Is Eyes Wide Shut real?

Is Eyes Wide Shut real?

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Yes, it's a real film.

Why else would Kubrick die shortly after finishing the editing despite being healthy?

Been real since ‘72 nigga

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Yeah, i watched it.

>despite being healthy?
he was old and fat

Yes I've been to the shop in Venice where he bought the masks from.
It's a carnival where people dress up like that.
Kubrick is a degenerate so he made it sexual.

Having seen Alex Jones expose that satanic owl worshipping ceremony attended by high profile US politicians and powerful businessmen I'm inclined to believe that it is indeed real.

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How Can Eyes Wide Shut Be Real If Mirrors Aren't Real

Why do you keep posting Karlie and her cute twink brother?

The poor want money, the rich want power, the powerful rich want some really fucked up things.

It's true, dumbass.

She married a Jew (who's directly connected to the White House I might add).

Alex Jones fairly has no credibility but Bohemian Grove is true

Gay reptoid space aliens.

I didn’t get what was so crazy about that movie. How much could it possibly cost to hire a dozen high-class hookers for a drug fueled orgy?

>shes 6'2

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Alex jones is a reptoid clone of John Wayne and Elvis.

it was based on secret societies and global elites, especially hollywood - of course it's real. brainlets always say its a movie about "infidelity".

It was supposed to be much different, originally there were violent torture, sexual abuse, and satanic rituals be performed at the party but they were cut from the movie after Kubrick died.

Brainless are the ones who think the point of the movie is "dude, sex illuminati". Of course it's a movie about sexual dynamics and the impact they have on our society more than it's about any allegedly real sinister cults.

For me? It's Carcosa

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It's magic. Black magic.

it's basically a documentary

Yes, it came out in 1999. Probably costs about three bucks to stream on Amazon.

Rich people have always had secret societies where they worship the devil and rape and murder children. Its a side effect of having so much power, they can't handle it and need more all the time. Even spitting in the face of god to feel better about themselves.
They should all be rounded up and put in camps

What do you think?

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Everyone knows about that ans Bilderberg and other shit. The things we know about aren't the things we need to be worried about. They're the things the rich and powerful allow us to know about but it's all just a red herring. The true horrors remain to be revealed