Cara Delevingne and Emilia Clarke have an eyebrow-off

>Cara Delevingne and Emilia Clarke have an eyebrow-off

What was going through Arnie’s mind during this?

Attached: 9710585A-A0C4-4CB0-8093-D3499AF7CB1E.jpg (1242x954, 235K)

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Arnie isn't cool anymore.

>I could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put me down

Arnie will always be cool you fag.

He's the coolest person on that panel.

Attached: sad-belly.jpg (634x855, 98K)

>I could be smoking stogies in my living room right now

says you

shouldn't he be metood since he knocked up his fucking maid, wtf is wrong with hollywood

>What was going through Arnie’s mind during this?
What is going through every other red-blooded man's mind: "How can I get these sloots back to bed with me? Gods I wish I was thirty years younger."

No, because he got their consent before and sometimes after groping.

prob thinking about JLC

nice quads arnie

>"Now I understand what my father was fighting for"

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>t. triggered /pol/ack who doesnt realize that chad isn't racist
have sex

Cara was so fucking hot in Her Smell.

God cara looks hot as fuck here

Nigga with a patrician taste is that you?

Attached: q-s16Nu8dwU.jpg (750x385, 22K)

I bet your exes had bpd

"I wish I was home fucking my goblin maid and producing more Arnold clones"

arnold has girls half their age waiting for him with champagne in a limousine