Muh jews

>muh jews
>muh SJWs
>muh libtards
>muh niggers
>muh roasties
don't you get tired of constantly whining?

Attached: 1514861218494.png (408x450, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I only post on Yea Forums when im on the shitter

The stinkier the shit the more i shitpost

Im a girl too btw

>muh whining

Attached: 1324324032197.png (452x363, 18K)

did you see the new chernobyl episode? there was a woman in there

>muh pol

Attached: file.png (800x532, 251K)

Have sex.

>muh incels
>muh nazis
>muh alt-right
>muh misogyny
>muh drumpf
don't you get tired of constantly whining?


What is a roastie?

I just ignore posts made by that ‘Anonymous’ fellow and only engage in conversations with fellow namefags and tripfags. The real red-pill is that Anonymous is by far the worst poster on this website.

>hurr durr da jooz dindu nuffin

Clearly you haven't met heaven.

clearly you don't know our tripfags
I might as well have marched those fags to this thread

judging by what ive seen


What do you expect them to do? Live rich productive lives not mired in bitterness and excuses?

Attached: alan.png (251x358, 95K)

I'll suck your dicks.

So this fella, 'e comes up to the board.
And he's moanin' about all this and that. e's really givin' them what for right?
But then he asks "why you lot always moanin'?"
Bit ironic innit?
I dunno what e's goin' on about.

yeah, it doesn't matter anyways because I get drowned out by the people on your list whining.



Attached: 1548641278361.jpg (970x277, 62K)

Jews control the media, retard.


delete /pol/
save this site

agh no!!

Too late now, the infection has spread.