What made these movies so good?

What made these movies so good?

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Only white people

It was a combination of great acting and cast choices, fantastic cinematography and sound design, an interesting story and world building, and great story telling and characters. It was the oposite of a complete shitstorm, an amazing-storm of sorts.

Galadriel's feet.

Watch the supplements and you'll see genuine passion from every single person involved.
Some of the orcs were native New Zealanders I think.

Perfect storm of quality.
Amazing source material, nearly perfect casting and acting, incredible craftmanship, no brown people, you name it.

Lack of social media as it is today.

It had soul

Unironically this. Everyone seemed very passionate about the project.

It's like everything that could have gone right went right.

It is a symbol of white people defending their lands and people from invading hordes.

Why are polcucks so obsessed?
By the way Tolkien hated allegory

my dad took me and my brother to see these films multiple times when they came out. it is the only time I have ever been to the cinema multiple times for the same film. it was a cultural phenomena the likes of which hasn't been replicated. sure marvel and stars wars get big numbers of lotr changed everything.


it's brilliantly written source material lovingly adapted and handled with an amount of care and caution far beyond what we see in every movie coming out today combined

It was fun to watch.

LOTR and Titanic are still my most watched movies.

The soundtrack is a fucking masterpiece. I listened to the whole thing like 9 or 10 times when I was writing my dissertation, and I could see the movie playing in my head. The score with all the leifmotifs and themes is so meticulously arranged.

It was visually and subtantially distinct enough from what everyone up to that point had 'imagined' of the books and other fantasy stuff to be valid on its own terms and the casting was inspired. The people working on it had focus. They made the right choices in deciding what to cut from the books

*ting ting*

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Years and years of passionate pre-production.

He didn’t hate allegories, he said himself the entire book is evangelizing and a Catholic work

An original mythos built on white culture and white European mythology. It depicted white men saving their civilization against hordes of foreign invaders. No women or POC to inject their anti-white propaganda. Made by whites who had a legit love for the source material. Years of post production that created a world that only white men could envision. It's a good thing we still have these movies, because the leftist Amazon adaptations will most definitely destroy all these white ideals. Our history, heritage and an original Anglo mythology will be destroyed by resentful women, fags and shitskins. It's all so tiresome.

I'm pretty sure you could have a LOTR screening today and it would pull great numbers. Shit I'd love to see it again at the cinema.

I watched a review on the OST and it's absolutely outstanding the amount of work that went into it.

Apart from Legolas doing retarded stunts and Gimli saying some retarded jokes I honestly can't think of a bad thing about those movies.

I feel like it's harder to fuck up such a great story than to do it justice. All they needed was smarts and passion and they had a fuck ton of both.

I want to take my dad to see the films with a live orchestra before he dies

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its disgraceful that christopher tolkien hates these movies just because it's not 1:1 and shows his misunderstanding of what film is

the movies are the best they could've possibly been and no other adaption has or ever will come close, further proven by the later failures of the hobbit trilogy and the inevitable failure that will be amazon's soulless politically-charged series

Its what happens when you allow white men to realize their vision without any kind of leftist interference

>you will never live in a comfy fantasy ethnostate riding down hordes of dark skinned foreign invaders and come home to make love with your ageless elf waifu

one of the things that always struck me as amazing was also the extended cuts. they came with the appendices where they documented every aspect of the making of these films, and there were so many commentary tracks and behind the scenes videos. that stuff is almost as amazing as the films themselves.

Gambino Sam... that one hurts the most.

>not gary coleman as gimli

>I feel like it's harder to fuck up such a great story than to do it justice.
I mean, Hollywood fucks great stories all the time. They managed to fuck The Hobbit that while not good as LotR still had potential to be amazing.


>"Tolkien has become a monster, devoured by his own popularity and absorbed into the absurdity of our time," Christopher Tolkien observes sadly. "The chasm between the beauty and seriousness of the work, and what it has become, has overwhelmed me. The commercialization has reduced the aesthetic and philosophical impact of the creation to nothing. There is only one solution for me: to turn my head away."

>"They eviscerated the book by making it an action movie for young people aged 15 to 25," Christopher says regretfully. "And it seems that The Hobbit will be the same kind of film."

Are we ever going to see a medieval fantasy battle as good as Helms Deep again?

Viggo has the black card so he should still play Aragorn

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Eat dicks Christopher nobody likes you move out of your mom's basement already

>And it seems that The Hobbit will be the same kind of film
Oh poor him

>not kkk horsemen
one job

>genre fiction
>philosophical impact

Yes. Pelennor Fields

umberto eco's name of the rose?

I would sell my soul to go back and witness the charge of the Rohirrim on opening night.



Still remarkable to me that this scene happens within the first act of the film. The moment to moment of the two towers is unparalleled in my opinion

this, the scale of filmmaking and the amount of love/care that went into LOTR and Titanic are still unmatched even 20 years after release.

they were the swansong of the golden age of huge, detailed, epic sets with only minor CGI to enhance the already incredible practical effects. they will never be topped.


Irrelevant faggot riding off the coattails of his fathers success

the real issue is that the films released at a time when cultural memory wasn't limited to films that released a year ago and people could recognise films with staying power. films released these days are forgotten easily despite being big on release because it's all hype and marketing until you force people to think back and there is little they remember. not so for lotr.

>leaving out the best part
Taking their weapons before the entrance to the palace was comedy gold.


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I know Christopher really does get his Father's work, even to the point of completing unfinished manuscripts Jon wrote.
But I genuinely can't agree with him here. When you have stuff like Legolas and Gimli's running orc-killing competition in the books it's hard to say that there was no hint of excessive, almost joyously heroic violence to the adventure. Just because Legolas skateboards down a staircase at one point, it doesn't invalidate the other 10 hours of narrative.
And to ignore the soundtrack, or the renditions of the Shire, Lothlorien, Mirkwood, Rivendell, or the Grey Havens is a serious disservice to the film. There's not a trace of action movie to those parts.
I see nothing of "commercialization" in the movies. Certainly to the point of "reducing the impact to nothing."
Yeah, AFTER the fact people went nuts with toys/props/games/etc. But that's nothing to do with the movie itself.

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well made gates

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>leaving out the best part
When eowyn stands at the top of edoras and the wind rips the flag off the flagpole

>good use of CGI with Andy Serkis as Gollum
>budget was fully utilized to maintain quality
>full of passion and elements that pertain to the lore
>not a soulless cash grab
>kick ass OST thanks to Howard Shore

Comedy is the best part of the LotR. Like the scene, where Gandalf goes through topics Pippin shouldn't disclose.

"Where are we going?" is one of the best lines in the whole trilogy because of the placement.

>Some of the orcs were native New Zealanders I think.

Clever savings by the make up department

"What about second breakfast?"

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spic here
this is the reason
if i wanted to see brown people i would just go down to el mercado

Why is Yea Forums so based? fpbp.

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