Last time, on /kinobyl/:
/RBMK/ - 'Watch it, Sitnikov' edition
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>helicopter crashes immediately
that's just poor piloting, not radiation poisoning.
Episode Ranks:
Episode 1: 10/10 kinobyle
Episode 2: 8.5/10 bretty gud
Friendly reminder fusion will save us.
Part of the concrete
Part of the core
lets blast the waste into outer space bros!
they passed out from reactor-chans gentle caressing glow
also it fried the electronics on the chopper
Or the roentgens fried the electronics
Found a translation of the evacuation message, it lost a bit of flavor in the translation, but it's generally accurate:
For the attention of the residents of Pripyat! The City Council informs you that due to the accident at Chernobyl Power Station in the city of Pripyat the radioactive conditions in the vicinity are deteriorating. The Communist Party, its officials and the armed forces are taking necessary steps to combat this. Nevertheless, with the view to keep people as safe and healthy as possible, the children being top priority, we need to temporarily evacuate the citizens in the nearest towns of Kiev region. For these reasons, starting from 27 April 1986 2 pm each apartment block will be able to have a bus at its disposal, supervised by the police and the city officials. It is highly advisable to take your documents, some vital personal belongings and a certain amount of food, just in case, with you. The senior executives of public and industrial facilities of the city has decided on the list of employees needed to stay in Pripyat to maintain these facilities in a good working order. All the houses will be guarded by the police during the evacuation period. Comrades, leaving your residences temporarily please make sure you have turned off the lights, electrical equipment and water and shut the windows. Please keep calm and orderly in the process of this short-term evacuation.
Explain how a nuclear reactor works or you're getting a bullet comrade
Friendly reminder that we will never solve the energy/climate crisis and whales will go extinct in our lifetimes.
So Legoman fucked up right? I mean making lava was a bad idea, they should have just left it
Episode 2 was KINO, fuck you fags.
>that shot of the dog running after the bus
>there were liquidators that were tasked with going trough the town killing pets
>Ah, now that we're all together comrades, I'd just like to say a few things before we get into the details about this very minor incident. Ahem. Fuck roasties, fuck jannies, and fuck nnnn..... ahem. Fuck nEUUUUURGGHHHHH
benis rod goes into glowing bagina
>that's just poor piloting, not radiation poisoning.
Well he did fly directly over the core and received a lethal dose of radiation. And then the radiation could've interfered with the copter itself.
Would anyone want to go to the exclusion zone? I am legitimately interested, and I would think there would be a few takers here, and maybe on /k/. Does anyone know where the main points of interest are, because I know the zone is actually pretty big, and not just Pripyat/Chernobyl.
This series does horror better than horror movies
good thing dogs and cats are too crafty for murderous ruskies
Comrade anons, I just got back from the reactor 4 roof. I’m certain I saw large chunks of graphite. I think the core is gone guys. We need to evacuate the city.
it hit the cables in the show too
>Explain how a nuclear reactor works or you're getting a bullet comrade
I don't have any paper and you don't have a pen.
Friendly reminder that the forest around Chernobyl absorbed a ton of radiation, gets dangerously dry during the summer and could release another bad radiation cloud if it caught on fire.
Please explain how an rbmk reactor can explode
correct. the helicopter only crashed after many trips, long after they started the drops. the pilots were getting disoriented from their sickness kicking in and hit cables, in an already tight spot to fly even in good health.
There is no graphite, that is impossible. Nice tan, by the way.
Are there any live webcams in the area? Maybe for nature?
what game are you playing
I pray for the day
>woah look at the epic burning power plant!!!! this is so f*cking epic bros!!!!!!! woah look the NUCLEAR POWER PLANT is on fire!!! this is totally epic *gets infant from stroller* LOOK LITTLE CHILD LOOK HOW EPIC THIS IS!!!!!!!!!!!
*many hours later*
>NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! how could this be!!! now me and my child have severe radiation poisoning!!!!!!!!! PLEASE TAKE MY CHILD WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Watch Into Eternity faggits! You can see how they store spent fuel underwater and their plan to store if for good under shitloads of granite. It started a while ago and will be finished in 2200+ >
I've watched both episodes twice now and I still don't fucking understand how radiation or nuclear physics works. Am I just retarded?
There are a ton of tour companies doing it now. Working on the reactor and tourism are the main sources of income fore the people of the area.
I have been to Chernobyl and it's worth it I'd say, but it's nothing special. It's not the 90s any more when it had this mystery around it.
>ywn insert your control rod into this qt.U238
there are lots of videos you can check out on youtube of people who go. there are tours, a couple anons said they took them - one even posted some photos he took.
In the show it did too, you can see the crane hook falling. Though it happened half a year later.
How can looking at the core from 300 meters away kill you?
you shoot the turbines with bullets
235, no?
Dangerous, spreading information like that at a time like this
mmmmmm Nootka
"If I'm not here to explain how a reactor works, you will be hit by 30000000 bullets, comrade."
Comrades, I forgot my sunscreen!
Do the soviets like their puppers ?
he was fried and hit the tower I think
China did think of this
does she get nakkieds
Cheers user
can someone give me a quick rundown on Scherbina?
Radiation breaks you down at the atomic level.
>How can looking at the core from 300 meters away kill you?
millions of billions of bullets shooting in every direction.
Imagine firing a trillion guns
>storing spent fuel underwater
considering how the vast majority of the most damaging of the radioactive daughter nuclides are water soluble ions (example: radioactive iodine), that is just a fantastic idea.
not as much as their kots
yes probably, i have a 90IQ and i can draw a reactor blueprint from memory
did see the first episode twice though
Wanna get real sad? Like big time sad? I warned you. Lots of people left their pets at home since the eveacuation was called "temporary" and they thought it would be a couple of days, so the doggos and cats starved to death.
What did the comrade mean by this?
its actually 3 million billion trillion bullets
t. BRUHkhanov
>when the lights go out
I saw a Mutt film an they ended up in a cell being eaten by freaks kek
The radiation is so severe that it is ionizing the air. What do you think will happen to a squishy human body?
i can answer your questions user
Go back to early Chernobyl threads. Now you just get shitty responses, but there were some really well thought out and educated ones. You can learn a lot about it on youtube. I spent a couple hours watching videos about fission.
A lot did sure, but they're animals and can survive on their own if need be, which is what many did. First they came running to the soldiers, then they ran from the soldiers.
they expected one of them in the wreckage
>We need to evacuate the city.
Not until Ameicans that live rent free in our heads find out!
>the doggos and cats starved to death.
the entire point of the killsquads was to kill the pets and save them from death due to radiation
Episode 1: 10/10, absolute kino
Episode 2: 0/10: garbage SJW bullshit
wont be watching any further
>but the dosimeter keeps on clicking.
Brilliant when they built the steel sledge shed , the EU workers fed and some adopted them
dont you amerifats learn that in high school physics class?
>proceeds to take fireman's boots off with bare hands
Fomin deserved it
>I'm being told it's the equivalent of a billion trillion bullets
why didn't it scare him?
Comrade, are you trying to terrify the good people of Pripyat? Don't be an alarmist or I'll have to get you "calmed down".
They buried it all. At least the red ones.
Pic related
>What do you think will happen to a squishy human body?
Nothing. It's only 3 rads
It's sealed and kept at a low temperature. A bit better than just leaving it somewhere in a warehouse.
Looks like a turbine explosion to me, some mild water is contaminated nothing serious
this kot lives near the hotel
you're excused comrade
shit :>(
when will this character be introduced
and im the father
Slavs are barely human.
>worldwide news headlines made about a group of doomer autists who trekked right into the exclusion zone
>some sources say that the young men wanted to save Valery, who they regarded as "absolutely based", and bring his skeleton out to receive proper burial
>some redditor gets gold over a joke about roentgens
Yes! Time for future happenings!
>why didn't it scare him?
Because he knows only he orders people to be shot.
If I tell you you won't need me anymore and would just throw me out of the helicopter.
>about the same as a chestecksrheigh
...what did he mean by this?
*leaks into your groundwater*
too little fan service
I hope to god they show Fomin sperging out and trying to slit his wrists with his broken glasses.
Lmao I kept thinking he sounded familiar.
>when core-chan reveals herself to you
It's a breeder type reactor?
He is a based Norfern UK actor
Loved they went on that bridge , look at the Glow baba
What's 7.2÷2?
Iodine pills? In a hospital be next to a nuclear power plant why would we stock them?
>and the only thing to guide you is the clicking of the dosimeter
>They buried it all. At least the red ones.
I wouldn't call that reminder friendly.
Nearly broke down in tears at the MRA group therapy session today. Had to tell them this show, which meant a lot to me and many of the boys there that it's been poisoned. Many of us cried, we embraced each other. I'm now ready to move on, I'm ready to say goodbye to this show.
It could have been special, but no, the feminists just had to ruin it.
How many bullets again?
>Iodine pills? In a hospital be next to a nuclear power plant why would we stock them?
It's not like the core could actually explode.
How do they have internet at the local mass grav- I mean, party headquarters?
What was the last thing that helicopter pilot who flew over the core saw/felt? Would he have hallucinated with glorious core chan visions?
>weenymania weenymania!
Watch this, comrade secretary
it runs on bullets
Uranium atoms fire off little bullets that hit other Uranium atoms
those collisions generate a lot of heat
that heat heats up water, that superhot water heats up the turbine water to make steam, that steam turns a turbine to generate a current
>Khodemchuk tells you you're going the right way
heat up urnamium to 4 billion degrees, then stick a plug in that shit, bam, electricity
>in 5 years we will all be dead
-You have a super thicc atom, so thicc it can barely hold itself together
-shoot it with very small bullet
-it explodes and turns into smaller atoms (different elements)
-heat is released into water and power is created like steam engine
-nuclear waste is produce & buried for 10000 years
-1000 years later it leaks everywhere and everyone dies
6 ooo ooo
>im offended people point out bad writing when the fictional character not even the writer is a woman
Holy cringe.
rewatch the prog
any invisible anomilies
fap fap not my finest but got there
dude was a boomer retard doctor
doctors are incredibly arrogant irl and extremely resistant to change or any new information
>titles start
That was kinda cheap, since everyone knows 100 millions Europeans didn't die there was no need for a cliffhanger.
why wont you look at me user...
Good. I don't need anymore.
also there were no medical conventions where pharamajews peddle crap to doctors in commieland so doctors didnt learn new things
*boomers are incredibly arrogant irl and extremely resistant to change or any new information
>any invisible anomilies
Saw a few burners but no big deal comrade
perfect nuclear soviet engineering would never fail. Why would we need it? You are saying delusional things and against your own interest.
>the borium made her thiccer
>Once upon a time, man learned to master fire. Something no other living creature had done before him. Man conquered the entire world. One day, he found a new fire. A fire so powerful that it could never be extinguished. Man reveled in the thought that he possessed the powers of the universe. Then in horror, he realized that his new fire could not only create, but also destroy. Not only could it burn on land, but inside all living creatures, inside his children, the animals or crops. Man looked around for help but found none. And so he built a burial chamber deep in the bowels of the Earth. A hiding place so that the fire could burn into eternity.
where is the scene in this post? I didn't catch the Ivan painting while watching
trust me, I know zoomer doctors too
For the brainlets and shoe factory workers who post here
These are Finns we're talking about, not Slavs.
We can't stop here, this is boar country
More sand, your grace?
i doubt many 19 year old doctors exist
It's boron, you tourist
is Vasily our numba wan guy?
Probably comes later at another meeting.
what do you think the producers would think of the fact that people literally sexualize a molten down radioactive reactor core?
you got a artistic licence for that m8
Go up on the roof an look
7.62 mil
aww Based
russian is cute !!!
>just left it
And let it slowly poison the whole world, every day throwing radioactive shit into the atmosphere.
That's enough.
I think the Wall exploded, your Grace... there's ice and dragonglass all over the North
feminist rumours
>you're on the list
If I pull that control rod out, will you explode?
>soviet ultra chad
Why didn't he just said he looked at the reactor when he was on the roof? What were they gonna do, go have a look for themselves?
it would be extremely radioactive
>tfw hamburgers and hot dogs too
>tfw wrong kind of barbecue
You're a big core.
The kot is fine right?
Lads who is the cute iodine nurse/doctor? Whats her rl name or character name
Did those two do the wrong thing by pumping the water from the valves into the core?
I both want and don't want to see the colossal amount of suffering pic related is going to go through
there was a guard behind him
begging for an excuse to shoot this alarmist bourgeois kulak fuck in the face
yes :(
For U235
For any commi...soviet here is that still a thing under Putin now ?
Watson's character is not that bad, it only got a little yasss queen when she knew the pools were full. Y'all made it sound like they made her super women.
hopefully not
Such wonderful gifts!
Aww what a based TopCat
it had no effect because the water turned to steam before it even hit the core
Not the wrong thing, per se. But it had no effect on the core. They needed to shut down the reactors and evacuate everyone immediately.
He was so fucking calm saying this.
Haha why would she suffer user
Theyre going to take artistic license with Vasily, hes going to be okay ahaha
The lettering :
"The strong, the brave, the dexterous"
Ever know of any situation where Yea Forums didn't hyperbolize everything?
this can't be real. Even if this is actually real, it can't be real
this guy roams there
>Once exposed, nausea and vomiting will begin almost immediately, and within a short space of time your tongue and eyes will swell, followed by the rest of your body. You’ll feel weakened, as if the strength has been drained from you. If you’ve received a high dose of direct exposure - as in this scenario - your skin will blanche dark red within moments, a phenomenon often called nuclear sunburn. An hour or two after exposure, you’ll gain a pounding headache, a fever and diarrhoea, after which you’ll go into shock and pass out.
>After this initial bout of symptoms, there’s often a latent period during which you’ll start to feel like you’re recovering. The nausea will recede, along with some swelling, though other symptoms will remain. This latent period varies in duration from case to case, and of course it depends on the dose, but it can last a few days. It’s cruel because it gives you hope, only to then get much, much worse. The vomiting and diarrhoea will return, along with delirium. An unstoppable, excruciating pain seethes through your body, from the skin down to your bones, and you’ll bleed from your nose, mouth and rectum. Your hair will fall out; your skin will tear easily, crack and blister, and then slowly turn black.
>Your bones will rot, forever destroying your ability to create new blood cells. As you near the end, your immune system will completely collapse, your lungs, heart and other internal organs will begin to disintegrate, and you’ll cough them up. Your skin will eventually break down entirely, all but guaranteeing infection. One man from Chernobyl reported that when he stood up his skin slipped down off his leg like a sock. At high doses, radiation will change the very fabric of your DNA, turning you quite literally into a person other than the one you were before. And then you’ll die, in agony.
Nah, he's just a real man, not some basedboy like you
The fact that the series starts with him killing himself made me laugh
Wait until next episode. He will show that he is the TURBO ULTRA GIGA CHAD
pools closed due to roentgens
Did those 3 guys lose their 400 ruble stipend when the Soviet Union collapsed a few years later
Someone need to shoop a scouter on him
She belittled the government representative because he used to work in a shoe factory.
And she watched him go through all of that.
He probably didn't really know what it meant just like Shcherbina. Shat some bricks when Legasov started dropping Hiroshimas all over the place. Did what needed to be done anyway.
what was the physicist lady talking about when the other scientist mentioned boron and sand helping solve the problem and she replied "of course that is what you think you fucking white male".
and boron and sand ended up being the only solution anyway and she somehow found about flooding under the reactor by not even being there and the main scientist didn't know about it even though he was there?
but inflation made those 400 rubles = thee fiddy USD
Fomin got sectioned , to save from gulag
then after the soviet era
he was released and went back working in a nuke reactor , Fact
5 years of living in Vladivostok will sort her out
she scraped the vomit and blood out of his throat so he could breathe
Turn off your brain with that imaginary bitch I mean she teleported 400km from where she was to Chernobyl in a few hours
shout out to that based helicopter pilot who didn't fly them over the reactor
>She plucked out chunks of his organs when he was choking on them while coughing them up.
And they say love is dead.
An Hero
go look at the core til you melt you melt
dog lovers beware :(
>officer in an ABC brigade
> does not know what the number means
He's based. The scene where he's being cleaned and looking towards the bureaucrats with his face mask on, being the first to bring back official information that shit is extremely fucking fucked was pretty well done.
Fun fact: that pile of clothing is still in the basement of the hospital and is one of the most radioactive sites you can reach in the zone.
What the article didn't mention is that there were not enough tracksuits, so only first people in line would get one, mostly covering those who lost full mobility. The rest were rewarded with Soviet Union "Right Proper Lad" badge and 3-4 rolls of toilet paper. The badge could fetch up to 10 dollars on the open market in just 5 short years, meaning most of the liquidators got to take advantage of this great deal.
>you've only five'e n year to live
*poops pants*
*dog gets up*
>not posting the best there is
>the virgin Akimov and Toptunov
>fuck up the test
>fuck up further trying to pump water into an open core
>insist you did nothing wrong
>the chad Ananenko, Bezpalov, and Baranov
>volunteer for incredibly dangerous suicide mission because you know it must be done
>accomplish the mission saving countless lives
>live into old age
>continue to work in nuclear power
>tell people the whole thing was no big deal
can the divers be any more based?
I stand corrected. Though he was some random officer/colonel and that picrelated was the ultrabadass.
I especially like how her story hammers home the fact how dangerous love can be, she was pregnant. She knew she was. She ate a piece of fruit her nuked husband gave her and hugged him when some fireworks came, all out of love.
And in the interview she broke down crying about how she killed her own daughter and how her daughter essentially saved her by absorbing alot of rads.
they would burn out from the radiation
fap fap fap ...
Based soviet
I have seen wild boars near the plant in pics go on the night watch roof to see
Based Top Chad
was he Zhukev ?
>told that soldiers might die doing the measurement
>does it himself
>drove a vehicle protected with aluminum foil
>measure 15000 roentgens
>tell comrades calmly
>reminds comrade scientist he can stay at the 5-star hotel in town
200 roentgen? From feedwater leaking from a blown tank come on now, what game are you playing?
Chernobyl's bullets are the one thing with gravity able to transcend time and space
shes done fappening an been on the roof
>and how her daughter essentially saved her by absorbing alot of rads.
Holy fuck.
My friend walked into a vortex. He was a gud man
Dylatov did this
Can believe this
>You need to have sex Vassili
Nadia Clifford aka Dr. Svetlana Zinchenko
please don't bully she's pure, it's her first tv role
Did you enjoy his redemption arc?
>Watch episodes 1&2
>Go to sleep
>Hazy, almost fever dreamish nightmare that keeps repeating itself where I'm running around the power plant as things are going to shit
>And this time there are mutants
Any idea if that guy survived?
If anyone is intrested, theres a video from inside the reactor hall after the accident
This crazy chick lived here until she was 3 then left because of the accident. She grew up and came back to take pictures in the ruins.
When Belarus president visited Putin a few months ago he just gave him a few bags of potatoes as gifts
Glad they Never invaded in the 80s west germany
Did what, exactly? Why don't you go up to the roof and tell me EXACTLY what you see what Comrade Dyatlov "did". Nothing is wrong.
>Wherever I am, I must thot.
Nadia has worked extensively in theatre, her credits includeThe Mysteries(Royal Exchange Theatre),Pomona(National Theatre/ Royal Exchange),PIIGS(Royal Court) She also played ‘Jane Eyre’ inJane Eyreat the National Theatre.Nadia can be seen playing ‘Dr Svetlana Zhinchenka’ in HBOs forthcoming dramaChernobylwhich is due to air Summer 2019. Nadia has also performed in BBC Radio 4 Drama.
Voice reel coming soon.
Vocal Range:20s-30s
Accent(s):Northern/ RP/ Arabic (Libyan descent)
disgraceful of you to spread such misinformation in times like these
The zone is calling you, stalker.
Jesus christ.
That's how you know you've got kino on your hands.
He wouldn't have gotten too much since he was wearing some form of protection and stayed for just a bit to take measurements. Nothing compared to firefighters, the gate guards and the plant people who stayed almost all night around it.
Filmed in 1986 ?
she was the angry SJW feminazi who never exhisted
ALL FILMS EVEN COMIC BOOK SHYTE are RIDDLED wit it now cos them slags slept with kikes producers an are victims now
Get over it
womiin are vermin
A minor turbine explosion don't believe what you can see
>my waifu is secret and will not have let the fame gone to her head, will not have a million autists messaging her, literally doesnt even have an insta (i checked) to attention whore on, won't have a billion degenerates soiling her with their cum tributes and constant posting online
Feels good to be a fucking PATRICIAN comrade
Guys I have a question what STALKER game has a better and more detailed depiction of the station and has it accessable earlier?
Holy shit, Babies give immunity to rads.
Maybe that’s where Hideo Kojima got the foetus backpacks idea for Death Stranding from.
I mean it’s the kind of obscure dark shit he seems to know about...
Vladimir Karpovich Pikalov (1924—2003) was a Colonel general of the Soviet Armed Forces, the Chief of the Chemical Troops of the Ministry of Defence of the USSR in 1969—1989.
>Survives WW2 and 15000 Roentgens
>Reaches the ripe old age of 79
This she would of been transported to a gulag quicker than Im a rad scientist femin....! kek
Goddammit, I came here for the memes, not to feel sad.
As for the Targaryen dragons, i'm told they're the equivalent of a small pet, the situation is under control.
in her own words
When you say it, I honestly would not be the slightest bit surprised.
>All that static on the camera.
Mmmm, Cancerous!
there will be some dirty fucking Korean cunt hungry af
Porr Pupper RIP
Putin has his own collection at the Cricova winery in R. Moldova. I passed by it when I visited then got drunk at the wine tasting. Gagarin visited as well and got lost in there since it's a sprawling underground complex build in an old lime mine. They found him the next day next to some empty bottles and he said going to space was easier than getting out.
When did her husband die?
2009 i believe
>he lived
>the divers live
>Yuvchenko lives (guy who held the big metal door in episode 1)
that's it chadliness must give some sort of radiation resistance
God, I wanna put my control rod into that inferno...
RIP from Chan
based soviet worker puppers
Post yfw your flash light breaks
I knew she was too cute to be full bong.
oh my fucking life
The only game where you actually enter the building is SoC, in CS you run around on the roofs and in CoP you never visit it, you only go to Pripyat, by that metric SoC is the most detailed depiction.
The plant is THE central setpiece of STALKER so in every game it is in, it is reached at the end, unless you play freeplay mods like CoC where you can just run over there and explore.
tell gervois to fuck off m8
15 days after exposure, i don't know the date
there are some real kino stories in this, even one with some mad lad going back to chernobyl to steal the fucking door of his apartment with a motorbike
damn son, them rads made her thicc
Ignatenko, Vasyli - May 13th
>Chief Sergeant, first crew on the reactor roof. Received fatal dose during attempt to extinguish the roof and the reactor core fire. He was survived by his pregnant wife Lyudmilla. Her child died shortly after birth due to a heart failure and a cirrhosis of the liver, caused by contamination.
Belarus' love to potatoes is a meme that surpasses the Irish one
Eh. None, I think
SoC has it as endgame content and it's an extremely tedious shooting gallery with very lethal enemies and choppers shooting missiles at you.
CoP has more parts of Pripyat as explorable environment, but that's 2/3rds into vanilla quest. Don't recall the reactor in this game.
Clear Sky doesn't include it at all. Your best bet is some mod probably that combines all the maps from all games and maybe allows early exploration, but I don't know which one.
This ia F.E.A.R flashback
They could not talk animals with them because animals would have a trillion bullets in their fur from the hydrogen tank explosion.
She's not pregnant (I checked)
Rip her hands
>Vasily's actor is slated for the 5 episode run
>we are going to watch him suffer until the very end
Putin is the based loved dict .. president now ok
The soviets generally like him he stopped lots of low level town corruption
that's from beta radiation on the clothing? she going to get very sick?
In SoC you can go there at the end and explore around, inside and on top of the plant/sarcophagus. In the standalone mod Call of Chernobyl and all its derivatives like Anomaly, you can pick Monolith as your faction and start at the Sarcophagus and explore at your leisure. No story though.
3.6 comrade
>divers share a white supremacist hand signal before entering the water
what did HBO mean by this?
>in CS you run around on the roofs
Oh, oops. That game didn't leave a lasting impression on me. If SoC featured a tedious shooting gallery, SC's was 10x as worse and I just coasted through that shit and never touched it again.
Can you buy property in Pripyat?
Now I remember, I played CoC a bit and even woke up in Prypyat once
Also found this, good read and higher quality photos from their trips
makes me based to reinstall an modded to fuck
Actually he was head of the soviet chemical corps.
this makes me wonder, what areas can/can't you get into in the real Chernobyl? I know they do tours there now, will they take you inside the plant? inside/around the sarcophagus?
I'd get raped by her
>fire fighting like normal
>"oh what is this?"
>pick up beautiful black concret
>"vasily what is this?"
>"i don't know don't fuck around with it"
>throw away rock start fire fighting
>hand melts off after 15 minutes
bourgeois kulak detected
the roof awaits
Mr Legasov, i-i don't feel so good
>It is a bad sign when the first few minutes of a drama raise more extra-narrative questions than answers. Did the residents have no fear of what such a sight might mean? Why are they not running around trying to flee, as we would be? I am sure it is something to do with soothing, Communist-era propaganda and a well-trained, incurious mindset, but the writers need to sketch these things in a bit if they want viewers to be involved rather than instantly baffled by their story. This particular example becomes more pressing in a later scene, when we see the townspeople gazing in wonder at the distant fire and ionised blue air above it as their children play in the radioactive ash accumulating at their feet. I mean, I have questions.
the reason you'd run away is because Chernobyl happened. That's literally what the people of Pripyat did in real life. You can't feel gamma rays
I thought that ..??
did read it was state land
put that pencil down Misha ffs
that's burnt concrete comrade
OGSE 0693 is a treat (0692 as well). Crazy Slavs improved the engine by themselves.
someone posted this video with different music earlier, didn't think it fit so I made this
Dr Legasov
she Grew the fuck up
so many based Jumps
>Ignatenko: "I gave birth to a boy, Andrei. Andreika. My friends tried to stop me. 'You can't have a baby.' And the doctors tried to scare me: 'Your body won't be able to handle it.' Then, later -- later they told me that he'd be missing an arm. His right arm. The instrument showed it. 'Well, so what?' I thought. 'I'll teach him to write with his left hand.' But he came out fine. A beautiful boy. He's in school now, he gets good grades. Now I have someone -- I can live and breathe him. He's the light in my life. He understands everything perfectly."
So she later had a son?
I would think she would have had gloves if she was savvy enough to think of the iodine. oh well this is mostly fake at this point anyways, at least the individual stories are.
>He's the light in my life
cherenkov baby detected
>But I loved them both. Because you can't kill someone with love, right?
Jesus, no wonder Legoman killed himself, this is depressing af and I am only reading it.
They rarely let non-scientists and non-engineers inside. You can visit it outside until the plant's gate. You can walk around Pripyat but they don't let people in most buildings since they fear them collapsing. Some you can still go in and view the city from the roof.
Is this the woman who got "friend" to impregnate her after her husband died?
>Ulana is so smug, condescending, and far smarter than men, who she chastises for their mistake and is only affable towards other women
>she's a fictional character in this story
Ey comrades you know what you're doing?
>in this moment, Brukhanyov knew
>he fucked up
will look to reinstall is it the base game ?
Those Mod guys Had Real Passion for it
Who is the guy on this picture ? Is he alive ?
>Why doesn't the average 80s Soviet know the things I know.
Also just look at those youtube videos of people watching explosions of chemical factories and shit and their only thought is to film. They could be in danger, but people don't like to accept the truth sometimes, its the same as the guy who looked at the graphite, but didn't accept that he saw it.
It's standalone. Visit All the patches, addons and translations are there. The site is in Russian so use Yandex to translate the site but the game also has English.
is this the same guy who ran around in his underwear in thor2?
From my extensive research(two days of googling and asking on Yea Forums) i know that:
>It was possible to get inside the reactor chamber itself, not sure if its still the case after the new sarcophagus over the plant() but i suppose theres still a way in
>The plant is mostly free to roam, theres a corridor lined with lead leading to no.4's control room with Khodemchuk memorial and from what i heard you can dwell even deeper but theres no lining and the radiation is much higher
>all other plant are free to roam
Those Trips satan
he was Honoured after his guilt ridden jump off the chair an hero .. Based af , RESPECT
what many at chan can only try to aspire too
Guy in charge of the sarcophagus supposedly. Still alive and wants to go back in but was banned and told to retire because of old years/bad health.
>she is so far the only fictional character in this story
fixed that for you.
Yes, also according to an interview he also walks around naked at home.
Why do you even need to ask, when the first line of the quote you posted is "I gave birth to a boy".
How is there any ambiguity here? It could not be more clear.
Dude literally has Asgard in his surname
you see comrade
when you pickings of graphite up with shoovel you never have worry about contamination because of so low seconds you be on roof
The professor who finds Thor, yes. Also a Russian in Red Oktober.
I thought that the elephant foot was the most dangerous object in the world ? Weird that he is still alive
Air is glowing guy and old cane man are also composites.
Cmon, let's hit the showers
At the time it was fresh out of the containment vessel it was. You'd get a lethal dose in around 4 minutes. Nowadays it's around 10-11 minutes or could be even a bit more.
Cheers M8 Thankyou for that , Respect .
This photo was taken with a series of mirrors to keep the photographer from exposure. That man is not standing next to the foot, he is just being reflected
>1,000,000 Ratogens per hour Elephant Foot separates soul from body
Jesus Christ
>Also a Russian in Red Oktober.
This pile of clothes it
>Well, so what?' I thought. 'I'll teach him to write with his left hand.'
I mean, it's not surprising after she went through, but she sounds batshit crazy.
It's really simple to understand. The problem is the scientific jargon makes it seem complicated.
All things that have mass are made out of matter. Matter is just a word for atoms. Atoms come in all kinds of different sizes, which is what sets them apart. Each size is a different element. For example a Gold atom is much bigger than a Hydrogen atom, hence they are different elements.
You can do two things with these atoms (elements), you can fuse them together (fusion) or split them apart (fission).
When you fuse two atoms of a certain element together, you create a new heavier element (for example you can fuse Hydrogen atoms into Helium atoms).
Fission means splitting atoms apart. Fission only works on really big complex atoms, because smaller atoms are extremely stable. Their nuclear bonds are very hard to break. Think of it like trying to separate two very tiny pieces of LEGO (very hard) versus trying to destroy a large LEGO house (very easy).
Uranium-235 is one of those really big complex atoms (it is in fact the largest one which occurs naturally). You can split it by shooting Neutrons at it. When it splits, it releases a shitload of energy. If you split them all at once you get a nuclear bomb. If you split them slowly over time, you get a nuclear reactor.
The problem with really big complex atoms (like Uranium-235) is that they are unstable (i.e radioactive). Nature tries to restore the balance by simplifying these unstable atoms so that they becomes stable. It does this by ejecting some of the atoms mass in the form of particles like Neutrons (the 'bullets' that kill you). This process is called radioactivity.
All unstable atoms will continuously decay into lighter more stable elements, until they eventually reach the element Lead. Lead is the heaviest element in nature which is stable (non-radioactive). All elements that are heavier than Lead are radioactive and will decay. The time it takes for them to decay is called the Half-Life.
Why didn't they send in those three guys with bags full of rad-x and radaway?
That actually happened though, it's called the "Bridge Of Death" where citizens watched from afar and later died
Isn't it strange how real stories can seem the least realistic?
No problem. A useful tip at the start is to do the quest of the two brothers that are in a house around a fire. That quest chain involves a fridge and will lead you in the blocked train tunnel where you find something that will help you on later quests if you get stuck.
Boris NO!
>Bridge of Death
>people really died
No they did not, it's an urban legend.
Low level rad med waste is ok , Dentist xrays/xrays
But the clothes were highly rad
firemen had been picking up the core an throwing /booting it about like football /soccer < for the mutts
I fucked up. See . You can change language in OGSE 0693 from the launcher where you can tweak settings. Click on the US flag and save changes. Some people don't notice it.
There was no rad-x 30 years ago.
radiation isnt a gun, a lot of factors comes into play when discussing lethality. At the time of discovery it radiated 10000 rads, so 100 grays, 8 grays for 10 minutes is 99% lethal so back then standing unprotected next to it for 30 seconds and not recieving instant help means death. The photo was made around '96, so 10 years later,
Explain the critical mass too, please.
Man Pripyat looks comfy as fuck!
It this how 80's cities looked like? its not too bad
I highly reccomend you guys watch this documentary, it features tons of interviews from real people who fought in the disaster. The bio-robots squad is particuarly frightening footage.
Comrade anons, there is a fucking endless blue laser beam shooting up into the sky. Enough with the jokes, this is clearly no roof fire, it's time to evacuate the city.
The fucking clothes in the hospital are still decently juiced up. 500-4000uSv I wonder how radioactive they were when they dumped them there.
It hurts comrades
Why didn't the Soviets just nuke the reactor and destroy everything
What's a good game involving radiation that isn't Stalker, Metro, or Fallout? Already blasted through those many times