>Vincent: I think having sex and meeting an older guy will have the same effect
>Jenna: :(
>Vincent: I dont wanna get in trouble and neither do you.
>Jenna: K
>Vincent: I really wanted to see you
>Vincent: :(
>Jenna: Vincent: Stop
>Jenna: U stop.
>Vincent: No u
To catch a predator
Other urls found in this thread:
>you walk into a toy store
>this guy slaps your daughter in the ass and gives her this look
>what do
did he ever go to prison
this was four years ago already
Games up Tex. put your hands where i can see 'em, I'm taking you in
Holy fucking shit, not Mr.x
Yeah, I wonder how he is now. Could be posting in this thread...
nah people on Yea Forums are idiots but not stupid enough to get arrested in stings
You sure about that?
>repeatedly get told to "have sex"
>try to have sex
>go to jail
>he never heard of the Shiek or those guys that killed people and posted their victims here and got jailed
I dont even remember being this new
Hey I think it's great he can stand tall amidst all this harassment.
mate Yea Forums =/= Yea Forums
This is why you should be 18+ to use the internet
How come they never had a legitimate teen come in as “the predator” on the show and the crew had an “oh fuck” moment?
do you think women message the decoy too and they dont respond
he did nothing wrong
They do, they just never release it.
This. I mean, just look at how pic related keeps getting away with it
Who is this guy and why are people talking about him?
It's Mr Tex.
Fuck off loser.
Mr Hansen caught him trying to have sex with an underage girl.
It would make a funny blooper segment though.
kek this.
>fuck a dog
>ok i had sex but you didn't specify with what how who where and why
>well fellers looks like what we have here is a mexican standoff
>Mr Hansen caught him trying to have sex with an underage girl.
the bait girl was not underaged AFAIK
I do wonder though most losers don’t get dm’d by any girls so any girl who shows interest in them they’re going to jump on the opportunity. I’m not an incel but even so talking to girls on tinder is like poking a dead fish
he looks exactly like an user I used to be friends with
is he out?
Decoy was so adorable and flirty in this episode. You can tell she had a soft spot for him
one video said he served 30 months of a 10 year sentence
Do you think that Clint Eastwood is a real cowboy, too?
he must of gotten out a couple years ago
2017 + 30 months = Now
Yeah, he served 30 months or something, and they waited until he was released before they dropped the video. Guy's a dirtbag, but it's still kind of a dick move.
meowdy pawtner
Sorry, I thought you were referring to Tex from OP.
TCAP should have a laugh track desu.
He looks like a real criminal now. After the inmates stopped raping him out of boredom and all the beatings it's time to release him back into society :^). He'll make a good citizen.
Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?
I think out of all of the pedos, Anthony Palumbo is my favourite.
Nothing will ever beat the wigger who wanted the decoy to blow her cat.
Is this normal in wigger culture?
Gay Romano
>put it in the fridge
>i'll relax
>put it in the fridge
For me, it's Hambubger.
empty his brains out onto his lap to let him see what he was thinking
Are there any livestreams online with all the To Catch A Predator episodes?
There used to be once on Cytube a few years back that had hundreds on viewers online at all times. I haven't seen it on there in the past while though. I just watch to watch CTAP with other fans while shitposting.
Lantic City
faggot neck yourself
I bet he thought he looked really cool in this outfit.
>there’s a man going around takin names
He did
put it in the fridge
You can put that in the fridge
Knock him the fuck
He looked awesome
I'm dying laughing at how many people are quoting Anthony Palumbo right now. Holy shit lmao.
Except, if you dig into the story here, he iniatiated contact with a girl because she had her age in her profile, in a chat room that was for her age group. They didn't start talking in a Fortnight discord, he was trolling underage chat rooms for 12 years olds - the decoy wasn't the only one he contacted first. Find the transcript - as soon as he confirmed her age, he started grooming and asking for lewds, and sent a girl he knew to be 12 a dick pic.
Stop with the 'He wuz juss ronery" bullshit.
>I dress like a weirdo
Not in Duchess County, NY. He looked like a larping faggot walking around like that.
He was just nervous about driving at night
How else is he gonna hide his fupa?
So how is it that some of these guys get 2 years and other get like 20 years? Everyone gets busted for the same thing right?
you do realize the irony of saying a fucking midge can "stand tall" I hope
>Mr. McMahon I'm JR
shitty legal representation I guess
Some bring alcohol and condoms, others are repeat offenders.
The decoy was fucking delicious in this episode.
I legit feel sympathy for this guy. Especially since the "bait" was probably older than he was.
People here are stupid enough to download exes.
She’s not even hot
Jonah Hill?
I guess the retarded common law plays a part in it.
Some offenders are even clinically diagnosed and should be treated rather than jailed.
A lighter sentence is pretty much a result of a combination of things.
Sam gets off more on the fact that she was borderline illegal. It's also a power thing for him.
I thought she kinda looked like Laurence Leboeuf
They removed his photo from this site: homefacts.com
I would divide her no question.
There he is. At least he seems happy.
I'm not gay, here you can smell my breath.
Still ugly and fat, too bad hes way to much of a pussy to end his own life.
Some plead not guilty and take it to trial and if they get convicted they receive a lot more time compared to just pleading guilty. Also different states with different minimum mandatory sentence laws, different past offenses, and possession of CP can get you locked up for a long time. Having a good lawyer vs a public defender usually helps a lot as well too.
god damn I'd breed
Who do you think keeps making these threads? It's just like the ONS threads. He does it for attention.
WoW classic is coming back and I have no doubt he will become a great tank for his guild
i feel bad for him in that video, i don't know if he deserved what happened, i think the decoys insist a lot and try to lead them but whatever, it's just so abnormal to see someone being so honest, the only moment a person is that honest is when they're completely vulnerable, when they have nothing more to lose, Hansen was right when he said he hit rock bottom and there's nowhere to go but up
He's cute though, built good.
lol I'm from Poughkeepsie and my dad knows this guy's father.
I'm still mad
I was about to sleep but re-reading just made it impossible.
Go read the transcript of his interactions with the decoy.
He deserved more, honestly. More jail time, that is.
hope he gets raped in prison
Now the morning passed so quickly and it was time for them to meet
It was twenty past eleven when they rode out in the street
Folks were watchin' from their windows,
Every body held their breath,
They knew this handsome ranger was about to meet his death,
About to meet his death
gottdamn this betty is spicy
Then you fell for his bullshit. Hes a professional victim and turned on the waterworks and poorme shit the second he saw Hansen.
Every problem in his life is his own fault and he does nothing to fix it.
>im fat
Then go to the gym and stop eating all the cake fatass
>im weird
Then learn to not be fucking weird
>im unemployed
Then get a job
At the end of the day even if the decoys lead them on its the predators that initiate contact and if he had a real change of heart he would just stop contact but he wanted to fuck a child so he stuck with it. Fuck that fat ass he deserved more than 30 months.
The decoys never contact first and never bring up anything sexual. The pedos always bring it up first. And he came up with his blubbery sob story for sympathy, looks like it worked on you. It still explains or justifies nothing about what he did.
Oh and he had tried to hit up another decoy too
how does someone prescribed so much adderall get so fat
Where can one find this transcript?
>Claire encounters Mr. X
>Jenna: Hey y u change ur name to bye and a gun?
The way he immediately broke out the sob story shows he was trying to get sympathy from Chris to weasel his way out.
Everything was about him and how hard his poor life was when he was really there to fuck a 12 year old.
He had tons of CP on his phone and videos of children getting penetrated, fuck him I have zero sympathy.
No, can you explain?
short man not tall :DDD
Reading it in his voice is the best part.
He definitely wasn't gay.
Google his name, or just wait. The last 20 threads on him had the links.
Not for nothing, but Marty Robbins is damn good. El Paso is such a good fucking song it's not even funny.
He's a fat, soft pussy. He probably cries and snuffles waddling around when his fat asshole father made him mow the lawn.
i have sympathy for pedophiles
predators like vinny however, yikes
The episode took so long to come out because he's this guy's relative.
You can put those replies in the fridge.
i dont get it
i see nothing wrong here
So what meme did I miss this time?
Who is this guy?
what's the fucking point of this photo, I have never seen a woman beat Rayman, she might as well give up because she'll never get all the cages
like Al Pacino mixed with Christopher Walken
When you turn 30 brag about butt banging a 16yo behind her parents' back at you next big family gathering and see the reactions you get.
>Who is this guy?
someone we can only assume frequents Yea Forums a lot gets caught trying to fuck some kids.
he was very fat and cringy so people could project themselves onto him so he sparks a lot of conversation compared to the other retards that walk in on that show.
>I am going to kill you midget scum
My sides
this shit reads like those thirsty pajeets wrote it
they said like 4 words and hes already sending dick pics
All the transcripts read like that.
Ok. Thank you.
I didn't even know they still made this pedo bait show still.
where is that mentioned in the pic?
Women should leave videogames for men
Does he have a cain? If so I bet he fucked the one in the green coat. She looks like she has a mayor beauty and the beast fetish.
He tought she was 12? The fuck
>Vincent: I want to make myself cum to a bunch of pictures of you
>Vincent: Sorry :( I’m really horny
>Jenna: I have some saved on my phone
>Vincent: Can you send me all of them?!?!?!?! :)
>Jenna: Lol!! I will send u some of them i gtg to bed in 7 min
>Vincent: Aww ok sweetie :-*
>Vincent: I wish we could be together like a regular couple
**Decoy Picture**
>Jenna: This was my kitty i had to leave in VA
>Jenna: Because of society?
>Vincent: Awww :(
>Vincent: Yeah :(
>Vincent: Your lips look so soft :-*
>Jenna: But how old would i have to be before we could be together?
>Jenna: Ty :)
>Vincent: 18 :(
>Vincent: I would love to kiss them softly
>Jenna: Would u want to be friends til then?
>Vincent: I bet they would also feel good wrapped around my cock
There is no way she will ever beat that game.
He mentioned she looks different from the pictures, as they use a different decoy from the pictures. No idea why they do that.
Just imagine all the guys that wrote yes, never made it on the show because of that and were crushed when they found out it was all bait and they are still lonely.
Oh fuck off Hal it's not that hard
sam hyde is based
>t. pedo apologist/defender
one thing that got to me was when he was ranting about how much of a loser he was he said
>just look how I dress
he knew! Like he was clinging to the idea that this was him somehow and fuck the world he would be himself. But when the chips was down and the truth started flowing he fucking knew! He was probably so fat that nothing would look good on him so he choose this cringy as fuck outfit that he thought he would be comfortable in but really, it was all just a paper thin veneer of a personality he hated all along.
Pretty good cosplay if I'm honest
Well the coat is an extremely effective weapon as far as hiding the weight goes.
Like all incels, he thought the world should just cater to him instead of bettering himself to do improve his lot in life. The real delusion is that he thought any girl would be into him, the stupid fat fuck.
whats the scoop on this guy? see him everywhere. only seen him being elected for something and being a feminist
How does he feel so comfortable in a strangers house? He just took his coat off and threw his things on the counter.
He's come a long way bro
I want to SUCK on those milkies
Thats NOT ok. We aren't living in 2011 anymore.
honestly if he had a big cowboy mustache he'd look ok
the Shiek?
he's a big guy
whos this big titted slut
Because half the time, the decoys are gay men, because real women are too creeped out with the chats.
Perverted Justice had it all worked out.
No the decoy pictures they use are often of real child models. Then the decoy at the house is different, an actress who just looks young. I don't know why they don't just use a young-looking actress and use her pictures online, seems easier.
Also what an amusing job, talking/texting these people.
I knew THAT shiek.
>Not calling him a peck
>tfw you will never get paid to ERP with fat incels
>Rayman Forever
Absolutely based
>when you realize he could only button one button because he was so fat
The pictures they send, sure, but the volunteers who text back and forth with these creeps are a mix of people, and a lot of gay men take the freaks like this dude, because they're so bad. The decoys in the houses I THINK are a mix of the volunteers and actresses.
I doubt using a celebrities pictures would go over well with the celebrities parents.
It's not so amusing, I read a while back that some of the volunteers needed therapy after dealing with these pieces of shit, over time.
What? No way. You're approaching me?
Fuck off
holy shit the way he instantly breaks down is fucking hilarious.
This is what makes the "He's just ronery" faggots so funny. He goes straight to xex, every time. She's talking about missing her cat, and he's pulling on his pud talking about kissing her.
It's funny, but it also show why he should be rolled into a pit, doused with gasoline, and set on fire.
The only thing funnier is losers like him who think they're slick in camwhore chatrooms.
He was getting into the mind of a predator, or at least mimicking one he saw. A lawbreaker/predator wouldn't be a wimp in someone elses house. So he acted (key word acted) like he was comfortable.
Another case of a literal homosexual pedophile pervert
>hanging out in camwhore chatrooms
>I like driving
goddamn did he do this on purpose?
the truth is, the game was rigged from the start.
>that hat
>that power stance
fucking alpha
I'm actually doing a presentation on the ethical standards of TCAP, having to prepare arguments both in favor and against the journalistic standards employed. Does anyone have any exact numbers on how many men were arrested overall?
Whenever I see a capeshitter or Lynch fan on here I know that it's someone who looks like This
>So what meme did I miss this time?
Shills are pushing this “newly released” clip because he’s a pathetic white guy who cries and that seems to be their agenda lately. Basically it’s another nothing burger forced meme
>muh genius jester haxx0rz
there should be a kino made based off this ep.
>The cleanest, best pleasure would be to have sex with a 13 year old girl
will anything ever top this?
Hey, free autism and boobs, it's great. What, you think I tip them?
Why not contact them? They work with all kinds of researchers.
Oh, wait, you're not really researching anything, you're just worried because you're a pedo that trolls discords for kids.
Theres literally nothing ethically wrong with what TCAP does. The predator believes they are talking to a child and are choosing to have online conversations with them about sex.
I gave up at the music level.
To be fair, they've fucked up in the past. They had one season of the show thrown out of court, because they fucked up with the evidence, but they cleaned their act up since. They're very careful not to lead them on, or attract them. They are almost always contacted by these pedos first. And every time, it's a couple of comments and they dive right in with the sexual talk. And, it's in the old school chat rooms that were specifically for kids, not adults.
Look at this fucko's chat transcripts. He charges right in, barely talks to her and bam
*Vincents Dick Picture"
Keep in mind - as mature as kids can be these days, my nieces at 12 are playing with barbie dolls still, and giggling about the kissing scenes in Harry Potter.
Who's your favorite pedophile?
The ones that die screaming.
Because its tomorrow lol.
And no, I'm being serious, dummy. Would you like me to post my outline? Its 8 pages.
Regardless of how you feel about the discussion, there are ethical concerns about parallel investigations functioning with different metrics for success and following different ethical standards. I'm in production so understanding how you properly conduct a criminal investigation is important.
for-life-toddlers BTFO
You amerifucks really like to scapegoating on others don't you? There was none 12 year old girl in those conversations to begin with only fake 19 year old whore.
>And no, I'm being serious
Then why the FUCK would you be trolling for "data" on a mongolian picture trading forum, you larping sack of neckbeard shit?
New upload on his channel
Oh, look, another triggered pedo.
But he didn't even graduate high school
Is he actually from Yea Forums or is it just a meme title
The girl was 12. TWELVE. And more than that, she was acting and LOOKED 12. Cause you know nowadays some 12 year olds look like kylie fucking jenner from 20 feet away.
He would have gotten a pass from me had this girl been a 15 year old with fat tits and a big ass, but he knew full well she was 12 and that is inexcusable. Period.
He was getting somethig to eat
Why are so many buttfuckers also pedos? Serious question
Because a lot of homos are actually "prison gay", and little boys can be androgynous enough to scratch their heterosexual itches.
Agua Fria
There's a man
Going round
Taking names
I’m talking about queers that have never been to prison too. This guy was an example of that
I know, that's why "prison gay" was in quotes.
Men are horny fuckers, and a sizable number of men are in "a hole is a hole" mode. A lot of men also have trouble picking up women on demand, so they go "prison gay".
If you have trouble understanding this phenomenon, think about how "trap/tranny/boypussy" culture suddenly came about and exploded on the internet. This shit was niche and practically non-existent even on Yea Forums a decade ago. Now those types of "prison gay" guys post on every board they can get away with.
i genuinely hope something will
What's wrong with that? The power thing i mean
Can relate with being a 19 year old fat fuck who was still in highschool but at least I didn't want to fuck kids.
Dude, traps have nothing to do with prison bottoms. Completely different.
This guy had cp on him and admitted to that and his intention to sleep with the girl. If he hadn't had the cp and protested his innocence while playing up the pity angle he'd probably have got off
Traps themselves? I disagree agree, but that because wanting to be a trap is a different motivation than wanting to fuck a trap (obviously)
But the recent explosion in *desire/market demand* for traps? That's entirely because they are more "affordable" than real women.
Wait a second that's Applemilk in the bottom
Attractive traps, people that actually can fool you, are just as difficult to get as real women.
Maybe, I'm pretty sure it was big here around 2007-2010 though. There was more hentai back then though, so it was just futanari then. Probably because videogames were actually good
there have always been camwhores but there weren't any twitch camwhores or really any normalfaggots on the internet, because smartphones and social media wasn't big yet
>19 years for brandishing a knife
wtf americans?!
./d/ shit and dickgirls are an entirely different animal than the trap worship culture imo
There's a man
Going round
Making memes
Why the hell did it take so long for this to come out?
In Britain, it would be 19 years for OWNING a knife
how do you stay fat after 2 years in jail
More like just having a thought of owning..
A lot of people gain weight in jail, little activity and tons of starchy food.
haha more like even knowing what a knife is
fuck brits rite?
You can get food from the commissary, it's the same reason you can get jacked as fuck there too.
They want you to either be underfed or overfed. Easier to deal with.
>Another young fella with something to prove. I've got to set myself up in the undertakin' business, I'm doing all the skill work so another man can profit.
Holy shit sides
post it
I’m genuinly curious, assuming you’re serious which i highly doubt
*unsheathes katana*
Cars appeal to medium-functioning autists because of the control. On the road, they're the car, not a loser. They fit in, and there's an entire layer of protection around them and everyone else. For the NEET losers, it may be their only form of freedom from sitting alone in a room.
The company is Perverted Justice. The camera crews just film the process that happens anyway.
How many times do you think he posted in a TCAP thread arguing for hours about "you know as early as 1890's America, it was very commonplace for women as young as 12 to be married off".
He's one of those people that started threads with that one older guy that married a 10 year old girl on a farm back in 30s.
he wanst the one that tried to marry her
Howdy, Tex.
Motherfucker, is that who I think it is? There was a set of a girl who looks just like her but was camping and kept spraying water on her white t shirt and her tits were perfectly visible through it. She also took pics in her panties.
Do you have this set or know where I can find it? Is it even the same girl? Nigga I fucking need to know
If any of you dorks get into serious trouble, hire the best local attorney in town. Not the best attorney in the state (unless it's like murder I guess?), the best one in town--he'll know the prosecutors and court well enough. Some of these guys got all charges dropped guaranteed because of their attorney.
I'm not a pedophile though.
Are you?
he’s related to “the worlds most famous extra” that fat kid with curly hair that was in knocked up and some other stuff
the grill they've been using in these new videos is fukn hot
Definitely countless times.
Natalie Austin. She has some masturbation vids.
No, but people come into the criminal system on stuff like Aggravated Assault, etc., all the time. First-time criminal offense and you get a felony? Should be able to get that reduced if you have a good enough attorney, unless it was super fucked up what you did.
>committing crimes
>Natalie Austin
Yep, just watched her put a finger in her own ass.
Pedo kino
There are too many. I can honestly just put on TCAP in the background and still crack up when I hear Hansen's comments and the predators crying.
Damn, Hansen did not age well.
i have condoum
Which are the best ones to watch? I've not seen any.
He's a pedo incel. The entire reason he's attracted to kids is because he's such a loser he feels they're the only people he can control. He comes in there confident and casual, trying to pretend like he's in control.
Camwhores were called strippers before the internet.
They're all good
Sitting alone in a cell all day in protective custody. That fat punk never saw a minute in general population. I bet niggers stabbed each other over who was gonna be first at that ass.
"Those men wanted to have SEX with me!"
More like this
This is upsetting. What the fuck is wrong with these guys? I can't even imagine talking to a roastie my own age that way, who the fuck asks weird shit like that outright?
And fatty was driving a 20 year old busted 6 cylinder mustang with rebel flags on it, in Poughkeepsie, NY. Even spics in the Bronx have less hoopty rides than that. Dumb fuck needed a pickup for that fupa, anyway.
What was going through his mind?
Vincent Ambrosia is THICC! T-H-I-C-C!!
What's Yea Forums?
Surprised he didn't ask to see her bob and vagene
Plus, he's wrong, the median marriage age for females in the US for 1900 was 21. The median marriage age never dropped below 22 for western europe in modern times, you have to go back to early medieval eras, like after the plague, when it was important to start pumping kids out.
Nice shopped but I wouldn't hire
All natural 100% American ass.
Is there really any harm in downloading whisper and talking to 12 year olds?
I'm just sayin
this. /pol/ = Yea Forums
Except when he did.
I just can't believe this piece of shit is 19 years old. How the fuck can you even be into 12 year old girls at that age? I remember being 19 looking for some actual of the age of 18 pussy.
They're only ever catching the dumbest bottom 5% of pedos
wtf are you talking about, quit projecting.
Yes you retard. An adult talking to a 12 year old outside of school, business, court of law, any situation not under adult supervision or non-blood related relative is just creepy.
A lot of people are more straightforward on the internet. He wouldn't be able to talk to a girl (much less a 12 year old) like that irl.
Some people just can't get a break
Her nose goes out almost as long as her tits
They are not even catching pedos
They are catching socially inept incels that get baited by an ultra suggestive *12* year old
It produces kino so i can't get mad, still it's immoral af
Boggs, who pleaded guilty to assault with intent to commit sex abuse, going armed, assault while participating in a felony and carrying weapons, sniffled through his apology in court Friday.
Just no man. These guys ARE pedos. They will literally drive hours to meet these little girls and boys. They're the definition of pedo.
How are the *12* year olds suggestive, let alone ultra suggestive? Can you quote a chat log?
They catch dudes like you all the time, pedo.
Hey, was that a knock on your door? MADE YOU JUMP
There was some comic who had a bit about this shit. How all child molesters should always carry a picture of Chris Hansen on them, that way when he eventually walks out and asks them what they're doing there, they just whip the picture out and say "tryin to get yo autograph man! I knew this was you guys the whole time! Huge fan!"
The internet has created a place where people who normally wouldn't act out on their desires have the opportunity. But the thing is, very few of these 12 year olds would actually ever meet up with them. I'm sure it happens every now and then especially if an actual relationship forms, but a quick chat then "hey want to meet up?" Yeah no.
This is not reddit
>Pedos using "go back to pleebbit" to win an argument
Topkek you should go to prison pedo faggot.
He didn't chat with her for more than a couple of sentences and he went right to lewds.
Show us in this chat:
where she was being "suggestive". She was talking about missing her cat, and he went right to her sucking his dick.
EVEN IF she were willing, just soliciting is a felony. And sending who you think is a 12 year old a dick pic, and crossing state lines after posting "Yeah, we're probably having sex".
Been trolling chat rooms for children long, pedo?
All pedos must die screaming in gasoline fires. Get in line, pedo.
They let him get that close to her? If that were me at that distance I could have made penetration in under 5 seconds.
It was just a joke. His blood pressure medication was fucking with his head, that's all.
>has no argument
I'm talking about the TCAP chats. They are not suggestive at all, just look at how Ambrosia just sends a dick pic out of nowhere
It's not a 12 year old, dummy, it's an over 18 actress, in a house full of TV crew dudes, and cops outside.
It's kind of hilarious how bad he is even being a pedo.
Jenna: I have a picture of me sitting at the park that my friend too
Vincent: Sure
*Decoy Pic*
Vincent: Wow. I can’t believe you are only 12
Vincent: You’re gorgeous
Jenna: Rlly? Im shorter than everyone.
Jenna: Im the smallest in my class
Vincent: I like short girls. It’s cute
Jenna: Lol
Vincent: Have you ever put anything inside of you?
I mean, he's so excited he can't stop sperging incel shit at her. Like, "Hey, i like baseball too and OMG BOOBS BOOBS BOOBS BOOBS OMG I CAME"
I know I’m sayin what if he just charged her as soon as she opened the door? He’s a fat fuck but knowing my capabilities the camera crew wouldn’t be able to stop me before reaching climax.
he looks a little jewy to me
>ultra suggestive *12* year old
How were they suggestive?
Not with random people in chats and even if that were the case, they are taking these situations outside of the internet.
Hey everybody I’m a 12 year old girl :P what do you want to say to me???
You have to be 18 to post on this site.