>we need an ugly cunt with no charisma or likeability and an inflated ego
>say no more senpai
We need an ugly cunt with no charisma or likeability and an inflated ego
>Yeah, what's up?
>Get OP on the phone, will you?
Anyone else think that her face looks like it's slipping off of her face? It's like her lower jaw are pulling her cheeks and eyes down.
She cute
>ruins your movie with ugly face and bad acting
Gross dude. Just gross. Post this gore in Yea Forums.
>what? what do you mean OP isn't available? all he does is shitpost and finger his asshole
>I donno boss, he says he's busy and he refuses to come out of his room, im not going in either because of the stink
>f-fine, i gues pic related will have to do, now get on it
>Whiteknighting the ugliest actress in Hollywood
have some self-respect
yeah she's going to look horrendous at 50
In the image that OP posted to be precise. Also gtfo niglet.
post hog chud
Can't wait for those two ugly racist harpies to ruin the MCU for good
Hey i heard your little sub is getting axed. Dont pollute Yea Forums with your shitty memes now.
Women, is there anything they can't ruin?
REMINDER: You are literally NOT allowed to find her unattractive. You are NOT allowed to criticize her physical appearance.
larson literally cannot tell the difference between an actor and the character
She looks like a fucking pug.
I know you were seething even before making this thread but
>absolutely seething
also experience sexual embrace
>You are NOT allowed to criticise her physical appearance.
You can't criticise a physical appearance, same with how you can't "critique" something like down syndrome or some other uncontrollable disease. Criticise implies there's something which needs to (and can be) fixed and improved on, especially with other people's help or input. You're literally saying that humans are required to be sexually attractive to you, and that if they aren't, they're deserving of your """critique."""
You can only insult, and not criticise. Grow the fuck up retard.
dont tell him that, youre invalidating his years of ridicule at the hands of numerous stacys, jesus christ youre making him feel like literal shit
Imagine thinking that a gorgeous woman isn't gorgeous because she's not white
What an idiot you'd have to be
Everything that isn't joining a circlejerk is whiteknighting for faggots like you
She looks like a potato
god i really dislike her so much, visually and personally
She cute
Trips are truth
Tessa and Brie will be the end of the MCU
you blind nigga
Its about time anyway
She was very attractive in sorry to bother you.
Really? The ugliest? Really dude? Like you cant find some saggy skinned botoxed filled broad with early onset turkey neck to bestow that title on? What about that fat white chick?
no one saw that piece of shit movie
>these are the people telling you to have sex
she's uglier than Rebel Wilson or Melissa McCarthy?
Maggie Gyllenhaal isn't shoehorned into any movies anymore, but this cunt is.
i would hatefuck her tho
I'm black and she has 0 redeeming qualities. Ugly face, no curves or at least a toned body, can't act for shit, unpleasant aura. I actually cringed during the Asgard hand-off scene.
she really is
her forehead is an offense to beauty
She's just ugly. It's not complicated
Unironically yes