So what's the Yea Forumserdict?

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incels think they've won

has that youtube video with the retards in the bar been released yet

The verdict is you are a faggot for caring.

Are horse lips as soft as they look?

The writing has become comically bad, but normies are seething, so overall I'm happy.

We hated it until we realized the libs hated it more so we love it now.

Local Sneed feeds everyone.

Mad Dany is the best living character left in GoT.

>Davos: (pointing at Daenerys) This is your fault, goddammit!
>Jon: Stop right there, Davos.
>Davos: She wouldn't listen!
>Jon: We didn't have a choice!
>Davos: She turned us into FUCKING KILLERS!

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good and not because it triggers normies and les feminists. it's not great because it lacks explanation (so far) but it has turned GoT into a definite tragedy. there's no bittersweet ending much less a happy end.
A Song of Ice and Fire is a tragic song. I like that.

dany is cute and kings landing is a shithole with shitty people that deserve to burn. she did nothing wrong


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What did D&D mean by this?

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mad queen twist was somewhat predictable but as with anything D&D fucked it up, just like purple wedding smirk shit.

Jon ruined everything by not giving her his heart and dick. Psycho Dany needs love.

Now she's been a very naughty girl.
Someone needs to find a better way she can blow off some steam

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>you've become the very thing you swore to destroy

The explanation is that she was always like that, people just ignored or supported it until now. The normies are in the same position as Jon, realising that their queen isn't who they thought she was.

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absolutely based dabid, never expected this could happen

Great to see the Burlington Bar hipsters get so butthurt over YAS KWEEN

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