How did we go from this

How did we go from this

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To this?

Attached: MV5BMjI5MzQ0NjA5Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjA1MTg1NzM@._V1_.jpg (1382x2048, 3.26M)

to this

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What a ridiculous premise for a movie.

Christ almighty.

Attached: bayeux.png (286x286, 173K)

It's not fair...

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That's the point, modern-cuck

she's gross af to me after i learned she did fart porn

brazil is nasty

to this

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Its more or less the same as the naked mile and that movie was pure kino

I never noticed "seniors" is spelled wrong on the banner.

My bet is on that DeWanda is the black one

>That flawless bunda does fart porn


to this?

Attached: 1542757461597.png (993x882, 643K)

Go on

Attached: ass.png (597x432, 118K)

You may be on to something...

Why did they stop making stuff like this

Attached: ww3when.png (551x422, 350K)

Attached: barely.jpg (467x653, 259K)

When are we gonna get the 12 year old virgin kino?