Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
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Europe screenings:

Back in 3D in Berlin UCI Luxe Mercedes Platz: May 16th to at least May 19th
Moscow, Russia: Everyday until at least May 21st
Stockholm, Sweden: May 17th, 18th, 19th
Neufahrn, Germany: May 18th and 19th
May 20th: Barcelona, Spain
May 23rd: Lepe, Spain and Barcelona, Spain
June 1st: IMAX 3D in Oslo, Norway, now CONFIRMED at 14:30 or 15:00 local. Fan group have reserved 120+ tickets.
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Open air Freiluftkino Hasenheide Volkspark in Neukölln, Berlin
June 7th: Cologne, Germany: Open air Sommerkino
Westfalenpark PSD Open Air kino in Dortmund: Still collecting surveys

Stop counting. It's much more fun when someonw asks and it's a surprise how much healing has been going on

Hello new bread, please be healed by cute Boomer Arita!

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heblo preeb b hea bi abita

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>Oh, user? you're approaching me?

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I need blu ray in Canada now!!!!!!!!

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Oh i've been healed by Alita alright if you meme my dream

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We are healed indeed

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don’t know who the robobros are but i like this.