At his peak, with both hands intact, was he the most powerful character in sword combat in westeros ?
At his peak, with both hands intact, was he the most powerful character in sword combat in westeros ?
No, Barristan always was. Or the Mountain.
According to him, yes, at least at the period that the story takes place in. Prime Selmy and Arthur Dayne would probably beat him.
>According to him, yes
Oberon. Beat the Mountain.
Barristan, Oberyn, Sandor are better than him.
>sword combat
He's a Lannister babby. Garlan would fuck him up.
lol he was exposed as a joke in essos
If it happened after season 4 it’s not canon
Keep seething and waiting for the books lmao
Dayne & Selmy were the only ones better
Selmy was the best.
So wheres the line? Keeping with the latest season?
>tfw wanted to be Ser Arthur Dayne
>become the Smiling Knight instead
>If it happened after season 4 it’s not canon
This should be a sticker warning on any GoT DVD and at the beginning of any GoT episode.
No. At his peak he was still afraid of Selmy, and for good reason.
Isn't Howland Reed better?
>prime age swordsman being afraid of decrepit old man
makes sense
Keep watching retarded jewish fanfiction. You're really showing us.
You replied in this topic though and your on Yea Forums right now
There's even a scene of it in the show where he says growing up he looked up to Selmy and could only dream of being as good as him.
Howland used a stealth attack, not the same as sword fighting.
Selmy was the greatest swordfighter since Ser Arthur Dane. When he pulled his sword out in the throne room, the entire Kingsguard including the Hound were shook because they knew he could single-handedly wipe them out if he wanted to.
And then they showed Selmy die in a dark alley against a bunch of untrained pouty noblemen wearing masks.
And I don't watch the show, faggot. I'm talking about the books, the only content that matters.
>when you realize people only care so much about Jamie is because Nikolaj is a handsome chad
In their prime GRRM said Dayne would win with Dawn. If they had regular swords Selmy would win.
>80 year old arthritic grandpa pulls out sword to fight 1v5 against peak condition knights
>knights get spooked
I thought GRRM was all about realism?
in tv maybe
hes one of the favorites from the whole books
no, he said Selmy/Dayne would be an even fight without Dawn and that Dayne would win with Dawn.
Barristan was a meme warrior
Was pretending to be a retard part of your plan?
Yes, Arthur Dayne was dead and Selmy was old. The Mountain is just inhumanly strong but Jaime would defeat him all the same, which he talks about if you mouthbreathers read the books
Incest is the greatest power in Westeros. It gives any attack +10 damage.
Why didn't GoT have realistic combat?
>im a stereotype of an internet user
>With speed and skill, Jamie could beat them all
The eternal dex fag strikes again.
That's Jaime sucking his own dick. Strength is the only thing that matters in ASoIAF universe, read Dunk and Egg and every fight Dunk gets into he is completely outskilled and just brute strengths it.
Requires effort.
It would be Selmy during the time Robert was king, with Jaime in a toss-up with Garland Tyrell as an outside contender (but we don't really see him on page enough to get a good measure). And there's always the Mountain, who is less "good with a sword" and more "bulldozes his way through everything just with raw strength".
Everybody at their prime, no, he comes in behind Arthur Dayne. Discounting Dayne on the grounds that it's Arthur fucking Dayne, he'd still probably be behind prime Robert Baratheon, who canonically wielded a warhammer so unfathomably huge and heavy that Ned Stark could barely lift it. Or Hightower, or prime Selmy.
Realistic combat isn't as flashy
who would win?
>barristan selmy vs a bunch of fucking peasants with daggers
>the hound without armor vs 4 queensguard
Was it ever said exactly what Dawn is made from? It's some weird transparent space-glass that's better than Valyrian steel, but that's all I remember.
Really needs an edit with this playing
kek look at this faggotry
Oberyn used poison. Why does everyone forget that?
You're telling me dual wielding swords and spinning them like a kid playing with sticks was not how it actually happened ????????
why would you halfsword againts someone who has no armor, arent you puting yourself in disadvantage?
According to show canon, Arya is better.
That and he wasn't using a sword, it was a spear.
Pig iron. Don't fall for gypsy lies.
From the books it seems Jaime only ever talks about duelling and fighting one on one against other knights. The little we hear of Garlan Tyrell is that he specifically trains against multiple opponents because that's how actual battles go down.
They're two completely different fighters.
The "heart of a falling star", I believe. If you want a realistic answer it's probably some super dense meteorite metal that they don't have access to in Westeros, but more likely it's just magic cuz space lol. Also it's pale like "milkglass" iirc.
Looks pretty cool to me.
Spam is bad.
Why not? You grab the blade for leverage.
It was mined from the heart of a meteorite and is so sharp that when Dayne used it in simply the act of knighting Jaime he sliced Dawn straight through to the skin and made him bleed. And Jaime would have been wearing solid metal armour at the time.
In other words, it's a lightsaber. And yes, it's lighter and sharper than Valyrian steel.
more like this
Jaime could kill everyone man or woman alive without a doubt.
No way this is how they actually did it. Why does he handle the sword by the blade? Makes no sense
If he's unarmored you can just bumrush and stab him the guts.
There's no cheating in fighting.
good b8
There is cheating in a duel, however.
Then the unarmored guy judos you with his sword and you're fucked. It's demonstrated in the webm that the armored guy is still vulnerable. Good job paying attention.
>who is Oberyn
A dead guy.
One has to think part of that is Jamie's insecurity as well as his sheer reverence to Selmy.
"some dead man"
Be specific.
That's not very practical either. Only the last was really worth a damn, the other require your opponent to be a retard. I mean seriously, launching your sword? Was he trying to end him rightly?
Dayne didn't cut through armour, just a the heavy quilted undershirt that knights have under their armour.
>“All knights must bleed, Jaime,” Ser Arthur Dayne had said, when he saw. “Blood is the seal of our devotion.” With Dawn he tapped him on the shoulder; the pale blade was so sharp that even that light touch cut through Jaime’s tunic, so he bled anew. He never felt it. A boy knelt; a knight rose. The Young Lion, not the Kingslayer.
It's still extremely sharp to be able to do that, cutting through that heavy padding with barely a tap. And it never needs honing. The Smiling Knight had to go and get a fresh sword after a bout or two with Dayne, who was basically toying with him the whole time.
Currently Dawn is at Starfall, since it's only carried by somebody worthy of being named Sword of the Morning, and none of the current generation are deemed worthy.
>poking someone with your 6ft long poison spear means you're a better swordsman
John Clements (the unarmored guy) has been discredited as a historical european martial arts instructor. His main claim to fame was being one of the original guys in the scene. Today he's like the HEMA equivalent of a mcdojo cult runner.
>best swordsman in Westeros
>defeated by Ned "AHH SAVE ME HOWLAND" Stark
Did he lose the fight on purpose or something?
Are you for real?
He lost though. And the Mountain only died because of poison, a woman's weapon
>heh, I nicked you so I guess you ded nao xD
Arya beat brienne. Brienne beat Jamie. Therefore
Arya > Jamie
he would've beat him anyway, his fighting style was a perfect counter to him in a 1v1, he was toying with the guy to the point where he forgot he was even a threat.
on a battlefield though? oberyn would still be deadly, but you'd run as far the fuck away from wherever the mountain happened to be as possible.
It was 3 v 7 and the Kingsguard kill five of Ned's men. Even in the books it's implied that Dayne was about to kill Ned but Howland Reed did some underhanded bog person shit to save him.
Notice that this was the narrator speaking, not Jaime
Arya beat the night king too.
While Arthur kind of forgot about Howland
This is power ranking without arya involved because obviously she's smarter stronger and faster than anybody to ever be in this series.
>Your Grace, I present you my latest invention...the Cairo Station orbital weapon platform. This orbital defense station (ONI designation moncton-class) weighs three millions tons, has semi-automatic radar command to line-of-sight guidance, and an accompaniment of one battalion of ODST. The station’s armaments include one Mark V Super MAC cannon and seven M606 Goalkeeper Point Defense Guns. The main magnetic accelerator cannon can launch a 3,000 ton tungsten/depleted uranium projectile at 11991698.32 meters per second. That MAC gun can put a round clean through a Targaryen dragon. The Cairo is just one of three hundred geosync platforms.
Arya > night king > dragon > Jamie
Ned flatly admits that Howland is the only reason he's still breathing.
Dunk was also a great wrestler though. It's not like he just body slammed people
>aim at leg
>badly injure him
>run away and wait to him to die
I meant it in the sense that we never see Howland backstab Dayne like in the show. He's very upfront about Reed having saved his life, but it's unclear why. For all we know he could have defeated Dayne and taken a mortal wound which Reed then patched up.
dab from god
>fighting is just like my japanese animes
I laughed.
No you dumb fucks
Dayne > Selmy > Jaime > the rest
>Even in the books it's implied that Dayne was about to kill Ned but Howland Reed did some underhanded bog person shit to save him.
It should be that Reed frogspears Dayne in the back of the knee after playing wounded and then throwing a net.
spears are superior to swords
>all these dumb as fuck names created by the hack writer
lmao cant believe zoomers think this is good
You seem to have left your trip on my friend.
damn what a qt
He was close. Dayne and Selmy were better in their youth. Jaime is certain he can take the Hound and the Mountain and there’s no reason to doubt his confidence considering how skilled he was.
The bong genes hit her hard.
Historically the OP gladiators were Retiarius who wielded a trident and net.
They were cheap enough that crowded voted for them to die more often and would sometimes have to fight 1v2.
I assume Howland Reed was similar.
He had real balls, should’ve died in that episode desu
Barristan's death is still bullshit
Not to mention that his first spear broke. Not very good in a real battle.
Yes, but he was nothing compared to the most powerful character.
Same thing still applies regardless of the weapon. When there are weapons involved, there are a lot more decisive factors than just ‘strength’.
1v1: sword & shield > spear > sword
formation: spear > sword always
only exceptions seems to be roman legionaries. they beat phalanxes a few times, but mostly because roman on-the-ground leadership was superior and very good at exploiting any gaps in the spear formation that arose after extended battle, which they then used to roll up the formation. that's not really swords beating spears so much as it's roman tactics beating 'greek' tactics and you could easily imagine a world where 'greeks' with better leadership or more experience fighting romans would beat them. alexander's army would probably beat them every time.
What's with the quotations?
only kino moment post-season 4
too bad they ruined it at the last second by having bronn magic him outa there, now made even worse by how jamie literally served no purpose after that moment anymore. they robbed him of his heroic death of redemption just so he could pathetically die stupidly clinging to his past
some people get mad when you call the greeks at the time greeks instead of macedonians or whatever
It's worth remembering the Romans were also very particular about where they engaged phalanxes-usually they fought on poor ground which disorganised the phalangites
Pyrrhus had the number of them, but couldn't sustain the war effort
and who
are you?
is this a joke? why would someone in full armor care about getting booped by the pomel of a sword like hes playing some sort of "the ground is lava" type game? also why wouldn't he just grab the handle and pull it out of the other guys hand leaving him defenseless? this has to be a joke about how NOT to sword fight right? watching this makes me feel like warhammers and shit were more useful than i thought
But they were greek and Alexander of Macedonia is closer to current day Greeks than Macedonians who are slavs that came into the region later.
she shoudlve
No the only kino moment post season 4 episode 2 is Stannis when he tells Shireen that she is his daughter and what that means. Then they ruin by burning her alive two episodes later because it snowed once.
Macedonians of then were Greeks. "Macedonians" of now are just slav races that where given lands north of (today's) Greece to strengthen the borders, I think by the Byzantines.
>Now I wish she had three hundred dragons.
Arthur Dayne with Dawn
Barristan Selmy
Robert Baratheon
Aemon the Dragon Knight
The Smiling Knight
Jaime Lannister
Daemon Blackfyre
The Last Hero (possibly the same person as the original Azor Ahai)
It's confirmed stories of Jaime's swordsmanship are greatly exaggerated to the point where even he himself believes them when he is easily beaten by Brienne and both of them are shocked and disappointed he wasn't as good as everyone says.
Why would a sword really make a difference?
If you get hit once you're most likely fucked regardless of the type of sword
Fuck no hes a royal pretty boy sucker who is just lucky he isnt dead.
>prime hound
they would all fuck him up. If you include other weapons and Essos you can add
>Maario Naharis
>Fookin legend
to the list
You mean after being chained and left with little food and no excersize for half a year he isn't as good as he was? Holy shit you've cracked the code.
1. Arthur DAYNE?
2. Barristan Selmy (could cut through the rest of this list like he was carving a cake)
3. Robert Baratheon (Gods he was strong then)
dawn is magic bullshit that allows it to punch throw armor that normal swords wouldn't be able to
not that it would matter much in the show-world where the armor may as well be made of cloth anyway at this point
What happened to that guy?
Oh, ok then
we'll never know
>yfw show Arya will wield Dawn because she's the super assassin swordsman woman
Brienne is still in awe of Jaime after that fight, though. She spends most of their time together after that salivating over what a proud wounded lion he looks like.
Valyrian swords/Dawn are made of magic metals. Dawn was made from a meteor of unknown metal to be specific but both it and Valyrian weapons basically let you cut through most armor and even damage other weapons. It’s like bringing a steel sword to a fight with a dude armed with a bronze butter knife.
It’s also why Book Euron is so OP, he has the only set of Valyrian armor in existence which makes him borderline unkillable in a 1v1.
Is Valryian steel stronger than Vibranium?
>shriveled weakened hungry jaime versus a gorilla still managing to win
>muh exaggeration
This is the best list
Good list, but it’s hard to rank the last hero.
He couldn't defeat Ned and was straight up pathetic against Brienne.
>Aemon the Dragon Knight
>The Smiling Knight
>Daemon Blackfyre
>The Last Hero
>Robert Baratheon
the OP says sword fight, user. also peak Jaime is definitely above the Smiling Knight.
>he didn't read the books
What a brainlet lol
Jaime himself admits that he could not beat either Clegane or Ned Stark. This implies that Ned was on their level without the strength that comes from being a literal brick shithouse. Ned was probably the best swordsman alive based on this because he could probably outmaneuver all other swordsmen.
and who
are you?
Jaime literally didn’t defeat the Smiling Knight when they fought
except it was literally a month of them. nobody can stand up to the zerg rush, no matter how cheap it is
The Smiling Knight could've killed Jamie when he was a squire but he didn't want to pluck fruit before it was ripe.
Can one count the Last Hero though? He’s more of a myth than anything else, I mean sure, there’s a high chance he existed, but no proof.
>Jaime himself admits that he could not beat either Clegane or Ned Stark.
u wot
>Jaime himself admits that he could not beat either Clegane or Ned Stark.
where the hell are you seeing anything about Ned there? also, that image very much implies he thinks he can beat both Cleganes.
you mean when he was 14? yeah no shit
He is currently in another castle
What do you think this is? Dragon Ball Z? Is Azor Ahai Jaime just Gohan Blanco?
Arthur Dayne
Barristan Selmy
The Smiling Knight (stalemated Barristan and lost to Arthur)
Aemon the DragonKnight
Robert Baratheon
Boom, there’s your list.
People thought Ned was better than he really was because he killed Arthur Dayne.
i mean yeah, the way I took it was that he wasn't really interested in anyone but Dayne and his OP space sword. they crossed swords and Jaime held his own, which is about as much as you can say for someone barely into puberty.
>implying Oberyn did not completely humiliate and outplay the mountain
>implying gregor wasnt sprawled on the ground after literally being stabbed in the chest with a spear
if oberyn wasn't an idiot/drunk/both that fight was over. poison or not, all he had to do was pop gregor in the neck, but he lost due to lack of brain, not skill - and that's pretty fucking hilarious when your opponent is a clegane desu
Oberyn's poison took effect after the fight, it had something to do with rotting and decomposing flesh in case he lost the fight. Since he died, obviously the poison was a good decision.
Im reading the knight of the seven kingdon, Ser Duncan the tall is better than him by far.
beat chained Jaime who was exhausted from marching and likely starved
the cute frog said
that I must bow so low?
>Only a janny of unpaid wage
>cleaning all the shit you post
True, though he was a top tier swordsman in his own right. Is he on par with peak Jaime? Probably not but he would be very close.
Will we ever see the Smiling Knight adapted to tv/film?
>True, though he was a top tier swordsman in his own right.
there is literally nothing to support this. i'm a Nedfag but Brandon was the better sword, and he's never shown to be particularly proficient at fighting. his skills were in commanding forces.
Ned must still have been really fucking good considering that he lead the charge in two wars and came out unscathed and still killed two incredibly skilled Kingsguard at the Tower of Joy.
Beware of an old man in a profession where one usually dies young
Of course hammers, picks, polearms, and the like are more effective against plate armor than swords - that's precisely why mordhau exists. Plate is generally pretty resistant to slashing weapons, but it doesn't do much to dampen blunt force. In the absence of a more effective weapon, using the hilt of your sword as a weapon (or half-swording, for that matter) is going to be your best bet.
Either way, you'd do well not to carelessly start grappling with your opponent, lest you end up on the ground.
>he was a top tier swordsman in his own right
No he wasn't. He's only competent, his skill was as a strategist and tactician. Battlefield sort of things, not individual combat. His older brother Brandon was canonically much better than he was, and was the real swordsman of the family.
Its been a fucking age since I read a Game of Thrones but in the book doesnt Ned have a decent swordfight against Jaime in Kings Landing that got cut short?
I seem to recall Jaime being impressed with his skills.
I can't help but notice your swordsman list contains a hammerbro
>heh, I nicked you so I guess you ded nao xD
You mean like a fucking sword?
Definitely. He was one of the best. Just never as good as swordfighters like selmy, Dayne, or Jamie.
He may have bullshitted the win against Dayne but he still killed Hightower on his own merits which was very impressive.
The Mountain is a joke. He only has his size and intimidation factor. Most capable, fast swordsmen of the day could've taken him. Oberyn did so easily and Oberyn isn't the best by a long shot
He holds his own, but Jaime is pretty clearly not trying to harm him, he says at the beginning of the fight to kill Ned's men and leave him unharmed. Ned is a competent swordfighter because he was trained from a young age in a noble house and has a Valyrian greatsword, but he's not on Jaime/Barristan's level.
Why did bran tell Jamie he was important if nothing he did after that point ever had any consequence?
Why is Oberyn disqualified for fighting with a spear but Robert isn't for fighting with a hammer? Also where did this belief that Robert was a master fighter come from? He was strong.
and he was handcuffed for fucks sake that has to be a bait post you're replying to
The list of pure dueling skill of people alive at the start of the books (probably):
Barristan (he probably could've topped Jaime in his prime, but he's 20 years past that)
Victarion Greyjoy
Loras Tyrell
Total danger (including their size):
Gregor Clegane
If we're including the deceased, Arthur tops all, Robert gets on the list near-Sandor levels, Rhaegar goes up to just sub-Jaime levels
The books take a more sensible and practical route when you look into that. He was likely part of the very elite Kings retinue, or had his own as a Lord Paramount since there really wasn't a for him to clamor on to someone, and a billion reasons for every household guard to show their worth in front of their ruler.
Also valyrian swords are like stat bonuses in the book, and eddard had ice.
We don't get a lot of talk about Ned's deeds, partly because he was so humble. But this is just based off his fight with Jaime alone, who was really pissed he didn't get to keep fighting Ned and prove he was better.
Helps when you're carrying a Valyrian steel sword and have the enemy outnumbered two to one. I'm not trying to say Ned is a bad fighter, he's clearly capable with a sword, but he's not up there with the upper echelon.
>reading books when there is a tv show available
fuckin nerd
>using the hilt of your sword as a weapon (or half-swording, for that matter) is going to be your best bet.
No your best bet is to unbalance your foe, get them on the ground and strike at the gaps in the armor. Half-swording is a meme and I refuse to believe people can be this retarded.
>but it's in a manual!!!
Medieval retards wrote a lot of things in manuals that were wrong.
Did he even use Ice against anyone in combat? Its entirely unwieldy and I thought completely ceremonial
No, Ned's guard stops to hold off Jaime and his soldiers while Ned flees on horseback. After a crash, Ned is thrown to the ground and his horse rolls over on him, crushing his leg.
I'd say that's more due to Jaime's resentment towards Ned for the latter's holier than thou attitude about him killing Aerys rather than wanting to prove he was a better sword. He might think Ned is impressive because historically he's the one who kills Arthur Dayne, but Jaime at that point in the series thinks he's a god on earth with the sword, I seriously doubt he truly thinks Ned can match up with him.
i would explude oberyn and victarion from dueling skill
Robert should be higher than Sandor levels. Robert in his prime was an absolute beast, I question if anybody short of the Mountain could do what he was able to do with his two-handed warhammer wielded one-handed.
Rhaegar shouldn't be near Jaime either. He did break twelve lances against Arthur Dayne in the tourney at Storm's End, but jousting is not the same as duelling or overall danger, as Loras admits (since Loras is excellent at jousting, but noticeably less than that with a sword).
>No, Ned's guard stops to hold off Jaime and his soldiers while Ned flees on horseback
That is not what happens.
>Robert gets on the list near-Sandor levels, Rhaegar goes up to just sub-Jaime levels
Except Robert beat Rhaegar 1v1
Why is no one mentioning Syrio Forel?
Gods he was strong then.
Absolute retard. Brienne even says in her POV later that she barely beat Jaime in that fight and that was when he was chained and malnourished
Would be beaten by Prime Dayne and Prime Selmy.
>gets 1hk by the mounted
Nothing personelle, me lord
Yeah Rhaegar isn't that impressive of a fighter, Barristan actually alludes to that in the books. He's an inspiring leader and a fantastic rider, but Robert caving in his chest is very much the expected result.
depends if armored or not
sir duncan the red of house holland?
Even fat and out of his prime, a lot of that core strength is probably still in there. He's undoubtedly not at his physical peak any more though, and his stamina would be shot to shit, but yes, Robert in his prime was unbelievably strong. Considering that he wielded a two-handed hammer (that Ned could barely lift) in one hand, he has to have been practically superhuman.
Is Dunk and Egg worth reading without reading anything else Asoiaf related?
1. Arthur Dayne/Young Barristan
2. Jaime/ Old Barristan
3. Hound/Bobby B
4. Oberyn
5. Mountain
6. Garlan Tyrell
7. Loras Tyrell
His "get my head exploded while my opponent walks away from the fight" technique was a particularly impressive way to assert his combat dominance.
Recent history up to ADWD: Arthur Dayne.
A game of Thrones (season 1): Jaime Lannister.
Regarding Selmy, on his peak, he was inferior to Dayne, but superior to peak Jaime. Age nerfs him a bit so by the time Jaime peaked, Selmy lists a few points.
Robert's Rebellion
10/10: Arthur Dayne, died on his peak
9.3/10 Barristan Selmy at his peak, overshadowed only by the GOAT
A game of Thrones:
9.0/10 Jaime Lannister.
8.3/10 old Selmy.
So yes, Jaime was the top dog when we are intruded to him in a game of thrones, but one league behind the perfection incarnate.
this is canon by the fat man himself
He had a wooden sword.
Dunk beats all.
The Hound was in the timeline of the show. He only lost to stronk woman because of the "flea bite."
Yes, it's really great. You won't get a lot of the references, but it's a very fun novel on its own. Dunk is impossibly based.
Based Halo poster
Imagine being retarded enough to believe this lmao
>hurrrrrr my best bet is to grab my sword by the blade with both hands and mutilate my palms and cut my fingers off durrrrrrrr
What happens when the armored lad parries his autism swing and cuts his hand off?
and so he spoke, and so he spoke
that user of Yea Forums
and now the bans, weep over his posts
with no one there to read
and now the bans, weep over his posts
and not a soul to reeeee
It is (well not really), he is good but he think to be as strong as he was in his prime, wich he wasnt
>Ned refuses to describe his fight with Ser Arthur Dayne
>Ned insists to repeat at every opportunity that Dayne was the finest knight he ever saw
>Ned didn't suffer a single wound
>It was a 2v1, Ned had Howland Reed with him
>Ned says he would have died without Howland Reed
>Reed's people is infamous for being swamp hunters with ranged poisoned projectiles
Reed shot the fucker in the dick with poison darts. Ned doesn't want to say anything because it is a shitty end to Dayne's legend.
Is so good Im reading it right now and Im having fun is like the hound and arya series we allways wanted.
Nikolaj was strong back then. And strong now.
lol Ned must have been so embarrassed. during his kino fight with the greatest swordsman on the planet, his boy who he kept vouching for tangles the dude up in a net and stabs him to death. bog people know nothing of honor.
because he was a bodyguard to a dude in bravos a million years ago
No. If we were to compare, Vibranium is from space and would likely be what Dawn was made of and that is stronger than Valyrian steel.
when tyrion is riding to greet him he reflects that oberyn is rumored to have mastered every class of weapon while traveling essos as a mercenary.
victarion? maybe. he's a vicious fighter who goes kind of questionably placed. he's killed at least dozens, including many with his fists, but how much of that is his size is hard to question.
i recognize your apt criticism and realize i probably hurriedly misarranged them. i could've sworn there was a chapter in AFFC where jaime reminisces about the last time he spoke to rhaegar and thinks about how stunned he was that robert managed to defeat him in 1 to 1 combat.
i misremembered ned fighting but the rest is correct, isn't it? ned's horse fell and that's what incapacitated him
i have early stage dementia or something because im searching for it now and i cant find any evidence but i could've sworn in blood there was a passage saying that rhaegar had beaten robert and as he approached him for a death blow, robert swung from a kneeling-position and with his I WAS STRONG managed to cave in rhaegars breastplate, spilling the rubies from it into the river and giving it the name 'the ruby ford'. i thought it was one of arya's chapters
tell me moar
This is the definite ranking
The other techniques were clearly practical
We have come full circle
Still alive and holding shit down when not written by retards.
ill give you oberyn, but vic is just berserking around on ships in plate armors with fuckers in leathers or nothing at all due to being afraid of drowning, so im not sure id include him, even when i love vic
Syrio Forel is the Faceless man.
You definitely have dementia
based and castlewallpilled
Wew lad, and people try to claim the books aren't completely fucking retarded
tell me how many recorded instances there are of knights being killed or defeated by this shit?
It never said anything of the sort about the Rhaegar fight. They both took wounds from each other before Robert killed him. Stop making shit up
Yeah. The fact it's smaller in scale makes for a much better read. You follow Dunk in every page as opposed to shooting between dozens of main characters and twice as many minor ones.
Dunk is a gary stu, simple as.
Even at his peak, Syrio would defeat him with a wooden stick
Like the other user said, you’ll be out of the loop on a lot of background info but it’s so comfy it’s ridiculous. You’ll also realize just how awful Brans character becomes the more you know about Brynden Rivers
>gary stu
Selmy was 60. Still unbelievable but at least it's not 80. The knights were spooked because Selmy is a legend, Selmy himself recognized he was past his prime.
maybe overranking then, i guess the book works to give you a much more fearsome impression of him
i legit think what happened was i was playing the CK2 GOT mod as robert and wound up in a battle against rhaegar and it turned into a duel which i was down in, then when i had the option for a final attack (something with like 2% chance) i clicked it expecting a game over but it worked and rhaegar instantly died. i later dreamed this simulation of the events and thats why i remember picturing it so vividly lmao
If including other weapons, qyburn and his ballista/scorpion is the best in Westeros.
shant be doing that
If they're wearing plate armor and the combatants are skilled then a two handed sword should be superior in 1v1s.
That's not the case.
he trains that way because he's so good it allows him to. he really is talked up to be that good, based on what I remember from the books.
Garlan is the one who breaks Stannis' charge at the Blackwater while posing as Renly. You rarely see him referenced as such, but he's one of the top fighters in the series, especially in real combat situations.
While there is some legitimacy to the webm, the unarmored guy is clearly like one of those Asian martial arts masters who fake a demonstration to make themselves seem badass.
>Greatest swordsman in the world killed by Meryn fucking Trant.
>If you want a realistic answer
No. The Mountain would have fucked him up. He was top 5 at best.
yeah I wanted to include that but I couldn't remember if it was Garlan or Loras because show memes
Garlan is my favorite not-really-character character in the series. Wonder what'll happen top him in the books tbqh.
That's his ego talking. Even Ned probably could have beat him. Jamie never won a tournament of note, or defeated a notable opponent.
Spear fags are such dorks can't even into spatial intelligence. roman arms > phalanx because once they close distance you can't maneuver a spear for shit. Spears are only ever superior when in formation and the armor/shield coverage is limited (and of course in cav eras but thats another can of worms).
The Smiling Knight would have pushed Ned’s shit in
Vicky is so fucking badass, he goes like a fucking tank in full plate, killing the shitters with leather armor as if they where rabbits. No fear of drowning, what is dead may never die
From historical accounts it seems big part is training stamina and strength.
The French knight Boucicaut's training regiment included
>running in full armor
>climbing up and down the bottom of a tall ladder with just your arms in full armor
>climbing walls in full armor
>jumping onto your horse in full armor
>throwing a large rock or swinging a heavy hammer all day
>punch a wall repeatedly
He'd probably meme 9/10 GoT fighters due to them being out of shape fat asses.
The Romans Pyrrhus fought also weren't the Romans most think of.
Garlan is impossibly based, I'm glad the show didn't get a chance to ruin him. He's the only person besides Jaime to actually treat Tyrion with respect, the scenes they have together at the Purple Wedding are really heartwarming. Plus he's a god of combat.
Valyrian Steel is much lighter than regular swords, it is possible to use, that being said I don't think he fought with Ice.
>1 vs 5 with just a wooden sword and no armour
>still managed to knock out 4 of them
It's funny how he has so many fans who don't realize his personality is completely self delusional. He gets his ass kicked after hyping himself up for beating a few unarmored sailors by that random noble.
And a spear. A talented spear fighter is a nightmare to face with just a sword.
>>hurrrrrr my best bet is to grab my sword by the blade with both hands and mutilate my palms and cut my fingers off durrrrrrrr
If you use it properly it doesn't even cut into your skin. You're also likely wearing gloves, so it won't do anything for you. Swords aren't actually that sharp, because very sharp swords get chipped very easily. Your average knife at home is going to much sharper than most swords were.
>Jamie never won a tournament of note
He won the tournament at Robert's wedding to Cersei.
That kind of means less, though, when you then find out that a few years later after the Greyjoy rebellion Jorah Mormont won against Jaime at the jousts (although it did take nine lances, and was basically a stalemate otherwise).
The Hound also beat Jaime in the Hand's tourney, I think.
Still pretty impressive to nick skin beneath a gambeson without using force.
We never saw Syrio die...
Dawn is Light Bringer. But we will never see it play it out because the point of the story is subverting prophecy and winning anyway. Stannis was AA, but dies before fullfilling the prophecies.
Old Ned was equal to young jamie
Young Rob. B could have beaten young jamie
Brianne of tarth was equal to Jamie in the bridge fight
Why would these niggas throw their sword?
Jousting isn't really a great indicate of anything but being good at jousting. Selmy loses to Rhaegar at the tourney at Harrenhal, but he's obviously the better figher. Same with Loras/the Mountain, Jorah/everyone at the tourney at Lannisport, etc. etc.
>Currently Dawn is at Starfall, since it's only carried by somebody worthy
>yfw it's revealed Darkstar already stole it and plans to use it on every Lannister he can find
It absolutely is. While having a shield is necessary before plate armor became available, afterwards you could forego the extra defense for more offense.
>Your Grace, I present you my latest invention...the Carronade. The Carronade is a giant cannon, located in Astana. It fires giant hex shots, which destroy entire cities. It somewhat resembles intercontinental nuclear missiles in the modern world due to its poisoning effect upon the damaged territory, similar to that of a nuclear explosion. The hex is analogous to the radioactive fallout of such a bomb. To prepare and charge another shot, the Carronade needs a human sacrifice. It is stated in the game that the damage and maliciousness of the hex depends on the sacrificed person. The stronger the emotional connection a sacrificed person had to a target, the more damage the target will take.
>After each shot the Carronade overheats and therefore an Aqueduct has been made to cool it. The Carronade garrison is commanded by Yuna. He once said that the victims of the Carronade die too soon, not permitting them to extract enough suffering for the weapon. Therefore he is performing experiments in the basement to create a being, that can suffer for eternity and not die at the same time
>yfw that was gurms plan before he realized how fucking retarded Darkstar was as a character
No it wasn't. Every chapter is in that characters perspective physical and mental
The Hound and Oberyn would both wreck Jaime.
>they destroyed all of these
fucking BULLSHIT
>what are gauntlets
Are you retarded by any chance?
Not two handed peak Jaime.
The smiling knight pushed Jamies shit in
Syrio is still Jaqen until proven otherwise.
Nonsense. Pyrrhus used the same methodology Alexander's army used and got beat. Philip of Macedon also, and the Romans crushed him. The maniple Legions were head and shoulders better in the field than anything Alexander ever had excepting cavalry.
This guy is the Barristan Selmy of Braavos, a fucking legend. I always wondered how Ned convinced him to come to Westeros to train his 8 year old girl.
This may have been occasionally done as a combat meth, but it certainly wasn't predominant. If you're unarmored fighting armored guys you'd use a mace or a flail.
If she had died there then that would've been brilliant on the level of the Red Wedding.
>Darkstar memery
They don't exist because Knights were pussies who live sheltered lives and let poor people do all the dying. If a Knight got into combat he'd never let himself be killed, he'd surrender and get ransomed off by enemy Knights. Now Samurai, they were REAL warriors
Name one notable fighter that Jamie ever defeated, either in tourney or battle. His combat prowess was always just his boasting + propaganda. He was probably a stock average fighter.
I don't remember Cairo Station being destroyed.
jaime is certain he could take on the mountain and the hound, selmy on the other hand he was unsure about.
He was a Dayne fanboy
Ned seems like the kind of guy who is a great swordsman purely because he has trained for battles and fought in battles. He has no interest in duels and tournaments, and because of that would be defeated by those who dedicate their life to that sort of thing.
Brienne almost lost to Jaime while he was handcuffed and malnourished, he was captive of the Starks for over a year and was basically eating shit
spotted the retard
Arya is the best sword fighter of all time in Westeros.
He was Jaqen. He was training Arya because the Many-faced God knew she was AA.
Arya isn't a man
Ned is a pragmatist. As he said early in the series, he has no interest in play fighting in Tournaments as he doesn't want anyone knowing what he is or inst capable of with a sword
then how did they get their shit into the atmosphere HUUUUUUUUUUUH
I actually have no idea what canonically happened but I kind of figure that for humanity on Earth to be in the state that it was in Halo3 then the orbital stations must not have lasted forever.
>On screen for a single scene
>More memorable than 90% of the main characters
he was probably in the kings court or just kings landing in general and Ned recruited him
Gripping a blade properly won't hurt your hands, especially if you have gloves on. You can damage armored enemies more easily with blunt weapons like a sword pommel than by slashing with the blade.
yeah ok man. knights never fought in crusades or tartar hordes either right? knights would think samurai were gutless cowards since they focused on the boe and knights considered that a weapon of pussies
No, he's definitely way above average, pointed out after Jaime slaughters his way through seven Northern lords and almost makes it to Robb in one battle.
Sure but maybe he's thinking in terms of solely swordsmanship, the mountain fully armored would probably crush everyone.
The ones that were in the way of the place in Africa where the portal to the Arc was were destroyed but I think the rest of the network remained operational
In the background of some KL scenes, you can see flyers posted “Learn Sword Fighting from a Braavosi Water Dancer”. He was advertising his services for a while. One of the nicer “small touches” of the early seasons.
warhammers and mauls are cheap
Using a razor sharp blade as a handle. LOL
Brienne didn't "almost lose" to him. She kicked his shit in. You are right that he was malnourished and out if practice, but you don't need to make it seem like the fight was close. Brienne could have killed him at any time if not for her oath.
Being strong and good at the hammer in a full plate fight is like cheating. War hammer is the law, based Bob.
Arya beat the hound. The hound beat the mountain.
Fuck I never noticed that. Nice!
Knights fought like crazy, and typically made up the entire calvary force. No one else could really afford armor or horses and horse armor.
>who is oberyn
The mountain is slow and predictable apparently, while jaime is known for being unpredictable
And Arya beat brienne.
Were any of those lords fighters? Or did he kill little girls?
>Greatest swordsman in the world killed by Meryn fucking Trant
Where does Syrio Forel rank?
Robert's warhammer was actually more like a maul. He just used it like a warhammer because he was so retardedly strong. Prime Bobby B was at or near Gregor Clegane levels.
>muh honorabru samurai
Holy shit this is honestly great bait. Samurai were shit.
Hound/Mountain was a draw by suicide. Mountain clearly had superior fighting ability.
Not canon
She’s the only human to ever defeat a giant in 1-on-1 combat. Even a squad of night’s watch couldn’t do that.
arthur with dawn would cut through that armour like butter
But how many elephants can be stationed on board
Brienne literally admits that she still could have lost to jaime in that state and knows she would have lost if they were in equal states
Either way, it’s canon that Arya is a better fighter than both of them.
He also fought in the fucking pits and had a sellsword company, he was fucking batman.
Garlan is based. There's so many elite guys in the books that are not in the show it's fucking sad.
No, he didn't. It was a draw and Jamie was a kid at that point.
Only in that he was a literal zombie. The Hound danced circles around him and outskilled him for the whole first part of their duel then landed what should normally be a fatal blow to the heart.
wrong, mountain just had freakish strength and zombie abilities, not better skilled
Also how light Valyrian steel is
Hound was easily winning. Gregor literally got stabbed through the fucking skull AFTER he got impaled through the torso
Yeah, the books aren't that much better, I mean, they are, but not by thaaaaat much since they have a lot of retarded shit
see "lady stoneheart"
unless dawn is literally a lightsaber it wont do shit to steel plate or even chainmail
some buttfucking faggot who poisoned the mountain and still lost?
Pyrrhus never lost a battle against the Romans, you retard.
A spear literally makes a sword useless though
Give the mountain a spear and see what happens
after playing Mordhau i've lost some respect for Bobby B
Rhaegar was better with a lance than with a sword, he did had the skill, but he never cared about the sword until later in his life.
he is a retard that beat the mountain, cope
this, warhammers are broken
>check out my winning strategy bro
her feet look delicious
gauntlets have leather palms. A sword would cut right through them.
How did Barristan Selmy kill Maely's Blackfyre? Maely's was capable of twisting a mans head off with his bare hands
He beat him in combat but was killed from gloating.
Ned never fought with Ice though, Ice was a ceremonial weapon and would have been absolutely terrible in a battle.