshit and cgi fucking everywhere. BRAVO KUBRICK
Shit-tier opinion
The King's Speech definitively.
Reservoir Dogs is so much better than fucking Pulp Fiction, that shit is overrated as fuck
*Jabs you in the throat* Does he need to repeat himself, you abrasive fucking shit?
good pasta, saved
This. I remember being a kid and hearing people lose their shit over how edgy and great Pulp Fiction was. Checked it out and was looking for the exit by the time Travolta was doing the twist. Not a terrible movie, but way, way, way overrated.
Reservoir Dogs was superior in literally every way.
I feel like the world collectively got together behind my back and agreed to pretend pic related is somehow a masterpiece.
Fear and Loathing wasn't critically acclaimed, it was polarizing as fuck and Ebert hated it.
It's the audiences that loved the shit out of it
I'm going to be perfectly honest, this was the only best picture winner this decade that didn't want make me want to kill myself, and the only one I liked
annie hall is fucking shit garbage and woody allen never deserved a career
Not a masterpiece, not for everyone, but great none the less. I don’t begrudge anyone who hates it.
The movie was basically E.T. with some gratuitous sex and violence.
There Will Be Blood was objectively superior to No Country.
Her. couldn't make it through the whole thing I was so bored
>the audiences
read "drug addicts"
this is a piece of garbage
Good Will Hunting
Sanctimonious preachy garbage
>There was too much soap opera plot included that didn't balance well with the crime stuff
It relates directly to the theme and message of the film though which is that some individuals live meaningless lives until they meet another person who completes them. it's about specific relationships like cop vs. criminal or husband and wife. the simple idea being that none of those things can exist without the other
the moby track coming in at the end was perfect and it's worth noting that it got our guy henry some valuable screen time
never saw it, but the trailer looked good.
I suspect it fell into the category of "Movies I really really want to like before I've even seen them" for a lot of reviewers.
you have autism
Wow I had to make an effort to even remember this one.
Probably the most forgettable movie of all time
I saw Reservoir Dogs before Pulp Fiction and i remember how people hyped the movie so fucking much. Eveb Jackie Brown is much
better. I was dissapointed because the dialogue in general in Pulp was trying to be so fucking cool i just cringed.
really? I thought It was actually pretty good
even jackie brown? it's his best film by far my boy
It's a stupid, basic-ass concept that gets abandoned half-way through the movie.
It's like an abandoned sketch for a black mirror episode but without the sci-fi
2001 - a boring ass shit in SPACE
The original Star Wars trilogy (I hate all of them)
The Big Lewboski
Forrest Gump
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
Rear Window
sounds like you just have a hate boner for matt damon
It insists upon itself
> "One of the greatest movies ever made"
My fucking ass. I was talked into seeing this pile of dogshit by friends.
"You HAVE to see it!"
"The cinematography is amazing!"
"It was mesmerizing!"
Fuck ALL of them. I fell asleep twice trying to make it through this overhyped piece of garbage. Finally walked out and snuck into a different movie. What a boring piece of SHIT.
The Omen
I never understood the obsession with QT's alleged dialogue-writing skills. Sure, some of it is entertaining in a penny dreadful kind of way, but mostly it's just random stream-of-conscious tryhard shit.
"Yeah, wasn't it just so quirky and brilliant how they argued over foot rubs for 10 minutes? And they're hitmen, that's so absurd and kino!"
The Hateful Eight was pretty good if your idea of a fun theatre going experience is to spend two and a half hours hearing the word 'Nigger' every eight seconds. I honestly think QT is a pretty good director but I don't understand his fascination with that word.
American Beauty is the most pretentious trash I have ever seen. I do not understand how people can miss how pretentious it is.
yeah I liked Jackie Brown.
Probably not a coincidence that it's the least Tarantino-esque of all Tarantino's films.
Interesting. I'm going to rewatch it at some point and keep that in mind
You dislike One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest? How old were you when you watched it?
There Will Be Blood was plodding pretentious trash praised for a meme performance
Billboard Missouri. Oh my god that was fucking terrible.
2001: A Space Odyssey
>guy who is too cool and good and alone for relationships
>meets girl for 20 minutes at bar
>she's already the love of his life
hate it so much. focus on the OTHER two guys relationships, not DeNiros, I want DeNiro to be cool, pining after a chick isn't cool.
Fear and Loathing is fun to watch with some booze and snacks while you're trying to chill out, most movies you miss out on a lot by not paying complete attention but all the fun stuff in Fear and Loathing is surface level, it's a hangout movie.
Val Kilmer somehow played a really fucking cool character. Why was he so based? I can't describe why everytime I watch this movie I love the guy.
>there will be blood
This overrated piece of shit movie
Both great movies, get some taste
What's it like having good taste?
This. If you watch Woody Allen, you literally support having sex with your underrage adopted daughter then marrying her after divorcing your wife.
It's mildly interesting, that's it.
true but they're both good
Fuck Johnny depp
Only crime drama i like now is scarface. Can't stand goodfellas or any of the godfather.
All great movies, this thread is cringe
I loved it
have sex
itt: post every good movie ever
Yeah, well... That's like your opinion man.
Dat Greenwood score tho
You either hate this movie cause you think it's MUH DRUGS or you like this movie because MUH DRUGS.
I like it because it's the best novel adaptation ever, the acting is phenomenal, the dialogue lifted from Thompson is side-splitting and the cinematography is truly amazing.
It just got progressively worse, the scenes in Norway especially were embarrasing for everyone involved.
>tfw be norwegian cringing to death, thx hollywood
dude Interstellar is absolute dogshit
Pan’s Labryth
That was my impression when I first watched it. Second time I watched it I liked it better.
You have to know what you're getting into.
It's next to a dump look at the top left. Kind of budget mansion desu I can see his point.
Nolan is based and Interstellar is pure sci-fi kino, I have not heard a single legitimate complaint about the movie outside of the audio mixing
I just wish they could have somehow fit them finding the American Dream in there.
>ITT people calling movies pretentious without identifying how they're pretentious
nice buzzwords guys
Okay. I'm keeping my post up.
Nolan makes movies for the kind of people who unironically use kino.
Crash is the single most retarded film ever made.
Even more retarded than Crispin Glover's movie where the entire cast is actually retarded.
It's a fun word, you have a problem with fun? I bet you watch nothing but arthouse trash.
What I thought was funny was the Mexican literally was the only character who 100% did nothing wrong. Every race was shown to be be bad, but it's like they forgot about mexicans.
i enjoyed it for sally hawkins sweet sweet bush and the cinematography but it was far from best picture worthy
I could write a novel on how awful Interstellar is. The dialogue alone is so hamfisted but it's Nolan so no suprise.
>Nolan is based
Predator is honestly one of the most boring, overhyped action movies I’ve ever seen.
its alright many for the cruise and comfy /nightcore/ but yeah its a kinda mixed bag. fucking mark ruffolo had way too many scenes and gets shot for a half a second and then we forget about him
Depp sucks in it, everything else about it is kino
like warm apple pie
Correct. Crash is the right answer when it comes to the most critically acclaimed movie that is actual irredeemable garbage.
Aside from the obvious:
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
2001: A Space Odyssey
Logan's Run
Dazed and Confused
The Godfather, I and II (didn't see III)
Any film adaptation of a Steven King novel
Casino Royale (not bad, not good)
Fantastic Beasts
The Shape of Water
Men In Black 2 (specifically)
Rogue One
>Dazed and Confused
>Rogue One
>God Father
The rest? Sure. But these? FUCK. OFF.
His relationship with her fucks everything up in the end for him so there's that
You're all over the place schizo
the thing about Crash is that there is no aspect of filmmaking that it is even above average in. It's even mediocre as a librull panderfest. At least most oscar bait films are generally competently made exploitative fluff, but Crash is just a fucking trash fire of a film that won oscars for being brave enough to dare to say "racism is bad".
Dazed, Godfather and 2001 are the only good ones
>Interstellar and Gravity
fucking zoomers, so stupid
I don't get Dazed's appeal. It's a teen stoner summer movie, and not a remarkable one.
I saw Godfather 30 years after it came out. It was spoiled to me by default. I also have an issue with shitty pacing, hence 2001 and Casino Royale.
>I have autism
k thanks for clearing that up
It deserves extra contempt because it took the name from the vastly superior Cronenberg film, and because of the Oscar people will always think of the 2004 film first when the name gets brought up.
People like a lot of dumb shit.
Did I insult your favorite movie? I'd love to hear how I was wrong, I'm sure it'll be convincing.
I agree and I love Matt Dillon
>Crispin Glover's movie where the entire cast is actually retarded.
Excuse me?
the martian was boring, predictable, uninteresting from a story telling perspective, had a total lack of tension, lame writing. making a movie in a perfectly linear fashion, with effectively no surprises, and that you KNOW that he survives makes the movie pointless
weak plot
I’ve always felt the exact same way fren
I always end up wanting more Chris storyline
Such style
In my headcannon Tarantino films Double-V-Vega right after heat and Kilmer plays a character just like this as Vincent Vegas partner
Shining failed to scare me
low test opinions
nigga what does that even mean?
I'm astonished that people actually remember Crash. Won the oscar and faded into obscurity very quickly. Moonlight will probably see a similar fate, though that was a good movie
Agreed. I like Pacino and De Niro but they both phoned it in for this film completely
>I just want to dance
There are little moments of brilliance.
i watched thief and it was the way better michael mann film, i was also surprised by jim belushi in a non-comedic role
Barton Fink
I normally like Coenkino but it was just cringy nonsense.
>plot goes absolutely nowhere
>shit ending
they should do this on Best of the Worst
It's a low stakes film though. The whole film is deliberately made as a slacker neo-Western.
I liked it. I don’t really care about trying to connect it to some pseudo intellectual bullshit like solipsism or whatever people say about it. I appreciate it for the story and performances.
I feel the complaints about tention and survivability apply to most things though. How exactly was it unique in that regard?
Tree of Life
yep nobody on this board would ever wanna support that now.
>oi m8 wot if ye mum had a go at the day's catch
Misses the point of the book.
Agreed on Val being a strength of the movie. Michael Mann clearly didn't get along with him (in the director's commentary he goes on and on about working with Deniro and Pacino whereas he only refers to Kilmer's character name, never him), which is a shame because had he I'm sure we would have gotten more.
Cringe man
A Bridge Too Far
>lord of the rings
up to taste but I thought it was fun and the hobbit movies I saw were terrible
>everything star wars
yeah no shit
>clockwork orange
pretty kino actually
>i did not care for the godfather
I think your whole post was just to conceal this bait
correct. Ben fucking Foster as a toughguy redneck? get the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck out
which was?
A Clockwork Orange. Not kidding, it became real redundant after a certain point. McDowell was the only good thing about it, very good performance.
rofl had to watch this and write an analysis of this film and the book its based on for my black people studies course in uni. Nigs will nog.
The French Connection
Boring, anti-climactic and ugly to look at.
>likes lotr
>doesn’t like Star Wars
Supreme shit taste
he really didn't get the career he deserved, he was only ever in like 3 good movies
Imagine being this much of a pleb.
right there with you