You've been caught be Hansen

>You've been caught be Hansen
>your life is over
>You realize everyone on Yea Forums is going to see this and mock you

what do you do to make it memorable?

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Other urls found in this thread:

answer every question with a thinly veiled banepost

*dabs sadly*

>hansen appears from the back room

uhhhhh you don't get to bring friends

>Mr. user is it? Why don't you take a seat right over there.
>f..for you..

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>I'm dating the pretend loli before hand
>meet up with her
>Hansen walks out
>start fucking my pretend loli GF right in front of him

>Do you think you're in charge here?
>No one cared who I was until I went online...

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I post white male shooey buoys on Yea Forums oy vey!

Threaten to sue him for everything he’s worth

>you say you work at "Sneeds Seed and Feed" but I could find no such location in your town

Piss and shit on the floor
start tearing off all the cabinets in the kitchen see if I can light some small fires

Basically just fuck up the decoy house as much as I can, Hansen fucked me by luring me into pedrophilia and now I'm going to fuck him back with expensive contractor work

Claim I was using actors as well and that this entire this was a social experiment/a way for me to meet Hansen himself

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>appealing to the worst of Yea Forums
No thanks

I just came here to tell her I wasn't coming

Whip my cock out right away and try to put it right in the camera. Make sure their footage is unairable.

tell him to have sex

>thinking they don't have blur tech


t. person whose never seen tcap

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probably shoot yourself in the head haha and then the decoy and then handson

>Height: 6 2
damn he's as tall as me

Mention that Donald Trump raped a 13yr old girl at one of Epstein's parties, choosing her because she looked like his daughter.

>You've been caught be Hansen
wouldn't happen, I'm too smart

why was there a towel ready?

>walk in to meet child
>loudly shout I'M HERE FOR THE ROLEPLAYING SESSION as you enter
>Get released
Point out a flaw with my plan,you literally cant

OK, maybe in this thread we can address the fact that all of these guys are blind if they thought the decoys were ua.

We have logs here showing you sent images of your small pee pee

Lol i’d be all like “i’m Bane” and he’d be all like lol so random and then I’d keep doing it to freak him out haha

Sorry, this is Jeremy Kyle shit. What possible argument can there be for telling the pedo to walk in stitchless? It's just bear-baiting.


>Start baneposting in front of Hansen
>He baneposts back

Your ass is on dateline and associated with everything that comes along with it. You’re not weaseling your way out of this on a technicality in a social sense.

I can't stand to watch this shit when they break down and cry. I only made it a minute or two into that Ambrosio one. It reminds me so much of myself except I don't want to fuck a 12 year old or risk going to jail for that matter.

Arrested development gave us all the lines we need if we ever end up in this unfortunate situation cunny bros

Enjoy some 'za

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Boring question OP, let's make it more interesting:

What would be your bait to lure you?

amazing how this guy was able to walk free after this because there wasn't any police and fucking less than 24 hours later he was caught again by Hansen in another sting at a McDicks

Ask one and just ONE thing
>am I under arrest
Depending on the answer you either walk out and go home and have a wank or walk to the officer.

didn't one guy get let go because he had a letter from his rabbi?

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which episode?

I wouldn't even be mad

If you don't want to fug a 12 year old and don't want to risk going to jail where is the connection between you and Ambrosio?

Boondocks did it first

*policeman tackle me to the ground*

Then I would begin Stephen posting

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>yfw Hansen is posting pedobear on his channel now

>Hello there Mr. Hansen, you’re a hard man to find
>My name’s Mike Hawk, I’m with the IRS
>Why don’t you take a seat?

the suicidal lardass high school drop out part maybe?

can't remember I think it was one of the early ones

it was either a pastor or rabbi, i'm certain it was rabbi it was odd, he got investigated and had a letter with him saying his intentions was to warn the kid the dangers of being groomed online and thats why he showed up

Things really ARE bigger in Texas!

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It doesn't make sense. These guys they catch supposedly look at cp all the time, but they get pics from these obvious Dolly Little types, and somehow think they're really about to fuck underage girls. The logical defense really is "I thought we were roleplaying".

you can't question idiots, these people think with their dicks only and are delusional about reality. Mental illness is a hell of a drug.

Is that the Booty Warrior?

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That's 95% of Yea Forums
Now if you wanted to fug the loli you would belong in a more special Yea Forums group, let's say about 35%

>decoys send pictures where they look younger or of other girls entirely
>nerves/horniness mean they arent thinking logically when they get there or arent even really seeing them at all

What good would saying they look like a different age do for them? I guess they could use it to run away and then claim they ran away because they changed their mind but they're not thinking that logically, they're already commited to it mentally and possibly accepted the fact that it might be a setup, they would still get fucked by the law regardless of what they do.


>Find out what chats PJ are lurking in
>PM them and say you want to "squirt their face", "give them a cream pie", and get up to some "funny business"
>Show up to bait house in full clown regalia with a squirting flower and a pie
>Prosecutor can't touch you because all your messages were related to clownery, not sex

I still fantasize about doing that to this day.

make sure to bring my katana and end his pathetic life for distespecting me

I was actually testing her. I came here to explain the dangers of giving your address online.

Draw a gun, shoot him, shoot myself

I would pay some young boy to go in my place to scout out the place first.

they had few that said this...they got arrested.

>>decoys send pictures where they look younger or of other girls entirely
But it's been established that they legally can't use actual cp to sting pedos, so all the pics have to have been of petite adult women.

>Hansen pulls out a chatlog
>It says here you told the child that you would bring her back to the pedophile ring and sell her off to, and i quote, "some third world nigger shithole".
>i chuckle at the use of the word nigger
>Now user, are you running this little operation? How many of your little friends do you have in on this
>i scowl
>they are not my friends.

And the dick pics you shared? What about those?

Start singing Beatles songs so that the episode is unusable.

Yeah, they still look younger than what you see and would possibly even look convincing for you. Obviously they only show the people who fall for it which are generally more mentally ill in the first place.

I was on my way to the beach

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Not my dick. Checkmate. I'll be leaving now.

I think after he got caught at Mikey D's Hanson said something like "We believe this guy might be medically mentally challenged."

Still used the footage though lol

A picture of a young girl isn't cp

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>about 94%

Go covered head to toe in brand logos, including brands painted on your face so they have to blur you out completely

Yeah, well this is the thing, a 12yr old is clearly not an 18yr old in a loli outfit. I mean, I can see that and I don't look at the stuff, these guys apparently look at it constantly. How can they really be fooled? I honestly think eyesight problems are probably more to do with it than mental illness.

They weren’t faulting him for having mistakes and failures in life. Hansen went out of his way to sympathize. Bottom line is the dude was on the hook for a lot of other, evil shit. If you’re not into that (which I hope you’re not)... then you aren’t in the same boat.

he cute
and built good

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Doesn't any pic of a kid becomes cp if it's presented in order to cause arousal? Legally they'd be on shaky ground.

Reminder that this guys beach defense worked and he got away with it in court.

all 10k

I'd actually try to touch the decoy. Have any others touched the decoys in the past? Would be fun to feel her up and take it as a victory while I get hauled away.

Why is this guy so smug? What's his secret?

*charges you*

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That's because he was telling the truth. He really was just trying to get to the beach.

Yeah! Logos and singing Beatles hits, you'd just be a shimmer.

I think you'd have to see the pics, maybe they only show face, maybe they use a ton of tricks to successfully make it convincing or you know, maybe the dudes are just desperate and horny as evidenced by the fact that they are doing this in the first place and often driving hours for it.

>His profile picture
He's finally embracing the memes, in true boomer fashion

Bring your copy of FATAL and then you have a foolproof excuse, even if they start quizzing you about why you were asking a 14 year old their anal circumference.

>Hansen went out of his way to sympathize.
my ass

Yell 'I knew it was you! This is for all my peadophile brethren!" and attack him with a kitchen knife.

i would just whip my dick out and start masturbating violently while screaming racist slurs. one way to guarantee it will never air.

he spends lots of time on the beach and avoids cookies

>make it memorable
thats literally just what this guy did by turning into a marvel character but it was just cringe
>y-y-you w-w-want a s-lice? Haha idc about this lol.

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>Credits for making this video: Me, Chris Hansen

I think the guys must have other problems to fall for it. OR they use younger pics of the girls doing the decoying, which puts them in a massive gray area legally.

>Have any others touched the decoys in the past?
I seem to remember one guy getting a hug from a decoy, I have no idea what episode it could have been though.

is that the hound he's about to fight? I gave up on this show a while ago

>chatted graphically about sex with a perverted justice volunteer

What's his name again?

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the guy in OP tried, she moved away

you think that huge ass got fucked in prison?

That was my brother

They must only ever catch entry-level pedos, though. Mistaking a short 22yo actress for a kid, and driving miles to get entrapped, are equally rookie errors.

yep, they both die at the end of the fight. good job giving up on the show, its a dumpster fire now


the pics they use to get them there are usually not the actual decoy. they even comment about the decoy not looking like the pic multiple times in these stings.

big tex


Illegal to send lewd pics to minors even if it’s not yours

do americans really dress like this?

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That boy ain't right.

>equally rookie errors.
Or the fact that they are ugly, fat, fully grown men who believe any cute 12 year old girl would ever invite them over in real life.

>the look of shame on his face
pure kino

"Zyklon" Ben Garrison

>Chris "make them kill themselves" Hansen

>Well, you see Chris, I'm a fan of the show. And I've become quite infatuated with your decoy girl, so I set this up so I could meet her. Unfortunately you fucking ruined it by putting your 30 year old bald man decoy here, who I don't wanna fuck, and by the way never fucking fooled anybody, he's older than me, and he's literally fucking bald

That increases the possibility they're using pics they shouldn't be, then.

There is literally nothing wrong with his style, as long as you can pull it off like I can.

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>increasingly nervous pedo tries to point fingers away from himself.jpg

No just aspies from Yea Forums.

Mr. X

no, pictures of nude children aren't even illegal in most countries. it's only CP if it has sex or the child is posing suggestively or it's focusing on the genitals.

He was the villain with the highest power level, wasn't he?

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I'm just trying to square four pieces of information.

#1: This show targets pedos.
#2: Pedos are people who spend inordinate amounts of time looking at kids' bodies.
#3: None of the decoys look like kids.
#4: The pedos fall for it.

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looks like the creator of star citizen

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One guy WAS a rabbi

more like get in a beach

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You can do a lot with makeup/angles/lighting/photoshop, but sure catching only rookies is one of the main problems with this show but really you couldnt make an interesting show about catching experts. Is the show still a net positive on the world regardless? who knows

If they don't guess they're being strung along by someone who never shows anything suggestive, they really must be mentally backward and in need of support.

that head turn of shock at the end is the best part kek

grab a knife and into my neck

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>Are you here for that sweet teen puss too? Do you wanna take turns or should we just spit roast her?

>who knows
I do. It isn't, because now any pedo familiar with mainstream media knows what not to do.

>multiple organ failure after seeing breasts


Painful to watch, Hanson is not a certified therapist and should not be in a position to talk to somebody like that

>#1: This show targets pedos.
I think it mostly just targets horny desperate dudes who are so horny they are willing to be pedos.
>#2: Pedos are people who spend inordinate amounts of time looking at kids' bodies.
Not all of them, maybe not the ones they catch, also they probably don't send body shots.
>#3: None of the decoys look like kids.
Not irl, they probably send convincing pictures of younger (18) year old girls with editing.
>#4: The pedos fall for it.

1/4 user


>care to take a seat right there?
>it's time to go mobile

Can't you refuse to allow them to show your face?

hol up, does chris think pedo bear is some kind of pedophile buster meme and not a bear that is a pedophile?

>Clearly not mentally sound
>Wants to die
>On a boatload of different drugs
>Wants shock therapy
>"Will you promise to get some help?"
Fucking really

No you cant. Its just like cops when there is a crime involved the footage is considered public interest and theres nothing you can do to stop it from being aired

>I think it mostly just targets horny desperate dudes who are so horny they are willing to be pedos.

>Chris filming his tv with his phone
Peak boomer

I don't think that's his house.

>newfag shit


>Talks without a lawyer being present
Why do they do this?

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Well the show created a lot of copycat shows/vigilantes which use different methods so even if you simply avoid the traps of this show you could get caught in another way. If they are smart enough to avoid all traps then they probably didn't need this show specifically to explain basic shit to them.

This show could act as a deterrent by making some pedos more worried about it being a setup.

I spat out my drink

>Watch it, Chrissy

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Yeah, the production still have to pay for it though, if everyone went cocopuffs when they were caught, they might cancel the show.

It'll help beginners get gud, though. At one time, all they knew is "don't hang out in the park with a long coat on", now they know a lot more.

The quest for poon drives men to desperate measures, user.

I think it's amazing and sad that he would show up dressed like that for a date.
You know he probably spent an hour showering, washing his dick, grooming himself and then choosing which clothes to wear... only to show up looking like this

The show says that they send pictures of actual 13-year-olds

*knew was

Literally the only answer to this post and everything else is just garbage.

What's more amazing is how self aware he is about his fashion sense and yet he still chooses to dress like that

What if it really was an underage girl and you autistic screaming made her change her mind?

Looks like every brony.

they didn't tell him to do anythign, he came naked of his own volition

Because he's a dumbass that couldn't even finish highschool

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It's an argument between whether knowing a lot of the ways they could get caught makes them still do it but more successfully or it makes them more likely to avoid doing it because of the risks they are now more aware of. The answer isn't that clear and as I mentioned it spawned a lot more vigilantes that are constantly doing new methods.

You hear a lot who say they considered it could be a setup or that they even know of the show and still got caught, so it doesn't even help everyone who knows.

>not wearing a mask to ensure that specific thing doesn't happen
It's like they're not even trying

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WAIT! Before you arrest me... can I just have a crumb of pussy? Please I don't care if she is not the real deal we can pretend that she is... p-please, I'll pay you!

It's odd, he's had a hit show all these years but on his YT channel, he seems like an outsider. It must be hard getting all those ratings from hanging around the lowest people in society, then seeing that nobody wants to be publicly associated with you. Showbiz is hypocritical.

Cool, I don't know why that guy keeps going on about them not being able to do that, I just assumed he knew what he was talking about.

he is an outsider he is broke as a joke, irrelevant and jobless

Maybe he means that when he shows up they clearly don't look 12, but by then it's too late.

It probably makes them still do it but more successfully. Those who are actually going to get in the car and drive miles for a chance to do it aren't going to stop being that desperate.

They probably have insurance for that.

i feel so sad for him, he even put on his best pants

Judging by the kind of losers that always end up getting caught, I think that if these guys had stumbled upon an 85 year old in that chat room that wanted to fuck they would have ended up in the same situation

hopefully they would realise you're a unique type of menace to society and throw you in the slammer regardless

I genuinely thought they weren't legally allowed to just send cp to people.

How does the show even teach people to be better? If you don't explicitly say you want to do sex stuff and send dick pics, they wont even invite you over to the sting.


I never understood why the guy just sat down in the kitchen looking like he's awaiting his own execution

they have never sent any nudes to the suspects. Literally never

No I mean there's no way it isn't real cp, not just pics of kids. Nobody's going to believe that someone who won't show anything salacious is really down to do more. Obviously they use illegal stuff, then bullshit about it on the show.

It is illegal to send CP. They send normal dumb 12-year-old selfies and shit like that.

Maybe more successfully in avoiding being caught by this show but if this show wasnt here they would get away with it by default. Does it help them avoid what actual cops do on their own? I doubt it.

It teaches them not to get into those conversations in those chatrooms, and to assume they're talking to Chris Hansen or Officer Hightower.

What the fuck made you think they send nudes? lol
>Nobody's going to believe
ofcourse there are desperate enough people who do, they don't show all the countless other people who dont get caught

That's still legally classed as CP. Fully clothed non-sexual images of under 18s are considered CP if they are in a sexualised context. Like in a collection on a HDD with no good explanation, or sent to someone as part of roleplay to titillate.

Quote Bane

Who are the 12 year olds? I'd love to hear that conversation to the parents
>We would like permission to use your daughters pictures as bait to potential sexual predators we talk to online. I must inform you that the pictures we send will most likely be used as masturbation material

>It teaches them not to get into those conversations in those chatrooms, and to assume they're talking to Chris Hansen or Officer Hightower.
Sounds like a big deterrent that would stop a lot of people trying to pursue fucking young girls.

Then they must only catch the genuinely backward.


I don't think the show is materially helpful to preventing it from happening, any more than cop movies showing how the criminals get caught helps lower the crime figures.

He was playing with his dick, trying to get hard. Thats why he's looking down lol

Who says that they send them in a sexualized context?

>Here's a picture I took today of me and my dog teehee aren't we cute?

Who's going to travel to fuck someone who won't even show anything in chat?

This is what made me dubious.

Are you 12 and retarded?

>not Chuck's Fuck & Suck

>sexualised context
Then they would avoid making it sound sexual on their end, they cant control if the dudes find them sexual!
>or sent to someone as part of roleplay to titillate.
they're not roleplaying to titilate

No, not if they're mentally ready to do that. If someone thinks like a criminal, all that stops them is finding a watertight M.O., not the fear of getting caught period.

Maybe they do send close up grainy pictures of an 18 year olds vagina?

Like I have said earlier in this thread, these guys are not strictly pedophiles. They are desperate for sex with anybody. Literally anybody. So they ignore every red flag that a show like tcap presents to them. Because they are the most desperate and horny losers on the planet

it's more like pedos accept the grim reality, often in online interactions, that people send their best pics which is not how they really look either because of angles or the passage of time. legal brothels have this problem, where chicks will apply with old pictures but now they are busted, and in many dating sites people put up misleading pics. the pedos themselves probably do this too, remember "cute, built good tho" guy, was not that, so the pedo shows up with his own bullshit reality and figures the other person putting on a show too. they are not the tasty loli they pretend to be exactly, but close enough for him. it's just what people do. too bad they were targeting kids instead of just meh looking myspace angle women because they wouldn't be in jail now lol

I ended up in a similar scenario myself, I'm fairly ugly but whatever just posted my pic, and I went to meet this woman, for some stupid reason she decided to post an ancient pic of herself via boomer tier phone cap of a laptop picture, taking a literal phone pic of her laptop screen which had an old pic, but it turns out DAMN SHE STILL GOT IT so I wasn't even mad, but she was lying like fuck though, a good 10 years older. such is life.

He just looks so damn sad while doing it

Cheer up old guy you about to get some boipucci

People who want to fuck young girls and think it's not a setup.

>that entire video
So Chris is just embracing the memes now? Jesus this is surreal

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Not everyone is exactly the same, there are certainly some people who would be deterred by it, you cant simply pull an opinion out of your ass that this number is smaller than the number who successfully utilize this extremely basic information they didn't otherwise consider.

>these guys are not strictly pedophiles.
What exactly is your basis for saying this?

Damnit user, if you'd had this idea ten years ago you could have helped make kino

They know it's in a sexual context because they think they are sending it someone who wants to have sex with the person they are pretending to be.

Nah, you can read the chat logs. They always make excuses to not send nude photos. Here is the one from the last ep

It's obviously going to be a smaller number, your only basis for saying it isn't is that you want to think that Chris Hansen is a boon to humanity. It's just car crash TV. It's no more helpful to anyone than I Am Jazz or TLC fatty docs are.

>Despite the fact the chatlogs easily contradict that.

He feels like the sort of person that Eugene from TWD was based on

>they're not roleplaying to titillate

Yes, they are though? They are literally trying to get someone to agree to meet up for sex.

>all those people dying from refusing meds
Imagine being such a genetic fuck-up you need a constant stream of meds to live.

>I don't think the show is materially helpful to preventing it from happening, any more than cop movies showing how the criminals get caught helps lower the crime figures.
And I don't think the amount that it teaches people is more significant than the amount it scares people, I mean any tricks this show teaches you to avoid are extremely basic that anyone who isnt desperate/mentally ill would already know.

What's that got to do with anything?

Show me even one statute or court precedent that makes this argument.

I don't care what someone told you in another discussion in another thread previously on Yea Forums.

Show me even vague proof.

There's an ethical can of worms which I think people are pretending doesn't exist.

So if my legal girlfriend sends me a picture of her at the grocery store it's somehow sexual because I want to have sex with her?

Well, that seems like a foolproof way of avoiding the police.

I don't think you know what roleplay is, they are being actors for entrapment, roleplay is where both parties are getting off on it.

They seem basic now, they wouldn't have when the show started.

You have a problem America

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They only use the argument/introduced that legal definition in order to collar pedos who only have "model" shots on their HDDs.

That's not the point. They sent images of children knowingly to a paedophile with the assumption that he would masturbate to them.

>Show me even one statute or court precedent that makes this argument.

Google the "Dost test."

>lol I was only roleplaying a murderer, it's totally legal even if that guy is dead lol

Yeah, it's total horseshit.

I cant believe you really think there is a significant number of people who watched this show and got away with abusing children specifically because of some extremely basic information they only learned from this show.

I don't think it's obvious at all that this number is higher than the number they caught AND the number they scared, fuck man the shit they 'teach' is so basic.

>Jenna: Hey y u change ur name to bye and a gun?

kill myself immediately on camera

And how much of it is a consequence of this show specifically and not just vigilantes in general or growing knowledge over time?

The absolute state of this guy. He knows how he dresses is weird yet does it anyway, can take opiates on a level that would overdose hardened users, cannot survive without Adderall, and uses a flip phone.

They were basically sending the non sexual images to see IF he would masturbate to them and pursue meeting them, that's the point of trying to find pedos to catch them. You're fucking retarded, user.

rape him

I'd do my best to escape and turn it into a cop chase episode so I could entertain both Yea Forums and Yea Forums. When they finally catch me I'd bite down on a cyanide capsule.

You can't send CP (remember even clothed non-sexualised images of 17-year-olds is CP in some contexts) to someone to find out if they're into it. That's still illegal.

I didn't say that at any point, I said that it means they began with knowledge they wouldn't have otherwise had. The whole setup of TCAP was bizarre and comical when it was first aired. It hadn't occurred to anyone that law enforcement might involve pretending to be a kid on the internet. It seems obvious now, but it didn't then. And since then, many who would have made that mistake otherwise have learned not to, thanks to the show. That seems obvious. Why are you having trouble with the passage of time and cause and effect?

The knowledge was mainstreamed by the show.

I've been on boatloads of meds for psych problems and they never made me want to do something like that and 90% of the time they end up killing your libido anyway and making you anti-social and near catatonic.

As much as I feel sorry for the guy I think his mentioning psych problems were just a cover.

What is the point of even having the decoy other than giving one last false sense of hope?
The police are there and they've got the suspect to come to the house but they just have to make the humiliation that much more final
This cowboy is undoubtably a kissless virgin his life sucks , people think hes "weird" and one day he meets a girl online .
You just know all the way hes worried if this is legit or not , can it really be true. Imagine whats going through his head when the cutie "decoy" opens the door. Its a moment of triumph hes finally going to have something thats going to make him happy even for just a little bit. This a clinically depressed guy whos finally having a moment where it feels like everything is going to be alright
>hi tex how you doing

His world crashes back to where its always been. turns out he is the sick freak everybody thought he was.

show is too harsh for me desu

Then they would send images that aren't considered CP...

Reminder homosexuality and pedophilia are both degenerate mental illnesses that are often co-occuring

god I wish somebody had done this

So are magazines that show 17 year olds in bathing suits actually peddling CP because someone jerks off to it?

Kek, could be his twin

The decoy is pointless, agreed. It's purely for the show, to add one last visual element. It would make more sense if a cop answered the door.

Which isn't remotely believable and which categorically and under law all images of minors become in that context.

Mr. F(at)

Your post is cringe but just wanted to correct one thing. He told the investigator during his interrogation that he "lost his virginity" to an 18 year old boy. They took turns fucking eachother in the ass

The decoy baits them into the house, which just further damns the suspect.

>It hadn't occurred to anyone that law enforcement might involve pretending to be a kid on the internet.
That's more a consequence of the internet being very new back then.

>The knowledge was mainstreamed by the show.
Do you have any evidence for this or are you pulling it out of your ass? I believe the knowledge was inevitable if people kept fucking kids from the internet, you really think people wouldnt eventually learn the ways pedos are getting away with it and just let pedos keep raping their kids?

Yeah, but they are anyway. Why do you think they print those images?

That guy is full of shit and has no idea what he’s talking about

>categorically and under law all images of minors become in that context.
No they don't, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about

hansen is a fucking madman for uploading it, absolute legend

Claim I coded an AI to entrap TCAP

Is that a "For Whom The Bell Tolls" Midi in the background?

>more a consequence of
The show made that information widely known, you fucking cretin. Why are you arguing that black's white? Are you Chris Hansen? The show helped pedos improve their hit-rate. This is MANIFEST.

The spread of the knowledge was not inevitable. Potential perps who've never done anything already know what not to do now.

Don't ask questions you clearly know the answer to.

>these guys are not strictly pedophiles. They are desperate for sex with anybody. Literally anybody.
While I'd agree they are not strictly pedophiles, most of them, they all seem genuinely aroused knowing the girl is young/underage. They always talk about it.

It's not entrapment.

The two sickest ones on the show

>guy who brought his young son to the sting house
>the army guy who tried to lure the girl into his car and had a video camera, duct tape, knife, and other sketchy shit in his trunk

It's already been mentioned, see here:

Pedo sympathizer

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Based and Mozz pilled

Explain why you don't think the pedos on TCAP are real pedos.

what the fuck is this midlife crisis channel

he has completely lost it

Is he legally empowered to arrest people? Are there officers with him? Whats to stop the accused guys from walking away?

wheres the full video, why can I find it?

And just honk your honker every time the cops ask you something

Why would anyone go to a loli's house without a concealed handgun in this day and age?

>that fucking clown world cover of "For Whom The Bell Tolls"

My fucking sides

I think Mr. "IWantToRapeYouAnally" (or whatever) was the worst. Even the people at Perverted Justice seemed weirded out by him, as did the decoy who actually chatted with him.

>but really you couldnt make an interesting show about catching experts
Yeah because they're mainly Hollywood producers

>I was actually testing her. I came here to explain the dangers of giving your address online.
Weirdly enough ive fucked girls and told them the exact same thing.

He's not. The guys are just so weak that any type of authority that tells them to sit down they listen to. They don't know that he's NOT a cop.

To sell bathing suits, they wouldnt sell as many if they were on lifeless manikins so this alone is the primary purpose of it. I do agree that the sexual aspect probably helps a tiny bit but it's nowhere near the main purpose of it.

I didn't say all of them weren't. But many of them were in relationships with adult women and/or stated they had been when questioned. That is not being a strict pedophile.

Reminder that he got away with it with no charges.

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He's of retirement age and is flat broke and his career is over. Of course he's lost it. His career was never anything more than being a pedophile segment on a not watched channel. He probably works at mcdonalds or something right this second

I don't know what you're trying to say but simply meeting one factor of that test doesn't make it CP, it's a subjective rating across all the factors.

>nowhere near the main purpose of it.
You sweet, naive fool.

Maybe being a gigantic fat ass has something to do with your life being shitty? How does this guy eat so much while not having a job?

You know the shows already been cancelled for over a decade now, there’s only like 20 episodes

Yes, now, keep thinking...

So how are the magazines not getting busted for producing CP?

How did this happen? He was an icon!

Hey this argument is ruining this thread. Person A is either a retard or is baiting person B. Either way person B please stop arguing with person A because he is either a troll or an idiot and either way it doesnt matter

They would still show up if the girl was 18, ugly or possibly even a dude. This proves that they are horny/desperate enough to look past even their own preferences. I'd say a real pedo PREFERS young girls or atleast really likes them, there is no evidence they significantly like young girls and dont just want to get their dick wet in anyway. I admit even considering it is a type of pedophilia but the distinction is important.

That is some beautiful wood grain.

Vincent Ambrosio

He's probably living check to check on his pension and selling gabapentin to meth zombies

Because the world is more evil than you imagine.

“It’s okay chris, I’m merely roleplaying as Kevin Spacey”

>Are there officers with him?
Yeah. They work with the police.
>Whats to stop the accused guys from walking away?
In the beginning of TCAP, nothing. Indeed many pedos got off scot free.

>there is no evidence they significantly like young girls
I was also arguing that most of them were not strictly pedophiles but this is false, read the transcripts, they get off to the girl being young.

Do you not agree that swimwear companies need to sell swimwear? do you not agree that advertising swimwear helps sell swimwear? do you not agree that using models helps advertise swimwear?

Where do you disagree?

Lost any respect for this filthy kike once they tried to jail some 19 year old kid for wanting to fuck a 16 year old


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Why is this show not a massive hit?

>do you not agree that using models helps advertise swimwear?
Why would a mannequin not do?

>willingly visit the house of what you believe is an underage girl whose parents are away and bring alcohol and condoms with you

>They would still show up if the girl was 18, ugly or possibly even a dude
How can you tell?

TCAP used to be pretty popular, at this point this new version is less interesting and the internet is saturated with people setting up retard pedos so it's less fun.

You should also mention that the decoys never make first contact and never initiate anything sexual.

I meant it is more effective than a mannequin, obviously a mannequin is better than nothing.

I disagree. What is and isn't CP is central to the show.

Easier to see yourself in clothes when it's a human wearing them

In a store, sure. But in ads and shit, not really. People self insert and that's kind of hard to do with a hunk of plastic. Plus you'd have to design all kinds of mannequins for the ads to not be boring and that cost is too prohibitive and not worth it. Better to just hire a model that you can tell to pose however.

Are any of the other ones as entertaining?

My subjective interpretation of watching a lot of episodes. In this case specifically the dude said he had already fucked an 18 year old guy, I have to assume that dude was ugly, if that's too much of an assumption to you then we wont agree.

they are equally entertaining

it was popular enough that they spoofed it on Mad TV and South Park

Didn't a teenage boy actually show up once, and they just let him go home. Never saw it but read that somewhere

Yeah but I disagree that it's significant, they'd probably get all excited over any defining trait they had a chance with.

>omg your cock looks so nice, im dreaming about it
>omg youre so old, i cant wait to fuck your saggy tits!

Was. Then it got canceled and now the guy has to scrounge for money and makes clips for youtube?

>Hanson? I'm cia
>tell me about the pants
>what happens if I take them off


>Academy Award Winner Jordan Peele

Attached: squee.png (1438x1356, 324K)

>Then it got canceled and now the guy has to scrounge for money and makes clips for youtube?
Being a TV "journalist" doesn't exactly make much money, think he's divorced and he may not have planned for retirement wisely. There are dumber ways of losing out on money.

entrapment desu

that and spends his time begging every network that he can find including youtubers to start producing new episodes of a show that everyone got tired of 5 years ago

It was a 19 year old and a 13 year old

12 year old*
she hadnt got her period yet :(

That's my point, why are people tired of this? It's entertaining, and shitty people go to jail while having their lives ruined.

"You're right Chris, I should stop hitting on little girls. You know what'd be funny? If you and I went out. Ha-ha, yeah, it would be really funny if we, I don't know, made out and sucked each other off, ha ha, real funny, right?"

ever since I got into the UK amatuer stuff the pro stuff like this just doesnt do it for me

every episode is the same. Also there are people doing this on youtube in different and more exciting ways now. Chris has chosen not to change his format at all and so nothing original has been created since the first season


This, they never use anything near 16 because it is legal in some states. It's always someone 11-14 or so, usually like 12.

The original TCAP had legal consultants (so all the armchair lawyers trying to argue that the show sent CP or is entrapment are full of shit) and worked with the police, that isn't an easy thing to organize. They also needed private security. I agree that the original show was popular and everyone save some buttblasted pedos loved it, but that one loser killing himself made networks skittish about picking it up.

Start irl schizoposting about how this case now belongs to ever-higher levels of law enforcement.
>not so fast, this case now belongs to the volunteer fire department
>in your dreams. State police is on the scene
>sorry sheriff, FBI is taking over
>Mr. FBI, I'm CIA

yes literally every single one of us do. also, the bigger the hat the better, this guys hat was way too small

It's currently more popular to defend less victimized groups. The less victimized groups you are willing to support the better a person you are seen to be because people will just assume you support the actually victimized people by default.

Defending children? nah, defending muslims who were saved from dangerous countries and giving benefits but got called a few names? yeah.

"She's really a 1,000 year old witch that's pretending to be a 10 year-old."
Or at least that's the name of my loli folder.

>not using your own hot 15 yr old sister as bait

is this his own garage band version of for whom the bell tolls to avoid copyright, lol this fucking guy

How do you find out if all these lads got jailed or not. Is it at the end of the show?

She looks like a tranny in a wig.

Why are british people so ugly?


>looks like a 40 year old hooker

So she looks like a british woman

>hitting the wall at 15

>I saw through your ruse Hansen. I was fully aware that I was chatting with adults and that the decoy was an adult too. Therefore I didn't commit any crimes.

find a flaw

Unfortunately showing up is a crime in itself, and they usually have them commit other crimes to add on (bringing alcohol to a minor, sending nudes, etc).

k good luck proving it in court lol. Have fun being arrested when you go outside

>"you are lying to defend yourself"
>jury all agrees given the evidence and no real motive to talk to a decoy