Why did he war the ring on the outside of his armored gloves?
Why did he war the ring on the outside of his armored gloves?
Because he was arrogant and liked to show off his masterpiece.
>hiding your magic bling
He ain't no pussy
>got super weapon the likes of which has never been made or used before
>not showing it off
hey man go back to /r/gameofthrones
Why did he even wear armored gloves if they didnt help at all.
This is literally the only reason non-sauron controlled life had any chance of winning, he was an arrogant prick.
well, unlike a few people in this army (which consisted probably of tens of thousands soldiers), nobody had a magical sword like Elendil.
So Sauron could have stomped most of the army without getting hurt, if he was more careful.
Why didn't he turn invisible when he was wearing it?
It was just a power boost to him
Only in the movie
In the book sauron got his ass beat and isildur cut the ring off his corpse.
why did he reach out instead of smashing not-aragorn with his bigass mace?
to show off. would you be more scared of an invisible thing Killing your men, or the big cocky motherfucker killing dozens of men with one swing?
not everyone who wears it turns invisible. I've read somewhere that the ring amplifies a person's strength (hobbits are good thieves hence they disappear).
In the books he got pwned by Elf and Human Kings in a 2 vs 1 fight and son of humans king only cut off his finger after his ass got beaten.
He was right though, not even Frodo could resist the ring.
It took Eru literally pushing Golem into the lava to win. Without divine intervention, he would have won.
>ring amplifies a person's strength (hobbits are good thieves hence they disappear).
This isn't strictly the case, the ring does magnify the user's power, which is why it is much more dangerous in the hands of people who already wield a fair amount of personal power (gandalf, important elves like galadriel, even someone like aragorn), but that isn't the reason it makes hobbits invisible.
The invisibility is just a side effect, the ring brings the user further into the spirit/wraith realm, and so they phase out of the physical/mundane realm and become invisible. Creatures like the ring-wraiths are 100% in the spirit realm, so they need to cloth themselves to be seen at all.
Because its his ring, he can control what it does.
Yes, beat by E*ves and a superhuman with a divine sword.
Even in the books the tale is pretty grim.
not true, it doesn't have race-based powers, any mortal wearing it goes to the wraith world, so they seem invisible to other mortals, the human king who got it from Saurons corpse went invis with it. And when Sam used it (by just holding it, rather than wearing it) he could warp reality so that some orcs would think he was a powerful knight and run away from him
it has comic-book-writers-tier abilities, it just does whatever the Tolkien needed it to
*beats and humiliates the dark lord*
was sauron secretly a bitch?
He was a trap so yes.
That's morgoth, not sauron. But yes he is.
because it would take too long to show him being defeated by Elendil, and Gil-Galad, and then Isildur using the broken blade of Narsil to cut the ring from the hand of his fallen foe.
And after the Elven king got immolate.
Sauron literally doesn't do anything bad throughout the movies yet we're supposed to root against him.
Why didn't he make it a bracelet? Or a Toe ring?
He ogles at people of challenged height, very rude.
>put ring on your limp dick
>get boner from killing all the elves and humans
>dick fills with blood
>blood can't flow back because its blocked by the ring
There is nothing inside the armor that is fleshy. The armor is part of his existence on the material realm. He can only exist with the ring while wearing the armor. Else he is but vapor.
If arrogance is an acceptable answer for the OP, it is a reasonable answer for this too.
Maybe he wanted to grab him by the throat and hold him up as he showed his whole army how he killed him.
Why didn't Sauron make a full set of magic armor instead of just a ring?
>Why didn't he turn invisible when he was wearing it?
The ring bound Sauron to the Earth, notice when he loses it he goes ghost like. When people wear it they get bound to the ghost world.
That's morgoth. Sauron was defeated by a dog.
Why did Frodo in particular had the ability to resist the Ring so strongly (well, to an extent)? Could a particular man/dwarf/elf also had a will sufficiently strong to resist it or where they all doomed from the start, an only some particular hobbits could do it?
Frodo had the ability because the author of the books gave him that ability. Nobody else had the ability to resist it because the author decided they didn't have that ability.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I would be happy to assist further.
Kek, love how Tolkien BTFO is great evils with little random shits.
>I am Sauron, right hand of Morgo- oh fuck my fingers jesus christ
>I an Glaurung, the First of the Uruloki, lemme hop over this -OH FUCK OW WHAT THE FUCK
>I am Smaug, the invincib *plink* HNNNNNNNGH
he had big hands
>Sauron didn't make a full set of armor instead of just a ring because the author of the books decided against that idea. The author decided it would be a ring.
Please let me know if you have further questions. I would be happy to assist.
It's not a glove, it's part of his body.
don't forget the witch king getting killed by a hobbit and a chick
He didn't make a bracelet or a toe ring because the author of the books didn't write bracelet or toe ring. The author decided it would be a finger ring.
Please let me know if you have further questions.
Why didn't he pick up the ring from the ground after his finger was cut off? Just put it back on
Only an hobbit could have done it.
They are the only race of middle earth that has no power whatsoever and most importanlty no greed or ambition. All they care about is fuck around in their comfy holes in the shire until the end of times.
And that's not even true for all hobbits.
Fuck Sackville-Baggins.
Hobbits make good ringbearers because they are by inclination meeker and more folksy than the other races and you need to be weak to be able to wear the One Ring, as the strong and ambitious easily fall to the influence of Sauron.
Frodo in particular had a generally good nature and didn't want to dominate others, so the Ring didn't have much to tempt him with (Sam even moreso).
Already answered. Tha ring tied it to the earthly realm. As soon as he was separated from it he became a ghost and lost all his powers.
There there, Bilbo, calm down.
We know basically nothing about the process through which the rings of powers are created, so you can come up with any headcanon you wish for it.
Maybe since he had to put his soul in it, it needed to be a small thing in order not to lose himself.
Book readers, why weren't the dwarves called for help? Moria was fucked already, obviously, but surely near Erebor and in other mountains they didn't awake yet more ancient evils? Or did they? Or did Sauron send them his armies offscreen?
>All these faggots ITT discussing the power of the ring but no one talking about taxes and Rohan's environmental policies in the pre Theoden era
What a bad thread. Please delete it.
Honestly the best thing that came out of this whole got disaster is the resurgence of comfy lotr threads.
I don't even care that most of the posts are baits. It's just such a charming universe to discuss.
Dwarves are dying and far away
>did Sauron send them his armies offscreen?
This. The dwarves of the lonely mountain were busy fighting in the north while shit was going down in gondor.
They get a trowaway line from gandalf in the appendix, but the situation is discussed extensively during the ring council.
>Nobody talking about what if orcs were actually very handsome humans called the Blrussians who were still super good at industry but also said fuck god and were super kind and were ruled by super duper nice scientists called wizards also the terrible, mindless spider beast
was a hot woman who wanted to fuck me and then talk spider facts also elves are jews and fuck the allies we had in the book everyone makes fun of Blrussians :( they're all alone oh and something about alternative history pff who cares
What a bad thread. Please delete it.
Dwarves don't give a shit about other races. They originally didn't have souls or free will (being a creation of one of the Valar instead of by Eru as were humans and elves), but Eru granted them souls anyway using the Flame Imperishable.
One of the effects of this is that dwarves are very "clockwork" creatures who mine and craft and mine and craft and mine and craft. The dwarves wouldn't have sent armies to fight Sauron, they would just stay in their mountains and slaughter anyone who came at them but otherwise not do anything.
>tfw no spider-obsessed gf
>No spider-obsessed gf who is also a spider gf and authentic RUSS blood no filthy ELF jew
Sauron's armies were attacking all across middle earth. Lothlorien, The Elves of Mirkwood, and Erebor and Dale were all assaulted around the same time as the siege of Minas Tirith.
>mine and craft and mine and craft
was it autism
Essentially, yes.
Every time this gets brought up in a LotR thread it makes me kek.
Why didn't they just collect lava from Mt Doom in a bucket and bring it to the Shire?
Fuck off /pol/ its a good story.
Because they would have had to do the trip twice you dingus
What’s the point of wearing glove armor if some puny human can just chop ya fingers off?
It was cold. Fucking use your brains dude.
He wore no armor
Why didn't they just climb to the top of a mountain and launch the ring into Mt. Doom with a trebuchet?
>I am Tevildo, most cunning of all cats an-oh shit a dog ARGH
Why didn’t souron just make his armor out of the same material The ring was made of?
It was too windy
Couldn't afford it. His treasury was depleted from the war.
Why didn't they dig a tunnel under mt Doom?
What was Sauron's tax policy?
Total slavery.
So you know, your eternal servitude. But hey he'll at least keep up and go trough with the eternal part.
It was his soul that made it indestructible, not a particular material
Sauron doesn't recognize property rights. One of his titles is "Lord of the Earth".
because the tunnel would have filled with lava
So then throw the ring into the tunnel?
His fingers aren't fat enough.
Flat tax at the rate of 100%.
Since we're on the whys, I don't know the lore besides the movies, why didn't Gandalf use his magic more? Why go against the orc armies with a sword and a staff? I get it's badass, but surely he could cast fireballs and shit.
This faggot definitely did cast a fireball, and it makes me wonder why he didn't burn those slow ass faggot trees with his magic instead of letting them overrun him
Fucking brilliant.
mana potions are expensive
By the time Orthanc was attacked by ents he had turned evil lost his connection to Eru.
Gandalf received his power to break Saruman's staff from the same authority that brought him back from the dead, and turned him from Grey to White.
>turned evil lost his connection to Eru
Didn't affect his power, like Sauron or the Balrogs. Gandalf just got cheat codes from Eru.
First off, Gandalf doesn't wield 'a sword', he wields Glamdring the Foe-hammer, a sword forged during the First Age for the King of Gondolin, and is almost certainly enchanted.
>"He took out his sword again, and again it flashed in the dark by itself. It burned with a rage that made it gleam if goblins were about; now it was bright as blue flame for delight in the killing of the great lord of the cave. It made no trouble whatever of cutting through the goblin-chains and setting all the prisoners free as quickly as possible. This sword's name was Glamdring the Foe-hammer, if you remember."
- The Hobbit, Ch 4, Over Hill and Under Hill
Second, magic in LOTR isn't something you do so much as it is a base element of your being because of your spiritual power.
He's a rogue with points in use magic device.
>Didn't affect his power
Apparently it did tho
Gandalf used magic when he needed to. He used it to help Frodo escape the Black Riders before Rivendell. He used it to fight the Balrog. He used it to cure Theoden of Saruman's spell. When he wasn't using magic, it was because he was already doing something that would achieve the same effect, or because whatever power he had wasn't enough to solve the problem.
A good example of this would be during the Minas Tirith siege. Gandalf maybe could have thrown fireballs and lighting into the endless hordes of orcs, but that wouldn't really have helped. Instead he put all his efforts into organizing the defense, encouraging the defenders, helping them to overcome their fear and fight back.
>Gandalf doesn't wield 'a sword', he wields , a sword
Progressive tax going from 100% to 100%+soul
Wizards in lotr are not supposed to use their powers in the pursuit of their purpose.
They are supposed to rather unite people to fight against evil, not to defet it themselves using their power.
They are nerfed angels.
>encouraging the defenders, helping them to overcome their fear and fight back
A fireball would've done the same.
>Gandalf doesn't carry a gun, he drives a tiger panzer with full crackshot crew
I heard there's a LotR TV series in the making? Is it still true? What is it about?
As far as I know it is a prequel series to lotr, but it shouldn't touch anything from the simarillion.
I guess it is going to be about Aragorn fucking around in the north as Strider or stuff like that.
Netflix is adapting Children of Hurin. The main star is a nigger.
It’s a fanfic.
And the Tolkien Estate is okay with that?
Its true, amazon is making it. Details are scarce so far, they posted a few teaser images on twitter and I saw speculation that it might take place at least partly in the lands to the east where the two blue wizards went.
How come the ring is only invisible when someone wears it?
Sauron had a physical form before he was defeated the first time. Only after losing the ring does he become a ghostly bitchy “necromancer”.
Dwarves are very selfish. They dgaf.
Well you see he didn't really wear it outside of his armor in the books. And he didn't reach for elindil like that either, he was defeated and they were dismembering him and eventually cut his fingers off when they discovered the ring. He was already dead in the books obviously
Because the ring makes your clothes or armor more powerful, but it doesn't work if you wear them over the ring in some way. Just wearing it on your hand will power up your shirt, but hiding it under a glove won't power up the glove
Only correct answer. These movies are better than the books, but you will never understand most of what's going on if you didn't read the books.
Based Loremaster
He was a large guy
He lost the ability to appear fair or beautiful after Numenor, so it's quite possible that he IS the armor.
I guess. Otherwise we wouldn't be talking about this.
That's always what I thought. His proportions looked grossly inhuman with his massive shoulders and elongated helmet. I assumed he was just some kind of dark spirit who was piloting his armor around like a mech.
Sauron can see through rock
No you stupid retards. The ring turns others invisible because it makes them cross over to the "dimension" of wraiths, where Sauron can find them more easily.
He doesn't turn invisible because the ring is a part of his being. How the fuck are you people so retarded? He's a fucking fallen angel, he doesn't need a ring to turn invisible, he can just will it with his evil god powers.
I can understand Peter Jackson fucking up a bit the Hobbit with how he was asked to to a 3 part story instead of 2. I can almost forgive the overuse of CGI creatures instead of parctical effects because they released in such an era where the world went full CGI. But I can never forgive Howard Shore for fucking up the soundtrack this much. The Hobbit 1 soundtrack was actually good, it even developed a main theme, a leitmotiv you can hear in other tracks, and it was good. But for the two sequels, what the fuck happened, he didn't expand onto that, and I can't even remember a good track. What the fuck happened.
Sending armies of monsters to murder, rape, enslave and fucking eat every single person in the world is not "bad" for you?
He's not, he can only appear to humans in an ugly form, but the armor was never implied to be his only or even main form in the books.
Says who?
Tolkien himself you dumb idiot
Letter 192
Frodo deserved all honour because he spent every drop of his power of will and body, and that was just sufficient to bring him to the destined point, and no further. Few others, possibly no others of his time, would have got so far. The Other Power then took over: the Writer of the Story (by which I do not mean myself), 'that one ever-present Person who is never absent and never named' (as one critic has said).
everything Jackson did was terrible and is frankly a blemish on his career and cannot be justified, he clearly isn't a 'capable' director and relies very heavily on editing, watching behind the scenes of LoTR production really takes so much of the achievement away from him. Regardless of time constraints or demands for three parts he made consistently bad choices which basically any one who has never even shot a film would have avoided through faithful adaptation. If you don't have time to write comparative material, then don't fucking try it and stick to the timeless classic written by a genius. It was all ego on Jackson's part, he deserves the hate and even the actors knew it.
>If my ring leaves my body I crumple into dust
>Better wear it outside of my armored glove rather than surgically implant it inside my body!
When did you realize LOTR is trash and Tolkien was a hack?
fuck Eru
fuck Valar
and most importantly
>Based McKellen asked if they ever show Gandalf in the series, if he could play him again
This is the kind of actors I love. McDiarmid also comes to mind. Also whats with Mc being awesome in general.
Well that's fucking lame.
why did you have to take the bait?
blame Jackson. none of that was written by Tolkien.
Looks like it will be set in the Second Age though, on Numenor
>The streaming platform has slowly but surely begun to release information about the series, revealing that the epic tale will be set during the Second Age of Middle-Earth and will focus on the island of Númenor.
Why didnt he wear the ring on his cock?
Does this mean we will actually get beautiful Sauron?
Any signed orders from him? Any of his officers testify that he ordered them to commit war crimes?
We're explicitly talking about the movie, user. I don't think Tolkien bothered to mention exactly what Sauron looked like during the Last Alliance, except that it was terrible or ruinous or something.
Why didn't they just send the ghost army into mordor?
Ghosts can't do shit besides being spooky. They scare off the pirate and save the swan knights who then come aid in the battle of minas tirith
The ghosts made a oath to protect Gondor. Aragorn promised to free them if they fulfilled the oath, which they did by pushing back the assault on minas tirith, therefore he let them find peace
Because in the book they didn't actually kill anything physically, serving only to rout the the non-whites working for Sauron and allow Aragorn to get the jump on them.
> Pale swords were drawn; but I know not whether their blades would still bite, for the Dead needed no longer any weapon but fear
It's funny because there has been extensive anthropological study backing up your off-the-cuff remark. Researchers have found that part of western urban dindu culture that wearing bling is in part a survival tactic in the hood. Those who wear conspicuous bling have the strength to defend it or believe they have the strength to defend it or "front" that they have the strength to defend it. Being passive in the lands of urban dindu marks you as weak and therefore possibly easy prey.
>Suaron is part eggplant