
Yea Forums BTFO


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Did her "boyfriend" finally leg it?

What happened to these generals?

the season finished

show is over, jazz is now just a youtube/insta shitposter, will probably commit suicide before 2023 anyway, Yea Forums forgets and moves on the next fatkino or whatever since the chance of emergent jazz memes is zero. I, for one, will always hold jazzborne posting in a special place, but it's over now

I miss these threads, much more entertaining than brainlet shows for children like GoT or star wars or avengers


Show is done but the threads ended up full of people screaming tranny at eachother once they gained a bit more popularity anyway.

harvard??? some genius getting 3 hours of sleep because he's doing so much extra shit on the side lost a spot for this


Wow. Some castrated dude is being placed on a pedastal in order to get as many people as possible to castrate themselves.

Let's not think about why powerful people are making an example of him, let's just act like this is "the future is hemale".

>"the future is hemale".
*The message is "the future is shemale"
It's not, though. That's just to get you to lop your balls off.

This generation, however, will be used to help force YOUR children to lop their balls off.

they had to accept her or else they'd be anti-semitic AND transphobic. cant have that staining their reputation.

what is dilation

HMMM hm hmm hmm hm hmm hm hm
HM hm hmm hm hmm hm hm
HMMM hm hmm hmm hm hmm hm hm
HM hm hmm hm hmm hm hm

Cold: the memes and shitposts flowing
Hard: living in a Lynchian home
Push until my wound is tearin'
Feel the pain of what we popped

This: the song of discord trannies
Hide the sex of who we are
Making surgeons build my sutures
Strong, united, posting 'till we pop

Cold: the memes and shitposts flowing
Hard: living in a Lynchian home
Push until my wound is tearin'
Feel the pain of what we popped

This: the song of discord trannies
Hide the sex of who we are
Making surgeons build my sutures
Strong, united, posting 'till we pop

And I can't get stiff, and my hole leaks shit, forever, forever
Through the Jew tricks, 'till we're statistics forever, forever

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Harvard has been all niggers for a while now. One guy literally did his thesis on rap music.

What the fuck is a "discord" tranny?

Yeah Harvard (more like Libvard) is so lame it's like not even hard to get it ugh

Anyone who doesn't blame jews for being a virgin

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People who know how to read go to MIT. Harvard is all forcememe fake celebs like the Hogg.


Harvard is a joke now. It's been for a while now. Sad!

It's not hard, just cut your cock off.

I don't have a wound between my legs though

t. couldnt get into harvard

>wanting to get into Harvard

he'll be in good company then

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Ill keep my trade school degree and functional genitals (which I have sex with) tyvm

It would be kino if they started dating.

Would have loved to fuck his boipussy when he still had it as teenager. Shame.

Higher education is dead. Its simply a 4 year indoctrination camp. War is coming, mark my words

Cya later jazzbro we'll meet again some sunny day, I'm sure of it.

Daily reminder that this is actually what happens even at Ivy League schools and that Academia is a complete joke.

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I'm going to put more regulation on schools. It's gone too far.

So she just pops and they leave us on a cliffhanger ending?
Worst. show. ever.

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>Daily reminder that this is actually what happens even at Ivy League schools and that Academia is a complete joke.
It is literally just propaganda. A very pernicious kind where people who have gone through it cannot diss it or they are declaring that they wasted their time.

You have the choice of affirming that you are a highly educated individual who is better than others, or you were just forced to believe stupid shit for someone else's purpose.

>pink and cyan gel pens

>transwoman gets accepted to Harvard while most plebs have to work hard.
>transwoman dominates female sports despite hormone treatment
>feminists who opened this can of worms will reee when the future is shemale

>thinking college exists to learn shit at
at this point you go to a University to be apart of an alumni network. That's it, most companies that require a degree only do it to check the block and this is becoming more uncommon.

wew I almost forgot about Fatkino and it's on tonight, thanks user those threads are always very comfy

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I read "pink and cyan gel penis" and my brain accepted that as valid information in a Jazz thread. Thanks Obama.



Hi! I am a transwoman who was born with micropenis. I am not trans because of it, it is actually unrelated. I am also gifted with a very feminine face and hips as well. I never fully masculinized. I have a few genetic herpdongs that don't cause many issues, I am sterile.

Interestingly enough, my penis is about a quarter inch smaller after hormones, from 2.25 inches hard to just under two. PROOF!

Behold, images. NSFW. Severely. One shows my penis soft and not manipulated, one shows it soft and pushed out, one shows it rock hard, one shows hormones proof, one is a picture of me. So, fire away!


please tell me you guys didn't get less than a 1400

does drumphie 2 scoops browse redditchan?

i think his gpa was like 2 something as well (4 point scale?)

harvard is a joke lmao

No, but Barron does.

what a pitiful squat

Is it black or Jewish?

When applying to prestigious universities can I just write my essay about how I'm a tranny and life has been pure torture and they'll likely accept me? I've already got a few "Affirmative Action" points for myself and I've got an AA degree. I figure if I can throw tranny onto my resume I can attend any school.

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>2.x gpa

Wow, now Jazz is going to get 5 hours a sleep a night while studying his ass off.

Literally living like a 12th century Arab slave; 15+ hour work days, castration and servitude.

Do it, what are they going to do if you don't look or act the part? Fucking nothing, that's what, just tell them you "feel" like a woman. Mediocre male athletes are crushing female sports competitions right now and people seem to be fine with it, do it user, use this retarded system for all it's worth.

>korean and gender studies

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I just heard there was a giant korean gender studies factory opening up in Michigan. She's set.